مدرس اون لايندخول

بعض الافعال والصفات المرتبطة بحروف الجر

 able to:   قادر علي                                     He was able to climb the hill.
ability at :   القدرة علي                { good at - bad at - clever at — skilful at — quick at }
        She shows great ability at drawing.                He is not good at Mathematics.
 accused of:  متهم بـــ                                He was accused of killing his wife.
 accustomed to  اعتاد علي                         I am accustomed to getting up early.
 afraid of:    خائف من                               ( scared of - frightened of - terrified of )
 agree with:            {a person } يوافق شخص                         I always agree with you.
 agree about:  {a subject of discussion} يوافق علي موضوع I agreed about most things.
 agree to:  {suggestion }                            At last he agreed to my suggestion.
 aim at:     يهدف إلي                                     She aims at getting high marks.
aim at:      يصوب إلي                                   The hunter aimed at the bird.
 alarmed at: منزعج من                                         Nadia is alarmed at the noise.
 angry with: { a person }  غاضب من شخص  annoyed with:         I am angry with him.
 angry about / for  { something }              I am angry about / for his bad behaviour.
 anxious (worried) about  قلق        He is anxious about the results of his examinations.
 apologize for  يعتذر عن                              I apologized for my mistake.
 apply for a job:   يتقدم لوظيفة                      He can apply for this job.
 ask for:  يطلب                                            Don’t ask for troubles.
 arrive in :  يصل إلي (مكان كبير )                   What time does the plane arrive in London?
 arrive at:   يصل إلي (مكان صغير )                 When did you arrive at the village?
 ashamed of:    خجلان من                            She was ashamed of her behaviour.
 astonished at:  surprised at / shocked at    I was astonished at his bad conduct.
 attach to :  { join } يتصل بـ                  He attached the wire to the radio.
 aware of :   مدرك بــ                              I was aware of what had happened.
 believe in يؤمن بــ                               We believe in one God.
 belong to   { someone } ينتمي إلي       This coat does not belong to me.
 blame ……..for:   يلوم علي               The policeman blamed him for driving carelessly.
 blow up: يفجر / يكبر الصورة             The building was blown up by the terrorists.
 boast of( about) يتفاخر                      He boasted of his famous uncle.
 borrow ... from   يستعير   من               I borrowed this book from the library.
 bored with :  يمل من شيء        She is bored with doing the same thing every morning.
 break down:  يتعطل                   I need a mechanic. My car broke down.
 break down: ينهار                      She broke down when she heard the bad news.
 break into:  يقتحم                      The thief broke into the house.
 break off:  يفسخ                           They broke off their engagement.
 break out: تشب الحرب / الحريق      War broke out in 1973.        Fire broke out all night.
 bring about  / happen               Science has brought about many changes in our life.
 bring up:   يربي                          Bringing up children is not an easy task.
 buy… for:  يشتري   بـ                 Noha bought this dress for 200 $.
 call on (visit)  يزور                    We can call on Suzy tomorrow.
 call after :     يسمي باسم               She was called after her mother.
 call back: يعود                           The salesman will call back in the evening.
 call off:  يؤجل                              The football match was called off because of the rain.
 calm down:  يهدا                                       Calm down and don’t lose your temper.
 care about:  يهتم بــ                                    Do you care about winning a prize?
 carry on : (continue)                                We can carry on our discussion at night.
 carry out :   ينفذ                                         Surgeons carry out operations.
 capable of: { thing } قادر علي                      He is capable of doing a lot of things
 careful of:  يراعي                                        You should be careful of your health.
 charge with:  متهم بــ                                 This man was charged with murder.
 check in: يفحص/ينهى إجراءات                    [ report one’s arrival at a hotel /an airport]
                         You must check in at the airport two hours before the plane leaves.
 come about:  يحدث                        How has it come about that it rains in July.
 complain to:     يشكو إلي                I complained to the manager about the food.
 complain about (of):  يشكو من     Mary is complaining about the noise.
 concentrate on:  يركز علي             Please, concentrate on your work.
 consist of:      يتكون من                 The robot consists of several parts.
 congratulate on: يهنئ علي           She congratulated Noha on her success.
 confidence in:  ثقة في                    You should have confidence in me.
 covered with:   مغطي بــ                  The table Is covered with dust.
 crowded with :  مزدحم بــ                The cinema is crowded with people.
