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الأسئلة المتوقعة من موقع لونجمان2012 لغة انجليزية2ثانوى

الأسئلة المتوقعة من موقع لونجمان2012 لغة انجليزية2ثانوى
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1. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d
1. Our company is planning to send _ to the next international meeting.
a. a group b. a worker c. a car d. a delegation
2. Mrs Smith was very happy to become ___ when her daughter had a baby son.
a. a surgeon b. a grandmother c. a father d. a cousin
3. The old doctor is looking forward to his _____ at 65 years because he will no longer have to work.
a. retirement b. holiday c. year d. society
4. The boy needs _____ because his heart is not working properly and without a new heart he will die.
a. a doctor b. a charity c. a transplant d. a hospital
5. It’s terribly hot in here. Please can you turn on the _____?
a. heater b. lights c. parts d. air conditioning
6. That boy loves to draw buildings! I believe that he will become ____ when he grows up.
a. an engineer b. a businessman c. an architect d. an artist
7. _____ are important because they work on many things, from bridges and waterways to road systems.
a. civil engineers b. architects c. designers d. managers
8. When I was at school I liked my _____. It was red and grey and I loved wearing it.
a. teachers b. uniform c. classroom d. shoes
9. Watch your bag! If you are not careful, someone might _____ it.
a. jump b. hit c. steal d. want
10. I was not able to speak for myself, so I asked a lawyer to _____ me.
a. watch b. represent c. interpret d. write
11. After 10 years in prison, the prisoner was able to _____ when the guard forgot to take the keys out of his door.
a. escape b. celebrate c. represent d. walk
12. The boys were very unkind to the new student and they _____ his big nose.
a. looked at b. talked about c. made fun of d. watched
13. The teacher decided to _____ the bad student by making him stay in the classroom during the lunch break.
a. hurt b. talk to c. punish d. sing to
14. The crowd of people, who waited in the hot sun for many hours without food and water, really _____.
a. laughed b. suffered c. talked d. cried
15. I need some money. Can I _____ some from you?
a. lend b. want c. borrow d. give
16. Mrs Allen’s son passed all his examinations successfully, so she _____ him by buying him driving lessons.
a. rewarded b. congratulated c. helped d. laughed
17. Use your _____ to move around the computer screen and when you find what you want, click it.
a. control b. mouse c. rat d. hand
18. Teenagers spend so much time on the internet nowadays that they have no time for outdoor _____!
a. activities b. surfing c. work d. running
19. He didn’t have any money in his _____ because he had used his credit card too much.
a. wallet b. house c. bag d. bank account
20. I want a _____ internet connection because it is so much faster.
a. speedy b. special c. broadband d. dial-up
21. I ordered some CDs over the internet and the company ____them to me the next day.
a. delivered b. took c. carried d. drove
22. Mona’s purse was very heavy because it was full of _____.
a. bank notes b. coins c. food d. salt
23. A customer _____ has shown that people are generally very happy with the new internet delivery service.
a. chart b. asking c. project d. survey
24. When
I saw that the camera which I had ordered online was delivered to me
broken, I _____ using the customer services telephone line.
a. replied b. laughed c. helped d. complained
25. It’s not nice to _____ people just because they do not speak English well.
a. talk to b. make fun of c. like d. laugh
26. In British schools, teachers often call students by their _____ and not by their first name.
a. surname b. middle name c. number d. title
27. I
don’t want to stay in Egypt all my life. I would like to get a job
_____ for a few years.

a. away b. at home c. abroad d. inside
28. Annie Jones was always happy when her two _____ came to visit her with their father, Annie’s son Arthur, and his wife.
a. sons b. friends c. grandchildren d. neighbours
29. Ghada has a lot of _____ to do for her school project on World War Two.
a. research b. talking c. singing d. information
30. Why don’t you _____ for that job which was advertised in the newspaper yesterday?
a. fight b. call c. write d. apply
31. The
manager wants me to be part of the _____ which our company is sending
to the next sales meeting in Paris.
a. party b. delegation c. conference d. speech
32. I cannot use my computer because my _____ is broken.
a. table b. leg c. mouse d. p
33. Sameh was excited to be in the semi-finals of the inter-school tennis _____.
a. match b. tournament c. game d. test
34. I haven’t been able to play _____ recently because my partner has been sick.
a. football b. squash c. hockey d. theatre
35. The team of doctors and nurses had to _____ fully with each other during an eight-hour, difficult operation.
a. cooperate b. work c. play d. think
I find it hard to work with my colleague because he has different ideas
and opinions and is quite annoying. I need a lot of _____!
a. bringing up b. money c. cooperation d. tolerance
37. The picture was _____ to the wall and I could not take it off.
a. situated b. tied c. attached d. placed
38. Nesma would like to get married and _____ three beautiful children.
a. grow up b. bring up c. attach d. give
39. George used a piece of _____ to tie the dog to the wall.
a. tape b. cloth c. cotton d. string
40. The _____ of wild dogs came closer and closer to the frightened child.
a. class b. group c. pack d. match
41. The rain was falling down hard, but the old man was able to find some _____ under a nearby tree.
a. umbrellas b. roof c. shelter d. dry
42. Police are warning the public that the man who escaped from prison is very _____ and that they should stay away from him.
a. violent b. friendly c. criminal d. hungry
43. My grandfather belonged to the _____. He travelled on many ships and over many oceans, sometimes during war-time.
a. army b. navy c. sailing club d. police
44. Samy is a very _____ person. He always believes that something good will happen in any situation.
a. happy b. cruel c. optimistic d. truthful
45. To travel from Egypt to Greece, you need to travel across the _____.
a. Pacific b. Nile c. Atlantic d. Mediterranean
I love studying English _____. There are so many different novels and
books written by so many historical and famous writers.
a. newspapers b. literature c. books d. writing
Omar’s father is very well _____ in his profession. He was a surgeon
for 25 years and now he teaches at the best universities.
a. watched b. wanted c. respected d. liked
I would like to become a writer because I think that I am very _____
and I can think of many different exciting stories to tell other people.
a. brave b. imaginative c. clever d. respected
49. The White Desert in Egpyt is very low, in fact it is below _____.
a. ground b. water c. sea level d. cities
50. Amin was only _____ late -- he should have arrived at 5 pm but he was delayed by ten minutes.
a. very b. some c. little d. slightly
51. The tree was old, and its _____ grew deep into the earth.
a. leaves b. branches c. roots d. bottom
52. I would like to go _____-sea diving n the Red Sea.
a. far b. deep c. low d. scuba
53. This English exercise is very difficult. It is really a _____ for me!
a. challenge b. trouble c. difficulty d. question
54. Hany’s _____ is to become a successful photographer.
a. want b. ambition c. career d. life
55. The top of the mountain towered thousands of metres _____ us.
a. above b. below c. away d. from
56. To stay safe as an explorer, you need to take with you the correct safety _____ .
a. machinery b. things c. clothes d. equipment
57. To succeed, you need to show _____ and work with different people.
a. toleration b. tolerance c. money d. violence
58. I’m absolutely exhausted after playing _____ against Dawud — he is really fit!
a. football b. hockey c. squash d. Playstation
59. My parents _____ to respect others, to be good to them, and to work hard.
a. bring me up b. brought me c. brought me up d. tell
60. Mona’s brother works in the _____. She misses him when he goes to sea.
a. sailors b. army c. police d. navy
61. The
old man was very _____ to his two dogs. He didn’t feed them enough and
he hit them hard with a stick whenever they made any noise!
a. cruel b. kind c. angry d. unhappy
62. I like _____ such as hard mathematics problems or difficult questions about history.
a. problems b. challenges c. issues d. questions
63. The king and all his soldiers finally ___ the island and its people, and took control of it.
a. conquered b. fought c. entered d. won
64. I didn’t expect to win the prize. It happened _____.
a. kept my cool b. in a tight corner c. made my day d. out of the blue
65. The manager of the company was not available to talk at the meeting, so he sent __________ to speak for him.
a. a speaker b. a representative c. a worker d. an employee
66. House prices keep increasing and because of this fewer people can __________ to buy their home.
a. afford b. pay c. able d. try
67. Because of the heavy rains earlier in the year, the __________ of crops was bigger than usual.
a. result b. yield c. gift d. load
68. Pizza Hut and McDonald’s are two very famous __________ of restaurants.
a. strings b. chains c. groups d. types
69. Let’s
study together. You can help me with my history homework, and I can
help you with your English homework. It’s a ____________!
a. good situation b. win-win idea c. win-win d. win-win situation

