مدرس اون لايندخول

مستوي رفيع ازهر2015

(1) A Symphony in Concrete
1) Why is the Sydney Opera House called a Symphony in Concrete?      لماذا سميت دار أوبرا سيدني سيمفونية في خرسانة؟
Because it has no like in harmonious planning and construction. It is like a musical composition in material form. It is a building of outstanding beauty.
2) why is the site chosen for building the S.O.H. said to be dramatic?   لماذا يقال أن الموقع المختار لدار أوبرا سيدني موقع مثير؟
The site chosen is like a finger of land pointing into the heart of Sydney Harbour, It stands against towering skyscrapers.
3) What was the hidden reason for building the S.O.H.? ما هو سبب بناء دار أوبرا سيدني؟                          
Leading Sydney citizens often complained that Sydney lacked a modern center for arts unlike America and other much small cities in Europe.
4) Who was the designer? what was he famous for?من هو المصمم؟ و بما يشتهر؟      
John Utzon was the designer. He was famous for his abilities as a designer of original buildings.
5) How did John Utzon get the idea for the design of the S.O.H.?                 من أين أتي جون أوتزون بفكرة تصميم الاوبرا؟
From the castle of Eisinore where he laid in his Childhood He was also interested in the architecture of the ancient Mayan Temples in Mexico.
6) Do you think the S.O.H. is worth the money spent on its building ?    هل تعتقد أن دار أوبرا سيدني تستحق ما أنفق علي بنائها؟
I think it is because it is Australia's biggest tourist attraction; because it has no like in harmonious planning and construction.
(2) Food For
1) what is the staple food of most of the world population and what are the agriculturists trying to do ? ما هو الطعام الرئيسي لمعظم سكان العالم و ماذا يحاول خبراء الزراعة أن يفعلوا؟
Rice is the staple food of most of the world population. agriculturists are trying developing it and finding new high yield type of rice.
2) What are the problems facing the agriculturists to produce high yield types office?ما هي المشكلات التي تواجه خبراء الزراعة لإنتاج أنواع أكثر إنتاجية؟              
The seeds of those high-yield types are expensive and framers can't afford buying them. It needs the right amount of water at the right time of year.
3) What has happened as a result of the world food crisis?ماذا حدث كنتيجة لمشكلة الغذاء في العالم؟
1) Millions of people have starved to death.
2) Many more live miserable lives because they don't get enough food or the right kinds of food.
4) What must the government do to solve the world food problems?  ما الذي يجب علي الحكومات عمله لحل مشكلة الغذاء العالمية؟
a) Governments must get together and work out ways of dealing with the food crisis decreasing consumption of food.   b) There should be a growing use of Soya beans meat.   c) Modern industrial techniques Should turn vegetable protein into meat.  d) Individuals can also help by eating meatless meals.
5) Can the Soya beans take the place of meat? What is the problem with them?
هل يمكن لفول الصويا أن يحل محل اللحوم؟ و ما هي المشكلة في ذلك؟
Soya beans have much higher protein content than any crops and food technologists have now found ways of making them feel and taste like meat. But on the other hand the process of making Soya beans tasty is expensive and many people don't like them.
(3) Alfred Nobel
1) Talk about Alfred Nobel's early life!تحدث عن حياة لفريد نوبل المبكرة.        
Alfred Nobel was born in Stockholm on October 21, 1833 but moved to Russia with His parents in 1842. His father invented landmine and made a lot of money, but went bankrupt soon after. in 1863, Alfred began his own study of explosives in his father's lab. He had never been to school or university but he had studied privately, and by the time he was twenty, he was a skilful, an excellent linguist, speaking several languages. .
2) In what way was Nobel like his father? كيف يشبه الفريد نوبل والده؟              
Like his father. A.N was imaginative and inventive.
3) In what way was A.N a man of contrast?كيف كان الفريد نوبل رجل التناقضات؟        
a) He was the son of a bankrupt but he became a millionaire.  b) He was a scientist who loved literature.
c) He made a fortune but be led a simple life.  d) He was lover of man kind , but he never had a wife or a family to love him.
e) He invented a new explosive, dynamite, to be used in peaceful purposes, but he saw it used as a weapon for war.
4) What was A.M. 's main concern In life?                                   ما هو الاهتمام الرئيسي لألفريد نوبل؟
He was always searching for a meaning to life, and from his youth, he had taken serious interest in literature and philosophy. His greatest wish was to see an end to wars and realize peace among nations.
