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اقوى 36 موقف (Situations) لن يخرج عنهم امتحان لغة انجليزية 3 ثانوى 2015

اقوى 36 موقف (Situations) لن يخرج عنهم امتحان لغة انجليزية 3 ثانوى 2015
   Situations         المواقف
  1) Greetings and saying goodbye        التحية والوداع
Greetingكيف نقول التحية   Replyكيف نرد عليها    
Good morning /Good  afternoon / Good evening /Good night / Goodbye Good morning / Good afternoon / Good evening / Good night / Goodbye
 (When you meet someone for the first time:)  عندما تقابل شخص لأول مرة  
 How do you do?                 How do you do?كيف حالك؟            
• I’m pleased to meet you.     I’m pleased to meet you, too. أنا مسرور بلقائك.  
 (When you meet a friend:)عندما تقابل صديق          
•Hi! How are things?    كيف حالك؟        I'm very well, thanks.أنا بخير، شكراً.      
 Hello. How are you?     كيف حالك؟      Fine. And you?بخير، وماذا عنك أنت؟    
Saying goodbyeالوداع                   Reply الرد على الوداع  
(Formal)    Goodbye.             Goodbye. It was nice to meet you.
(Informal)  Bye bye. / Bye. / See you.        Bye bye. / Bye. / See you.
الدور عليك:
1. You meet someone in the morning / on the way to school / at 8 a.m.
2. You want to leave your parents to bed.
3. You want to end a telephone conversation / to leave a friend after school.
4. You meet someone for the first time / you’re introduced to someone.
5. Your father’s friend says to you, “ Goodbye.”. Reply formally.

        2) Invitation           توجيه الدعوة

• I'd like to invite you to………….. أود ان ادعوك الى ...............
• Would you like to come to…….? هل تود أن تأتى الى .................
• How about + V-ing ……..………? ما رأيك أن ...........................؟

Accepting an invitation Refusing an invitation   رفض الدعوة
•Thank you. I'd love to.
شكراً، أنا أحب ذلك.
•I'd be pleased to come.
سأكون مسروراً ان آتى.       •I'm sorry I can't because I have to do some work.
آسف لا أستطيع لأننى مضطر للقيام ببعض الاعمال.
•I wish I could, but I have to go to the dentist at 5.
أتمنى لو كنت أستطيع لكننى مضطر الى الذهاب الى الطبيب
الدور عليك:
1. You invite your friend to have some tea with you.
2. Your cousin invites you to go with him to the cinema. You accept.
3. You’re invited to your friends birthday party, but you are so busy.

3) Agreeing and disagreeing  الموافقة وعدم الموافقة على الرأى

Agreeingالموافقة Disagreeingعدم الموافقة  
(when you agree strongly)توافق بشدة  
•I completely agree. أوافق تماماً.        
•That's what I think.   هذا ما أعتقده.      
•Absolutely! / Exactly! تماماً! / بالتأكيد!
•I can't agree more.  أوافق تماماً.         (when you disagree politely)ترفض بأدب
No, I disagree (with you).لا أتفق معك.              
Yes. / OK, but...........  نعم، ولكن .....  
You're right, but.....  أنت مُحق، ولكن ...    
I don't think so. لا أعتقد ذلك.                  
(when you agree, but not strongly)
عندما توافق ولكن هناك شك (ليس بقوة)
•I suppose so.    أظن هذا صحيحاً.      
•You could be right.قد تكون مُحقاً.            
•Maybe.    ربما. / لعله كذلك.                         (disagree with people you know well)
عندما ترفض مع أناس تعرفهم (ترفض بشدة)
 No, it isn't / doesn't.   لا، هو ليس كذلك.          
 That's not true.  هذا غير صحيح.              
 Rubbish! كلام فارغ! / هُراء!                

الدور عليك:
1. Your friend thinks that English is very difficult. You don’t object.
2. You don’t agree completely to what someone has just said.

   4) Asking for advice        طلب النصيحة

 Can you give me some advice about …..?هل يمكنك أن تعطينى نصيحة بشأن.....؟
 Can I ask your advice about …………?     هل يكننى أن أطلب نصيحتك بشأن .....؟  
 What do you think I should do about....?ماذا فى رأيك يجب أن أفعل بشأن .....؟      

Giving advice  تقديم النصيحة
 If you ask me, you should…….…..  If I were you, I'd/I wouldn't + inf…..
 You should (study hard)…………..    Why don't you + inf……….………?
 How about ....................ing?                
 You'd better (take a taxi)…………..