70. Elizabeth II is the current __________ of England, and has been ruling the country since 1952.
a. king b. queen c. chief d. president
71. ___________
continues to develop very quickly. Soon we will be able to use
computers that are as thin as paper, people will drive electronic cars,
and one day man might even travel to Mars!
a. technology b. electronics c. computers d. machines
72. Because the company was losing money, it had to reduce the _________ of its workers.
a. payments b. money c. wages d. jobs
73. The two _____ fought against each other on land for many years in a terrible war.
a. navies b. armies c. soldiers d. teams
74. I think that I did very well in the maths examination, _____ for Question 4, which I did not know the answer for.
a. including b. except c. unless d. however
75. A
_____ is a long, narrow boat which is used to ride down rivers. You can
use it for fishing, or as part of an exciting sport.
a. debt b. manual c. canoe d. raft
76. Adel lost his job. He borrowed money from all his friends and soon he had many _____ which he could not pay back.
a. moneys b. finances c. savings d. debts
77. I
would prefer to do _____ work, such as to be a gardener, a builder or a
driver, than to sit in an office all day like a banker or lawyer.
a. manual b. physical c. hard d. hand
78. If you put twenty pounds away in a safe place every week, after some years you will have quite a lot of _____.
a. valuable b. savings c. earnings d. money
79. Our teacher was sick, so today we had a(n) _____ teacher.
a. second b. replaced c. replacement d. extra
80. My mother wants to give me and my brother a key to the house, so she will need to make two _____ of her key.
a. copies b. replacements c. extras d. additions
81. To stay fit and healthy, you should _____ at least three times a week.
a. race b. exercise c. work d. keep fit
82. The _____ of my year was when I won the 100-metre running race!
a. top b. highlight c. light d. best
83. Many
cities around the world have different _____ for different times of the
year, which the people celebrate with food, drink, entertainment and
different traditions.
a. festivals b. festivities c. games d. sports
84. Omar’s
mother did not allow him to take _____ lessons because she believed
that this was a very dangerous and violent sport.
a. judo b. running c. fighting d. boxing
85. I love acting, and this year I have been chosen to _____ in our school play.
a. take place b. take part c. play d. run
86. Some people say that _____ is not a sport. But I believe it is, and that it is excellent exercise for the brain!
a. water-skiing b. chess c. netball d. athletics
87. It is every athlete’s dream to win a gold _____ at the Olympic Games.
a. medal b. trophy c. prize d. first place
88. _____
is a sport for which you need to have a lot of equipment such as long
ropes, and you should not be afraid of being in high places.
a. Rising b. Fighting c. Boxing d. Climbing
89. The schools in our area are going to have a football _____ this autumn. Twelve teams will participate.
a. match b. tournament c. competition d. game
90. The bride wore a beautiful white dress made of expensive _____!
a. nylon b. cotton c. silk d. leather
91. _____ is a dangerous sport, with many people each year dying from accidents on mountains.
a. Racing b. Climbing c. Judo d. Netball
92. The _____ of my year was when I won the school art competition.
a. happiness b. end c. top d. highlight
93. Our school has been chosen to _____ in a survey about how doing sport helps students to study better.
a. take place b. take part in c. act d. run
94. Can you ask Mr Milad’s secretary to _____ a meeting for him with the managing director of SportsRUs Company?
a. water-skiing b. set up c. netball d. athletics
95. Some international _____ make more money per year than some small countries!
a. people b. companies c. organisations d. corporations
96. Be careful that you never borrow so much money that you end up with ___________ which you can never pay back.
a. debt b. money c. finance d. gifts
97. My favourite _____ in any meal is tomatoes!
a. taste b. ingredient c. extra d. sauce
98. After the rains, the land became green and _____.
a. fertile b. rainy c. growing d. dry
99. This peach is still hard. I will wait a day for it to ____ before eating it.
a. rot b. ripen c. grow d. modify
100. Because there was not enough food for all the people, some of the weakest died of _____.
a. diet b. hungry c. hunger d. starvation
101. Using _____, scientists have been able to recreate exact copies of animals.
a. genetic engineering b. science c. engineering d. skill
102. My mother always prefers to buy products that are of a high _____ because she believes that they will last for longer.
a. value b. quality c. price d. material
103. The survey which I have been working on has not produced any useful results, so I will have to _____ it.
a. fix b. write c. modify d. repair
104. My father _____ the local cats with water to stop them from coming near our house.
a. sprays b. hits c. throws d. floods
105. The old man lived in a very _____ area of the countryside, far away from people, shops and businesses.
a. away b. far c. alone d. remote
106. Ahmed is very _____ about winning the chess championship. He has been practising non-stop for the last five months.
a. definite b. serious c. thoughtful d. seriously
107. I don't understand why this machine is here. Do you know what its _____ is?
a. purpose b. reason c. story d. title
108. The ship had a very big _____ of sailors, engineers, scientists and cooks.
a. population b. crew c. group d. staff
109. What is the quickest _____ to travel between Assiut and Ismalia?
a. roads b. journey c. route d. map
110. After the rains came, there were terrible _____ and many people lost their homes.
a. waters b. floods c. flooding d. lakes
111. Europe and Asia are two _____ which lie next to each other.
a. continents b. places c. islands d. areas
112. I always go to the sea _____ I have the chance.
a. after b. upon c. while d. whenever
113. It is great to have a _____ which I can sit outside on during the hot summer months.
a. balcony b. flat c. window d. roofs
114. Many houses in England are separate from the houses of their neighbours. These are called _____ houses.
a. alone b. detached c. separate d. single
115. The block of flats which my friend lives in is very high. It has 32 _____.
a. parts b. stairs c. levels d. storeys
116. I don't like modern buildings which are made out of _____. I think that they are very ugly.
a. iron b. wood c. concrete d. storeys
117. Houses where I live have _____ roofs because it rains a lot here.
a. sloping b. flat c. long d. big
118. Can
you imagine what it must be like on the top of that skyscraper? Imagine
what an incredible _____ there must be of all the city!
a. valley b. view c. picture d. roof
119. Mr Sabry built his new hotel in a very good _____ next to the Nile and near the new shopping mall.
a. town b. view c. location d. outskirts
120. Don't forget to _____ the door when you leave the house — there are some thieves around who might try to get in.
a. close b. lock c. push d. fix
121. I need to buy some fruit and vegetables so I’m going to the _____ shop.
a. fruit man’s b. greengrocer’s c. supermarket d. vegetable
122. Organic farming does not use _____ to kill harmful insects.
a. genetic engineering b. soil c. fertilisers d. pesticides
123. I love to drink orange juice made _____ on the street. I don’t like drinking it when it’s been in the fridge.
a. fresh b. ready c. quickly d. rotten
124. You should not eat that meat. It’s very old and is probably _____.
a. untasty b. poisonous c. fresh d. smelly
125. Europe and Asia are two of the world’s _____.
a. areas b. states c. countries d. continents
126. When
his wife died, Mr Abduh didn’t want to be near any other people, so he
moved to a very _____ area where even the closest shop was 20 km away.

a. remote b. far c. away d. single
127. I work in a very high building, on the 29th _____.
a. zone b. corridor c. storey d. level
128. I forgot to _____ the front door when I went shopping, but fortunately no one tried to get in while I was gone.
a. empty b. lock c. close d. secure
129. The bus _____ asked all the people on the bus for their tickets.
a. man b. officer c. driver d. conductor
130. The _____ on the aeroplane were really afraid when the captain had to make an emergency landing.
a. riders b. passengers c. people d. customers
131. What I love about biology, chemistry and physics are the different _____ we do at school.
a. experiments b. lessons c. games d. tests
132. When Peter is on holiday he likes to _____ visiting old buildings.
a. save his money b. spend his time c. travel d. use his money
133. Tomorrow
I have to speak to my class about the Pharaohs. I am going to _____ in
my talk some examples of the well-known Pharaohs.
a. include b. make c. write d. speak
134. If you do not explain exactly what you are writing about, then it will be _____ for most people.
a. no meaning b. meaningless c. messy d. easy
135. Our teacher told us not to talk during the exam — if we could not stay _____ then we would have to leave the room.
a. noiseless b. peaceful c. not talking d. silent
136. The director _____ the employees by e-mail that new jobs were going to be created soon.
a. spoke to b. wrote c. informed d. announced
137. I _____ finished my homework, but I was not able to answer two questions.
a. soon b. almost c. near d. close
138. I have not seen my cousin for a long time. He has been so _____ since he started his new job.
a. working b. late c. away d. busy
139. My father really _____ the idea that women can have children and a job at the same time!
a. supposes b. opposes c. fights d. ignores
140. Our car was nearly running out of gasoline, but _____ we found a gas station just in time.
a. fortunately b. lucky c. almost d. after
141. Many people lost their lives in the terrible _____ of the Second World War.
a. fights b. battles c. wars d. captures
142. I
love playing with words to give new meanings, and I love to write
creatively, about romantic things and important ideas. I would like to
be _____.
a. a bestseller b. an author c. a poetry d. a poet
143. Robert F. Scott was a world-famous _____ who died while travelling and exploring in the Antarctic.
a. traveller b. explorer c. writer d. adventurer
144. If I become a writer, I will not rest until I have written a _____ and my books are read all over the world.
a. success b. novel c. bestseller d. lot
145. The White Desert is so low that it is below _____.
a. water b. sea level c. the ocean d. the ground
146. The Electricity Company _____ electricity to houses and businesses all over the country.
a. supplies b. gives c. takes d. carries
147. My _____ came from Syria two hundred years ago and settled in this town.
a. relatives b. ancestors c. family d. children
148. We went on a tour of Luxor and Aswan and there we saw many ancient _____.
a. buildings b. places c. sites d. museums
149. The
men had been travelling in the desert for days and they were extremely
happy to come to an oasis and to drink the refreshing water of its
a. springs b. lakes c. oceans d. rivers
150. Some
people say that there is not much _____ in the desert, but you can find
some plants, as well as foxes, birds, snakes and many other animals.
a. animals b. wildlife c. there d. around
151. It was a _____ event when Egypt won the African Football Championship.
a. real b. old c. important d. historic
152. The _____ of Siwa mainly make their money by producing oil from palm trees, selling figs, and through tourism.
a. family b. inhabitants c. men d. livers
153. My mother was _____ when she saw how dirty my little sister had made her new dress.
a. regretful b. furious c. shouting d. aggressive
154. All that I care about when choosing a holiday destination is a beautiful _____.
a. travel b. swimming pool c. landscape d. site
155. St Catherine’s _____ in the Sinai holds many important historical and religious documents.
a. monastery b. church c. site d. palace
156. I hope to become a writer and to write a _____ like Harry Potter that will make me rich.
a. story b. bestseller c. book d. novel
157. I have so much homework to do and I need to prepare for my exams. I am too _____ to have fun!
a. busy b. crowded c. full d. empty
158. Please could you _____ the manager that Mrs Adams is here to meet him.
a. announce b. inform c. say d. request
159. I was not able to qualify to become a doctor, so instead I became a _____ to help the sick and injured.
a. engineer b. consultant c. surgeon d. paramedic
160. I am not _____ swimming because the water always goes in my ears!
a. keen on b. liking c. interesting about d. happy with
161. We would like to visit Luxor but we do not know where we can find good _____.
a. hotel b. accommodation c. rest d. sleeping
162. The
package tour which my sister went on last year was very good _____. The
agreement was that her two children could travel for free, and they had
a lovely time!
a. value for money b. price c. cost d. deal
163. The Red Sea _____ is famous for its fish, corals and beautiful wildlife.
a. area b. beach c. coast d. ocean
164. It is _____ that my uncle wears his glasses when he drives — he can hardly see without them!
a. essential b. important c. a duty d. interesting
165. The steps leading up to the old temple at Petra, in Jordan, have been _____ by many visitors over hundreds of years.
a. destroyed b. worn away c. broken d. tired
166. My sister has a _____ for being a kind person and helping all other people.
a. fame b. famous c. title d. reputation
167. Different countries use different kinds of money, which are called _____.
a. coins b. currencies c. dollars d. notes
168. The doctor told Yousef to _____ after his operation and not to do any hard exercise.
a. take it easy b. take it out c. make it easy d. make over
169. The University of Rochester _____ an honorary degree to the man who invented the digital camera.
a. rewarded b. awarded c. prized d. gifted
170. The story of Adrian Smith and how he lost all his money by spending it on failing businesses is a _____.
a. cautionary tale b. loss c. message d. disaster
171. The _____ of the company is a very important and busy man, and it is difficult to get an appointment with him.
a. employee b. officer c. producer d. director
172. When the ship sank, there was just one _____, who was a very strong swimmer.
a. crew b. survivor c. survived d. rescuer
173. My uncle did not want people to see into his house, so he built a tall _____ all around it.
a. trees b. fence c. barrier d. gate
174. I was late for school because my _____ clock did not wake me up.
a. time b. warning c. alarm d. mobile
175. The owner of the luxury hotels here is so rich that he is a _____.
a. business man b. billion c. billionaire d. profit
176. You should not touch cats on the street because they may be carrying _____ which will make you sick.
a. illness b. germs c. dirt d. survivors
177. My mother had _____ sugar so she asked me to go and buy some more from the local shop.
a. run out of b. ended c. finished d. wanted
178. When you add hot water to ice, it will _____.
a. disappear b. melt c. go away d. vanish
179. An active _____ is a terrifying thing. It may erupt at any time, and destroy all the area around it.
a. fire b. mountain c. volcano d. bomb
180. Humans breathe in oxygen, and breathe out _____, which is a gas that causes global warming.
a. air b. carbon dioxide c. nitrogen d. hydrogen
181. I have no choices, no _____. There is only one thing that I can do.
a. chances b. possibilities c. chooses d. possibility
182. The _____ in Cairo is getting much worse. There are more and more cars, and sometimes it is almost impossible to drive.
a. traffic b. cars c. transport d. jam
183. Scientists
say that the _____ is caused by an increase of gases in the atmosphere
which raise temperatures on the earth and in the sea.
a. problem b. climate c. pollution d. greenhouse effect
184. There is so much _____ in my flat. I need to clean it at least once a day!
a. dirtiness b. dust c. pollution d. carbon dioxide
185. After Fatima and Marwa finished their coffee, two of their friends _____ them to go shopping.
a. came b. joined c. greeted d. introduced
186. Our neighbour upstairs causes problems by _____ with the other neighbours’ disagreements.
a. interfering b. relaxing c. producing d. demanding
187. If
we do not take care, the _____ that is damaging the environment will
create a problem for us, and for our children, and for our
a. dirt b. pollution c. dust d. atmosphere
188. Inside the ancient tomb our tour guide showed us two very old _____.
a. humans b. people c. bodies d. skeletons
189. When I got 100% in my English test, I was really _____ because I thought that I had made a lot of mistakes!
a. surprised b. happy c. interested d. worried
190. When John’s family moved to Egypt, their household goods were _____ by ship.
a. banned b. lifted c. transported d. reduced
191. A _________ is an extremely large person who is not of ordinary size.
a. giant b. man c. body d. skeleton
192. I am planning my holidays, and I prefer to go on a _____ because I do not want to arrange all the travel myself.
a. travel agent b. trip c. tour d. package tour
1-d 33 - b 65 - b 97 - b 129 - d 161 - b
2 - b 34 - b 66 - a 98 - a 130 - b 162 - a
3 - a 35 - a 67 - b 99 - b 131 - a 163 - c
4 - c 36 – d 68 - b 100 - d 132 - b 164 - a
5 - d 37 - c 69 - d 101 - a 133 - a 165 - b
6 - c 38 - b 70 - b 102 - b 134 - b 166 - d
7 -a 39 - d 71 - a 103 - c 135 - d 167 - b
8 - b 40 - c 72 – c 104 – a 136 – c 168 – a
9 - c 41 - c 73 - b 105 - d 137 - b 169 - b
10 - b 42 - a 74 - b 106 - b 138 - - 170 - a
11 - a 43 - b 75 - c 107 - a 139 - b 171 - d
12 –c 44 – c 76 – d 108 - b 140 - a 172 - b
13 - c 45 - d 77 - a 109 - c 141 - b 173 - b
14 - b 46 - b 78 - b 110 - b 142 - d 174 - c
15 - c 47 - c 79 - c 111 - a 143 - b 175 - c
16 - a 48 - b 80– a 112 - d 144 – c 176 – b
17 - b 49 - c 81 - b 113 – a 145 - b 177 - a
18 - a 50 - d 82 - b 114 – b 146 - a 178 - b
19 -d 51 - c 83 - a 115 – d 147 - b 179 - c
20 –c 52 – b 84 - d 116 - c 148 - c 180 - b
21 -a 53 - a 85 - b 117 – a 149 - a 181 - b
22 -b 54 - b 86 - b 118 – b 150 - b 182 - a
23 -d 55 - a 87 - a 119 – c 151 - d 183 - d
24 -d 56 – d 88 - d 120 - b 152 - b 184 – b
25 -b 57 - b 89 - b 121 – b 153 - b 185 - b
26 -a 58 – c 90 - c 122 – d 154 - c 186 - a
27 -c 59 - c 91 - b 123 - a 155 - a 187 - b
28 –c 60 – d 92 - d 124 - b 156 - b 188 - d
29 -a 61 - a 93 - b 125 - d 157 - a 189 - a
30 -d 62 - b 94 - b 126 - a 158 - b 190 - c
31 -b 63 - a 95 - d 127 - c 159 - d 191 - a
32 -c 64 - d 96 – a 128 – b 160 – a 192 – d

