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اسئلة القصة (The Prisoner Of Zenda) المتوقعة 2014 بإذن الله

اسئلة القصة المتوقعة 2014 بإذن الله


1- What is the setting (time and place) of The Prisoner of Zenda?
2-Why doesn't Rudolf Rassendyll work?
3-According to Rose, how is Rudolf Rassendyll different from his brother Robert?
4- Mention three skills  that Rudolf Rassendyll has.
5-. What kind of work does Rose suggest Rudolf should do?
6-. Why has the Rassendyll family been interested in the Elphberg family?
7-. Where does Rassendyll decide to travel to? What does he tell his family about his plans?
8- What does the owner of the inn think of Michael?
E. Read the quotations and answer the questions.
1. "To a man like me, opportunities are responsibilities. "
1.Who says this and when?
2."He's always lived in Ruritania and he cares about the people, so people like him.
3-"Why should I do anything? I have nearly enough money"
Chapter 2 .  
1.What happens at the end of the meal? What is the result the next day?
2- Why does the Duke poison the King?
3--Why wasn't Rassendyll as sick as the king was? …………………………………………..……………………
4-- How would they get the king to Strelsau after the coronation?
5-. Who overhears their plan?
What do they do with the person?
6-. Why is Rassendyll afraid when he sees Antoinette?
7- According to Flavia, how has Rassendyll (the King) changed in his appearance?
E. Read the quotations and answer the questions.
1.“Meanwhile, I’ll have some breakfast! The King is hungry!”
2.“God save both Kings.”
3-"I heard that you rode through the old town alone. That surprised me. The people there must really have appreciated what you did."
Chapter 3
1. What kind of people live in the old part of the city? ………………………………………………………………
2-.Why is Sapt so anxiousقلق about Rassendyll’s decision to ride alone through the old town?
3-. Why does Duke Michael’s face turn white when he sees “the King” (Rassendyll)?
4-.How do they get a permit تصريحfrom the King?
5-What does Fritz do while Sapt and Rassendyll go to Zenda?
6-. What do Sapt and Rassendyll find inside the lodge?
7-.What does Sapt want Rassendyll to do?
E. Read the quotations and answer the questions.
1-"Tell your soldiers to ride ahead of me. I don’t need them ………………………………………………………………… 2-“You mustn’t try too hard. I’m not sure it was a good idea to ride alone through the old town. Michael won’t like it”
………………………………………………………………… 3-“If all’s well, why go there? And if all isn’t well, I fear there’ll be a trap.”
4-“We’ll go back to Strelsau. The King will be back in the capital again tomorrow!”