Accepting advice  قبول النصيحة Not accepting/Decliningرفض
• Yes, I know I should.نعم، أعلم أنه واجب.  
• Yes, I'll do it now / soon.نعم، سأفعل ذلك.  
• Yes, you're right.نعم، أنت محق.            
• I know I shouldn't.أعرف أنه لا يجب أن أفعل ذلك. • I'll think about it.سأفكر فى هذا.                
• I'll make up my mind about it. سأفكر فى هذا
• I'll see.    سأفكر فى هذا.                              
• I don't really think so.حقاً، لا أعتقد ذلك.      

الدور عليك:
1. You have near exams. Ask your teacher’s advice to do well.
2. Your friend is always late to school. Advise him.
3. You accept your classmate’s advice to study hard.
4. Your elder brother advises you to sleep so early. You object politely.

   5) Asking people for help           طلب المساعدة

Asking for help طلب المساعدة Replyالرد
•Could you lend me a hand, please? هل يمكنك مساعدتي؟
•Would you do me a favour, please?هل تؤدى لي معروفاً؟
•I wonder if you could help me with………...
أتساءل إن كان بإمكانك أن تساعدنى فى ................ ؟ •Yes, what's the problem?
•Yes, of course.
•Yes, what would you like?
•Sorry. I’m can’t.
•لاحظ الرد على هذا السؤال:Would you mind shutting the window?        
• No, not at all. (Agreeing)  موافقة            • Yes, I do. (Disagreeing)   عدم موافقة

الدور عليك:
1. You want someone to help you carry something heavy.
2. Your neighbour has a problem. He wants your help. You agree.
3. Someone on the bus asks you, “Would you mind opening the window?”

     6) Asking for permission       طلب الإذن

 May / Could / Can I .....................     هل يمكننى أن ............ ؟              
 Is it all right to ..........                           borrow your dictionary?
 Is it Ok if I ................

Giving permission Refusing permission
•Certainly.  /  Sure.  /  Here you are.
•Yes, of course.  /  Of course. •Sorry, I need it myself.
•Well, I'd rather you didn't.
•لاحظ طريقة الاستئذان باستخدام:       هل تمانع لو .......؟  Do you mind if..?
                       Do you mind if I borrow your dictionary?
Agreeing:        No, I don't.   / No problem. / No, not at all.   لا على الاطلاق.
Disagreeing:   Yes, I do.
الدور عليك:
1. You want your father to permit you to go on a school trip to Alex.
2. Your brother wants you to take your jacket but you need it.
3. A friend says,”Do you mind if I use your camera?”. You don’t mind.
     7) Making Suggestions           تقديم إقتراحات

•Why don't we / you / they..................?لما لا نفعل / تفعل / يفعلون كذا .......؟        
•Shall we....................................? هل لنا أن ..... ؟
•Let's............................    هيا بنا .......                              
•I think it would be a good idea to............                  
•What about....................?            ما رأيك أن نفعل كذا .........؟                            
•How about.....................?                                
Examples: • Why don't we have a party?         • How about having lunch now?
Agreeing with suggestionsقبول   Disagreeing with suggestionsرفض
•That's a good idea.هذه فكرة جيدة.      
•I'll go along with that.       أتفق مع هذا.  
•That sounds fine.   هذا يبدو رائعاً.         •I'm not very keen.لست متحمساً لهذا.      
•Maybe some other time. ربما فى وقت آخر.                
•Yes, but I prefer to… نعم، ولكنى أُفضل أن  
الدور عليك:
1. Your friend wants to be fit. Suggest him to do more exercise.
2. Your little brother suggested going to the cinema. You agree.
3. You don’t agree to your friend’s suggestion to go to the theatre.
4. Your friend suggests to join a sports club, but you’d prefer a reading club.

      8) Congratulations            التهاني

Congratulations التهاني Replies
 •Congratulations.          مبروك.          
 •Congratulations on your results!
 •Great news!       هذا خبر عظيم!          
 •Well done!         أحسنت!                     •Thanks! I'm very pleased.
شكراً، أنا سعيد جداً.
•Yes, I can't believe it myself.
نعم، أنا نفسى غير مُصدق ما يحدث.

