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اقوى مذكرة مراجعة انجليزى للصف الثاني الثانوي الازهرى الفصل الدراسى الثانى

 اقوى مذكرة مراجعة انجليزى للصف الثاني الثانوي الازهرى الفصل الدراسى الثانى  - صفحة 3 01_00110
اقوى مذكرة مراجعة انجليزى للصف الثاني الثانوي الازهرى الفصل الدراسى الثانى

1-Choose the correct answer .
1.People who (borrow - lend - bring-steal )money should go to prison.
2.Most people are (honest -kind –nice-intelligent) If they find something,  they give it back to the owner.
3.John doesn't get paid for playing football. He's(a professional -a player-an amateur-a career)
4.I'm really enjoying this dessert. Can you tell me  what the (goods -ingredients –crops-foods )are?
5.If you need more (sugar-fat-protein -carbohydrate )eat more meat, fish and eggs.
6. In the story of Moby Dick, Captain Ahab is absolutely(determined-sure-serious-primitive )to catch the white whale.
7.When the boat sank, the (staff -group -crew -employees ) were saved by a passing ship.
8.My sister and her husband live on  the(top –outskirts-side-outside)of the town.
9.The people (which-who-what-where) have just moved into the next flat are from Tanta.
10.Where(were-did-had-was)you going when I saw you in town yesterday?
11.The Nile is (longest-long-the longest-longer ) liver in the world.
12.Those are the people (who-whose-which-who's )car has been stolen.
13.Ali has had to go to hospital because he hurt (herself -him -his -himself )while playing football.
14.We arrived late and by the time we sat down, the film(has started -had started-is starting-starts )
15.In my opinion, it's warmer now (as-so –than-that )it  was this  morning.
16-My clothes were dirty because I (had been repairing -had repaired-repaired)the car all morning.
2-Find the mistake then write them correctly:
a. You must to eat lots of fresh fruits because they're very good for you.
b. When I was born,. my parents have been living in their flat for three years.
c. You say it's very expensive to live in the city, and I  don't agree.
d.I hope I tind myself a flat that's not too cheap so that I  can afford it.
e.Asia is the biggest country in the world.  f. We couldn't get into the car because our keys were opened inside.
3-Choose the correct answer .
1.Most houses in countries where it rains a lot have (straight-sloping –flat-long )roofs.
2.If you want to keep fit, go running. It's a very good fan of(exercise-practice-food-work)
3.My friend's father is the (politician –diplomat-man -editor) of our local newspaper.
4.This CD was a (cheap-bargain-credit -value for money)It cost less than two pounds.
5.Our cat has(missed -come -gone missing-abandoned )We haven't seen him for a week.
6.We (announce-refuse-regret)to inform passengers travelling to Cairo that their train will be 20 minutes late.
7.There is no airport on the island, so boats (sail-supply-give-carry)food and other goods.
8.My (ambition-hero-idea -announcement )is to be a journalist for an international news magazine.
9.As soon as I met him, I knew I (had seen –saw-have seen -see ) him somewhere before.
10.I didn't realize it was late(if-and-because-but )I was concentrating so hard on what I  was doing.              
11.I (have cleaned -clean -am cleaning -have been cleaning )
my brother's car all morning and he says it's still dirty.
1 2.Many cars (made-are made-is made -make) in Egypt.
13.If it was cold in the evening, you (needed -would need-would have needed ) warm clothes.
14.I'm not very good(In -at -with -on)remembering people's names.
15.The Colossus of Rhodes was destroyed  (from –to-by -in)an earthquake.
16-It(know-known -is known-has known )that people have lived here for centuries.
4-Find the mistake then write then correctly:
a. If the film hadn't been funny, I wouldn't laugh.    b.I enjoy history, but I'm not so keen in geography.
c.My father's lost glasses was found in the garden.   d.We will keep out of oil in twenty years ..
e.The train's pilot asked for my train ticket.
f.Two farmers ran out of the ambulance and carried my sick friend in to the hospital.