5) Show that A.M. was a successful business-man!                              وضح كيف كان الفريد نوبل رجل أعمال ناجح؟
He was quick to see industrial openings for his scientific inventions and built up over 80 companies in 20 different countries. His greatness lay in his outstanding ability to combine the qualities of an original scientist with those of a forward. looking industrialist.
(4)   Computers Concern you
1) Every thing we do in modern life is controlled by computers Explain!
كل ما نقوم به في الحياة الحديثة يتحكم فيه الكمبيوتر.  وضح ذلك
Computers can pay wages, reserve seals on planes, control machines in factories, work-, out tomorrow's weather and even play chess, write poetry or compose music. They can also keep records in banks, they record all tile details in cash or cheaques paid into or drawn out of the customer's accounts.
2) Computers can help hospitals work Explain!يمكن للكمبيوتر أن يساعد في عمل المستشفيات.اشرح                                
It can make patients appointments, keep their records and get information about them very quickly.
3) Computers are our servants not our masters, Discuss.الكمبيوتر خادم لنا و ليس مسيطر علينا. ناقش                        
There is no doubt that computers are our servants and not our masters Computers do work extremely fast and may seem very clever to us . but in fact, they can only do what they are told .Human beings are needed to program computers and computers are only as good as the program fed into them. Besides, human beings can live without computers, whereas computers can't.
4) How can computers catch criminals ?                                  كيف يمكن للكمبيوتر أن يساهم في القبض علي المجرمين؟
Computers can keep records of finger prints and information about people's appearance. It's now possible to work out codes for visual details and to link computer with a video-tape recorder, so we will be able to sort out the right ones and see photographs of suspects flashed across the screen. Computers are also useful to scholars and libraries to find books or articles they need.
5) Give three reasons why computers are being used?                                         اذكر ثلاث أسباب لاستخدام الكمبيوتر؟
a) They are far more efficient than human beings.
b) They have far much better memories and can store huge amounts of information.
c) They can do calculations in a fraction of time taken by a human mathematician.
(5) Relax  and Live
1) What is commonly believed about businessmen?                               ما الذي يعتقد عموما في رجال الأعمال؟
It is commonly believed that only businessmen suffer from stress.
2) How can stress be a friend and how can it be an enemy?                         كيف يكون التوتر صديقا و عدوا لنا؟
As a friend, it can warn, you that you are under too -much pressure and should change your way of life. As an enemy, it can kill you if you don't notice the warning signals.
3) What serious results may stress cause?ما هي الآثار التي تنتج عن التوتر؟          
Stress may cause car accidents, hear attacks, alcoholism and may even ill drive people to suicide.
4) How do we know that we are suffering from stress?                      كيف نعرف أننا نعاني من التوتر؟
When we are unable to relax, when we take work home, when we can't enjoy an evening with friends, when we haven't time for outdoor exercise, then we know that we are suffering from stress.
5) How can we get over stress? كيف يمكنا التغلب علي التوتر؟                          
We can get over stress by joining a relation class, or taking up any hobby like painting or gardening.
6) -Which parts of body are mostly affected by stress?                          ما هي أعضاء الجسم التي تتأثر بالتوتر؟
The stomach, heart, skin, head and back are mostly affected by stress.
7) Explain briefly ... How stress is caused!اذكر باختصار كيف يحدث التوتر؟    
Our living and working conditions may put us under stress. Overcrowding in large cities, traffic jams, competition for jobs, un-certainty about the future and any big change in our lives may cause stress.
(6)  Earthquakes   Shatters  Aghadir
1) What can we learn from Aghadir?ماذا يمكنا التعلم من أغادير؟            
We can learn a lot from Aghadir. Scientists Should invent instruments that know where an earthquake will take place and to know how destructive it will be in order to save the lives of many people and to stop the serious damages done by earthquakes.
2) Why was it impossible to warn the people of Aghadir before the earthquake struck?لماذا كان مستحيل تحذير الناس من زلزال أغادير قبل حدوثه؟                                      
The shock at Aghadir was too -small to show on a seismo-graph in time to warm the people of Aghadir. Besides. The earthquake occurred very close to the surface.  
3) What types of buildings can resist earthquakes?                           ما نوع المباني التي تقاوم الزلازل؟
Buildings that can resist earthquakes should either be very solid (reinforced concrete ) or elastic ( wood or woven branch
4) Why were most of Aghadir buildings ruined? لماذا دمرت معظم مباني أغادير؟                                      
Most buildings in Aghadir were with earth walls. The roofs were supported by heavy beams which killed many as they fell. The European style buildings had not been designed for an earthquake area.