 crash into:  { drive into — run into } يصطدم بــ   His car crashed into the wall.
 cure of (V.)     يعالج من                   This medicine cured me of the cold.
 cure for + (n.) علاج لــ                     Doctors didn’t find cure for some diseases.
 curious to          فضولي انـ                Rana was curious to know the secret.
cut out      يفصل بالقطع                      He cut out the funny picture from the magazine.
 cut off:       يفصل / يقطع                   The company cut off electricity last night.
 deal with: يتعامل مع                    This book deals with many subjects
 deal in:    يتاجر في                          This company deals in buying and selling cars.
depend ( rely ) on: يعتمد علي            Children usually depend on their mothers.
die down:  يهدا / يخمد             Wait until her anger dies down. The fire died down at last.
die of     يموت من                             Many people die of hunger in Somalia. J
different from: مختلف عن                She is completely different from her mother.
 difficulty in:    صعوبة فــ                   He found great difficulty in learning Latin.
 disappointed in /with:                 My parents will be disappointed in / with me if I fail.
 disappointed about / at:                  I am disappointed at / about losing the race.
 divide into: يقسم الي                           She divided the cake into two parts.
 draw up: reach / stop                       The car drew up at the station.
 dress up:      يتخفى في           The clown dressed up funny clothes to make people laugh.
dream of: يتخيل                                   I always dream of becoming a millionaire.
 dream about: :  { asleep } يحلم بــ       I dreamt about a fire that broke out in the room.
 dressed in:                                         The waiter was dressed in black.
 drop in: [ a short informal visit ] يزور من غير ميعاد    You can drop in for a cup of tea.
drop off: {sleep for a short time }  ينام     My father always drops off in the afternoon.
drop off: ينزل شخص                         You can drop me off at the end of the street
 drop off  يخفض                               His interest in chess has dropped off
 drop down  يسقط                            The apple dropped down from the tree
due to         نتيجة لــ                           The accident was due to his careless driving.
 eager for:        شغوف بــ              They are eager for success.
 effect on:        تأثير علي             Soft music has a good effect on me.
 engaged in: منهمك في                 Sami is engaged (busy) in his new job.
 envious of:     غيور من               She is jealous of her friend.
 exchange for:    يستبدل بــ            Farmers exchange cotton for wheat.
 Exception to:  مستثني من            What he said is exception to his behaviour.
 excited about : worried مثار لـ   Jane was excited about meeting her uncle.
 excuse for: يعذر                          He excused his son for not coming early.
 fade away: تذبل/ تبهت            Plants need water otherwise they fade away.
 famous for:مشهور بــ               He is famous for his bravery.
 fail in:  يفشل في                        He failed in winning the prize.
 fond of:    مغرم بــ                     She is fond of chocolates.
full of:       مملوء بــ                    This bottle is full of oil.
 fill in:   يملا استمارة                    You should fill in this application form.
fill with:  يملا....بـ                       He filled the pen with ink.
 get across: make clear يوضح    He got the problem across to me .
 get by: يكسب بالكاد                              having just enough money to live
 get away with:  يفلت من العقاب           escape punishment
 get over:  يتغلب علي / يشفي من مرض                    He got over his serious illness.
 get rid of:   يتخلص من                      At last he got rid of his bad habits.
 get along with:   يساير                     Tom couldn’t get along with his classmates.
get on          يصعد                              The bus is full. We cannot get on it.
get off:  يهبط                                    We should get off the bus at the next stop.
getup:   يستيقظ                                  What time did you get up?
 get through:  ينجح                            Dina got through her test
 give away:    يفضح                             His shaking hand gave him away.
give in: yield  يستسلم                          It was such a difficult problem that I gave in.
give up:        يقلع عن                           He gave up smoking.
 glad of / about: مسرور من                  She is glad of the news.
 good at:             جيد في                       I am good at marketing.
 good for:           حسن لـ                       Much food is not good for health.
 good to:           عطوف علي                   You must be good to your mother.
 guilty of:          متهم في                        He was guilty of murder
 hope for:           يأمل في              Everyone hopes for success.
ignorant of:        جاهل بــ              He is ignorant of even the simplest facts.
 indebted to: (grateful to )  مدين لــ          Students should be indebted to their teachers.
 insist on:    يصر علي                                He insisted on telling lies.
