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امتحان لغة انجليزية 3 ثانوى 2014 الخاص بالازهر

2014 Science
Language Functions
Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue between a teacher and one of his third-secondary students: [4 Marks]
Teacher: Have you read the English story of this year?
Student: Yes, I've read it.
Teacher: What's it?
Student: ………………………………………………………..…….(1)
Teacher: …………………………………………………………….(2)?
Student: Anthony Hope.
Teacher: …………………………………………….………….…  (3)?
Student: It's an adventure story.
Teacher: When did the story take place?
Student: ………………………………………………………………(4)
Read the following passage and answer the questions: [8 Marks]
   Louis Pasteur was a famous chemist and biologist. He proved that germs cause many diseases. He invented ways to kill harmful germs in milk and other products. Pasteur also developed a vaccine to prevent rabies. His work, greatly helped to control disease in both people and animals.
   Louis was born in eastern France on December 27, 1822. His father was a tanner. After Louis completed his studies in Paris in 1847, he taught chemistry and physics. He had five children. Three of them died of typhoid fever. Some people have said that these tragic losses led Pasteur to study the causes of disease. According to the germ theory, infectious diseases are the result of germs from the outside attacking the body.
Louis Pasteur made many discoveries that improved the health of human beings. He also contributed greatly to agriculture by reducing animal disease, and produced a vaccine for anthrax and chicken cholera. These discoveries protected animal raisers from serious financial losses. He died in 1895 and was buried in Paris.
A) Answer the following questions:
1- List two of Louis Pasteur's discoveries from which the world still benefits today.
2- What pushed Louis Pasteur to study the causes of disease as some people said?
3- How did Louis Pasteur protect animal raisers from serious financial losses?
B) Choose the correct answer in each of the following:
3- When Louis Pasteur began to teach chemistry and physics, he was
in the  decade. (second- third - fourth)
4- Louis Pasteur was born in the .... of France, (easter - eastern - east)
Paragraph-Writing: [5 Marks]
3- Write a paragraph of not less than (8) lines on:
"A target you hope to achieve in the future"
4- Letter-writing: [3 Marks]
Write a letter to your cousin "Adel" who is a heavy smoker reminding him of the dangers behind this bad habit and giving him some suggestions to stop it. Your name is "Sami" and you live at 5 Zohni St., Zamalek, Cairo.

Second paper
(A) Vocabulary and Structure
Choose the correct word in each of the following sentences: (5 Marks]
a. My father has a sat-nav… in his car to help him find the best route.
1.discipline 2.screen 3. system                    4. organizer
b. The roof of our old house is very weak. We'll have to…. it soon.
1. strong 2. Strengthen 3. strength 4. weaken
c. My ear's been giving me a lot of trouble lately. Please…your voice. 1.rise     2.raise 3.arise 4.arouse
d. You have to…….your English homework in today.
1.give              2. make 3. do 4. knock
e. Mr Hamdi and Mr Nabil felt very….. after their trip to England.
1.relaxing 2.relax 3.relaxation 4.relaxed
f. What's your plan for the next Ramadan? I…..Omra.
g. I'm performing     2.'11 perform   3.perform   4.'m going to perform
h. You can't say that fifteen kilometres….a long way to walk.
1.is            2.be                3.are                4. were
I. The cargo ship has sunk in the ocean . So, these cars ….have
been brought on it.
1. can't 2. must 3. shouldn't 4, wouldn't
j. If the temperature is zero or below, water.........
1.freeze 2.will freeze      3.freezes       4.is going to freeze
k. The teacher asks her where…. been.
1.she has 2.you have 3.has she 4.she had
Find the mistake in each of the following sentences, then correct them: [5 Marks]
a. A situation of disagreement or fighting between people or groups means deliberation.
b. My personality is the same as hers , but we are alike.
c. Egypt thought to achieve more progress in the near future.
d. I wish I didn't let my child go out alone. He lost his way
e. Sorry, your car won't be repaired by next week.
B) The Novel
The Prisoner of Zenda: [5 Marks]
A) Answer the following questions:
1- Why did colonel Sapt and Fritz advise Rassendyll not to go to Strelsau?
2- When did colonel Sapt ask Rassendyll to continue pretending to be the king?
3- Why did Antoinette help Rassendyll?
B) Read the following quotation, then answer the questions:
"You must promise that you'll protect Flavia from the Duke"
4- Who said that? To whom?
5- Why couldn't the Duke be a king?
(C) Translation
A. Translate into Arabic: [3Marks]
Sunlight can be converted into electricity using photovoltaics which have mainly been used to power small and medium-sized appliances.
B. Translate into English: [2Marks]
كانت الامة العربية المركز العلمى و السياسى و الاقتصادى للعالم و لكنها الان قد تراجعت للخلف
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