مدرس اون لايندخول

امتحان الوحدتين 17-18 تالتة ثانوي

Test units17-18 chapter 3
1- Respond to the following situations:
1- You want to persuade your friend to read "The Grapes of Wrath" by Steinbeck.
2- You do not understand what distance learning is. You ask a friend.
3-A friend wants to go back to education, but cannot leave home to go to the university. Suggest a distance learning course.
4-A friend suggests that you do an evening course to improve your English.
Choose the correct answer:
1- Money can make you (blind-dead-deaf-dumb) to reality and cause more problems.
2- With a little (persuade-persuasion-persuasive-passive), he has agreed to meet tomorrow evening.
3- They gave a (stinging-sting-stung-ringing) report about the company's problems.
4- I shouldn't have (thrown-done-brought-taken) away the receipt. I need it to return this shirt.
5- There has been a lot of (depression-greed-celebrity-publicity) about the new film: newspaper and magazine stories, TV and radio advertisements.
6- Ali's father warned him (not to spend-not spending-not spent-not to be spent) too much money.
7- His mother (discouraged-disobeyed-dissatisfied-encouraged) him to be a civil engineer.
8- He wanted the money (for paying-to pay-pay-paying) for his son's education.
9- My sister wants to be a teacher. She believes teaching is a (reward-rewarding-award-awarding) career.
10- The largest company in our town has 600 (employs-employees-employers-employment).
11- I hope the new skills I am learning at college will make me more (employable-unemployed-thinkable-available).
12- My uncle is a teacher in the languages (division-section-part-department) at our local school.
13- She has worked very hard this year, so she is hoping for a (demotion-promotion-devotion-communication) at work next year.
14- You (doesn’t have to-didn’t have to-shouldn’t-needn't) come if you don't want.
15- We (mustn’t-don’t need to-can’t-shouldn’t) lock the car. It's safe here.
16- You (shouldn’t-mustn’t-should-ought to) drive. You’re too tired.
Find the mistake in each of the following sentences then write them correctly:
1- A company in my town closed last week, leaving 50 people employed.
2- In many countries, the government is the main provide of school education.
3- Hani got a protection quickly because he was very good at his job.
4- A celebration is a famous person, especially an actor or entertainer.
5- Salem encouraged his brother working harder.
6- This year, I'm expecting passing all my exams.
7- She must take a taxi yesterday as it was raining heavily.
8- In the past, people can't find clean water, so there were a lot of diseases.
Translate into Arabic:
Learning a foreign language needs never stop. One should not learn a foreign language merely to achieve an immediate professional or academic aim and then give it up. He should carry on learning as it is a valuable experience that enriches his life.

Translate into Arabic:    
2- بفضل تكنولوجيا المعلومات ووسائل الاتصال الحديثة، أصبح العالم قرية صغيرة.
2-توفي الجامعة المفتوحة لدارسيها فرص فرص التعليم عن بعد.
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