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للصف الثالث الثانوى - القواعد العامة لكتابة الخطاب (Letter)

للصف الثالث الثانوى - القواعد العامة لكتابة الخطاب (Letter)
Letter Writing

الشكل العام للخطاب مهم جدا:

Dear, اسم المرسل إليه
Yours sincerely,
اسم المرسل

Dear,المرسل اليه
     How nice it was to hear from you. I hope that you are well and sound better .No one knows how happy and pleased I am the moment I am writing to you. So please allow me to ………………………….….…………… ……………………………………………………………..…………………الموضوع.....................................................................................
............................................................................................................................................................................................................................ I am looking forward to hearing from you.
Best wishes
عزيزى الطالب:
احفظ هذا الشكل الذى أمامك الآن و جمل المقدمة والخاتمة والتوقيع واكتبه فى أى رسالة لكن  لاحظ عبارة  happy and pleasedتتغير الى sad and sorry  حسب المناسبة ثم تبدأ كتابة الموضوع بعد المقدمة الموجودة فى النموذج على النحو التالى :
1- ……….. so please allow me to express my feelings of happiness (sadness) concerning your……………………….تهنئة او تعزية
2- ………… so  please allow me to invite you to…………..…………دعوة
3- ………… so please allow me to congratulate you on ………………تهنئة
4- ………… so please allow me to borrow your………………...…..استعارة
5- ………… so please allow me to express my gratitude to you.شكر...........
6- ………… so please allow me to express my apology to you for…..اعتذار
7- ………… so please allow me to tell you that…………………..….اخبار

     Introductions (مقدمات الخطاب)

• I hope you and your family are fine.
• I’d like to invite you to…………...
• I’m writing to thank you for (inviting me to………….)
• It gives me the greatest pleasure to send you this letter………….
• I have the pleasure to accept your kind invitation.
• I am so sorry I won’t be able to accept your invitation because…
• I was so sorry to hear that you (had an accident….)
• I’d like to congratulate you on your (success / marriage / birthday)
• I am very thankful to you for (your nice present / your kind offer)
• Would you please allow me to invite you to………..…
• I am so sorry to hear about your illness.

    Conclusions (خاتمـة الخطاب)
• I’m looking forward to hearing from you soon.
• With my best wishes.                                                                                                            • Give my love to all your family.
• Remember me to all at home.                                                                                                    • I am looking forward to hearing from you.

E- mail Writing
8. Write an e-mail to your friend Omar Salem saying why cleanliness is a must today. Your name is Hassan Gamal.

Dear: Omar Salem,
         How are you? I hope you are well. In fact, I'm writing you this e-mail to say why cleanliness is a must today. Every year we hear of new diseases and epidemics which spread like fire all over the world. I think the main cause of such epidemics is that most people don't follow the rules of hygiene and sanitation. You find people who throw rubbish in the streets instead of throwing it in the litter baskets which are found everywhere. This attracts flies and germs. Some people don't care about the cleanliness of public gardens, schools, hospitals and the governmental offices. This, of course, contributes greatly to the spread of diseases. I think you agree with me when I say that all human beings should pay attention to personal cleanliness and public cleanliness so that we can put an end to the spread of infectious diseases.
 I'm looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Yours,                                                                                                                             Hassan

1- Write a letter to your friend Yara apologizing for not attending her engagement party. Your name is Sara.

2- Write a letter to your cousin Ahmed who lives in Alexandria telling him your future plans for spending the summer holiday and the college you would like to join. Your name is Ramadan.

3- Write a letter to your friend Thomas inviting him to visit Egypt .Tell him about some places of interest. Your name is Kareem.

4- You travelled to Marsa Matrouh write letter to your friend Amr telling him about your hotel and how you spend your time. Your name is Mamdouh .

5- Write a letter in reply to the following:-
Dear Magid,
We are here in the Nile Hotel in Hurghada enjoying the beautiful scenery and water sports, the weather is fascinating. The hotel is terrific. We are staying for two weeks. I invite you to come and join us.
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