الدور عليك:
1. Your sister has got the full mark in the English exam.
2. Your classmate congratulates you on your high marks.

        9) Sympathy              التعاطف / المواساة

Sympathy  التعاطف / المواساة Replies
 I'm sorry to hear your bad news.
انا حزين لسماع أخبار سيئة عنك.
 I was so/terribly sorry to hear about…
كنت حزيناً جداً عندما سمعت عن ......... •I know, it's terrible/awful, isn't it?
أعرف، إنه شئ فظيع، أليس كذلك؟
• Well, never mind.
حسناً، لا عليك.

الدور عليك:
1. Your friend’s uncle has had an accident, you show sympathy.
2. You failed the exam your friend is so sorry for you.

    10) Thanking            الشكر

Thankingصيغة الشكر Repliesالردود  
•Thank you.شكراً لك.                    
•Thanks a lot. شكراً جزيلاً.            
•Thank you so much.شكراً جزيلاً.   •You're welcome. على الرحب والسعة.        
•Not at all. العفــــــــو.                              
•It's a pleasure.إن هذا من دواعى سرورى.  
•Don't mention it.لا شكر على واجب.          
الدور عليك:
1. Your uncle gives you a birthday party.
2. Habib thanks you for helping him with his heavy bag.

     11) Apologizing          الإعتذار

•I'm (terribly / really / awfully) sorry, but I've lost your book.أسف جداً، لكننى .........    
•I don't know how to say this, but I've broken your camera.لا أعرف كيف أقول هذا،...

Accepting an apology Not accepting an apology
•Oh, it doesn't matter. ولا يهمك.                      
•Never mind.    لا عليك.                                    
•Don't worry about it. لا تقلق لهذا.               •Oh, no! It was new.   لا، لقد كان جديداً.    
•You'd better get me another one.
من الأفضل أن تأتى لى بواحد آخر.  

الدور عليك:
1. You broke your friend’s watch, you apologise.
2. Your brother has lost your dictionary, he apologises, you don’t accept.

     12) Introducing people             تقديم الناس
•This is……..   هذا فلان. •May I introduce my friend …  هل يمكننى أن أُقدم صديقى ....
Reply:      Nice to meet you.    تشرفنا بلقائك يا سامى
الدور عليك:
1. You introduce your friend Youssef to your father.
2. Your friend Samy introduces you to his uncle. يقدمك لـ
3.  You are introduced to a new friend. أنت يتم تقديمك لـ

     13) Warning            التحذير
Be careful or you will +مصدر   احترس والا.. Mind you don’t +مصدر احذر ألا تفعل كذا
You must مصدر or ….يجب أن .... وإلا.....   You mustn’t + مصدر  لا يجب أن .....

Reply: Thank you. I would take care. شكراً لك، سوف أنتبه لذلك.      
الدور عليك:
1. You warn your brother not to run very fast across the road.
2. Your friends warns you not to fall off the ladder.

      14) Asking the way           للسؤال عن الطريق الى مكان ما
Could you tell me the way to ……..? هل يمكنك أن تخبرنى الطريق الى ...... ؟
How can I get to…?كيف يمكننى أن أصل الى...؟ Where’s …….?أين ...............؟      
Reply:   - Yes, go ahead then turn left.  أتجه للأمام ثم لف شمال.  
              - Sorry, I don’t know.                             آسف لا أعرف.        
الدور عليك:
1. You are in a foreign country; you want to go to the railway station.
2. Someone asks you about the way to the museum.

  15) Asking about someone's health     السؤال عن صحة شخص
How are you?               كيف حالك؟           How are you feeling now?    كيف تشعرالآن؟
I'm fine, thanks.              بخير شكراً.     I'm very well. Thank you.     أنا بصحة جيدة.

الدور عليك:
1. You visit your sick uncle in hospital.
2. Your friend visits you in hospital, he asks how you are.

      16) Offers              العروض
• Shall / Can I …………… for you?     هل يمكننى أن ........ من أجلك؟
• Would you like some ……………. ? هل تريد بعض ...............؟

Replies:  Yes, please.   (Agreeing)                 No, thanks.   (Disagreeing)

الدور عليك:
1. You see an old man carrying heavy bags, you offer him help.
2. Your cousin offers you some tea, you accept.        

