مدرس اون لايندخول

Give reasons for each of the following(rana science)

Please, can you study the following questions well?
1) A spoon appears broken when it is placed in a cup of water .
Due to light refraction
2) Iron, cobalt and nickel are magnetic materials.
Because they are attracted to the magnet
3) A magnet can be used to separate iron filings from sand.
Because iron filings attracted to the magnet.
4) Aluminum foil is an opaque material.
Because there is no light passes through it.
5)some mixtures can be separated by using the separating funnel.
Because separating funnel is used to separate heterogeneous mixtures.
6) Shadow of an opaque objects is formed when light falls on it .
Because light travels in a straight lines.
7) Mineral water is considered a mixture .
Because it contains more than one type of particles, they are calcium and magnesium .
Cool Some plants are called (insectivorous plants).
Because they depends on predation process to get some compounds from the soil such as nitrogen.
9) The formation of light spectrum.
Due to light separation.
10) Both North Pole of the magnet attracts the south pole of another magnet, but the North Pole repels another north.
Because dislike (different) poles attract and like poles repel.

Write the scientific term:
1) The food relationship in which the organism gets its food by decomposing the bodies of dead organisms. (-------------------------)
2) A mixture contains water, calcium and magnesium. (-------------------------)
3) An instrument used in the electric power stations. (-------------------------)
4) A beautiful phenomenon occurs in the sky after raining during a sunny day. (-------------------------)
5) A device used to lift several tons of iron. (Electromagnet)

Put( √ ) or ( × ):
1) The first spectrum color is orange. ( )
2) In the dynamo the magnetic energy is changed into electric energy. ( × )
In the dynamo the kinetic energy is changed into electric energy
3) When light is passes from air to glass , it reflects. ( )
4) Evaporation is used to separate oil and water. ( )
5) Lions, tigers and sharks are predators. ( )
6) The formation of shadow indicates that light travels in curved lines. ( )
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