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November Ennglish tests 2015

El-damati prep school for girls                                          2nd year prep
November English test                                                          2nd period Name:…………………………..class…………               Time allowed: one period  

Cmplete the following dialogue:.
Yara   : Hello, ……( 1)….are you going ?
Ali       : I' m going to Giza .
Yara   : Why are you going there?
Ali       :……..( 2)…….visit the Pyramids .
Yara   : Who …..(3 )…..them ?
Ali       : Our ancient Egyptians.
Yara   : …..(4)…..will you travel ?
Ali       : By school bus .
Choose the correct answer :
1- As soon as she [ come- came- comes- coming],she is [go- going-goes- went ] to have lunch .
2 –Where [ are – am- is – you ] she from?
3-The stones [are – was- have- were  ]cut accurately .

4—The field [ has-hasn't – isn't – can't ] been ploughed yet ?
Read and write questions  using the words in bracket:
1- She went to the shops to buy bread .  (Where)        
2- Next year, he will be eleven .       ( How )  

3-Every day , I go to school early .   (What )
 Read and correct the underlined words :

1- He's just opened the window, isn't he ?
2- The Pyramids built by slaves and workers.
3- A computer can do difficult sums accurate.
 Look at the picture and write a paragraph of foursentences  'on "farmer's work " . These words may help you :
cows-wool -flour –tractor      

 Farmers keep chickens for eggs . ………. ……………………………….    

 Punctuate the following sentence :.
       the man who arrived early is  hosny
El-damati prep school for girls                                          2nd year prep
November English test                                                          1st  period Name:…………………………..class…………               Time allowed: one period  
Supply the missing parts in the following mini- dialogues:
   a)    Basma will do homework as soon as she arrives home .
          Teacher :  What will you do as soon as you arrive home ?
           Basma  : ………………………………………………..

3 M.
   b)    Wheat is very important
          Anwar : ………………………………….?
          Mum    : Farmers grow wheat to get flour .
  Choose the correct answer :              
1-He enjoys ………..stories . ( read – reading – to read – be read )
2-She went shopping yesterday, ( did she - was she– wasn't she–didn't she) ?
3-The ancient Egyptians …….their kings in the pyramids. ( buried- lived- played – lent ).
4- This school ……… in 2001. (built- is built- was built – has built)
5-We all like him because  he is ……….( greedy – polite – bad – helpless )


Write questions using words in brackets:
1-No. I haven't finished my work yet .    ( Have )                                      
2-Computers are used in factories , hospitals and schools .   ( Where)                                            
3-The flight attendant looks after passengers on the plane.(Who)

Read and correct the underlined words :
1- Mother eats her baby .

2- They have already do their homework.
3- "Greedy " means  talking  more than you need .
Look at the picture and write a paragraph of four sentences on                                        

4 M.
" Why Farmers keep animals " These words may help you :    
          eggs – meat  and wool- for milk –useful  
       Farmers keep many animals ….. ………. ..………………………………...…………………………………………..

   Punctuate the following sentence                  
-  do you want tea  coffee or juice   mona

El-damati prep school for girls                                          3rd year prep
November English test  2008                                                        Name:…………………………..class…………               Time allowed: two periods

 Write what you would say in each of the following situations :
1- Your cousin is going to marry.
2- You apologize to your teacher for coming late.
  Choose the correct answer:
   1-The thieves stole the money after the man ……………
      [ faint – fainted -  had fainted  - faints ]
2- People  will travel into space in …………… .
      [ planes- ships – trains – spaceships ]
3-He ……..as a project engineer for many years.
      [have been working- has been working- work- working ]

4-Farmers use ……..to make the soil more fertile.
      [Fertilizers – tractors – machines – wheels]
5- I didn't …….to speak French three years ago .
      [ uses- used- use- using ]

 Read and correct the underlined words :    
1- He went to bed as soon as he has his dinner .
2- She is lazy .She is greedy also .
3- I look forward to travel to America one day.
4- Despite the film was boring, he completed it .
 Write a letter to your friend Nancy congratulating her on her success . Your name is Dina  and you live at 5El- Malek Faisal st.,Tanta.
Use the following points :
 Start your letter to Nancy .
 Ask her How she is.
 Tell her that you congratulate her on her success .

 End your letter in a friendly way .
 Add your name .
 The Reader
A ) Answer the following questions :
    1-How did Axel and the professor travel to Copenhagen?
    2- What did the professor prepare for their journey?
    3- How was Dr. Fridrikson helpful to the professor and Axel ?
    4- When was the professor sure that Arne Saknussem had been to
         the centre of the Earth ?
B) Complete the following to make meaningful sentences :
     5- The Icelanders were kind people because ….. …  

     6-The  crater of Sneffels  was shaped like ………………..      

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