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قصة الصف الخامس الإبتدائي The village in the vally

قصة الصف الخامس الإبتدائي The village in the vally
Mr. Mohamed Salah
Chapter 1
Pages (1- 4)
Maria and Rosa are sisters. They were looking after their goats in the mountains in the northern Italy. Maria was worried about the goats as they were getting thinner. They didn't look well although there were plenty of food for them. Maria thought that their goats were ill as they didn't want to eat the grass near the river. The grass looked terrible! It was yellow because there was poison in the water. This poison was killing the plants and it was making the goats ill, but Rosa didn't think so because the goats were still alive.
Rosa didn't like working with animals. She preferred the town life and shopping. Aunty Sylvia was going to take her shopping next week. She was going to buy her a beautiful new dress for the festival in September. Antonio and Ricardo were their cousins. They were very busy working in the forest all the time. They had to cut down a lot of trees before the winter.
Maria wanted to ask her science teacher , Mrs. Bonetti, who was very interested in science and plants about the river to know what was wrong. A few days later , Mrs. Bonetti was teaching a lesson about cement and concrete. She asked about how to make cement and Maria said that they could make it by mixing cement with sand and water. But nobody knew how to make concrete, so Mrs. Bonetti told them that they could make concrete by mixing cement with sand and small stones and water, but with a recipe like cooking. If you don't use enough cement , the concrete would not be strong enough.
Maria asked Mrs. Bonetti to tell her about the dirty water in the river which is called river pollution and it can come from chemicals that are used in farming and factories. If a river is polluted, several things may happen. The fish in the river may die. The chemicals may kill the river-plants. If you water your fields, the chemicals in the water may kill your crops. And if you drink very polluted water ,it may kill you.

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