الثائر الحق
1. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d
1. What exams _________ you passed?
a. are b. did c. have d. might
2. After I finished school, I __________ tourism at university.
a. study b. am studying c. have studied d. studied
3. Has Sara ___________ for any jobs yet?
a. applying b. applied c. apply d. application
4. Mona ___________ at Ain Shams Hospital on Thursdays and Fridays.
a. is working b. works c. has worked d. have worked
5. The university is __________for a qualified doctor at the moment.
a. advertisement b. advertised c. advertises d. advertising
6. While I _______for work I saw an advertisement for my dream job!
a. was looking b. looked c. have looked d. looks
7. People __________ work when they are older for many reasons.
a. continued b. continue to c. continuing to d. have continued to
8. I __________ working with my company but now I want to look for another job.
a. enjoyed b. enjoying c. have enjoyed d. enjoyed to
9. __________ people should work in their 70s or 80s?
a. Are you thinking b. You are thinking
c. Do you thinking d. Do you think
10. My brother is 170 cm and my sister is 150 cm. My brother is _____ my sister.
a. taller b. as tall as c. taller than d. taller as
11. I am 155 cm and so is my friend. My friend is _____ me.
a. as tall as b. taller than c. tall like d. as tall than
12. _____ I can lend you some money. It’s no problem at all.
a. Although b. If c. Of course d. As soon as
13. _____I like reading a lot, I am not good at writing.
a. Although b. If c. More d. Because
14. We can go to play tennis _____ weather is good.
a. in spite of b. although c. of course d. if
15. I wanted to go to school _____ I was too sick to go.
a. while b. but c. if d. as soon as
16. _____ Lemuel Gulliver was travelling at sea, there was a storm.
a. Although b. If c. Because d. While
17. _____ I finished reading the book, I wanted to start reading it again from the beginning.
a. As soon as b. Because c. If d. While
18. I _____ some money into my bank account yesterday.
a. was paying b. have paid c. paid d. am paying
19. I now _____ that online banking is the future!
a. believe b. am believing c. have believed d. believing
20. I never _____ that it would be possible to buy things on the internet.
a. was thinking b. thought c. think d. have thought
21. I was surprised to see Tamer today, because he _____ me that he was going to travel to America.
a. was telling b. has told c. tells d. had told
22. Finally, my mom _____ how to use the internet.
a. learnt . had learnt c. has learnt d. was learning
23. I didn’t hear you call yesterday morning because I _____.
a. was sleeping b. slept c. had slept d. have slept
24. I _____ about the party even before you told me about it.
a. was hearing b. had heard c. hear d. heard
25. By the time Maryam was 26, she _____ married for three years.
a. has b. had been c. has been d. was
26. Mustafa designs houses and other buildings. He _____ as an architect.
a. is working b. works c. has worked d. working
27. Amal is at the office. She _____ on some important accounts.
a. is working b. works c. had worked d. working
28. Bashir _____ to Spain for a cycling competition last summer.
a. go b. been c. has been d. went
29. Eman needs to _____ a decision about what she wants to study at university.
a. do b. get c. make d. start
30. You need to study for many years _____ you want to become an architect.
a. although b. while c. before d. if
31. Have you ever _____ a lie?
a. told b. tell c. telling d. tolled
32. A heart surgeon _____ many difficult operations every year.
a. makes b. does c. works d. tries
33. I _____ with my friend when I realized that I had lost my wallet.
a. shopped b. shopping c. had shopped d. was shopping
34. I’ve decided what to do this holiday. _____ my grandmother.
a. I’ll visiting b. I’m going to visit c. I visiting d. I’ll visit
35. Sara is a good student. I think _____ all her exams.
a. she’s passing b. she’s going to pass
c. she’ll pass d. she passes
36. The weather has been very bad recently. I’m sure _____ again tomorrow.
a. it rains b. it’s going to rain
c. it’s raining d. it going raining
37. Mona will not be at work next week because she _____ her aunt.
a. visits b. is visiting c. will visit d. is going visiting
38. The
score is 15 goals to the home team and 2 to the visiting team, and
there are just five minutes left. The home team _____.
a. is going winning! b. will be winning!
c. will win! d. is going to win!
39. You look tired. I’m sure ____ better when you have had some rest.
a. was looking b. you’ll feel c. you’re going to feel d. looks
40. The company does not have enough money. People _____ lose their jobs.
a. will be losing b. are losing c. will lose d. are going to
41. What _____ next weekend? Would you like to come and play tennis with me?
a. you do b. are you doing
c. you are going to do d. you will do
42. People in _____ speak many languages.
a. an Europe b. Europe c. the Europe d. a Europe
43. The longest river in Egypt is _____ .
a. a River Nile b. some River Nile
c. the River Nile d. River Nile
44. My brother wants to be _____.
a. an engineer b. engineer c. the engineer d. a engineer
45. _____ should listen to their parents.
a. Childrens b. A children c. The children d. Children
46. I really like _____ at my school.
a. an teacher b. teacher c. the teachers d. teachers
47. _____ is a huge star which gives the earth light and heat.
a. Sun b. The sun c. A sun d. An sun
48. When I was walking to school, I saw _____ who was asking people for money.
a. men b. a man c. the man d. man
49. I want to buy _____ that we saw in the shop yesterday.
a. the book b. book c. a book d. some book
50. The _____ experience in my life was when I saw a big bear in the wild.
a. frighteningest b. least frightening
c. more frightening d. most frightening
51. You should buy the green trousers. They are the ____ in the shop.
a. least expensivest b. less expensive
c. less expensiver d. least expensive
52. Abeer and Omar are the same height. They are _____ each other.
a. as tall as b. taller than c. as tall than d. more tall than
53. Mrs Hegaty is the _____ teacher I’ve ever had. Her classes are always so interesting and I always look forward to them.
a. inspiringest b. most inspiring
c. biggest inspiring d. more inspiring
54. Tamer is a much calmer person than Omar, so before their exams Omar was much _____ Tamer.
a. more nervous than b. nervouser than
c. more nervous as d. more nervous
55. The _____ animal which I have seen in Egypt is a camel.
a. most big b. biggest c. more big d. bigger
56. Video cassettes are _____ DVDs.
a. not moderner than b. not so modern than
c. not modern like d. not as modern as
57. This English exercise is the _____ exercise in the book!
a. more challenging than b. more challenging
c. most challenging d. biggest challenging
58. The people in _____ speak many languages including Hindi, English, Bengali and Urdu.
a. a India b. the India c. India d. an India
59. My father expects that I _____ a lawyer when I am older, just like him.
a. am going to b. am becoming
c. am going to become d. will become
60. This weekend I _____ in a football match for my school team.
a. am going play b. will play c. will playing d. am playing
61. _____ need to have a lot of patience.
a. Teaching b. Teachers c. The teachers d. A teacher
62. Mona has prepared her shopping list and she _____ to go to the supermarket.
a. will go b. is going c. will going d. goes
63. Tomorrow is a national holiday. All the banks _____.
a. are being closed b. are going to be closed
c. will are closed d. will close
64. While Heba was travelling to see a friend, she saw _____ house.
a. a really beautiful b. the really beautiful
c. really beautiful d. most beautiful
65. I really love _____ that you’re wearing!
a. a dress b. the dress c. dress d. dresses
66. We are talking about the car ___________ has a red roof.
a. who b. which c. where d. when
67. I told you about the woman ___________ lives next door.
a. whose b. which c. where d. who
68. The building __________ he lives is very old.
a. that b. which c. where d. who
69. We met a woman __________ husband went to school with my father.
a. that b. which c. who d. whose
70. A seaman is someone __________ works on ships.
a. who b. where c. which d. whose
71. You wanted to tell me about the time _________ you lost your keys. What happened?
a. whose b. when c. which d. where
72. My mother ___________ is the best person in the world.
a. who I love b. , who I love, c. that I love d. , which I love,
73. Do you see the man ___________? He is a politician.
a. who is talking b. , who is talking, c. which was talking d. , which was talking,
74. Many hundreds of years ago, people _____ for goods using salt instead of money.
a. had paid b. were paying c. used to pay d. used to paying
75. When I was younger I _____ swimming, but now I really love it!
a. didn’t used to enjoy b. didn’t use to enjoy
c. wasn’t enjoying d. hadn’t enjoyed
76. Did your mother _____ before she had children?
a. use to work b. used to work c. had worked d. would work
77. Ehab _____ all his homework before he went on holiday with his family last week.
a. used to finish b. use to finish c. was finishing d. finished
78. My brother _____ all his free time playing Playstation, but now he prefers to read books.
a. was spending b. did used to spend
c. used to spend d. spent
79. I _____ all my free time last Saturday tidying up my bedroom.
a. was spendingb. use to spend c. used to spend d. spent
80. I _____ live in Egypt. When I was younger, my family lived in France.
a. didn’t always used to b. didn’t always use to
c. hadn’t always d. wasn’t always
81. _____ bite your nails when you were a child?
a. Did you used to b. Would youc. Had you d. Did you use to
82. Samir _____ hockey since he was eight years old and now he is in the under-15 national team.
a. played b. has played c. has been playing d. was playing
83. I _____ all my homework and now I am ready to go out!
a. have been finished b. finished
c. have been finishing d. have finished
84. Sara _____ to call Rania all afternoon, but each time she calls the number is busy.
a. has been trying b. has tried c. tried d. is trying
85. What _____ your mother for her birthday tomorrow?
a. have you been buying b. have you bought
c. you bought d. had you bought
86. I _____ the Olympic games every four years for my whole life.
a. was watching b. have been watching
c. have watched d. watched
87. I ___ the Olympic games all evening and now I’m going to bed.
a. was watching b. have been watching
c. have watched d. watched
88. Rania _____ as a doctor for the last ten years.
a. has been working b. worked c. had worked d. is working
89. Fareed _____ all night and he is very tired.
a. has been working b. works c. had worked d. has worked
90. I _____ the cooking, and dinner is ready to eat.
a. have been finished b. have been finishing
c. finished d. have finished
91. Ismail _____ to speak to his cousin all week, but each time he calls his cousin is busy.
a. has been trying b. has tried c. tried d. is trying
92. What dress _____ to wear to the wedding tomorrow?
a. been choosing b. have you chosen
c. you chosen d. did you chose
93. I _____ my homework and then I watched television.
a. have been finishing b. finished
c. have finished d. was finishing
94. In the past, people in England _____ gas for light instead of electricity.
a. had used b. were using c. used to use d. use
95. When I was younger I _____ milk, but now I really like it.
a. didn’t used to like b. didn’t use to like
c. wasn’t liking d. hadn’t liked