 interested in:    مهتم بــ                            I am interested in fishing
indifferent to     غير مهتم بـــ                     He is indifferent to what his friend said..
 kind to:  nice to/polite to . لطيف        We should be kind to animals.
 kind of:  عطف من                                    It’s very kind of you to come to my party.
 keen on:  متحمس لــ                                 I am not very keen on coming.
 knock down: يلقي أرضا                           He was knocked down by the boxer.
 laugh at: .       يسخر من                   People laughed at him because of his hair cut.
 leave for:        يغادر إلي                                He is leaving for America.
listen to:          يستمع إلي                              Listening to the BBC improves your English.
 live on:             يعيش علي                              He lives on his wife’s income.
 look at:   ينظر الي                                          Why are you looking at me like that?
 look after:   يعتني بــ                                       A child needs someone to look after him.
 look for:   يبحث عن                                         I am looking for my lost keys.
 look forward to:    يتطلع إلي                           I look forward to hearing from you.
 look on: [ without taking part]  يتفرج          Don’t stand looking on. Try to help me.
 look out: [ care ]  يحرص                       You should took out before crossing the road.
 look round: [ at everything ]  ينظر إلي كل شيء     Hanan likes to look round the shops.
 look up :  يبحث عن كلمة في قاموس             You can look up new words in the dictionary.
 make-up:  ماكياج                                      Too much make-up looks unnatural.
 make up : (a story, an excuse) يختلق قصة    He is a big lair He always makes up stories.
make out: see  يري/ يميز                              I can make out a star in the sky.
 make for: go  يتجه نحو                               We made for Alexandria at dawn.
make up for:   يعوض                                   The referee should make up for the lost time.
 married to:           متزوج من                        She is married to a millionaire.
 pass by: a place   يمر بالقرب من                    Are you going to pass by the restaurant?
pay for: يدفع لـــ                               You should pay for your drink.
 Pick out : يختار                          Can you pick out a blouse for me to wear in the party?
 pick up: hear / receive  يستلم         The ship picked up signals for help.
 play for:       يلعب لــ                         Hamada Imam used to play for Al Zamalik.
 pleased with:  مسرور من شخص     at (something )  مسرور من شيء              
                 He is pleased with Suzan.               He is pleased at the good result.
point at/ to  يشير إلي                        Suzy pointed at / to the yellow flower in the garden.
 point at :   يصوب                            The policeman pointed the gun at the thief.
 point out: draw attention   يجذب انتباه  The teacher pointed out my spelling mistakes.
 popular with:  محبوب من                       President Nasser was popular with his people.
 put out           يطفئ                          The fireman could put out the fire.
put on:         يرتدي                           She put on anew dress at the party.
put off:     يؤجل                               the meeting was put off.
put up:    يشيد                                 He planned to put up a house near the garden.
put up with:  يتحمل                         Sometimes we have to put up with our neighbours.
 prevent from:   يمنع من                  The cover prevents steam ii from escaping.
 proof of:          برهان علي                This is a proof of my honesty.
prefer.....to:     يفضل ...عن               I prefer winter to summer.
 protect… from:  يحمي من                 You should protect your head from the sun.
 provide with:   يمد بــ                      Cows provide us with milk.
 proud of:   فخور بــ                I am proud of my country.
 reason for:       سبب لـ                          There is no reason for his absence.
 reason with:    يجادل                        He agreed to come after reasoning with him.
 regard as:       يعتبر                          I always regard him as my friend.
 rely on: [ count on] يعتمد علي         You can rely on me to help you.
 remind of:             يذكر بــ                Please remind me of what I said.
 responsible for :   مسئول عن           Who is responsible for this mistake?
 retire at:      يتقاعد                           He retired at the age of sixty five.
 run after:     يطارد                          The policeman ran after the thief.
 run into:      يقابل                            He ran into his old friend.
run out of: run short of  ينفذ          l have run out of money.
 run over:     يدهس/ يدوس               The car ran over the poor dog.
 satisfied with:  راضي عن             He is not satisfied with his work.
search for:       يبحث عن                  I'll search for my lost wallet everywhere.
see off:    يودع                                He went to the airport to see his friend off.
send for:   يرسل في طلب                  Please, send for the doctor at once.
set back: انتكاسة                            She had a set back after her recovery.