      17) Blaming             اللوم
You should have + pp كان يجب أن ... You shouldn’t have + pp  ما كان يجب أن...

      Reply:  I’m sorry. I’ll be careful next time.أنا آسف، سوف أحترس فى المرة القادمة.  
الدور عليك:
1. Your friend parked his car in a no parking area, so he was fined.
2. Your brother has broken your pen, you are angry.

    إعطاء شىء لشخص        18) Giving something to someone
Here you are. تفضل خذ                                     Here it is. تفضل خذ                          
       Reply:  Thank you. It’s very kind of you.شكراً، هذا عطف منك.        
الدور عليك:
1. You offer some coffee to your guests.
2. Your cousin offered you a computer as a birthday present.

  19) Liking and disliking      التعبير عن الحب وعدمه تجاه شيئاً ما

(when you ask someone’s opinion of something) /  (when you ask someone if / whether he likes something) :
 Do you like (handball / hockey)?                   Do you like living in Cairo?
• What do you think of……..? = What’s your opinion of……….?ما رأيك....؟  

Likingالتعبير عن حب شيئ ما Dislikingالتعبير عن عدم حب شيئ ما
I like it.
We like living here.
It's fantastic / great.
I'm mad / crazy about (football).
I’m a big fan of…. أنا مشجع كبير لـ   I don't like it. / I dislike it.
I'm not very keen on (living here).
I'm not very fond of (music).    
I hate / detest……     أكره  
I loathe / despise يحتقر (violence العنف).
الدور عليك:
1. You ask your friend’s opinion about your new car.
2. Your cousin asks your opinion of English. You like it so much.
20) Expressing opinion with reasons:   التعبير عن الرأي مع الأسباب
•I think (charities) are important because (they help poor people).
أعتقد أن (الجمعيات الخيرية) مهمة لأنها (تساعد الفقراء)
•I believe (modern technology) is necessary as it (helps us to lead a comfortable life).
أعتقد أن (التكنولوجيا الحديثة) ضرورية لأنها (تساعدنا أن نحيا حياة مريحة)
•In my view, he is good for the job since he has excellent qualifications.
فى رأيى، هو جيد للوظيفة لأن لديه مؤهلات ممتازة.
•In my opinion, you should accept the job because it is well-paid.
فى رأيى، عليك أن تقبل الوظيفة لأن أجرها جيد.
•From my point of view, we should donate blood to save people’s lives.
من وجهة نظرى، يجب أن نتبرع بالدم لكى ننقذ حياة الناس.
الدور عليك:
1. Someone asks your opinion of charities. Say your opinion with a reason.
2. Your friend has been offered a job. Say why he should accept it.

  21( Expressing surprise      التعبير عن الدهشة

•Good Heavens!  يا إله السماء!      •What a lovely surprise!  يا لها من مفاجئة سارة!  
الدور عليك:
1. You have just heard that a plane crashed and all the passengers died.
2. Your brother tells you that our national team won the final match.

  22( Expressing hope         التعبير عن الأمل
I hope you get well soon. أتمنى أن تتحسن بسرعة I hope you find your handbag.
الدور عليك:
1. Your friend is so ill. You are visiting him at hospital.
2. Your classmate has lost his bag. Express hope.

  23( Expressing worry       التعبير عن القلق
•I'm rather worried about…   • I'm a bit concerned about...   أنا قلق لحد ما على .....  
الدور عليك:
1. Your little brother is so late outside at night. You are worried about him.

  24) Expressing fear        التعبير عن الخوف

•I'm terrified of…….   •I'm frightened of…...  •I'm afraid of…...أنا خائف من ......  
الدور عليك:
1. You see a wild dog while walking in the street.

  25) Asking for information       السؤال عن معلومات

Asking for information طلب معلومات Giving information إعطاء معلومات
 Excuse me, could I ask you some questions about ......... ?
معذرة، هل يمكننى أن أسألك بعض الأسئلة عن..؟  Yes, of course.  نعم بالطبع.            
 Yes, certainly. نعم بالتأكيد.              
 Yes, that's fine. نعم، هذا جيد.          
 Can / Could you tell me  .........?  I'd rather not answer that question.
أُفضل أن لا أجيب هذا السؤال.
Can you say why / why not?
 Thank you for your time. عند الشكر.  You're welcome. عند الرد على الشكر
  الدور عليك:
1. You would like to ask your teacher some questions about pollution.
2. Someone asks you a question which you don’t prefer to answer.
3. You have interviewed the headmaster. Thank him for his time.