96. My father _____ all the time, but now that he has retired he can relax.
a. was working b. used to working c. used to work d. worked
97. I _____ all my free time last Saturday cleaning the kitchen.
a. was spending b. use to spend c. used to spend d. spent
98. Dawud should do his homework now, ________ ?
a. hadn’t he b. should he c. shouldn’t he d. should he do
99. Mrs Bakry isn’t your teacher, _________?
a. is Mrs Bakry b. isn’t she c. is she d. is it
100. You don’t listen to that singer, _________?
a. do you b. are you c. aren’t you d. don’t you
101. You’ll be careful, ___________?
a. will you b. don’t you c. are you d. won’t you
102. Mustafa can’t swim, _________?
a. can he b. doesn’t he c. does he d. can’t he
103. I’m not too loud for you, __________?
a. don’t I b. am I c. do I d. aren’t I
104. You’re from Ismalia, __________?
a. are you b. aren’t you c. isn’t it d. you aren’t
105. They live in Port Said, __________?
a. don’t they b. do they c. aren’t they d. live them
106. By the time my mother was aged 30, she _____ five children.
a. was had b. had had c. had been having d. have had
107. I _____ for half an hour before I realised that I was dangerously far away from the beach.
a. had been swimming b. had swum c. swam d. was swimming
108. Years ago, after Zakaria _____ school, he worked on a farm.
a. was leaving b. had been leaving c. left d. had left
109. Professor Williams _____ his important book about life and science at the time of his death.
a. finished b. had not finished
c. had not been finishing d. had not finishing
I'm sorry I didn't answer your call yesterday. I _____ with my friends
when my family had an emergency and I completely forgot to return your
a. was studying b. had studied c. had been studying d. studied
111. Mariam looked so happy when we saw her last week. Perhaps she _____ good grades on her exams?
a. got b. had been getting c. had got d. has got
112. By the time Herman Melville was in his mid twenties, he _____ all over the world.
a. already travelled b. had already travelled
c. had already been travelling d. has already travelled
113. On the day before my grandfather died, he _____ with my father. It had been a special day out for them.
a. had been sailing b. had sailed c. was sailing d. sailed
114. The Smith family's garden is much larger than _____.
a. our b. ours c. ourself d. ourselves
115. Please take care with that camera. It has been _____ for many years.
a. my b. owned c. mine d. in mine
116. We painted the school walls _____ without any help.
a. ourself b. us-self c. ours d. ourselves
117. Please tell Fatma that her mother would like to speak to _____.
a. him b. hers c. her d. herself
118. I was surprised at how dirty I was when I saw _____ in the mirror.
a. her b. me c. myself d. mine
119. My sisters and brothers and I are all married, so my parents live by _____ now.
a. themselves b. themself c. theirself d. ourselves
120. We have five bedrooms. Three are for _____ and the others are for guests.
a. ourselves b. us c. ours d. we
121. Did you hurt _____ when you fell down the stairs?
a. - b. you c. yourself d. from
122. Before I made the decision to move to a new country, I _____ about it for years.
a. had thought b. had been thinking c. was thinking d. thought
123. Mona _____ her report by the time it was due, and her boss was angry.
a. hadn’t been finishing b. hadn’t finished
c. wasn’t finishing d. didn’t finish
124. In the hours before the accident happened, the children _____ in a dangerous old building site.
a. had been playing b. have played c. were playing d. played
125. By the time Hany was 25, he _____ two books and five short stories.
a. had been writing b. was writing c. had written d. wrote
126. We cleaned up the garden _____ without any help.
a. ourself b. us-self c. ours d. ourselves
127. Please tell Samia that her father would like to speak to _____.
a. she b. hers c. her d. herself
128. She was surprised at how old she looked when she saw _____ in the mirror.
a. me b. her c. herself d. hers
129. Omar’s collection of books is much bigger than _____.
a. my b. mine c. myself d. me
130. If I _____ hard, I will become really good at playing basketball.
a. will practise b. would practise c. practise d. practised
131. If my brother had a lot of money he _____ it all on music and clothes.
a. would spend b. will spend c. would have spent d. spends
132. If my mother _____ met my father, I would not have been born!
a. would not b. hadn't c. didn't d. will not
133. Ehab _____ fishing if he finishes all his work before the weekend.
a. will go b. had gone c. would go d. is going
134. Even if you _____ no money, you can still have some fun.
a. would have b. are having c. had d. have
135. If I _____ I will become very fat.
a. wouldn't exercise b. won't exercise
c. don't exercise d. hadn't exercised
136. Ali would act in the school play if he _____ good at acting.
a. had been b. would be c. will be d. were
137. If I need advice about my life, I usually _____ to my mother.
a. would talk b. will talk c. had talked d. talk
138. I haven't heard _____ my friend Hana for several months.
a. on b. from c. to d. with
139. Your brother is very good _____ using a computer.
a. at b. on c. with d. about
140. Don't use that pen, it belongs _____ the director!
a. in b. at c. for d. to
141. I am interested _____ art and photography.
a. about b. on c. in d. with
142. The reform _____ the law on traffic rules was not very popular with drivers.
a. of b. in c. about d. from
143. My mother will be very worried _____ me if I come home late.
a. to b. about c. on d. around
144. Do you know what the causes _____ pollution are?
a. on b. of c. to d. for
145. Where we live, my aunt is very famous _____ her wonderful cooking.
a. on b. of c. to d. for
146. The walls of St Catherine's Monastery _____ to protect its treasure.
a. built b. are built c. were built d. were builded
147. The tomb of the great king can still _____.
a. seen b. be seen c. be watched d. have seen
148. The water wheels _____ to lift water from the river.
a. were designed b. designed c. are design d. were designing
149. People _____ that this castle was built by a great Roman emperor.
a. are believed b. were believed c. are believing d. believe
150. I _____ to always keep my room tidy.
a. taught b. had taught c. were taught d. was taught
151. _____ from very far away to visit the amazing monument.
a. They were travelled b. They travelled
c. It was travelled d. Travelled
152. _____ that girls do better at school than boys.
a. They are thinking b. It is thought
c. They were thought d. They was thought
153. This delicious cake _____ here by Samia.
a. was brought b. brought c. is brought d. was bringing
154. I’ll be back here by 9 pm if the train _____ late.
a. isn’t b. will not be c. wasn’t d. had been
155. I believe that most people _____ if they won a million pounds.
a. will stop work b. would stop work
c. stop work d. had stopped work
156. _____ more you won’t fail your exams.
a. When you studied b. If you studied
c. If you study d. If you would study
157. _____ up earlier, I wouldn’t have missed the bus and arrived late.
a. When I woke b. If I wake c. If I woke d. If I had woken
158. Cats _____ happy if you feed and look after them.
a. would be b. were c. are d. will be
159. A big battle _____ on this historic site a long time ago.
a. was fought b. fought c. had fought d. been fought
160. The plates in the kitchen _____ by the new waitress.
a. breaked b. were broke c. was broken d. were broken
161. A new school _____ in this neighbourhood last year.
a. had been built b. has been built c. was built d. is built
162. I _____ finish my homework until next week. The teacher wants it next Sunday.
a. don’t must b. have to c. mustn’t d. don’t have to
163. You _____ to be so rude! Why don’t you try saying “please” once in a while?
a. mustn’t b. don’t need c. haven’t d. needn’t
164. I _____ help my father with repairing things in the house yesterday.
a. have to b. had to c. need to d. must
165. Drivers _____ carry a valid driving license when operating a motor vehicle.
a. need to b. doesn’t need to c. must d. have to
166. Don't forget to take your wallet. You _____ have your driving license with you when you drive.
a. don't need to b. must c. need d. have to
167. We _____ forget to take the chicken out of the freezer.
a. don't have to b. haven’t to c. mustn’t d. don’t need to
168. I _____ study hard for my final geography exam. I want to get a good grade.
a. must b. had to c. have to d. had must
169. _____ work next weekend? If you’re free, let’s go out.
a. Do you have to b. Must you c. Mustn’t you d. Have you to
170. You _____ phone him because I have already talked to him.
a. mustn’t b. have to c. don’t have to d. hadn’t to
171. You _____ phone him because he’ll get angry. You’ve already asked him many times.
a. mustn’t b. have to c. don’t have to d. hadn’t to
172. You _____ phone him before 3 pm. He won’t be available after that.
a. must b. have to c. don’t have to d. hadn’t to
173. You _____ phone him now. It’s very urgent.
a. must b. have to c. don’t have to d. hadn’t to
174. Salt _____ by humans many years ago instead of money.
a. is used b. used c. has been used d. was used
175. 500,000 copies of the latest book by JK Rowling _____ so far.
a. sold b. have been sold c. have sold d. were sold
176. My brother _____the flu virus from his school friend.
a. caught b. has been caught
c. was caught d. have been caught
177. When we got home, we found that our front door _____ and all our valuable things taken by thieves.
a. broken b. was broken c. had been broken d. broke
178. Sameh _____ all his money to buy himself a new mobile phone last week.
a. used b. was used c. were used d. uses
179. The dying woman _____ at the very last moment by the paramedics.
a. rescued b. was being rescued
c. was rescued d. had rescued
180. The paramedics _____ the dying woman at the very last moment.
a. rescued b. was being rescued
c. was rescued d. had rescued
181. _____ that birds might have similar genetic information to that of dinosaurs.
a. Scientists were believed b. People are believed
c. It believed d. It is believed
182. We _____ do our homework because we were watching the football match!
a. could b. can't c. can d. couldn't
183. Most birds _____ fly, but a few cannot.
a. could b. can't c. can d. couldn't
184. Two hundred years ago, not many people _____ read or write.
a. could b. can't c. can d. couldn't
185. Driving a car while talking on a mobile phone _____ be dangerous.
a. could b. can't c. can d. couldn't
186. My mother told me that I _____ go and play with my friends if I do my homework first.
a. could b. can't c. can d. couldn't
187. Without my glasses I can't see what that is on the wall, but it _____ be a spider.
a. could b. can't c. can d. couldn't
188. You _____ smoke inside the building. Smoking is forbidden indoors.
a. could b. can't c. can d. couldn't
189. If you go up to the roof of our building a fine day, you _____ see the Pyramids.
a. could b. can't c. can d. couldn't
190. Scientists say that if the earth's surface temperature increases, some places _____.
a. will have flooded b. would be flooded
c. will be flooded d. will be flooding
191. People _____ end hunger if they thought it was important enough.
a. could b. can't c. can d. couldn't
192. Lots of information about global warming _____ on the internet.
a. could find b. can be found
c. could be found d. can find
193. People _____ drive in central London without paying an extra charge.
a. could b. can't c. can d. couldn't
194. The school magazine _____ by students in Secondary Two.
a. was written b. written c. wrote d. can write