5)   What happened when the earthquake shattered Aghadir?                    ماذا حدث عندما ضرب الزلزال أغادير؟  
a) Thousands were killed or injured. Many people were trapped in the ruins.
b) 90% of the buildings collapsed easily; especially that most people in Aghadir lived in house with earth walls.
c) The police and the army have suffered very heavy losses.
d) Tile telephone communications were wrecked.
e) The city's fire engines have been destroyed.

(7)  The   Population Explosion
1) where is population rapidly increasing?  أين تزيد النسبة السكانية بسرعة؟  
............ in the developing countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America.
2) What has caused the population explosion? ما الذي سبب الانفجار السكاني؟
It is not so much a rise birth rates as much as a fall in death rates due to the improvement in public health services and medical care.
3) What is the best solution to the problem of over population?                ما هو انسب حل لمشكلة الزيادة السكانية؟
To improve their conditions, they should follow die:
a) birth control . b) accept family planning.
4) Mention some of the problems that the rapid increase in population created in developing countries. اذكر بعض المشاكل التي تواجه الدول النامية بخصوص الزيادة السكانية؟        
Developing countries face desperate struggle to raise the standard of living for:
1) There is a shortage of food. 2) There is also shortage of schools, medicine, Hospitals and houses.
3) Unemployment which leads to further poverty.
5) Why do people wish to have a lot of children in developing countries?
لماذا يفضل الكثير من الناس أطفال كثيرة في الدول النامية؟
1) To help them with their work while they are still young.  2) To provide them with security in their old age.
3) A large family is looked upon as a from of insurance.
6) Why is over-population a serious problem? لماذا تعد المشكلة السكانية مشكلة خطيرة؟
Over population creates problems not only for developing countries but also for whole world for:
1-Raw materials are being used up at an increasing rate.
2- Food production cannot keep up with the population increase.
3-People in the rich countries consume (exhaust) the worlds resources (its food fuel and land) and cause much pollution.
Spot lights on Islam
(1) Mohammad a true prophet
1) What are the two attacks against Islam?ما هما الهجوميين ضد الإسلام؟      
1 - MOHAMMAD is not a true prophet.  2- The Qura'an was not revealed to him but was of his own making.
2) How do you prove that Mohammed to a true prophet through Ms personal conduct? كيف تثبت أم محمد نبي حقيقي من خلال سلوكه؟                          
Mohammad was known for his honesty, truthfulness and integrity of character during his infancy and youth his behavior was unspotted that he was called AL AMIN it's unimaginable that a person who was so Honest & truthful would under go a sudden change and start to deceive his people & tell a lie.
3) How did his enemies acknowledge his unblemished? كيف اقر الأعداء بشخصية الرسول التي ليس بها شائبة؟            
Abu Sufian, one of prophet's great opponents in Mecca acknowledged to Heraclius that MOHAMMAD was known for being truthful that he had never tell a lie.
4) Prove that MOHAMMED was a true prophet through his response to the cruelty of the pagans of MECCA?
اثبت أن محمد كان رسول حقيقي من خلال رده علي قسوة كفار مكة.                                                                                                
The prophet & the early MUSLIMS suffered great hardship as follows: 1- The pagans slandered and mocked the Muslims. 2- The pagans attacked individual MUSLIMS and tried to humiliate them wherever they went.
3- They resorted to complete boycott so the MUSLIMS were besieged in their quarter at MECCA and no one at all was allowed to deal with them no buying from them, no selling to them, no social relations of any kind. All that failed to dissuade the prophet from spreading his message. He endured all those hardships with a firm belief in the final victory he was promised by ALLAH.
5) What happened during the boycott? What did the prophet decide? ماذا حدث أثناء المقاطعة؟ ماذا قرر الرسول؟                
During the boycott the prophet ,s uncle and great protector Abu Taleb died short time afterwards Sayeda Khadijah the prophet's wife died too so the prophet was sad and defenseless after the loss of these staunch supporters in such a difficult time but he never weaken or yield so he decided to visit Thakif.
6) MOHMMAD's journey to THAKIF is a sound proof of his truthfulness ... How?
كانت رحلة محمد إلي تثقيف دليل واضح علي صدقه. كيف ذلك؟
Prophet MOHAMMAD decided visiting Thakif and informed its chiefs of his message they mocked him and encouraged. Their children and riffraff to throw stones at him the prophet had to go back all the way to MECCA, 80 k.m., on foot and exhausted, but he never yield because he was no impostor and he was delivering a true message to his people.
