مدرس اون لايندخول

situationsالمواقف - كيف اتعامل مع سؤال المواقف ؟؟

1- اقرأ الموقف جيدا وافهم المطلوب منك فيه أى :        =   حدد دورك فى الموقف هل انت متكلم أم مخاطب
  = متكلم ( عليك توجيه السؤال أو الإقتراح أو الطلب  , الدعوة   , .. وذلك عندما يبدأ الموقف  بـ You + inf  
= مخاطب ( عليك الرد بـ قبول أو رفض الدعوة , الإقتراح , الرأى ... وذلك اذا بدأ الموقف بـ your ..   أو you are + p.p
2- حدد اللغة المستخدمة فى الموقف ( اقتراح , دعوة , رأى , شكر , نصيحة ... الخ )
3- حدد الغرض من الموقف  .. قبول , رفض , ابداء رأى , تمنى . اعتذار   :  ودائما فى كل موقف تجد كلمة دالة على الغرض منه مثل : invite , agree , don’t agree , accept , meet , introduce , suggest , opinion ..
أسيبكم مع شوية مواقف محلولة
1- You are doing a survey about energy use in your town. You would like to ask someone some questions. Explain the situation.
Hello, I’m doing a survey about energy use in our town. Could I ask you some questions, please?
2- A friend asks for your opinion about modern novels.
In my opinion, modern novels are not as good as the classics.
3-Someone asks you what you were doing at six o'clock yes2. A friend asks you what sort of music you enjoy. I’m a big fan of folk music.
4-A friend asks you why you enjoy sport. Name two reasons.
For two reasons: firstly, it keeps me fit and secondly, I like being with my friends.
5-A foreign friend wants to know how to make tea the Egyptian way. Tell him/her what to do first.
First of all, boil some water, then add it to some tea leaves in a mug.
6- You forgot to thank a friend for a present he/she gave you.
I'm (very) sorry, I forgot to thank you for the present.
7-Your mother was very busy yesterday. You regret not helping her.
I wish I had helped my mother yesterday.
8-A pen friend asks you about the places of interest in Egypt.
You an visit the Pyramids , the Cairo Tower and other interesting places
9-You are asked about the reason for building the Aswan High Dam.
The Aswan High Dam was built to save water/generate electricity
10-You see a boy throwing litter in the street.
You shouldn't do this. You should put litter in litter bin .
+   و دلوقتى درب نفسك على شوية المواقف دى .
Respond to each of the following situations:
1-Your teacher asks you how you can save energy at home.
2- Your sister asks you your opinion about the importance of e-books.
3- A person is using his mobile while crossing the highway. Warn him.
4- Your brother is preparing to leave for the airport. Offer to give him a hand.
5- A friend suggests that swimming is a good way to keep fit. State another way.
6-You apologize to your teacher for not doing the homework, giving a good reason.
7-Your brother feels bored. Give him some advice.
8-You are visiting a friend in hospital. What do you say to him/her?
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Mr Gamal
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