195. Samira _____ walk easily because she broke her leg recently.
a. could b. can c. can’t d. couldn't
196. Only 10 people in the accident _____.
a. were survived b. survived
c. could survived d. were being survived
197. You _____ borrow my book if you promise to give it back to me next week.
a. could b. can't c. can d. couldn't

1 - c 33 - d 65 - b 97 – d 129 - b 161 -c 193-b
2 - d 34 - b 66 -b 98 - c 130 - c 162 -d 194-a
3 - b 35 - c 67 - d 99 - c 131 -a 163 -b 195-c
4 - b 36 – b 68 - c 100 - a 132 -b 164 -b 196-b
5 - d 37 – b 69 - d 101 - d 133 - a 165 -c 197-c
6 - a 38 - d 70 - a 102 - a 134 -d 166 - d
7 - b 39 - b 71 - b 103 - b 135 -c 167 - c
8 - c 40 -d 72 - b 104 - b 136 -d 168 - a
9 - d 41 - b 73 - a 105 - a 137 - d 169 - a
10 -c 42 -b 74 -c 106 -b 138 - b 170 - c
11 -a 43 -c 75 -b 107 -a 139 - a 171 - a
12 -c 44 -a 76 -a 108 -d 140 - d 172 - b
13 – a 45 - d 77 - d 109 - b 141 - c 173 - a
14 -d 46 -c 78 -c 110 -c 142 - a 174 - d
15 -b 47 -b 79 -d 111 -c 143 - b 175 - b
16 -d 48 -b 80 -b 112 -b 144 - b 176 - a
17 - a 49 - a 81 - d 113 - a 145 - d 177 - c
18 -c 50 - d 82 - c 114 -b 146 -c 178 - a
19 -a 51 - d 83 - d 115 - c 147 - b 179 - c
20 -b 52 - a 84 - a 116 - d 148 - a 180 - a
21 – d 53 - b 85 - b 117 - c 149 - d 181 - d
22 -c 54 - a 86 - c 118 - c 150 - d 182 - d
23 -a 55 - b 87 - b 119 - a 151 - b 183 - c
24 -b 56 - d 88 - a 120 - b 152 - b 184 - a
25 – b 57 - c 89 - a 121 - c 153 - a 185 - c
26 - b 58 - c 90 - d 122 - b 154 - a 186 - c
27 - a 59 - d 91 - a 123 - b 155 - b 187 - a
28 - d 60 - d 92 - b 124 - a 156 - c 188 - b
29 – c 61 - b 93 - b 125 - c 157 - d 189 – c
30 - d 62 - b 94 - c 126 - d 158 - c 190 - c
31 - a 63 - b 95 - b 127 - c 159 - a 191 - a
32 - b 64 - a 96 - c 128 - c 160 - d 192 - b
الثائر الحق
5. Read the paragraph. Underline the correct word in parentheses.
(was working - work – have worked) as an architect for an international
company called Omega Development. I first (studied – was studying –
study) architecture for six years and then I worked for two years for a
smaller company to get some basic experience. I (begin – have begun –
began) working at Omega Development as a Junior Architect five years ago
and now I am Senior Architect. With Omega Development I (worked – have
worked – was working) on many projects such as holiday resorts in the
Red Sea and big city office developments. Currently I (am working – work
– was working) on designing and developing a luxury hotel. The best
thing about this job is that it (gave – has given – was giving) me many
opportunities for travel and for meeting interesting people.

work /studied /began /have worked /am working /has given

3. Correct the underlined mistakes.

was Saturday, and I was the only person at home. (1) Although I was
hungry, I decided to cook some food for myself. (2) Because I was making
the food, I heard someone knocking on the front door. I knew that (3)
but I went to answer the door, the food would burn. (4) As soon as the
person continued knocking on the door. (5) If my food was finished, I
ran to the door and opened it. (6) While I was surprised to see that it
was my mother, who had forgotten her keys!
(1) Because (2) While (3) if (4) But (5) As soon as (6) Of course

3. Find the mistakes and correct them.
ways that people buy and sell goods over the years have changed. In the
past, people have used salt or rice as money. The Chinese had invented
coins in 700 BC. However coins were heavy and easy to steal, and so
paper money was invented, also by the Chinese. Currently, since credit
cards and the internet had been invented, there are even more ways of
buying and selling goods. It now has been possible to buy electronic
equipment from your home, with the click of your mouse. Times really
changed since the times when salt and rice were used as money!
ways that people buy and sell goods over the years have changed. In the
past, people used salt or rice as money. The Chinese invented coins in
700 BC. However coins were heavy and easy to steal, and so paper money
was invented, also by the Chinese. Currently, since credit cards and the
internet were invented, there are even more ways of buying and selling
goods. It now is possible to buy electronic equipment from your home,
with the click of your mouse. Times have really changed since the times
when salt and rice were used as money!
4. Read the paragraph. Underline the correct word in parentheses.
works very hard as a civil engineer. He (was not marrying – has not
married – didn’t marry) and he lives alone. One day last year, Peter
(had decided - decided – has decided) that he could save time shopping
by buying all his food on the internet. Peter went to an online
supermarket and clicked on all the food items that he wanted to buy for
the following week. He (has paid - paid – was paying) for the food
online by using his credit card. Then he waited for the food to arrive.
The food (was taking – had taken – took) a long time to come, and when
it finally arrived, Peter (had been waiting – had waited – waited) for
five hours. The cold food was warm and the packaging was broken. Peter
(had never bought - has never bought – never bought) any food online
since then.
Peter works very hard as a civil engineer. He has not
married and he lives alone. One day last year, Peter decided that he
could save time shopping by buying all his food on the internet. Peter
went to an online supermarket and clicked on all the food items that he
wanted to buy for the following week. He paid for the food online by
using his credit card. Then he waited for the food to arrive. The food
took a long time to come, and when it finally arrived, Peter had been
waiting for five hours. The cold food was warm and the packaging was
broken. Peter has never bought any food online since then.
3. Underline the mistakes and correct them.

Pasteur is a lazy student but he later has become a world-famous
scientist. Louis Pasteur’s chemistry teacher at school started his
interest in chemistry, and after that Louis Pasteur studied in Paris. He
showed how people can catch germs and how germs can be killed. Later,
he had even started a special school for the study of diseases. It is
because of Louis Pasteur that fewer people die from common diseases. The
story of Louis Pasteur shows that because you might be a lazy student
at school, you can still go on to make great things!

Pasteur was a lazy student but he later became a world-famous
scientist. Louis Pasteur’s chemistry teacher at school started his
interest in chemistry, and after that Louis Pasteur studied in Paris. He
showed how people can catch germs and how germs can be killed. Later,
he even started a special school for the study of diseases. It is
because of Louis Pasteur that fewer people die from common diseases. The
story of Louis Pasteur shows that although you might be a lazy student
at school, you can still go on to do great things!
3. Find the mistakes and correct them.
enjoys playing sports. He plays tennis and football and he plays for
his school football team. The team will play in a match next week
against another school. Hany expects that his school team is going to
win the match because they have been practising hard. He is sure that he
is going to score at least one goal. Next Saturday Hany will go to his
local sporting club to play tennis with his friend Ramy. Hany hopes
that, if he practices regularly, he is becoming a successful tennis
player. Hany’s mother is going to pay for extra tennis classes for Hany,
so soon, he is taking extra tennis classes every week after school.
enjoys playing sports. He plays tennis and football and he plays for
his school football team. The team is going to play / is playing in a
match next week against another school. Hany expects that his school
team will win the match because they have been practising hard. He is
sure that he will score at least one goal. Next Saturday Hany is going
to his local sporting club to play tennis with his friend Ramy. Hany
hopes that, if he practices regularly, he will become a successful
tennis player. Hany’s mother is going to pay for extra tennis classes
for Hany, and so soon he is going to take extra tennis classes every
week after school.

5. Read the paragraph. Underline the correct word in parentheses.

friend and I have decided to start a magazine for young people in our
area. My friend and I cannot do all the work and so we (are needing –
will need - are going to need) other students to work with us as
editors, designers and writers. We hope that we (will – are going to –
are publishing) publish the magazine every month, and we expect that not
just young people but also some adults (are going to read - will read –
will reading) the magazine. We have decided to write interesting
stories in the magazine about school life, and we (will have - are going
to have – are having) a special section on school sports. Next Monday
we (are having – will have – will be having) a meeting for all students
who are interested in helping us with the magazine.

