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نموذج امتحان انجليزى 3 ثانوى تحدى مجمع من امتحانات الوزارة و مصادر أخرى .. يا ترى هنجيب كام من 5o

نموذج امتحان انجليزى 3 ثانوى تحدى مجمع من امتحانات الوزارة و مصادر أخرى .. يا ترى هنجيب كام من  5o
General Secondary Education Certificate Model Exam
ملاحظات هامة : أسئلة الإختيار من متعدد لا تقبل سوى اجابة واحدة أى لا يوجد بها حل أخر و إلا يعتبر الحلان خطأ  , سؤال المواقف يقبل عدة حلول مناسبة )
A-Language Functions ( 8 marks )
1-Respond to each of the following situations: ( 4 marks , one mark each)
1- A friend asks you why you enjoy sport. Give one reason.
2- Someone says the computer has changed our lives . You have the same opinion.
3- You see a policeman talking to a driver who hasn't got a license. Deduce what will happen.
1. Someone asks if you had a good stay in Luxor. You enjoyed the time there.
2] Mention the place, the speakers and the language function in each of the following two mini-dialogues: (4 marks, ½ a mark each )

(1) A) Have you sterilized the instruments yet?
     B) Yes, sir.
A) You can put the antiseptic now.

2-A: He didn't commit the crime.
So, I demand to set  my client free.
B: The sentence will be declared after consolation.

B-Vocabulary & Structure ( 14 marks )
( يفضل عند الإجابة كتابة رقم الجزئية و بجوارها حرف الإختيار و الكلمة  : مثال  1- ( b ) debate        
3-Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d ( 8 marks , ½ a mark each )
1- We always ………my birthday by going out to dinner.
a)make b)celebrate c)hold d)mark
2- She spent many years fighting for women's……….
a)votes b)opinions c)rights d)protests
3- We don't know what ………..the machine to fail.
a)absorbed b)caused c)occurred d)knocked
4- Two men have been accused of ……….a parliament member,
a)blackmailing   b)appearing c)committing d)knocking
5- An eclipse of the sun is a strange natural………..
a)gift b)phenomenon c)blessing d)award
6- I'll go to bed as soon as I ……….my homework.
a)do b)will c)did d)had done
7- Dr. Ahmed is a famous surgeon. He ………clever.
a)can't be b)had to be c)must be d)has to be.
8- You can drive my car ………….you are extremely careful.
a)if b)unless c)so that d)but
9- ………..intelligent he is, he got low marks.
a)Although b)However c)Despite d)As
10- Hesham has been living in Tanta ……..he left his village.
a)since b)for c)ago d)when
11- Our flight reaches its ................................ at 7 pm.
d) destination c) goals b) aims a) delegations
12- Speed .…………..stop drivers from going so fast.
d) jumps c) clumps b) bumps a) stunts
13 - I’d rather you ………………..this car. It’s a bargain.
d) buy c) to buy b) bought a) will buy
14- Ali wasn't badly injured in the accident, but his ……. took longer than we thought.
d) recuperation c) realization b) reclamation a)recommendation
15- He got some……………for his burnt house.
d) damages c) damage b) fees a) pays
16- He denied ………………………. at the scene of the crime
d) to be c) had been b) was a) being