set off:    ينطلق / يبدأ                       Mr. Ahmed set off on a trip round the world.
set out:  ينظم                                 The meal was set out on a long table.
 set out:  يعرض موضوع                  He could set out his ideas clearly.
 shivering with :    يرتعد من           She was shivering with fear.
 shoot at:  يطلق علي                        The hunter will shoot at the bird.
 shout at:   يصرخ في                        The teacher shouted at the pupils.
 shout to: call to:  ينادي علي            He shouted to me from the other direction.
 short of:  نقص                                          I am short of money.
similar to:  مشابه لــ                                    Bread is not similar to cake.
sit at:           يجلس علي(أمام)                                The manager is sitting at a big desk.
 sorry about: (something)  يأسف بسبب       I am sorry about the accident.
 sorry about / for:  (doing something) يعتذر عن   l am sorry for/about shouting at you.
 spend on: ينفق علي                                    He spent the money on his holiday.
 speak to (with):  يتحدث مع                        Could I speak to Bill, please.
 speak for     يتحدث بالنيابة عن                     The lawyer speaks for people in court.
 succeed in:  ينجح في                                  She succeeded in getting full marks.
suffer from:  يعاني من                               Many people suffer from anemia.
 sure about:   متأكد من                               He is sure about the result of the exam.
 surprised at: مندهش لــ                            He was surprised at his honesty.
 suspect of:   يشك في                                He suspected his servant of stealing the vase.
 take after: يشبه                               He took after his father.
takeoff:      يخلع                                  He took off the shirt to try another one.
take off:  تقلع(للطائرة)                                    The plane will take off at 7 o’clock.
take up: يتعلم/يمارس                                       We took up playing the piano.
take in : {deceive } يخدع                     Don’t be taken in by his promises.
take out: يخلع                                       He had his tooth taken out by the dentist.
take out: يخرج                                      I’m taking the children out to the zoo.
 take over:  يتولى مهمة                        After the manager had left, Mr. Jack took over.
 thank… for  يشكر علي                           I thanked my friend for typing the letter.
 think of / about:  يفكر في                   He always thinks of / about travelling abroad.
 throw at:      يلقي                                Maha threw the stone at the dog.
 throw to:     يقذف إلي                           She threw the ball to her but she couldn’t catch it.
 throw away: يرمي                      Don’t throw cigarette ends away. They may cause fire.
tired of:    متعب من                                        I  am tired of your stupid remarks.
 translate ... from  …into:  يترجم إلي     Translate this passage from Arabic into English.
 tremble with:    يرتعد من                               He was trembling with fever.
 turn on/off:    يفتح / يغلق                               When did you turnoff the radio?
 wait for: ينتظر                                  He has been waiting for the bus.
 walk about:  يتجول                                          They walked about the streets aimlessly.
 warn (a person) of   / against danger:يحذر    He warned him of/ against driving fast.
wear off:     يقل                         l am happy because the pain in my teeth is wearing off.
white with:  شاحب بسبب                She was white with fear.
 worthy of:   جدير بـــ                      He is worthy of the prize.
 wrong with:   خطأ                          There is something wrong with him.
 worried about:  قلق علي                   He was worried about his health.
 write in ink / in pencil: يكتب بــ       Cheques should not be written in pencil.
More Expressions and Prepositions
by cheque:                        بالشيك              Will you pay in cash or by cheque?
by ( accident / chance):  بالصدفة                     I met him by chance.
turn on/off :                         يطفئ                    TV/light/machines etc.
by day:  نهارا                                            He works by day.
by :                                    بواسطة                    This story is written by Nagib Mahfouz.
in love with:                         يحب                     Romeo fell in love with Juliet
in my opinion:                 فى رأيى                    In my opinion the story was boring.
on fire:                              يحترق                     The house was on fire all night.
on the phone:                   تليفونيا                     I’ve spoken to her on the phone.
on TV / on the radio:                                    I heard the news on the radio.
on a diet :                          رجيم                       I want to lose weight. I’ll go on a diet.
on strike:                         اضراب                    Workers were on strike yesterday.
on business:            فى مهمة عمل                      He traveled to London on business.
on holiday:                   فى اجازة                      Now, he is on holiday.
for a walk:                       تمشية                      It is nice to go for a walk in the afternoon.
in touch with: يكون علي اتصال ب                   I can’t get in touch with you.
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