My friend
and I have decided to start a magazine for young people in our area. My
friend and I cannot do all the work and so we are going to need other
students to work with us as editors, designers and writers. We hope that
we will publish the magazine every month, and we expect that not just
young people but also some adults will read the magazine. We have
decided to write interesting stories in the magazine about school life,
and we are going to have a special section on school sports. Next Monday
we are having a meeting for all students who are interested in helping
us with the magazine.
3. Find the mistakes and correct them.

Crusoe was travelling on a ship across the seas when a big storm caused
his ship to sink to the bottom of the ocean. Holding onto a piece from a
ship, Robinson Crusoe swam to the small island several miles away.
Robinson Crusoe thought that he was alone on an island, but after some
years he met the man. He gave the man a name: ‘Friday’. Robinson Crusoe
and Friday were only people on the island. Together they built an
shelter, and hunted for food, and every day they made a fire so that any
passing ships would find them. One day, many months later, another ship
was passing by an island. People on the ship saw a fire that Robinson
Crusoe and Friday had made, and they rescued both of the men.

Crusoe was travelling on a ship across the seas when a big storm caused
his ship to sink to the bottom of the ocean. Holding onto a piece from
the ship, Robinson Crusoe swam to a small island several miles away.
Robinson Crusoe thought that he was alone on the island, but after some
years he met a man. He gave the man a name: ‘Friday’. Robinson Crusoe
and Friday were the only people on the island. Together they built a
shelter and hunted for food, and every day they made a fire so that any
passing ships would find them. One day, many months later, another ship
was passing by the island. People on the ship saw the fire that Robinson
Crusoe and Friday had made, and they rescued both of the men.

5. Read the paragraph. Underline the correct word in parentheses.

are important in many situations. For example, rules are important in
families. (The children – Children – A children) should obey their
parents and go to bed on time. Rules are also important when driving
(the car – car – a car). Drivers should stop at (traffic lights – the
traffic lights – a traffic light) and stop if they see (old person - a
old person – an old person) trying to cross the road. If a person breaks
(the rules – rules – a rules), then there can be all kinds of trouble.
If rules are broken in the family, this can result in (an unhappy – a
unhappy – the unhappy) family, and if rules are broken on the road, this
can result in death

Rules are important in many situations. For
example, rules are important in families. Children should obey their
parents and go to bed on time. Rules are also important when driving a
car. Drivers should stop at traffic lights and stop if they see an old
person trying to cross the road. If a person breaks the rules, then
there can be all kinds of trouble. If rules are broken in the family,
this can result in an unhappy family, and if rules are broken on the
road, this can result in death.
3. Find the mistakes and correct them.

live in a big town in England. In my town there is a town hall, a
church, and a big museum. The town hall and the church are both 100
metres high and they are taller as the museum, which is only 90 metres
high at its highest point. There are lots of things to do in my town.
The interestingest thing is to visit the museum where there is a very
old clock, which still tells the time. This clock is the most old in
England. However it is not as old than a very old clock which is in
Prague, the Czech Republic. Another thing to do is to visit the shopping
mall, which is very modern. And finally what I think is the least
beautiful place in my town is the central park, where there are several
lakes and many birds. I think that my town is the most good place to

I live in a big town in England. In my town there is a
town hall, a church, and a big museum. The town hall and the church are
both 100 metres high and they are taller than the museum, which is only
90 metres high at its highest point. There are lots of things to do in
my town. The most interesting thing is to visit the museum where there
is a very old clock, which still tells the time. This clock is the
oldest in England. However it is not as old as a very old clock which is
in Prague, the Czech Republic. Another thing to do is to visit the
shopping mall, which is very modern. And finally what I think is the
most beautiful place in my town is the central park, where there are
several lakes and many birds. I think that my town is the best place to
3. Find the mistakes in the conversation between two divers, and correct them.

Gamal: What are you doing in the holidays?
Mahmoud: I’ll go to the Red Sea to do some diving.
Gamal: That sounds fantastic! Can I come?
Mahmoud: OK, but do you have a correct equipment?
Gamal: I don’t, but I think I can rent it. Where will you stay?
Mahmoud: In the hotel. I have already booked it.
Gamal: I’m really looking forward to it, but I think that you are more good at diving than me.
Mahmoud: Don’t worry, we will find you the good instructor and you will learn very quickly.
Gamal: That’s great. I really love swimming in sea.

Gamal: What are you doing in the holidays?
Mahmoud: I’m going to the Red Sea to do some diving.
Gamal: That sounds fantastic! Can I come?
Mahmoud: OK, but do you have the correct equipment?
Gamal: I don’t, but I think I can rent it. Where are you going to stay?
Mahmoud: In a hotel. I have already booked it.
Gamal: I’m really looking forward to it, but I think that you are better at diving than me.
Mahmoud: Don’t worry, we will find you a good instructor and you will learn very quickly.
Gamal: That’s great. I really love swimming in the sea.
3. Find the mistakes and correct them.
works as a sales assistant for a pharmacy in his free time. The
pharmacy who Mahmoud works for is part of a chain of pharmacies, called
Pharma-C. The pharmacy which Mahmoud works is located in Mohandessin,
Cairo. Mahmoud, who uncle is a pharmacist, loves this work. He hopes to
become a pharmacist, too, when he is older. Mahmoud’s uncle, which works
at another Pharma-C pharmacy in Downtown, thinks that Mahmoud would be a
good pharmacist. Mahmoud is looking forward to the time where he will
finish school and can study pharmacy at university.

works as a sales assistant for a pharmacy in his free time. The pharmacy
which/that Mahmoud works for is part of a chain of pharmacies called
Pharma-C. The pharmacy where Mahmoud works is located in Mohandessin,
Cairo. Mahmoud, whose uncle is a pharmacist, loves this work. He hopes
to become a pharmacist, too, when he is older. Mahmoud’s uncle, who
works at another Pharma-C pharmacy in Downtown, thinks that Mahmoud
would be a good pharmacist. Mahmoud is looking forward to the time when
he will finish school and can study pharmacy at university.
الثائر الحق
5. Read the paragraph. Underline the correct words in parentheses.

Boots Company is a leading pharmacy chain in the United Kingdom. The
Boots Company, (who - which – that) is known popularly as Boots, has
stores in most towns throughout the country. A Boots store is a place
(when – which – where) you can buy all kinds of products, from medicines
to cosmetics to electrical items. Jesse Boot, (whose – who – that)
father died when Jesse was a child, opened the first Boots store in
1877, at a time (where – when – which) he had no idea how successful his
pharmacies would become. Today you can find a Boots store in every town
in the UK, and there are also some countries outside the UK, such as
Dubai and Qatar, (that – where – which) you can also see the Boots name.

The Boots Company is a leading pharmacy chain in the United
Kingdom. The Boots Company, which is known popularly as Boots, has
stores in most towns throughout the country. A Boots store is a place
where you can buy all kinds of products, from medicines to cosmetics to
electrical items. Jesse Boot, whose father died when Jesse was a child,
opened the first Boots store in 1877, at a time when he had no idea how
successful his pharmacies would become. Today you can find a Boots store
in every town in the UK, and there are also some countries outside the
UK, such as Dubai and Qatar, where you can also see the Boots name.
3. Find the mistakes and correct them.

spoke to my grandmother about how life was when she was a girl. She
told me that when she was growing up she use to live in a very small
flat and to share a room with her three sisters. She used going to
school every day until she was 14 years. My grandmother used to have a
lot of friends but she didn’t used to have a lot of time to see them
because she had to help her mother and sisters to work in the house
whenever she had free time. My grandmother told me that her favourite
thing was when she used going shopping with her mother in the local
markets, and she remembers that one summer for a special occasion her
mother used to buy her a beautiful new pink dress, which she used to
wear every holiday for two years.

I spoke to my grandmother about
how life was when she was a girl. She told me that when she was growing
up she used to live in a very small flat and to share a room with her
three sisters. She used to go to school every day until she was 14
years. My grandmother used to have a lot of friends but she didn’t use
to have a lot of time to see them because she had to help her mother and
sisters to work in the house whenever she had free time. My grandmother
told me that her favourite thing was when she used to go shopping with
her mother in the local markets, and she remembers that one summer for a
special occasion her mother bought her a beautiful new pink dress,
which she used to wear every holiday for two years.
5. Read the paragraph. Underline the correct words in parentheses.

I finished school and got a job, my life completely changed. Before I
(didn’t use to have any – used to have any – didn’t used to have any)
money, and now I get a salary every month. When I was studying at school
I (use - used – must) to do my homework every night, but now when I
(used to finish – finish – finished) work I can go out and meet my
friends. Unfortunately I now work much longer hours — when I was at
school I used to finish much earlier. The best part is that now I (used
to be - am – will be) independent and I am building my career. However
one thing has not changed very much. When I was at school I (used to
have to – used to have – used to) listen to my teacher, and now I have
to listen to my boss!

When I finished school and got a job,
my life completely changed. Before I didn’t use to have any money, and
now I get a salary every month. When I was studying at school I used to
do my homework every night, but now when I finish work I can go out and
meet my friends. Unfortunately I now work much longer hours — when I was
at school I used to finish much earlier. The best part is that now I am
independent and I am building my career. However one thing has not
changed very much. When I was at school I used to have to listen to my
teacher, and now I have to listen to my boss!
3. Find the mistakes and correct them.

works in a bakery shop. It is 4 pm and she is very tired because she
was working all day, since 8 o’clock. The bakery shop is very popular.
Noha served 100 customers already today! She has not been having a break
yet. Noha’s face is very red because she has baked bread and cakes
using very hot ovens. She is looking forward to going home soon. Noha
has been making a plan for tomorrow, which is the weekend. She wants to
go to the mall to see a new shop with her friend Mona. Noha has looked
forward to going to the mall for ages, and now she has been saving
enough money from working at the bakery shop to enjoy a nice day out
with her friend tomorrow.

Noha works in a bakery shop. It is
4 pm and she is very tired because she has been working all day, since 8
o’clock. The bakery shop is very popular. Noha has served 100 customers
already today! She has not had a break yet. Noha’s face is very red
because she has been baking bread and cakes using very hot ovens. She is
looking forward to going home soon.
Noha has made a plan for
tomorrow, which is the weekend. She wants to go to the mall to see a new
shop with her friend Mona. Noha has been looking forward to going to
the mall for ages, and now she has saved enough money from working at
the bakery shop to enjoy a nice day out with her friend tomorrow.
4. Read the paragraph. Underline the correct words in parentheses.

back on my life now, I can see many changes. When I was younger I (use
to lived - used to live – lived) with my parents and brother and sister,
but now I have a wife and children and a home of my own. I (use to
studied - used to study – use to study) a lot, at school and at
university, but now I do not have any time for reading because I work
very hard at my job as an engineer. When I was younger I never (used to
have – use to have – use to had) enough money, but now things are
easier. Also I didn’t (used to drive - use to drive – drive) a car, so I
used to walk everywhere or take public transportation. I remember,
however, my brother and I (using to dream – use to dream – used to
dream) that we would become famous football players. That never (used to
happen – happened - use to happen)!

