مدرس اون لايندخول

100 موقف مجابه ( انجلش 3 ثانوى ازهرى) للمراجعه للمتفوقين

1. You want some information about Dr Zewail
Can you tell me some information about Dr Zewail
2. you want to know when your plane to London takes off
can you tell me when my plane to London takes off
3. you want to ask what remote sensing means
can you tell me what remote sensing means
4. you want to know what would happen if ice in Antarctica melted
can you tell me what would happen if ice in Antarctica melted
5. when you go through your English book " Hello 6 "
it's a very interesting book
6. when you want to know something about insects
can you tell me something about insects
7. when you want to know where Ahmed Zewail was born
can you tell me where Ahmed Zewail was born
8. when you ask about the use of microscopes
can you tell me about the use of microscopes
9. you want to ask your teacher a question
can I ask you a question?
10. you want your brother to close the window because it is rather cold
could you close the window, please ?
11. you want to borrow your friend's pen for a while
can I borrow your pen for a while ?
12. you want to use friend's telephone
can I use your telephone ?
13. you are sitting at the dinner table ,you want your neighbour to pass you the salt
can you pass me the salt , please ?
14. you ask someone politely to open the window
would you mind opening the window ?
15. you want your teacher to repeat the question
could you please repeat the question ?
16. you want to borrow a pencil from a friend
can I borrow your pencil?
17. your classmate asks youto use your ruler
yes, of course
18. you want the headmaster to allow you to use the telephone
could I use the telephone ?
19. you want to ask your teacher a question
Excuse me , can I ask you a question ?
20. you have missed the bus
Oh. I have missed the bus
21. you are getting out of bed quickly because your alarm clock says 9 O'clock
I must hurry , it's 9 O'clock
22. it is raining heavily and everyone else in the street has an umbrella
I wish I had an umbrella
23. you can't hear what someone is saying
could you speak a little louder , please ?
24- you want your speaker to repeat what he has said
could you please repeat what you have said ?
25. you politely interrupt someone to say something
I'm sorry to interrupt you
26. when you want to change the subject of a conversation
any way to change the subject
27. when you agree with someone on what he said
I agree with you
28. you want to ask about the weather
what is the weather like today ?
29. you advise your friend to stop smoking
you should stop smoking
30. you wish to have a car
I wish I had a car
31. you regret not catching the bus because you didn't run quickly
I wish I had caught the bus
32. you don't know how to spell " conceited "
could you spell the word " conceited " , please ?
33. you want to know what to do next
what shall I do next ?
34. you want the teacher to tell you what مغرور is in English
could you tell me what مغرور is in English ?
35. you want to know the answer to a question
Could you tell me the answer to this question ?
36. you thank someone who helped you carry your bag
thank you for your help
37. you ask the policeman the way to the station
could you tell me the way to the station ?
38- you friend thanks you for doing something
don't mention it
39. your friend asks you how your lunch was
it was deliciousلذيذ
40. you are seeing your pen-friend off at the airport have a nice trip
41. you don’t like a film
I don't like this film . it's boring
42. you visit your friend then you want to leave
I must be getting home now
43. your friend is speaking very quickly
could you please speak a little slower , please ?
44. your host says " stay with us "
thanks a lot , we must leave now
45. your guest says " I must leave now "
it's been very good to see you
46. someone thanks you for your help
Don't mention it
47. A relative of yours asks you to visit him
thanks I'd love to
48. you are a visitor and it is getting late
well, I must be getting home now
49. you would like to watch TV
could I watch TV, please
50. You reached the station but there is no sign of the train
oh.dear , I've missed the train
51. you have received a letter with your exam results
what good results !
52. your friend suggests not to do the homework today but you disagree
I'm afraid , I disagree with you
53. you request your friend politely to go with you to the library
Could you go with me to the library
54. someone asks you the way to the library
Go ahead then turn left
55- you ask someone about his country
where do you come from?
56- a visitor comes to your home
57- someone took your bag and ran away
stop thief !
58- you saw some clouds in the sky
it may rain today
59- your friend answers the correct answer
well done
60- someone's answer is wrong
that's not correct , try again
61- you phone a friend
can I speak to my friend?
62- you want to speak to a tourist
hello, do you speak English?
63- you want to ask some one a question
Can I ask you a question?
64- you see someone needs help
Can I help you ?
65- you hear a lot of noise
Be quiet , please
66- someone is about to break something
Be careful ,please
67-you see a bad film
it's boring
67- you see someone afraid
Don't worry
68- you visit a friend on his birthday
happy birth day to you
69- your friend gives you a present
you are so kind
70- you want to speak to someone
Can I speak to you
71- someone tells a lie
I'm afraid you don't say the truth
72- you want someone to wait for you
just a minute
73-you meet your friend on the first day of the year
happy new year
74-your brother is watching TV ,it's late at night
it's time to go to bed
75- you want someone on the phone not to put it down
hold on ,please
76- your friend is going to have an exam
good luck
77- you end a letter to a friend
with my best wishes
78- your friend is not listening to you
give me your ears ,please
79- you show someone a beautiful picture
it's wonderful, isn't it ?
80- a doctor is examining you
is it serious .doctor?
81- you bring a drink to your friend at home
here you are
82- you see an accident on the road
oh, that is terrible !
83- you like the smell of something
that smells good
84- you see a huge snake near you
oh , I'm afraid of the snake
85- you answer the phone someone wants your brother . he is out
I'm afraid he is not in at the moment
86- you are riding your friend's car .he is driving too fast
you must slow down
87- it's raining , your friend feels cold
you should put on your coat
88- you are late for school
I'm sorry I won't be late again
89- you are walking with your friend , the wind blows
let's go home
90- you want to introduce your friend to your family
this is my friend
91- you want to use your friend's dictionary
can I use your dictionary
92- your friend wants to use your dictionary you don't object لا تعترض
go ahead
93- your friend says " do you mind if I use your pen " you agree
No. not at all
94- your friend is sorry that you got low marks
well. Never mind
95- your friend's uncle has an accident, you show sympathy
I'm so sorry to hear your bad news
96- your friend is going to get married
97- you invite your friend to your birthday
may I invite you to my birthday?
98- you accept your friend's invitation to his party
thank , I'm very pleased
99- your friend suggests going to Alexandria but you are busy
I wish I could but I'm busy
100- you offer your friend some flowers
these flowers are for you
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