مدرس اون لايندخول

100 سؤال على قصة (رحلة الى مركز الارض) Journey to the center of the earth

General Revision ( The Reader )

1- Why did the Professor ask Axel to call to him again ?
2-Why did the professor give a cry of joy ?
3- What was the strange about the light Axel saw?
4- What did Axel see on the shore of the sea?
5- How did the professor know that Axel was six kilometers away from them ?
6- Where was the Lidenbrock Sea ?
7- Who made the raft ? Why ?
8- What happened to Axel when his head hit a sharp rock ?
9- Why did Axel lose his consciousness again ?
10- How did the characters cross and explore the Lidenbrock Sea ?
11- Which characters was the sea named after ?
12- Why did the fish Hans caught seem strange ?
13- Whom did the professor name the island after ?
14- How did Hans try fishing in the sea ?
15- Why did the professor throw the long rope with pickaxe into the sea ?
16- Why didn't the pickaxe touch the bottom of the sea ?
17- What were the sea monsters doing in the sea ?
18- How long did the fight between the two monsters take ?
19- How did the fight between the monsters end ?
20- What was the dark shape they saw?
21- What was the geyser?
22- What did the skull of human they found on the shore show ?
23- What was strange about the forest on the Lidenbrock shore ?
24- When did the characters know that men had lived on the shores thousand of years ago?
25-What was the giant shepherd looking after?
26- Why did Axel know that the animals were mammoths ?
27- What made Axel faint during the storm?
28-What did Axel and Hans use to blow the rock up?
29-Where were the initials "A.S " carved?
30- Why was Axel happy when he saw the initials "A.S "on the rock?
31- Where did Axel find the knife?
32-What did the group lose while going down on water at great speed ?
33-Why didn't Axel remember much about the last explosion?
34- What did the letters A.S mean?
35- What was the knife which Axel found made of ?
36-Why did Axle's fears and doubts disappear?
37- What was the result of the explosion?
38-How did the professor think the were in the middle of an active volcano?
39 – Why was the compass needle moving in all directions?
40-How did the eruption of the volcano help the characters?
41- How did the explorers return to the surface of the Earth?
42- How was the raft during the eruption of the volcano?
43- What did Hans decide to do at the end of the journey?
44- When did the explorers realize that they were in Italy?
45- Which mountain were the explorers thrown out of ?
46- Why was Hans sure that they weren't in Iceland?
47-How were the people in San Vicenzo kind?
48- Why did the people in Hamburg change their minds and believe the story?
49-How did the people in Hamburg meet the professor and Axel?
50- Why were the professor and Axel sorry at the end of the story?
B. Complete the following to make meaningful sentences:-
1- Axle's voice helped the professor to calculate………………………………..…………...
2- When Axel saw the sky, he knew that …………………………………………………..…
3- The light Axel saw was strange as ……………………………………………….…………
4-To cross the Lidenbrock sea , Hans…………………………………………….……………
5- The professor asked Hans to make a raft to…………………………….…………………
6- To make the raft, Hans……………………………………………………………..………
7- The strange sea was named after Lidenbrock but the island was……………….……
8-The trees looked like giant umbrellas but in fact they were……………………..……....
9-Istead of attacking the raft, the sea monsters……………………………………...
10- A shepherd is someone…………………………………………………………………….…
11-What was strange about the fish that Hans caught……………………………….……
12-Mammoths looked like elephants but………………………………………………………
13-The three men were afraid when they saw……………………………………………..
14- When the professor realized that Axel was alive,he…………………………………..
15-Along the sea shore, they found…………………………………………………………….
16- To know the depth of the sea the professor……………………………………………..
17- As soon as the character had exploded the rock…………………………………………
18-Axel found……………… shining in the sand.
19-Axel suggested lowering the sail because………………………………………………….
20- It was clear that the sea was deep as……………………………………………………..
21- Axel and Hans couldn't break the rock so…………………………………………………
22- As the result of the explosion, the sea…………………………………………………….
23-The skull of human proved that …………………………………………………………….
24- As soon as the saw the letters A.S on the rock the know………………………………
25- Because of the explosion, the sea………………………………………………………….
26- the character couldn't continue their journey in the tunnel because…………………
27-The character lost all their food and tools when…………………………………………
28-To guide people who come after him Arne Saknussemm………………………………
29-Axel knew they must have returned to the surface of the Earth when……………...
30-An active volcano helped the characters to……………………………………………….
31-The professor thought they were in the middle of an active volcano because……
32- The compass was crazy as………………………………………………………………….
33- The professor thought that an active volcano was the best thing for them because
34- Although the characters had traveled through an extinct volcano……………………
35- As the raft was going up, it got……………………………………………………………..
36-Professor wanted Hans to stay with them but Hans wanted…………………………..
37-The explorers were happy because they……………………………………………………
38- At the end of the journey, Hans decided to………………………………………………

39- The volcano of Sneffels was…………….but the volcano of Stromboli was…………..
40- The people of San Vicenzo gave the three men………………………………………….
41- Axel fainted during the volcano because………………………………………………….
42- Axle's  last memory of the eruption of the volcano was………………………………..
43-The people in Hamburg believe the story because………………………………………
44- The explorers found out that they were in Italy because…………………………….
45-Axel love Hans because………………………………………………………………………
46- Stromboli was…………………………………………………………………………………
47- The travelers took…………..from France and arrived home in……………………..
48- Hans believed that they weren't in Iceland because……………………………………
49- The professor spoke to the boy in many languages, but………………………………
50- The rise and fall of the sea tides are caused by………………………………………..
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