  26) Telephoning      العبارات التى تستخدم فى المكالمات التليفونية

1- Asking for a person you want to speak to:للسؤال عن شخص تريد محادثته
• Could I / May I / Can I speak to………., please?    هل يمكننى التحدث مع فلان؟  
• Hello. Is …….. there, please?             هل فلان موجود؟                                      
•Could you put me through to…., please?هل يمكنك أن توصلنى بفلان، من فضلك؟

2- Response:الرد    
• One moment, please. لحظة من فضلك.      ♦ Please hold (the line).   أنتظر.
♦ Sorry, his line is engaged.      آسف الخط مشغول.  
♦ I'll put you through.سأُوصلك به.  

3- When you are not sure if you are speaking to the right person:
عندما لا تكون متأكداً أنك تتحدث للشخص الصحيح:
♦ Hello, is that ……. ? أهلاً، هل أنت فلان؟

الدور عليك:
1. You are telephoning your friend Haithm, but his mother is answering.
2. Someone is telephoning your father. Tell him to wait for some time.
3. You are telephoning your friend Samy, but you aren’t sure if he was there.

  27) Requests & Orders        الطلبات و الأوامر  

1- Requests:
(Informal) : • Can/Could/Will/Would you lend me your camera?هل يمكنك....؟    
                    • Would you buy me the newspaper when you're out?هل يمكنك أن..؟
(Formal)    : • Could you tell me the way to the pyramids?هل  يمكنك أن تخبرنى..؟  
                   • Would you mind helping me with this box? هل تمانع أن .........؟      
                   • Do you think you could move your car, please?   هل تعتقد أنه بإمكانك ..؟
                   •I wonder if you could lend me some money.أتساءل لو بإمكانك أن .
2- Orders and Instructions:
•في حالة الأوامر و التعليمات نستخدم فعل أمر:
• Open that suitcase.   أفتح هذه الحقيبة.
• Don't play in the road.لا تلعب فى الطريق.
•للتعبير عن الأمر بصورة مهذبة:
• I'd like you to post this letter for me today.أود أنك تضع هذا الخطاب فى البوستة.  
• I would be grateful if you could / would give me back my money.
    سوف أكون ممتناً إذا أستطعت أن ترد لى مالى.
Replies:   O.K. / All right / Sure. (agreeing)   /  Sorry. I can’t. (disagreeing)
   للسؤال عن سبب متاعب أو مشكلات       28) Asking about Problems

•What is the matter with you?      • What's wrong with …..?ما المشكلة ....... ؟    
    تعبيرات الضيافة         29) Hospitality Expressions

• Help yourself to (the coffee). تفضل   • Make yourself at home. تصرف كأنه بيتك
   30) Meeting a Visitor at the Airport       مقابلة زائر فى المطار

Hello, welcome to Egypt.  مرحباً بك فى مصر Hi. It's good to see you.من الجيد أنى رأيتك
What was your journey like?    كيف كانت رحلتك؟       It was fantastic.كانت رائعة              

31) Meeting a friend you haven't seen for a long time
مقابلة صديق لم تراه منذ فترة طويلة.
• It's nice to see you again.من الجيد أن أراك مرة أخرى.                        
31) Meeting a friend you haven't seen for a long time
مقابلة صديق لم تراه منذ فترة طويلة.
• It's nice to see you again.من الجيد أن أراك مرة أخرى.                        
• Where have you been? How are things?أين كنت؟ وكيف حالك؟            
32) Making Recommendations:     تقديم توصيات بعمل شيء
Making Recommendations Reasons
•I'm sure you'd enjoy / love (this book).
أنا متأكد انك سوف تستمتع / تحب هذا الكتاب. •It's a very exciting/interesting (story).
إنها قصة رائعة / شيقة جداً.
•You really should (read this book).
يجب عليك حقاً أن تقرأ هذا الكتاب. •The characters are so real.
الشخصيات حقيقية جداً.
•I can recommend (this book) to you.
أستطيع أن أرشح لك هذا الكتاب. •It's so easy to read.
إنه سهل جداً عند القراءة.

