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لامتحان نصف العام 2015 لغة انجليزية 2 اعدادى - امتحان تانية اعدادي ازهر 2012

Model Exam based on Units (1-12) 2nd Prep 2012 / 2013- Azhar
Student's name: ………………………………………………………………….……..
      1- Finish the following dialogue:                                                  (2 M)
             Sayed is asking Osama about his uncle's farm.
Sayed  : Where have you been, Osama?
Osama: To my uncle's ……………… (1) .....................
Sayed  : …………………. (2) .................... is it ?
Osama: It is in a small village near Facus .
Sayed  : What does your uncle keep ?
Osama: He keeps ………… , …………... (3) .................... and goats.
Sayed  : Why does he keep them ?
Osama: To get meat, ………… , …….….. (4) .................... and wool.
    2) Supply the missing parts in this mini-dialogue:                       (1 m)
Sara      : .......................................................... job?
Seham : My father is an engineer.
3)  Read and match beginnings from (A) with endings from (B):  (2 m)
            (A)                                                 (B)
1-  We use needles                    a- cutting meat.                             (         )
2-  This is the car                        b- who won the prize.                  (         )
3-  This is the girl                       c- to control robots.                      (         )
4-  A knife is used for                d- to sew with.                               (         )
                                                     e- which my father bought.         (         )
4)  Read the following passage, then answer the questions:        (5 M)
   Last week, my sister Mona wrote a letter to her pen friend, Sandy, who lives in Canada. Mona found Sandy's address on the internet. Mona told her friend that she was fourteen years old and she goes to a prep institute in her village. Mona said that her favourite subject is English. Her hobby is reading. Mona asked Sandy to visit Egypt to enjoy the fine weather in winter and a lot of interesting places.
     A) Answer the following questions:
1-  When did Mona write a letter to her pen friend? ………………………….
2-  Where did Mona find Sandy's address? …………………………………………
   B) Choose the correct answer:
3-  Mona is a ( student  -  doctor  -   teacher  -  farmer).
4-  Mona 's favourite subject is ( Arabic  -  English  - science  - reading).
5-  Sandy's nationality is ( British -  Egyptian  -  American   -  Canadian).
5- Choose the correct answers:                                                           (3 m)
1-  Aya hasn't done her homework .................................... .
a) just                  b) already                  c) yet                    d) never
2-  If Rana goes with us, she ............................ the journey.
a) enjoy            b) will enjoy            c) enjoyed          d) would enjoy
3-  How ......................... have they been playing football?
a) tall                 b) high                  c) much                   d) long
4- While Iman was studying English, her mother …………….……………
a) called            b) calls                c) calling             d) is calling
5- Abdul Badee ………………………….. shout in class .
a) shouldn’t             b) must                 c) should             d) could
6- Ahmed could hear her …………………… she spoke quietly .
a) because            b) so                      c) although              d) but
6- Re-arrange the following sentences:                                             (2 m)
1- / when - be - go - careful - Always - out - you /
2- / house - my - the - live - where - This - family - is /
7- Ask questions using the words in brackets:                                 (2 m)
5- Mother usually cuts meat with knives.                       (How)
6- She can't hear because she is deaf.                             (Why)
8- Correct the underlined words:                                                       (2 m)
2- As soon as Fadya arrive , we'll start the lesson.            ( ……………….. )
3- People from Turkey speak Chinese.                                ( ……………….. )
9- Punctuate the following sentence:                                               (1 m)
 / we have got five senses haven t we /
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