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مراجعة الميدترم 2015 مادة Science للصف السادس الابتدائى لغات الترم الاول

A. Complete the following sentences:
1. The measurement unit of mass is…………..or………….. whereas the measurement unit of weight is……………
2. Mass is measured by…………… whereas weight is measured by…………….
3. Mass is a constant and is not affected by……………
4. An object’s weight depends on…………
5. The device of measuring weight is…………..
6. An object whose weight is 20 Newton on earth, its mass is equal to………….
7. Mass is the amount of matter that body contains. It does not change according to…………..
8. An object’s weight depends on……………., ………………..and………………
9. All metals are………….. conductors of heat.
10. ……………….conducts heat faster than aluminium.
11. Some examples of good conductors of heat are…………..and…………..
12. Some usages of good conductors of heat are………….., ………..and………….
13. Some examples of bad conductors of heat are…………..and…………
14. Some usages of bad conductors of heat are……………., …………..and…………..
15. The scale of the medical thermometer starts from…………and ends at…………..
16. There is a constriction in the…………..thermometer.
17. From the kinds of thermometers are…………..and……………..
18. The Celsius thermometer is used in ……………..whereas the medical thermometer is used in………………
19. The thermometer is……………….
20. We measure temperature by using…………
21. ………………is used in measuring temperatures of different liquids whereas……………..is used in measuring the temperature of the human body.
22. …………….., ………………..and……………..are good conductors of heat.
23. ………………., ……………….and……………..are bad conductors of heat.
24. Oxygen is prepared from ……………in presence of…………….
B. Write the scientific term:
1. The amount of matter in an object.
2. The force with which a body is attracted to the earth.
3. The measurement unit of mass which is almost equal to a mass liter of water.
4. The measurement unit of weight which is almost equal to a mass 100 grams.
5. Materials that let heat flow through.
6. Materials that do not let heat flow through.
7. A device used to measure the temperature of the atmosphere.
8. A device used to measure the temperature of the human being.
9. The liquid used in making thermometers.
10. The amount of matter that the body contains.
11. Tools used to measure the temperature.
12. A gas used to put off fires.
13. A gas molecule consists of three atoms of oxygen.
14. A part of the nervous system responsible for reflex action.
15. The locations of bones touch and allow moving.
16. A flame used in cutting and welding metals.
17. A gas used in ammonia industry.
18. The center of the main control in human body.
19. Ligaments ties muscles with bones.
20. Areas between vertebrae of vertebral column separate and protect from friction between them.
C. Give reasons for each of the following:
1. Mercury is used in thermometers.
2. The handles of cooking utensils are made of wood or plastics.
3. Cooking utensils are made of copper or aluminium.
4. There is a constriction in the medical thermometer.
5. Although oxygen is consumed during respiration, its percentage remains stable in the atmosphere.
6. Oxygen is collected by displacing the water downward in the flask during preparation at the laboratory.
7. The atmosphere has a great importance for the continuity of life on the planet.
8. Aluminium is used in manufacturing of cooking pans.
D. What is meant by:
1. The mass.
2. The weight.
3. The kilogram.
4. Newton.
5. Good conductors of heat.
6. Bad conductors of heat.
7. The thermometer.
8. The Celsius thermometer.
9. The medical thermometer.
10. Oxidation: is the slow union of oxygen with elements in the presence of moisture producing oxides.
11. Combustion (burning): is the rapid union of oxygen with elements producing heat and light.
12. Components of the atmosphere.

E. Answer the following:
1. An object whose mass on earth is equal to 6 kg. Calculate its weight on both surfaces of the earth and the moon.
2. If an object’s mass equals 30 kg on earth, calculate:
 Its mass on the moon.
 Its weight on the earth.
 Its weight on the moon.
F. Compare between:
1. Mass and weight.
2. Good conductors and bad conductors of heat.
3. Medical and Celsius thermometers.
G. Mention the usages of :
1. Good and bad conductors of heat.
2. Medical and Celsius thermometers.
H. Mention the steps of using the medical thermometer to measure your temperature (page 27).
I. If you know that oxygen does not burn but helps in burning. What happens to our lives if the oxygen percentage in the air is more than 21%?: Answer: we can’t control fire- oxidation process increases and so does rusting.
J. Oxygen has a great importance for life on the planet. Give examples for the importance of oxygen and its uses:
1. Oxygen is used in respiration and burning.
2. Water is formed of oxygen and hydrogen.
3. The ozone layer (O3) is formed of oxygen which protects the earth from the harmful radiations of the sun.
4. Oxygen cylinders are used in mechanical ventilation, surgeries, diving and climbing mountains.
5. In cutting and welding metals with aceytelene.

 Model answers for give reasons:
1. Because mercury is a liquid metal that can be seen easily, good conductor of heat, has a regular expanding and does not stick to the walls of the tube.
2. Because they are bad conductors of heat.
3. Because they are good conductors of heat.
4. To prevent mercury from returning back to the bulb after removing the thermometer from the patient’s mouth to read the accurate body temperature easily.
5. Due to the process of photosynthesis in green plants in which oxygen is produced.
6. Because oxygen scarcely dissolves in water.
7. Because it protects the earth from the ultraviolet radiations of the sun by absorbing it. It adjusts the temperature of the earth. It contains O2 necessary for respiration and burning, N2 necessary for building the bodies of living organisms and CO2 necessary for photosynthesis.
8. Because it is a good conductor of heat.
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