 33) Comparing / Expressing preference   المقارنة / التفضيل

I like coffee better / more than tea.أحب القهوة أكثر من الشاى.                          
I prefer having tea to eating chocolate.أفضل تناول الشاى على أكل الشيكولاته.      
I'd prefer to have tea rather than chocolate.أفضل أن أتناول الشاى أكثر من القهوة.
I like the red dress best.أحب الفستان الأحمر أكثر.                                            
I'd rather live in Cairo than Alexandria.أفضل أن أعيش فى القاهرة أكثر من الاسكندرية.

 34) Discussing advantages and disadvantages
  مناقشة الايجابيات والسلبيات
For: مؤيد      
The advantage of ----------- is that it / they --------.    ميزة كذا هى أنها ...........      
The good thing about ---------- is that -------------.     الشيئ الجيد فى كذا هو أنه .....  
Ex: The advantage of cars is that they help you reach your destination fast.
Against: غير مؤيد
------------------ has many disadvantages.     ............. له الكثير من المزايا.            
 The disadvantage of ----------- is that it / they ------.    عيب كذا هو أنه ..........    
Ex: The disadvantage of computers is that they affect our sight.

 35) General Questions & Answers:   أسئلة عامة وإجاباتها

•How would you like your tea? •Without sugar, please.
•How would you like your fish / meat? •Grilled, مشوي please.
•How do you like my shirt? •It's very nice.
•Where are you going to? •I'm going to (the club).
•What was (the thief) like?   وصف شخص •He was short and fat.
•When does the next train to Cairo leave? •It leaves at 7 o'clock.
•Can you lend me your (camera), please? •Yes, of course. / Sorry, I can't.
•How long will you stay in (Cairo)? •Three days.
•Which platform does the train leave from? •It leaves from platform 5.
•Where do you come from? •I come from England.
•How do you find your job? ما رأيك في وظيفتك؟ •It's tiring / boring / exciting.
•What was (the film / match / journey) like? •It was great/ nice/ wonderful.
•What's the matter with you?                                •What's wrong with you?   •I'm so tired.                                          •I have a headache.
•Would you mind opening the window? •No, of course not.
•What would you like to begin with? •Some salad, please.
•What's your size? •Size 42, please.
•What's the weather like today? •It's very nice.
•Single or double? •Single, please.
•Single or married? •I'm married.
•Single or return? •Single, please.
•What do you do? = What's your job? •I'm an engineer.
•What are you doing? •I'm studying English.
•How do you do? •How do you do?
•What's your favourite hobby? •It's football.
•How do you spend your spare time? •Reading and listening to music.
•How long have you been studying French? •For 3 years.
•Can I speak to Ali, please? •I'm sorry. He's out.
•Can I speak to the manager, please? •O.K. Hold on, please.
•How long does it take to Alex.? •Three hours.
•Which bus goes to the Pyramids? •Bus No. 34
•How much do you earn? •Five hundred pounds.
•How much is the room per night? •It's 300 pounds.
•Can I book/reserve a room for 2 nights? •Yes, of course.
•How do you go to school? •I go to school on foot.
•How often do you go to the cinema? •Once a week.

36) الموافقة وعدم الموافقة تختلف حسب نوع الموقف ذاته
1- شخص يقول لنا رأى
1- Your friend thinks / believes / says the English is difficult.
         I agree with you.                                      I don’t agree with you.
2- شخص يقدم لنا عرض
2- Your friend offers you a cup of tea.      
         Yes, please.                                             No, thanks.
3- شخص يقدم لنا اقتراحا
3- Your cousin suggests going for a swim.
         Good idea.                                               I wish I could but I’m busy.
4- شخص يقدم لنا دعوة
4- Your friend invites you to his birthday.
         Thanks, I’d love to.                                   I wish I could but I’m busy.
5- شخص يطلب طلب
5- Could I use your car?          
         Yes, of course.                                         I’m sorry, you can’t.
6- شخص يقدم لنا نصيحة
6- You should study hard.      
         Yes, you are right.                                    I’ll see.
7- شخص يستأذن أن يفعل شىء
7- May I use your pen?              
         Yes, of course.                                         I’m sorry, you can’t.
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