7) How did the prophet arouse the fighting spirit in the MUSLIMS in the battle of HUNAIN?
كيف أثار الرسول روح القتال بين المسلمين في معركة حنين؟                                                                                
The prophet rushed forward until he faced the enemy and shouted "ALLAHU AKBAR" and said "I am the prophet no lie! I am the son of Abdul Muttlib"
8) Why did the CHRISTIANS condemn MOHAMMAD?  لماذا أدان المسيحيون محمد؟                          
They condemned him because they doubted his earnestness of searching after truth and GOD.
9) Why did the chiefs of MECCA go to ABU TALEB?  لماذا ذهب زعماء مكة إلي أبو طالب؟                    
The chiefs of MECCA went to Aba Taleb and wanted to dissuade the prophet from his cause.
10) How did the prophet face temptation? كيف واجه الرسول الإغراءات؟                                
They offered to make the prophet in the richest of them all by offering him a lot of money or crowning him as their king if he was looking for honour & fame.
11) What did the chief of MECCA tell Abou Taleb about the prophet? ماذا ابلغ زعماء مكة أبو طالب عن النبي محمد؟        
They told ABU TALEB that they didn't want to hurt the prophet because of his protection and asked ABU TALEB to withdraw his prophet and allow then to deal freely with him.
12) What did ABU TALEB say?  ماذا قال أبو طالب؟                                
He promised to inform the prophet of their offer but he refused to withdraw his protection if the prophet didn't accept their offer.
1 3) What was the prophet's answer? ماذا كان رد النبي محمد؟                      
A flat refusal ... He said to his uncle without any hesitation "By ALLAH, O uncle even if they put the sun in my right hand and the moon in left I will never renounce this claim I will fight for it until it's fully acknowledged or until die".
1) What did the disbelievers say about say about the HOLY QURA'AN? ماذا قال الكفار عن القرآن؟                  
They said that the Qura'an wasn't revealed to the prophet but was of his own making.
2) How can we prove that the Qura'an is not of own making? كيف نثبت أن القرآن ليس من تأليف محمد؟                    
The prophet lived in an illiterate community, he himself was illiterate so how he could write such a perfect book as the Qura'an.
3-How do they judge the perfection of the Holy Qura'an ? كيف حكموا علي كمال القرآن؟                      
They judge its perfection in several ways; first, from the point of view of style, then that the Qura'an includes certain prophecies all of which came true. In addition, the Qura'an relates the history of the past nations and previous prophets. Finally the Qura'an mention certain facts which were quite unknown at the time of prophet Mohammad.
4) What did the most arrogant disbelievers AL-WALEED IBN MOGHERAH say about the QURA'AN?
ماذا قال الوليد بن المغيرة عن القرآن و هو احد الكفار المتغطرسين؟                                                                                    
He said when he heard the prophet quoting some verses of the Qura'an. (By GOD: I heard Mohammad Saying such words are neither the words of humans nor of jinns By God its so sweet and so beautiful).
5) What prophecies does the Qura'an include? ما هي النبوءات التي جاءت في القرآن؟                      
The first and the most important prophecy is that prophet MOHAMMAD would succeed ill making Islam supreme; this comes several times in the Qura'an, The second is that the Roman will soon be victorious after their defeat then the victory promised by the Qura'an did materialize in the battle of issus in Ac year 622 the year of HIJRA when Heraclius carried the campaign into the heart of Persia.
6) What does the Qura'an relate? ما يقص علينا القرآن؟                          
The Qura'an relates the history of past nation and previous prophet; accurately and in details that it canned be imagined that prophet MOHAMMAD who was illiterate and lived in an illiterate community could have been the author and this is another proof that, the Qura'an wasn't written by prophet MOHAMMAD.
7) Why do we have night and day? لماذا يوجد الليل و النهار؟                
There are two reasons the first: the earth is round and, the second: It turns round its axis in front of the Sun.
8) The Qura'an mention some scientific facts which were quite unknown at time of prophet MOHAMMAD. (Comment) ذكر القران الكريم بعض الحقائق العلمية التي لم تكن معروفة في عصر النبي محمد. وضح ذلك؟              
"He coils the night upon the day and coils the day upon the night" . The Qura'an verse describes that process in; an accurate way which wasn't unknown at the of MOHAMMAD .  O ye assembly of jinn and men, if it be yea can pass beyond the zones of the heavens and the earth pass, ye not without power shall ye be able to penetrate. The power mentioned in this verse can be interpreted as the power of science. It's clear that the Qura'an states the possibility of penetrating through space.