( يفضل عند الإجابة كتابة رقم الجزئية و بجوارها الكلمة الخطأ –  الكلمة  الصحيحة أو إعادة كتابة الجملة مع وضع خط تحت التصحيح _, وفى بعض جمل القواعد يجوز وضع حلين  : مثال :
1- Unless  his  help , I couldn't have passed the test .
وتكون الإجابة كالتالى  1- Unless   --  But for   or  Without  
أو  1-  But for   /   Without his help , I couldn't have passed the test .
4] Find the mistake in each of the following sentences, then write it correctly: (6 marks , one mark each )
 1. They celebrated their twentieth wedding universally yesterday.
3. Athletics were my father's favourite sport
5. There was a thunder storm and lighting struck some trees.
6. The streets were eliminated with coloured lights.
4- How many luggage have you got?
5- When I switched on the TV, I realized that the match already started.
C- Reading (8 marks )
5] Read the passage then answer the questions: ( 4 marks )
Today, many people use natural ways to cure illnesses that don’t cause side effects. “Acupuncture” and “biofeedback” are two popular methods. Doctors have been using acupuncture in China for over two thousand years. It involves pushing needles into the skin at special points around the body. Ancient Chinese philosophers believed that they were connected to different organs and could cure diseases. Today,“acupuncture” is used in many countries, and studies show that it works especially for headaches, backaches and smoking. Since the 1950s, doctors in China have also been using acupuncture in major operations. Patients are awake and know what is happening in the operation but they feel little or no pain. Scientists think that the needles make the body produce a chemical called “endorphin” that helps to reduce the feeling of pain. Another natural way to cure illnesses is “biofeedback”. It uses technology to help people control their internal organs. For example, if a person has problems with sleeping, he/she is connected to a special computer that shows the activity of the brain. The person then is asked to do some mental exercises to relax. When the brain activity falls and the person is relaxed, the computer makes a noise. Slowly, the person learns what type of mental exercises can help him/her to reduce the activity of the brain.
Acupuncture  الوخز بالإبر   biofeedback الارتجاع البيولوجي
A) Answer the following questions: ( one mark each )
1- Why do many people prefer acupuncture and biofeedback to cure diseases?
2- Why do doctors use acupuncture in operations?
3- What does the underlined pronoun “they” refer to?
B) Choose the correct answer: (½ a mark each )
4-Endorphin………………….the feeling of pain.
a) increases b) grows c) decreases d) expands
5-A person who has problems with sleeping is connected to a special computer to……   a) do written exercises b) show the activity of the brain
c) try to relax d) do mental exercises
6- Read the passage then answer the questions: ( 4 marks )
People have been wearing clothes for thousands of years , but we are not absolutely certain why prehistoric man first did so. There must have been various reasons. Clothing was needed for protection from the weather and perhaps from injury while hunting. A less practical reason was for decoration. An early myth suggests that people first covered their bodies for reasons of modesty. Today, experts say that clothing is a kind of language. We often put on clothes and accessories to show what kind of people we are. From what people wear we can often tell their age, whether they are male or female, where they come from, their religious beliefs, whether they are married, what their jobs are, what sports they do, and how rich or powerful they are.
A)Give short answers to the following questions: ( one mark each )
1- What were the different reasons for the early man to wear clothes?
2- Is it possible to judge people by what they are wearing?
3- How do experts consider clothes today?
B) Choose the correct answer: (½ a mark each )
1-The word "absolutely" means………….
a)probably b)doubtfully c)fairly d)completely
2-The reasons why people need clothes today are ………those in the past.
a)the same as  b)different from c)typical of d)identical to

D-The Novel ( 9 marks )
7-A-Answer the following questions: (  4 marks , one mark each )
3-Why did Rassendyll send Johann back to the castle?
2-What made Rupert ride away instead of fighting Rassendyll?
3) How did Rudolf Rassendyll escape when Michael's men were about to trap him?
4) Why didn't Colonel Sapt want Rudolf Rassendyll to go to the summer house?
B. Read the following quotation and then answer the questions: ( 3 marks )
“The Duke doesn't want you to die, not yet anyway. Sleep well.”
a. Who said this to whom?
b. Where was this said?
c. What was the addressed person doing there?
C. Find the mistake in each sentence and correct it: . (2 marks)
1- Max Holf didn't see Rassendyll near the pipe because he was busy.
1-The rich people who had always lived well would support the Duke.

D- Writing ( 6 Marks )
8] Write a paragraph of about 100 words about:
" The advantages and disadvantages of the internet."
 )  و يتم تقييم البراجراف على النحو التالى : درجتان لحسن تنظيم الموضوع وتطور الأفكار  , و درجتان لمدى ملائمة ما هو مكتوب للموضوع  , ودرجتان لحسن اختيار  الكلمات وسلامتها الهجائية  وسلامة  الجمل على مستوى القواعد و التكوين  )
E- Translation ( 5 Marks )
9] A) Translation into Arabic : ( 3 marks )
Terrorism is mainly caused by unemployment and frustration. Young people, who have no jobs resort to terrorism, join terrorist bands to get money to spend. Terrorism has very much to do with deterioration and destroying economic conditions.
B) Translation into English : ( one mark each )
1- من الضروري أن نرشد استخدام الطاقة في المنازل و أماكن العمل.
2- ان تحرير المرأة لا يعنى رفض التقاليد و اتباع الموضة بل يعنى الالتزام بالمبادىء و القيم -الانسانية.

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