5-Choose the correct answer .
1. A shop in our city was completely (hunt-injured  -destroyed  -flooded ) by fire last night.
2.I can really (recommend -build –admire-wish )this book. I couldn't put it down.
3.I hope I  (pass –succeed-Will -do well )the maths test at school tomorrow.
4.My father's• company (plays-works –keeps-employs)people from many different countries.
5.If you pour hot water onto ice, the ice (runs-melts-floods-freezes )
6.You can't enjoy your holiday if you don't have good(hotel –room-accommodation-stay)
7.My favourite holiday destination is a small fishing village on the (see-edge -ocean  -coast)
8.When I was a child, I remember reading Alan (dangerous-warning-advising-cautionary ) tale about a lazy student.
9.Banks are places(which-where-that-when)you can keep your money safe.
10.Before the invention of cars, people (used-use-are used-have used )to walk more.
11.She looked at (she-her-herself -himself )in the mirror to see what the new dress was like.
12.So far today, I (wrote- have been writing-have written )e-mails to six of my friends to tell them the Good news.
13.I've decided that I (am going to apply - am applying -apply )for that job as soon as I can.
14.I have an idea: we(have to-need –could-would )all go in one car. That would save us money.
15.There are always children near the school, so you (can -must -mustn't -need )drive very carefully.
16. Survivors of this morning's accident ( have been taken -have taken  -took -have been taking ) to the city's main hospital.
6-Find the mistake then write them correctly:
a. You needn't take things that don't belong to you.
b. Today, almost any information you need must be. found on the internet.
c. When we arrived home, we saw that our lights have been left on.
d. When a volcano disappears, it sends dust into the atmosphere.
e. Ice at the Antarctic and the Arctic is freezing because of global warmmg.
f. Michael Crichton wrote a book about phonetic engineering.
7-Choose the correct answer .
1.The company my father works for has a (group -staff –crew-population) of 250 people.
2.If you want to go to Jordan for a holiday, you(need-mustn't -can't -can)fly or go by boat.
3-Crichton (acted –produced-wrote -built) some fantastic books.
4.We (couldn't -need -don't have  -mustn't)to go to school tomorrow. It's a public holiday.
5.We would all be healthier if cars were (banned-stopped-refused-driven)from city centres.
6.You (must –can-don't have to -can't) stay at home on a school day unless you're ill.
7.We could global warming if we used more energy from the sun.(make -reduce -help -save)
8. I(need -must -don't need to - mustn't)revise for the English test. It's really important that I pass,
9.If you want to book a flight to London, they(must-could–need-could) to do it soon. Flights to London are very busy.
10.Here's an idea. We (could -can -have to-need) all turn down our air conditioning in the summer.
11The information you are looking for can (find --be found-be find-found) on the internet.
12.At school, we are (being taught-teaching - been taught-been teaching) how to revise for our exams.
8-Choose the correct answer .
1.We(sorry-disappointed-apologise -regret)to inform passengers that flight 659 will be an hour late.
2.My(want –announcement-ambition-purpose)is to become a children's doctor,
3.He was naughty as a child, but now his(behave -behaviour -behaving -behaved) is much better.
4.While waiting for the train go leave, the passengers(chatted-said-told-informed) to each other.
5.It is believed that the Temple of Edfu was (start -starts-starting - started)in the year 237 BC.
6.He writes great poems. He's my favourite(poet –musician-pilot-singer)
7.If the train (didn't break -doesn't break -hadn't broken-won't break)down, he wouldn't have been late.
8.Two(paramedics-engineers-patients -directors)took the injured man into the emergency room.
9.If you had put the water in the freezer, it(turned –turns-would turn-would have turned)to ice.
9-Choose the correct answer .
1-Make(up –sure-do-like) you eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables.
5.Ahmed had a very busy morning. By the time he stopped for lunch, he (made -had been making-had made -has made)17 phone culls.