9) What did Mawrice Bucaille say about the Qura'an?  ماذا قال موريس بيكيلي عن القرآن؟              
He said that Qura'an didn't contain a single statement that was assailable from a modern point of view.
(3) More light on the message of Islam
1) What are the four main parts of the message of Islam? ما هي الأربعة أجزاء الرئيسية لرسالة الإسلام؟                  
1) The belief of a Muslim.  2) The way he worships Allah. 3) His personal behavior. 4) His dealings with others.            
2) What should a Muslim believe? ما الذي يجب أن يؤمن به المسلم؟                        
A Muslim should believe in Allah the Almighty who sent the apostles to direct the people onto the right path.
- that prophet Mohammad is the last of these apostles, in the holy books revealed by Allah to His apostles and the last of these Holy books is the Qura'an. -in the angels of Allah. - in the day of Judgement.
3) How dose a Muslim worship Allah?  كيف يعبد المسلم ربه؟                            
By practical these practical devotions: 1-By performing the daily prayers. By giving the zakat to the needy.
By fasting Ramadan. By making pilgrimage to Mecca al least once in the time
5) What benefit is derived from daily prayers?  ما هي فوائد الصلاة؟                                
They purify the heart of the Muslim and develop his conscience. Prayer refrains from that which that is evil and wrong.
6) What do you know about Zakat?   ماذا تعرف عن الزكاة؟                                            
The word Zakat means purification. It isn't a kind of tax but a kind of charity which help those in need. It's a certain percentage of a rich man's income which to be paid to the needy. It purifies his earning and promotes a feeling of love in the Muslim community.
7) Why is Islam called the natural religion?  لماذا يسمي الإسلام دين الفطرة؟                                        
Because it's a simple natural religion that the mind can easily accept.
8) What is the aim behind fasting?   ما هو الهدف من الصيام؟                                                          
Fasting during the month of Ramadan teaches us to be patient and unselfish. We feel the deprivation of the poor and toy to lend them a helping hand.
9) What is pilgrimage? What is the aim of pilgrimage? ما هو الحج؟ و ما الهدف منه؟                          
Pilgrimage is supposed to be at least once in a life time to Mecca. It's a unique gathering of the Muslim in one place to know one another and to discuss the problems that face Islamic umm at or nation. If Muslim goes on pilgrimage true homage and obedience to God his pilgrimage will be valid &accept if he goes for the sake of showing off and a certain world' gain it will be considered invalid.
10) How should Muslim behave?  كيف يجب أن يتصرف المسلم؟                                          
a Muslim should carry out all the acts of practical devotion with sincerity and with a feeling that he is in God presence and that God Almighty knows his real intention.
11) What is main aim of the prophet's message?  ما هو الهدف الرئيسي من رسالة الرسول؟                  
the aim of the prophet's message is to direct man people to wards good moral behavior. This is mentioned in the Qura'an verse "you have an exalted standard of character"
1 2) What are the moral evils fought by Islam?  ما هي الشرور التي حاربها الإسلام؟                          
Hypocrisy and telling lies. Hypocrisy are people who meet you with face and meet others with another.
13) What are the qualities a good Muslim should have?   ما هي الصفات التي يجب أن يتحلي بها المسلم؟                    
A good Muslim should be :1) Sincere and truthful. 2) Kind hearted and helpful to the needy. 3) Brave in defending his cause.  4) Kind to his parents &relatives.
14) What do you know about "SEIATUL RAHIM" or carrying for relatives? ماذا تعرف عن صلة الرحم؟      
It is considered one of the virtues a good Muslim should have.'
1 .What does Islam care for?  بماذا يهتم الإسلام؟                                
Islam cares for both spiritual and physical life.
2. Why does Islam deal with both spiritual and physical life? كيف يتعامل الإسلام مع الحياة الروحية و المادية؟    
Islam deals with both spiritual and, physical life because the healthy interaction of the Muslim with the rest of society is very important.
3- What should a Muslim do to support himself?  ماذا يجب علي المسلم أن يفعل ليعول نفسه؟                                
Muslim should work to support himself.
4-What do we call the laws governing the Muslim's treatment of other?ماذا تسمي القوانين التي تحكم تعاملات المسلم مع الآخرين؟  Islamic Jurisprudence
5-Why is the family given great importance by the Islam? لماذا أعطيت الأسرة اهتماما كبيرا للأسرة؟                
The family is given great importance by Islam because it is the cell out of which the community is formed.