4. Read the paragraph. Underline the correct words in parentheses.

back on my life now, I can see many changes. When I was younger I used
to live with my parents and brother and sister, but now I have a wife
and children and a home of my own. I used to study a lot, at school and
at university, but now I do not have any time for reading because I work
very hard at my job as an engineer. When I was younger I never used to
have enough money, but now things are easier. Also I didn’t use to drive
a car, so I used to walk everywhere or take public transportation. I
remember, however, my brother and I used to dream that we would become
famous football players. That never happened!
3. Find the mistakes and correct them.

wanted to play tennis with my friend Sami last week. Sami, his main
hobby is sports, is very good at tennis and we play together almost
every week. I phoned Sami and asked him, “We planned to play tennis this
afternoon, don’t we?” Sami replied, “Yes, but it seems like it’s going
to rain, won’t it? Why don’t we go to a cafe instead?” I was surprised
because I thought that Sami didn’t like to go to cafes, so I said, “But
you don’t like coffee, don’t you?” Sami replied, “No, but the cafe near
me, which owner is Lebanese, is showing the football match this
afternoon, and I really want to see it.”

I wanted to play tennis
with my friend Sami last week. Sami, whose main hobby is sports, is very
good at tennis and we play together almost every week. I phoned Sami
and asked him, “We planned to play tennis this afternoon, didn’t we?”
Sami replied, “Yes, but it seems like it’s going to rain, doesn’t it?
Why don’t we go to a cafe instead?” I was surprised because I thought
that Sami didn’t like to go to cafes, so I said, “But you don’t like
coffee, do you?” Sami replied, “No, but the cafe near me, whose owner is
Lebanese, is showing the football match this afternoon, and I really
want to see it.”
3. Find the mistakes and correct them.

saw my old friend, Sameh, the other day. I hadn’t been seeing him for
several years. He looked a lot older and very tired. I asked him what he
was doing since I saw him last. He told me that he had been moving away
from Cairo, and that for the last three years he worked as a nurse in a
hospital in Minya. He has now returned to Cairo and has a new job. He
told me that he looked tired because the day before he was helping with
an operation for eight hours, and then he had to help with some
emergency cases. He did not sleep at all! But he was happy that he had
been leaving his job in Minya, because his family live in Cairo.

saw my old friend, Sameh, the other day. I hadn’t seen him for several
years. He looked a lot older and very tired. I asked him what he had
been doing since I saw him last. He told me that he had moved away from
Cairo, and that for the last three years he had been working as a nurse
in a hospital in Minya. He has now returned to Cairo and has a new job.
He told me that he looked tired because the day before he had been
helping with an operation for eight hours, and then he had to help with
some emergency cases. He had not slept at all! But he was happy that he
had left his job in Minya, because his family live in Cairo.

5. Read the paragraph. Underline the correct words in parentheses.

strangest thing happened yesterday evening. I (meet - had met – was
meeting) one of my friends on the street and we had decided to go for a
coffee. We (were sitting and talking – had sat and talked – had been
sitting and talking) in the coffee shop for one hour, when suddenly
there was a loud bang and all the lights went off. All the customers
were very worried. Fortunately my friend and I (had drunk – had been
drinking – drank) only one coffee each, so we paid for our coffees and
left, to find out what had happened. When we went outside, we (had seen –
had been seeing – saw) a very strange sight. There was a goat standing
in the street outside the coffee shop, and it had something long and
thin in its mouth. The goat (was eating – had eaten - had been eating)
the electricity cables, and this is why the electricity (was stopping –
had been stopping - had stopped)!

The strangest thing happened
yesterday evening. I had met one of my friends on the street and we had
decided to go for a coffee. We had been sitting and talking in the
coffee shop for one hour, when suddenly there was a loud bang and all
the lights went off. All the customers were very worried. Fortunately my
friend and I had drunk only one coffee each, so we paid for our coffees
and left, to find out what had happened. When we went outside, we saw a
very strange sight. There was a goat standing in the street outside the
coffee shop, and it had something long and thin in its mouth. The goat
had been eating the electricity cables, and that is why the electricity
had stopped!
3. Find the mistakes and correct them.

My uncle
has a new house. He didn’t build it hisself, of course, but he found an
architect to design the house, and he paid workers to construct it. My
uncle's son is an electrician, and he helped my uncle with the
electrical things. They both love to paint, so together they painted the
inside of the house, and also they worked on the garden themself. My
uncle didn't have a lot of furniture, so my father gave him some of
theirs. When the house was finished, I wanted to see it himself, so my
uncle invited me for dinner. I love my uncle’s house — it is very modern
and it is much bigger than our.

My uncle has a new house. He
didn’t build it himself, of course, but he found an architect to design
the house, and he paid workers to construct it. My uncle's son is an
electrician, and he helped my uncle with the electrical things. They
both love to paint, so together they painted the inside of the house,
and also they worked on the garden themselves. My uncle didn't have a
lot of furniture, so my father gave him some of ours/his. When the house
was finished, I wanted to see it myself, so my uncle invited me for
dinner. I love my uncle’s house — it is very modern and it is much
bigger than ours/our house.

5. Read the paragraph. Underline the correct words in parentheses.

Walid was upset and crying. He had been playing together with his
friend Amr, who had taken his favourite Spiderman book from him. "The
Spiderman book is (my –mine – myself)!" cried little Walid. Amr replied,
"No, it's mine now!" Amr's mother came running into the room. She
looked at Little Walid and asked him, "Little Walid, you say this book
is (his – yours – your). Is it really?" Little Walid nodded his head to
say yes, still crying. Amr's mother then looked at Amr and asked him,
"Little Walid says that this book is (hers – his – himself). Is that
true?" Amr told his mother that yes, it was really Little Walid's book.
Amr's mother gave Little Walid back the Spiderman book. Little Walid was
still crying. He didn't have any tissues to wipe away the tears in his
eyes and on his face, so Amr's mother gave him some of (his – her –
hers). Then she told Little Walid, "If you ever want to read any new
books, you are always welcome to come here and borrow some of (ours –
our – ourselves). We have many interesting books." Amr smiled at Little
Walid, and they were friends again.

Little Walid was upset
and crying. He had been playing together with his friend Amr, who had
taken his favourite Spiderman book from him. "The Spiderman book is
mine!" cried little Walid. Amr replied, "No, it's mine now!" Amr's
mother came running into the room. She looked at Little Walid and asked
him, "Little Walid, you say this book is yours. Is it really?" Little
Walid nodded his head to say yes, still crying. Amr's mother then looked
at Amr and asked him, "Little Walid says that this book is his. Is that
true?" Amr told his mother that yes, it was really Little Walid's book.
Amr's mother gave Little Walid back the Spiderman book. Little Walid
was still crying. He didn't have any tissues to wipe away the tears in
his eyes and on his face, so Amr's mother gave him some of hers. Then
she told Little Walid, "If you ever want to read any new books, you are
always welcome to come here and borrow some of ours. We have many
interesting books." Amr smiled at Little Walid, and they were friends
3. Find the mistakes and correct them.

Mr and Mrs
Kadry were in a restaurant for their anniversary and discussing what to
order. Mr Kadry asked his wife, “You like pigeon, didn’t you?” Mrs Kadry
said, “No! You have always known that I don’t like pigeon, hadn’t you?”
Mr Kadry looked surprised. So they ordered chicken, and it was
delicious. After they had finished eating, Mr Kadry asked his wife, “I
think you would like some dessert now, don’t you?” It was Mrs Kadry’s
turn to look surprised. She said, “My dear, I do not wish to get fat. I
really shouldn’t eat dessert, shouldn’t I?” Mr Kadry smiled at his wife
and replied, “My dear, you really don’t know, after all these years, how
beautiful I think you are, are you?” And Mrs Kadry smiled back at her
husband, “Well maybe you are right, my dear, and you’re the most
wonderful husband in the world, are you?”

Mr and Mrs Kadry were
in a restaurant for their anniversary and discussing what to order. Mr
Kadry asked his wife, “You like pigeon, don’t you?” Mrs Kadry said, “No!
You have always known that I don’t like pigeon, haven’t you?” Mr Kadry
looked surprised. So they ordered chicken, and it was delicious. After
they had finished eating, Mr Kadry asked his wife, “I think you would
like some dessert now, wouldn’t you?” It was Mrs Kadry’s turn to look
surprised. She said, “My dear, I do not wish to get fat. I really
shouldn’t eat dessert should I?” Mr Kadry smiled at his wife and
replied, “My dear, you really don’t know, after all these years, how
beautiful I think you are, do you?” And Mrs Kadry smiled back at her
husband, “Well maybe you are right, my dear, and you’re the most
wonderful husband in the world, aren’t you?”

5. Read the paragraph. Underline the correct words in parentheses.

was a tourist and an enthusiastic diver who was travelling from Cairo
to the Red Sea. He was alone in Egypt and he (had been deciding – had
decided – decided) to rent a car and drive it to the Red Sea himself.
Jack (has been driving – has driven – had been driving) for over four
hours when he finally stopped to have a break. When he saw (him –
himself – he) in his car mirror, he realised that he looked very tired.
He decided to have a coffee. Jack had just (been finishing – finished –
finishing) his coffee when he received a call on his mobile phone. It
was his friend Ben, who had heard about Jack’s trip to Egypt. Ben had
been thinking about travelling to Egypt for a long time, and he (had
been deciding – had decided – decided) at the last minute to join Jack.
He told Jack to wait at a Red Sea resort for (him - them – us), and then
they would go diving together.

Jack was a tourist and an
enthusiastic diver who was travelling from Cairo to the Red Sea. He was
alone in Egypt and he had decided to rent a car and drive it to the Red
Sea himself. Jack had been driving for over four hours when he finally
stopped to have a break. When he saw himself in his car mirror, he
realised that he looked very tired. He decided to have a coffee. Jack
had just finished his coffee when he received a call on his mobile
phone. It was his friend Ben, who had heard about Jack’s trip to Egypt.
Ben had been thinking about travelling to Egypt for a long time, and he
had decided at the last minute to join Jack. He told Jack to wait at a
Red Sea resort for him, and then they would go diving together.
3. Find the mistakes and correct them.

would like to be a top football player. If I am a top football player, I
would be very famous and have a lot of money, and everyone would love
me. I will be on television all the time and play at lots of different
stadiums and in different countries — this would be fantastic! I love
sport and I love to play football, so I am thinking about trying to join
the national team when I am older. It is difficult because so many
people want to be top football players, but if I find the chance, I
would take it. But because top football players are famous they cannot
do normal things like normal people. If a top football player will walk
down the street, everyone runs to him and asked him for his signature.
So maybe I do not really want to become a top football player. But it is
nice to dream about what it is going to be like!