7.Ali says that pesticides can be good for the soil(doesn't he -doesn't it -can't he-can't it) ?
8.They are building hundreds of new houses on the (centre-blocks-roads-outskirts)of the city
9.We all went(abroad -aboard-ashore -ahead)when our ship came to port.
10.My friend lives in a flat which (sees-watches-looks-overlooks)the market. It's always very noisy.
11.Children sometimes hurt(themselves -ourselves-yourselves-them) when they arc playing.
13.How long (have you been waiting  -have you waited -had you been waiting -did you wait)before your train arrived ?

Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1 People who…….……... money should go to prison.
a borrow b lend c bring d steal
2 Most people are…….……... . If they find something, they give it back to the owner.
a honest b nice c kind d intelligent
3 John doesn’t get paid for playing football. He’s…….……... .
a a professional b a player c an amateur d a career
4 I’m really enjoying this dessert. Can you tell me what the…….……... are?
a goods b ingredients c crops d foods
5 If you need more…….……... , eat more meat, fish and eggs.
a sugar b fat c protein d carbohydrate
6 In the story of Moby Dick, Captain Ahab is absolutely…….……... to catch the white whale.
a determined b sure c serious d primitive
7 When the boat sank, the…….……... were saved by a passing ship.
a staff b group c crew d employees
8 My sister and her husband live on the…….……... of the town.
a top b outskirts c side d outside
9 The people…….……... have just moved into the next flat are from Tanta.
a which b who c what d where
1 0 Where…….……... you going when I saw you in town yesterday?
a were b did c had d was
11 The Nile is…….……... river in the world.
a longest b long c the longest d longer
12 Those are the people…….……... car has been stolen.
a who b whose c which d who’s
13 Ali has had to go to hospital because he hurt…….……... while playing football.
a herself b him c his d himself
14 We arrived late and by the time we sat down, the film…….……... .
a has started b had started c is starting d starts
15 In my opinion, it’s warmer now…….……... it was this morning.
a as b so c than d that
16 My clothes were dirty because I…….……... the car all morning.
a had been repairing b had repaired c repaired d am repairing
Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1 Most houses in countries where it rains a lot have…….……... roofs.
a straight b sloping c flat d long
2 If you want to keep fit, go running. It’s a very good form of…….……... .
a exercise b practice c food d work
3 My friend’s father is the…….……... of our local newspaper.
a politician b diplomat c man d editor
4 This CD was a …….……... . It cost less than two pounds.
a cheap b bargain c credit d value for money
5 Our cat has…….……... . We haven’t seen him for a week.
a missed b come c gone missing d abandoned
6 We…….……... to inform passengers travelling to Cairo that their train will be 20 minutes late.
a suggest b announce c refuse d regret
7 There is no airport on the island, so boats…….……... food and other goods.
a sail b supply c give d carry
8 My…….……... is to be a journalist for an international news magazine.
a ambition b hero c idea d announcement
9 As soon as I met him, I knew I…….……... him somewhere before.
a had seen b saw c have seen d see
1 0 I didn’t realise it was late…….……... I was concentrating so hard on what I was doing.
a if b and c because d but
11 I…….……... my brother’s car all morning – and he says it’s still dirty.
a have cleaned b clean c am cleaning d have been cleaning
12 Many cars…….……... in Egypt.
a made b are made c is made d make
13 If it was cold in the evening, you…….……... warm clothes.
a will need b needed c would need d would have needed
14 I’m not very good…….……... remembering people’s names.
a in b at c with d on
15 The Colossus of Rhodes was destroyed…….……... an earthquake.
a from b to c by d at
16 It…….……... that people have lived here for centuries.
a know                b known              c is known           d has known

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 اقوى مذكرة مراجعة انجليزى للصف الثاني الثانوي الازهرى الفصل الدراسى الثانى  - صفحة 3 Empty
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