Mr .Ahmed Sobieh

Chapter 4
1- Why couldn't the Duke say anything about Rassendyll even though he knew Rassendyll was not the King?
2- How did Sapt explain Rassendyll's injured finger to Freyler?
3- What does Sapt plan to do if the real King is dead?
4-. Why do Michael’s men have spadesجاروف? …………………………………………………………………
5. Why does Rassendyll use a new servant خادمwho has never met the real King? Who is the servant replacingيحل محل?
6-Who were the six men? ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
7. Rassendyll decides to keep some of his plans secret from Sapt and Fritz. What are those plans?
…………………………………………………………………   …………………………………………………………………      
8-How did Rassendyll carry out his plan to make himself popular?    
9- Why was Rassendyll keen on getting the people of Ruritania to like him more than they liked the Duke?
10-Why can’t Michael come into the room when the King is there?
11-What mistake does Rassendyll make? How does he cover up his mistake?
12- How does Rassendyll know that the Six Men also know his secret?
E. Read the quotations and answer the questions.
1-“You’re mad! The plan’s too dangerous!”
………………………………………………………………… 2-“We’ve got them! They can’t say anything without showing their guilt.”
………………………………………………………………… 3-“Now remember, say nothing about this. All young men like to ride their horses now and then, so why not the King?”
Chapter 5
1. What responsibilities does . Rassendyll have?
2-Why does Rassendyll become good at pretending to forget rules and people?      
3- Sapt brings news of the real King. What is it?
4--Why does Sapt have Rassendyll followed everywhere? …………………………………………………………………
5--Who writes a letter to Rassendyll and what does it say? ………………………………………………………………….
6--When Rassendyll talks to Detchard at the summer house, what does Detchard offer him?
7-How does Rassendyll come out of the summer house alive?
8--Why have they prepared a ball for the Princess?
9-- Why couldn't the Duke ever become King unless he married Flavia?
1- “It would be very useful for Michael if you disappeared. And if you disappear, the game’s over.”
2-“I also have a game to play. I’ll tell the Duke’s men that you never came. If the Duke doesn’t find out what I’ve done, we may meet again.”
3  -“But you always knew that you would become King. How could you think that was someone else’s job?”
4-“Every evening, I’ll send you a message. If you don’t get a message for three days, you have the authority to say that you are now the head of Strelsau.”
5-"You do know that Michael will be very angry. Is that a good idea?"
6-"As you know, his mother was not royal and he can only legally become King if he marries the Princess."
Chapter 6
1. Rassendyll’s writing is different from the King’s. What reason does Rassendyll give?
2. Why might this difference be a problem for Marshal Strakencz?
3-. What reason سببdoes Rassendyll give Princess Flavia for leaving Strelsau? …………………………………………..……………………
4-Where do Rassendyll and his men stay for their hunting trip?Where is it and who does it belong to?
…………………………………………..………………………………………………………………..………………………….5- What reason does Duke Michael give for not visiting “King” Rassendyll or inviting him to his castle?
6-. Why do Rassendyll and Fritz go to the inn at Zenda? …………………………………………..………………………7-. What happens to Bernenstein while Fritz and Rassendyll are out?
8-. What message does Rupert Hentzau bring the next day? …………………………………………..………………………………………………………………..………………………….9-. What do they learn from Johann?
10. Describe the room and the pipe where the real King is being kept.
11. What is the plan if they are attacked?
12. Why do they send Johann back to the castle?
1-“The writing’s a little different from your usual. I hope people know it’s a real order from the King.”
2-“So you’d prefer to hunt animals than do your duties in the capital?”
3-“If you do not know how to address the King, my brother must find another messenger.”
…………………………………………..……………………  4-Rassendyll, I think that this time next year, you’ll still be King.”
Chapter 7
1. What three pieces of news arrive at Tarlenheim the next day?
2-. Why does Rassendyll kill Max Holf?
3-. Why do the seven gentlemen go with Rassendyll, Sapt and Fritz to the castle? What do they do?
4-. Why were Rassendyll’s bags found at a train station near Zenda?
5-Why is the Chief of Police looking for Mr Rassendyll?
…………………………………………..………………………………………………………………..…………………………         6-. What plan does Rupert offer to Rassendyll?
…………………………………………..………………………………………………………………..………………………………………………………………..……………………         7- Why is Antoinette de Mauban being kept as a prisoner of the Duke?
8-- Why doesn’t Duke Michael let the doctor leave?
9-- Why does Rassendyll ask Antoinette de Mauban to cry out for help at two o’clock in the  morning?
10- Why does Rupert Hentzau swim across the moat to go back to the mansion? Why doesn’t he use the drawbridge?
1- “Go back to Strelsau and tell the Ambassador what you know. I’ll look into this for you.”
2-“He makes me angry. I nearly killed him myself last night. Think carefully about my plan.”
…………………………………………..……………………    2-“I hear there are new servants at the castle. Do these servants know the King’s a prisoner there?”
4-"He's not a good man. He makes me angry. I nearly killed him myself last night. Think carefully about my plan."
Chapter 8
1. Where does Rassendyll wait for it to be two o’clock?
…………………………………………..……………………   2. Rassendyll has asked Antoinette to cry for help at two o’clock. Why does she do it earlier?
…………………………………………..……………………    3. Why does Rassendyll kill De Gautet with a swordسيف and not with a gun?
4. How does Rassendyll get the keys to the King’s prison?
5. Why doesn’t the King fight Detchard directlyمباشرة? How does he help Rassendyll?
…………………………………………..……………………   6. Why does Rupert ride away instead of fighting Rassendyll?
7-. How does the boy make a problem for Sapt, Fritz and Rassendyll?
…………………………………………..………………………………………………………………..…………………………8--Why does Sapt tell the Princess to come alone to see the King behind the tree?
  9- Why did Sapt have the real King taken from his prison with his face coveredمغطي?
10How does Rassendyll teach the King how to be a real king?
11-What does Rassendyll learn from his adventures?
…………………………………………..……………………   1-“This woman’s been writing secret letters to Rassendyll! She needs to be punished!”
2-“Dead! That’s good. Then I’m your leader now. Put down your weapons and do as I say.”
3-“Why didn’t you follow my plan? We could have worked well together.”
4- “I hoped that tomorrow, you’d come with me to Strelsau and tell everyone about the brave things that you’ve done, but Sapt tells me that this isn’t possible.”
5-“I hoped that tomorrow, you’d come with me to Strelsau and tell everyone about the  brave things that you’ve done, but Sapt tells me that this isn’t possible.
جمل تصحيح من بين السطور في work book
1-Everyone has seen plants grown .
2-You will never get very much if you do not work hard.
3-There was a  gradually improvement in her school work.
4-theoretic       , anyone can travel to the moon.
5-Plants can change the energy from the sun into chemistry energy.
6-Dumas was one of France’s most famous writers of a adventurous stories.
7- The Count of Monte Cristo was immediate success and made Dumas a rich man.
8-After five years  prisoner, the criminal wanted to live as an honest man.
9=.She is in the envious situation of being able to choose her job.
10-Alexander had alone childhood.
11- After the festival these fruit are given up to the poor.
12-It is responsible to drive dangerously, especially in towns or cities.
13-The evolve of the internet has taken place over the last 20 years.
14-Folk songs were made in to describe important historical events
15-Used the name Bint El Shatei, Dr Aisha wrote many books and articles.
16-To do with a person's private life is called personnel
17-I found university work very difficult, but my friends were always very encourage
18-In 1938, he travelled to Mexico, where is where I met him.
19-They live in the country. They have a different life style from people in cities.
20-My cousin believes in spontaneous He never plans what he's going to do.
21-I didn't think about what I was doing. I just did it spontaneous.
22-It is the conventional to shake hands whenever you meet.
23. E-books will be good at the environment.
24-Most of today's newspapers and magazines are made from  recycle paper.
25-Her brother has not shown any  enthusiastic for any sport of any kind.
26-That play is very popular. You'd better check the available of tickets.
27-Paper and plastic are recycled materials
28-The tallest tree in the world is 83.8 meters high
29-he started to write essays views and short stories.
30-He wrote his best works, include Treasure Island
31-You can find biography information about many writers on the internet .
32-When he said sorry , it was an admit that he had been wrong.
33-People have right to think that the sun is very important.
34-you should never look straightly at the sun
35-The most windy place in the world is Port Martin in Antarctica.
36-Electrical storms are a common occur in our part of the country
37-Those trees have grown phenomenon tall in the last two years.
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