I would like to
be a top football player. If I were a top football player, I would be
very famous and have a lot of money, and everyone would love me. I would
be on television all the time and play at lots of different stadiums
and in different countries — this would be fantastic! I love sport and I
love to play football, so I am thinking about trying to join the
national team when I am older. It is difficult because so many people
want to be top football players, but if I found the chance, I would take
it. But because top football players are famous they cannot do normal
things like normal people. If a top football player walks down the
street, everyone runs to him and asks him for his signature. So maybe I
do not really want to become a top football player. But it is nice to
dream about what it would be like!
5. Read the paragraph. Underline the correct words in parentheses.

want to learn to speak English really well. If someone speaks English
well, they (have – will have – would have) a better chance to find a job
or go to university. If I (will pass - passed – pass) all my exams in
English, I will look for a job in tourism or at an international
company.But I need to practise a lot and do my homework regularly.
Unfortunately, I did not study hard last year and so now I am taking
extra classes. If I had studied more last year, I (will not - would not –
do not) have needed to take extra classes this year. I think that
people who speak more than two languages have an even better chance to
find a job or study at university. If
I want to learn to speak
English really well. If someone speaks English well, they have a better
chance to find a job or go to university. If I pass all my exams in
English, I will look for a job in tourism or at an international
company.But I need to practise a lot and do my homework regularly.
Unfortunately, I did not study hard last year and so now I am taking
extra classes. If I had studied more last year, I would not have needed
to take extra classes this year. I think that people who speak more than
two languages have an even better chance to find a job or study at
university. If I had more time and money, I would like to study French
as well.
3. Find the mistakes and correct them.

I would
like to be a scientist. I am particularly interested on biology and
chemistry. I would like to do research to find about certain diseases.
For example, many people all over the world die with diseases such as
malaria. I would like to find an answer in this problem, and I think
that first of all we need to understand the causes for these diseases. I
plan to finish university and apply to a research job. I hope that I
will be good for my job, and I hope that we can use science to find a
way to end disease in the world.
I would like to be a scientist. I
am particularly interested in biology and chemistry. I would like to do
research to find out about certain diseases. For example, many people
all over the world die of diseases such as malaria. I would like to find
an answer to this problem, and I think that first of all we need to
understand the causes of these diseases. I plan to finish university and
apply for a research job. I hope that I will be good at my job, and I
hope that we can use science to find a way to end disease in the world.

3. Find the mistakes and correct them.

Stonehenge is a very
famous place in Britain. It is truly amazing. No one knows for certain
who it built, or why. It is thought that it built 3,500 years ago. It is
also thought that Stonehenge made from large stones brought from nearly
400 kilometres away. Because the stones are so heavy, it is likely that
thousands of men were brought the stones on boats and overland. But no
one really knows why they did this, or what Stonehenge used for. You can
visit Stonehenge at any time of the year, but you will not be found an
answer to these questions.
Stonehenge is a very famous place in
Britain. It is truly amazing. No one knows for certain who built it, or
why. It is thought that it was built 3,500 years ago. It is also thought
that Stonehenge was made from large stones brought from nearly 400
kilometres away. Because the stones are so heavy, it is likely that
thousands of men brought the stones on boats and overland. But no one
really knows why they did this, or what Stonehenge was used for. You can
visit Stonehenge at any time of the year, but you will not find an
answer to these questions.
3. Find the mistakes and correct them.

is a famous city located in northwest America. Many films have made
there, the most famous of which is Sleepless in Seattle starring Tom
Hanks. Basketball fans are known Seattle because of the Seattle
Supersonics, a team which has played basketball in Seattle for more than
30 years. Seattle is also famous for being one of the fastest growing
business areas in America. Two of the most important names in business
in Seattle are Microsoft and Boeing. Microsoft founded and is own by the
world-famous Bill Gates. Boeing is located to the north of Seattle, and
famous jets have manufactured there for more than 50 years.
Unfortunately, Seattle also known for its bad weather
Seattle is a
famous city located in northwest America. Many films have been made
there, the most famous of which is Sleepless in Seattle starring Tom
Hanks. Basketball fans know Seattle because of the Seattle Supersonics, a
team which has played basketball in Seattle for more than 30 years.
Seattle is also famous for being one of the fastest growing business
areas in America. Two of the most important names in business in Seattle
are Microsoft and Boeing. Microsoft was founded and is owned by the
world-famous Bill Gates. Boeing is located to the north of Seattle, and
famous jets have been manufactured there for more than 50 years.
Unfortunately, Seattle is also known for its bad weather.
4. Find the mistakes and correct them.

I have a big business meeting with an important new customer. The
meeting starts at 10 but I must to be there very early at 8.30 to
organise some things. This means that I will probably must take a taxi
rather than a bus in the morning. In our company we can wear suits when
meeting customers. I musted have my best suit cleaned for tomorrow. I
mustn’t prepare my presentation for the meeting tonight because I have
already done that. But it is very important that I get enough sleep. I
must go to bed early tonight!
Tomorrow I have a big business meeting
with an important new customer. The meeting starts at 10 but I have to
(reason: the situation makes this obligatory) be there very early at
8.30 to organise some things. This means that I will probably have to /
need to (reason: it is necessary) take a taxi rather than a bus in the
morning. In our company we have to (reason: we have no choice; it’s a
rule) wear suits when meeting customers. I had to (reason: it was
necessary) have my best suit cleaned for tomorrow. I don’t have to
(reason: it is not necessary) prepare my presentation for the meeting
tonight because I have already done that. But it is very important that I
get enough sleep. I must (reason: This is important to me) go to bed
early tonight!
3. Find the mistakes and correct them.

the dinosaurs escaped there was complete madness. The dinosaurs were
very big and powerful, and they were not friendly. Houses were
destroying by just one dinosaur footstep. Cars turned over and kicked
around like footballs. Trees and gates was smashed. The dinosaurs even
began to be eaten by some humans who they were picked up like toys from
the ground! It was terrible. Fortunately the army called in to help.
Soldiers arrived and they began to be rescued by everyone still alive on
the island. When they had rescued everyone, they began to think about
how the dinosaurs could stop.

When the dinosaurs escaped there
was complete madness. The dinosaurs were very big and powerful, and they
were not friendly. Houses were destroyed by just one dinosaur footstep.
Cars were turned over and (were) kicked around like footballs. Trees
and gates were smashed. The dinosaurs even began to eat some humans who
they picked up like toys from the ground! It was terrible. Fortunately
the army was called in to help. Soldiers arrived and they began to
rescue everyone still alive on the island. When they had rescued
everyone, they began to think about how the dinosaurs could be stopped.
3. Find the mistakes and correct them.

are lots of things that I can do, lots of things that I can't do, and
lots of things that I could do in the past. When I was younger, I can
swim 1 km. Now I get very tired if I try to swim so far. But last year I
learned to play squash, and now I can't play squash very well and I
really enjoy it. However I couldn't play squash every day, because I
don't have time. I would love to be able to drive, but I am only 16, and
the law in my country says that you can't only drive when you are 18 or
older. But I am lucky because I live near public transport and I could
take the metro or bus very easily.
There are lots of things that I
can do, lots of things that I can't do, and lots of things that I could
do in the past. When I was younger, I could swim 1 km. Now I get very
tired if I try to swim so far. But last year I learned to play squash,
and now I can play squash very well and I really enjoy it. However I
can't play squash every day because I don't have time. I would love to
be able to drive, but I am only 16, and the law in my country says that
you can only drive when you are 18 or older. But I am lucky because I
live near public transport and I can take the metro or bus very easily.
is not perfect, of course. There are still serious environmental issues
that the government must solve. And jobs are being lost as
multinational corporations close their factories and move to countries
where salaries are lower. But still it is a beautiful place to visit.
3. Find the mistakes and correct them.
warming is a serious problem. It is believed that in the next 50 years,
ice will melt and sea levels will rise significantly. If this happens,
there will be floods and lots of people will be make homeless. Also
scientists predict that temperatures will rise, and in certain places
many people will not be able to be grown crops. Scientists say that the
amount of energy we use should reduce, because burning fuel causes
global warming. This means, for example, that we couldn't continue to
use air conditioning so much. Unfortunately, scientists can't predict
this problem 100 years ago, so now we need to find solutions fast.
warming is a serious problem. It is believed that in the next 50 years,
ice will melt and sea levels will rise significantly. If this happens,
there will be floods and lots of people will be made homeless. Also
scientists predict that temperatures will rise, and in certain places
many people will not be able to grow crops. Scientists say that the
amount of energy we use should be reduced, because burning fuel causes
global warming. This means, for example, that we can't continue to use
air conditioning so much. Unfortunately, scientists couldn't predict
this problem 100 years ago, so now we need to find solutions fast.
5. Read the paragraphs. Underline the correct words in parentheses.

just visited Malaysia. It is a beautiful country. You (have to - must -
need to) try to visit it sometime. If you are Egyptian, you (don’t need
to - mustn’t - must) get a tourist visa ahead of time. You (could - can
- able to) get one at the airport when you arrive.

years ago the Malaysian government realised that it (must - has to - had
to) invest in its youth. It sent thousands of students abroad to
universities. In exchange for their scholarships, many of them (had to -
must - mustn’t) work for the government when they returned. Many
students also got master’s degrees and doctorates. Then they taught in
new universities that (were set up - set up - sat up) in Malaysia. You
(could - can’t - can) see the results today in the road systems,
skyscrapers and hi-tech devices that are everywhere.

It is not
perfect, of course. There are still serious environmental issues that
the government (must - mustn’t - should) solve. And jobs (lost - are
losing - are being lost) as multinational corporations close their
factories and move to countries where salaries are lower. But still it
is a beautiful place (visiting - to visit - being visited).
I’ve just
visited Malaysia. It is a beautiful country. You must try to visit it
sometime. If you are Egyptian, you don’t need to get a tourist visa
ahead of time. You can get one at the airport when you arrive.

years ago the Malaysian government realised that it had to invest in
its youth. It sent thousands of students abroad to universities. In
exchange for their scholarships, many of them had to work for the
government when they returned. Many students also got master’s degrees
and doctorates. Then they taught in new universities that were set up in
Malaysia. You can see the results today in the road systems,
skyscrapers and hi-tech devices that are everywhere.
1 - d don't have to (Reason: It's not necessary.)
- b don't need (Reason: This is the only form that fits with to be
following it. You mustn't be so rude! and You don't have to be so rude!
are possible sentences but don't fit here because to be is already in
the sentence.)
3 - b had to (Reason: Yesterday shows that we need the past tense. Had to is the only past tense here.)
- c must (Reason: This is the statement of a law. Note the impersonal
third person subject [drivers] and the formal language [operating a
motor vehicle]. Laws are stated using must.)
5 - d have
to (Reason: It is an obligation imposed from the outside. This is
someone talking about a law, not the law itself. Note the peronal
subject [you] and the informal language.)
6 - c mustn't (Reason: In the negative, this is the only one that means it is necessary not to do something.)
7 - a must (Reason: This is the speaker's own strong feelings or wishes that make him/her say that he/she must study hard.)
- a Do you have to (Reason: The speaker is asking about something
imposed on the listener, something the listener has no choice in, so
have to is used. Choice (d) is not the correct form of the
9 - c don't have to (Reason: It's not necessary.)
10 - a mustn't (Reason: It's necessary that you not do it.)
- b have to (Reason: The obligation comes from outside, so use have
to. It's not urgent so there is no need to use must.)
12 - a must (Reason: It's urgent. Must is stronger than have to.)
great work from a great teacher
reem elhadad
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