6- Why is marriage encouraged? لماذا يشجع الإسلام الزواج؟                                            
Marriage is encouraged because it is a moral safe guard and a social necessity.
7-How are husband and wife asked to treat each other?  كيف يطلب من الزوجين أن يعملان بعضهما البعض؟              
Husband and wife are asked to treat each   other with kindness respect and love.
8- What their joint responsibility?  ما هي المسئولية المشتركة بين الزوجين؟                            
The family is their joint responsibility.
9- How does a Muslim treat his relatives?  كيف يعامل المسلم أقاربه؟                              
A Muslim is extend to love, help and care for his relatives.
10- What happens if a marriage is not successful? ماذا يحدث لو الزواج كان غير ناجحا؟                      
In this case divorce is permitted but not until every possible means of reconciliation is attempted.
11- Who is the owner of everything on earth?  من هو مالك كل شيء علي الأرض؟      ALLAH
12- How should a Muslim administer the wealth given to by ALLAH?  كيف يجب أن يتصرف المسلم في الثروة التي وهبها الله له؟
He should administer It according to Allah's regulations.
13- How should the Muslim's dealings be carried out?  كيف يجب أن تتم المعاملات في الإسلام؟                          
The Muslim's dealings should be carried out with honesty and without any deception.
14 -What about contracts?  ماذا عن العقود؟    - Contracts should be clearly written and witnessed.
15- What   is   the   mutual   responsibility   between   the individual and the community? ما هي المسئولية المشتركة بين الفرد و المجتمع؟
The Muslim cares for the welfare of the members of the community The prophet said" none of you Is a true believer in Islam until he wishes for his fellow man what he wishes for himself..
16- What is the community responsible for?  ما هي مسئولية المجتمع؟                                        
- The community is responsible for the welfare of its members, it should preside them with justice equal treatment regardless of color .origin or tongue.
17. Islamic rules were the forerunner of the modern social insurance system. Give an example. إن القوانين الإسلامية كانت سباقة في نظام التأمينات الاجتماعية الحديثة. أعطي مثال لذلك؟
Omar Ibn EL Khatab, the second caliph was once walking in Medina when he saw an old Jew begging for money. He gave his orders that the Islamic exchequer should give the old Jew a monthly pension.
1) IS Islam against discrimination apartheid? Why? الإسلام ضد التمييز العنصري؟ لماذا؟                      
Islam is against discrimination of any sort because discrimination is back word uncivilized behavior.
2) Mention the Hadith which illustrates that Islam is against discrimination? اذكر الحديث الذي يوضح أن الإسلام ضد أي نوع من التمييز؟
People are as equal as the teeth of a comb.
3) Why did the governor's son slap his opponent's face?   لما صفع ابن حاكم مصر خصمه علي وجهه؟    
He slapped his opponent's face bscause his opponent won the race.
4) What was Omar Ibn El Khatab known for?   بماذا عرف عمر بن الخطاب؟              
He was known for his firmness and justice.
5) What should a Muslim do to become a true believer? ماذا يجب علي المسلم أن يفعل ليكون مسلم حقيقي؟      
A true believer should practice truth, dignity. Modest self-control and altruism.
6) Why did Abi Bakr buy Bilal?  لماذا اشتري أبي بكر بلال؟   Abi Bakr bought Bilal to set him free
7) What's altruism? ما هو الإيثار؟      Altruism is to love others as you love yourself.
8) Are we in need of altruism in our present era? Why?   هل نحن في حاجة للإيثار في عصرنا الحالي؟      
We are In need of altruism in our present era because materialism has spread, for .and wide.
9) The writer says "materialism has spread for and wide" What does he mean? ماذا يقصد الكاتب بقوله انتشرت المادية؟  
Every person is occupied in collecting money for himself regardless of others.
10) What does a true Muslim believe?  بماذا يجب أن يؤمن المسلم الحقيقي؟                        
A true Muslim believes in the reward hereafter in our eternal life death.
11) Why is the true Muslim ready to sacrifice his life?   لماذا نجد المسلم الحق جاهز للتضحية بحياته؟    
Because his life on earth is limited but his life after death is eternal.
12) Why do Muslims lead a happy life?  لماذا يحيي المسلمون حية سعيدة؟
Muslims lead a happy life because they keep to the rules of Islam

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