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60 امتحان لغة انجليزية ثالثة ثانوى 2015

60 امتحان لغة انجليزية ثالثة ثانوى 2015
Model  exam 1
A – Language Functions (8 Marks)
1- Respond to each of the following situations: (4 Marks)
1- Someone stops an old man and steals his mobile by force .
2- Your close friend was martyred in the 25th January Revolution .
3- You recommend a story to your friend and say the reason
4- You persuade your friend to apply for a job, giving a good reason.
2- Say where each of the following two mini – dialogues take place, and who the speakers are: :  
1 -A: Open this suitcase, please.   Have you anything to declare?                
   B: No, sir.
  A: Very well, you may go through
P:…………………….…. SPA:………………………….. SPB:………………..…………. F:…………………….……………..
2- A- Excuse me. W hat are you doing here?              
B- I came to this square to demonstrate.
A- For What?                                                              
B- For more freedom.
P:…………………….…. SPA:………………………….. SPB:………………..…………. F:…………………….……………..
B- Vocabulary and structure ( 14 marks )
3- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d : (8 marks )
1- The car stopped because there was a ------------- in the petrol tank
a  tap                             b- launch                        c-fuel                                   d- leak
2- --------------------is a ceremony in which someone officially becomes a queen or a king.
a) Corporation                b) Coronation                 c) coordination                   d) cooperation
3- Pupils don't have to pay for their books. The school -------------- them
a) pays                            b) takes                            c) provides                          d) affords
4- That tower is one of the town's most famous -------------------.
a) marks                         b) landmarks                               c) products                d) events
5- Lightning is a dangerous but a natural ……………………………
( a ) view                       ( b ) response                            ( c ) eclipse                    ( d ) phenomenon
6-Wanting friends is part of human ……………………..
( a ) nature                   ( b ) conflict                                ( c ) will                            ( d ) tradition
7-It is hard to walk in space because there is no …………………
( a ) gravity                  ( b ) waiting                                ( c ) spin                            ( d ) air
8- Wind and water power are types of ………………………… energy.
( a ) new                     ( b ) waste                          ( c ) renewable                           ( d ) expensive
9- My sister ………. at university for three years. She comes home every weekend.
( a ) is                         ( b ) has been                     ( c ) is being                                ( d ) had been
10-She asked me whether ………………… there before.
( a ) I had been          ( b ) I went                              ( c ) I go                                    ( d ) had I been
11-We arrived half an hour late. The film ………….... half an hour earlier.
( a ) began                  ( b ) was beginning                 ( c ) had begun                       ( d ) has begun
12- She promised She …………………. me as soon as the plane landed.
( a ) will phone             ( b ) is going to phone             ( c ) would phone                   ( d ) phones
13. I don’t think they made this mistake ,…………?
a- did they                   b- didn’t they                            c- do I                                   d- don’t I
14-………….. do their best to prevail world peace.
a- Astrologers               b- Diplomats                          c- Archaeologists                    d- Astronomers
15- ……………. got his degree, he worked as an engineer.
a- After                       b- Having                    c- Before                         d- No sooner
16- ............................he studied hard , he would have succeeded .
a- unless                     b- if                             c-   were                                d- Had

4- Find the mistake in each of the following sentences then write it correctly : (6 marks )
1- You needn’t smoke in the hospital
2- During a second world war, Golding was a sailor in the British navy.
3-My plane is leaving Cairo today at 10 pm.
4-Doctors and nurses belong to medical confession.
5-We have to show our credit cards before entering the university.
6: Ra'fat El-Haggan and Goma'a El-Shawwan were very famous Egyptian kings.
C – Reading ( 17 Marks )
5- Read the following passage then answer the questions ( 5 marks )
Bullying is generally cruel or violent behavior towards an individual or even a group of various aged people . It is demeaning and can cause untold stress , anger and suffering to those on the receiving end , which in some cases can lead to suicide .Bullying may occur in both verbal and physical forms , bullying that doesn't involve hitting and kicking can be just as damaging as actual full out fighting . Some of the ways verbal bullying occur are by , making fun of others. Also , threatening , making people feel uncomfortable or scared and act in ways they prefer not to.Many people wonder , why does bullying occur ? In some of the cases , bullies hurt people because itmakes them feel powerful and in charge . They  may see it as being popular . in some cases a bully has been bullied by someone else in his life and is trying to take revenge.
A)Answers the following questions :
1- To what extent  do you agree that  " bulling is an acceptable behaviour "? why ?
2- What are the kind of bullying ? Give one example to each .
3- What does the writer mean by " on the receiving end "?    
B) Choose the correct answer from a ,b , c , or d :
4- The underline pronoun " they " refer to ………………….
a- people                       b- bullies                 c- cases                     d- individuals
5- According to the passage some students bully to feel they are …………………….
a- strong                     b- big                      c- adults                           d- inadequate
D-The Novel
A) Answer the following questions:
1- What was Rassendyll's remark that annoyed Rose?
2- Why did Rassendyll decide to walk in the forest?
3- Show that Rudolf Rassendyll was not lazy all his life.
4- What did both the king and Duke Michael want?
B) Read the following quotation and answer the questions:
"It's the king! He's coming here now.”
1- Who said these words to whom?
2- Where were they?
3- Who was the king?
C) Find and correct the mistake in each of the following sentences:
1- Johann stepped back in anger as soon as he had seen Rudolf Rassendyll.
2- Rassendyll saw Antoinette de Mauban in the dining car on the train to Dresden.
E- Writing (11 marks)
8- Write a paragraph about 100 words describing
(What youth can do to change the future of their countries.) (6 MARKS)
E- Translation (5 marks)
9- (A) translate into Arabic: (3 Marks )
Tahrir Square is a major public square in Downtown Cairo. The square was originally called "Midan Ismailia". After the Egyptian Revolution of 1952, the square's name was changed to Midan Tahrir. It has been one the main locations of the 2011 Egyptian public protest gatherings.
1- المواطن الصالح يؤدى و اجباته و يأخذ حقوقه.
2- إن الجهود التي تبذل من اجل تحسين مستوى المعيشة لا يمكن ان تثمر إلا بتعاون الافراد مع الحكومة
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