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لغة انجليزية 1 ثانوي - شرح Unit16 : The global village - الترم الثاني

Unit 16: The Global Village
definition                                  تعريف
globalization                            العولمة
global                                     عالمى
global village                      قرية عالمية
globally                                    عالميا
globe                               الكرة الارضية
multinational                متعدد الجنسيات
company                                  شركة
satellite                             قمر صناعى
form                                         شكل
international                              دولى
communication                          اتصال
toys                                           لعب  
quality                             نوعية / جودة
member                                      عضو
join                       ينضم الى / يلتحق بـ
organization                             منظمة
standard                                 مستوى
TV channels                  قنوات التليفزيون
education                                 التعليم
educational programnmes برامج تعليمية
chess                                   الشطرنج
incredible                                 مذهل
boring                                        ممل
The United Nations           الامم المتحدة
temple                                       معبد
favourite                        محبب / مفضل
packet                                        علبة
opinion                                        رأى
suggestion                                اقتراح
device                                        جهاز
orbit = go round                    تدور حول
common                        شائع / معروف
transmit = send out                     ينقل
navigation                                 ملاحة
radio signals                اشارات لاسلكية
satellite navigation        الملاحة الفضائية
electronic                             اليكترونى
exactly                           بالضبط / تماما
route                                         طريق
avoid                                       يتجنب
traffic jam                         زحمة المرور
forecast = predict                      يتنبأ بـ
weather                                  الطقس
weather forecast             النشرة الجوية
accurately                                   بدقة
accurate                                    دقيق
forest fires                      حرائق الغابات
floods                                   فيضانات
up-to-date = modern = new       حديث
increase                                     يزداد
equipment                                معدات
warn                                          يحذر
warnings                                تحذيرات
predictions                                تنبؤات
introduction                              مقدمة
check              يتأكد من / يراجع / يفحص
location                            موقع / مكان
mirror                                         مرايا
main                                       رئيسى
include                يشتمل على / يتضمن
map-making                     رسم الخرائط
dangers                                    أخطار
entertainment                           تسلية
consult                                  يستشير
specialist                                أخصائى
instruct                                       يعلم
colleague              زميل (عمل / دراسة)
operation                                  عملية
broadcast                                    يذيع
link                                            يربط
reduce                                       يقلل
Language Study

 poor quality:  نوعية رديئة      
   - A lot of cheap toys are of very poor quality. They break easily.

 good quality:   نوعية جيدة      
   - Our school gives us good quality education. All the teachers work very hard.

 from all over the world:   من كل أنحاء العالم  
   - We can watch international football matches from all over the world.

 interested in:             مهتم بـ
   - I'm not interested in football.

 on the internet:
   - You can play games on the internet.

 good at + v. + ing / اسم:   ماهر فى
   - I'm not very good at (playing) chess.

 good for:    مفيد لـ
   - Too much sugar in your diet is not good for you.

 belong to:  ينتمى الى  
   - They belong to the same chess club.

 agree about:  يتفق بشأن      
   - Ali and Hani agree about television programmes.

 beat: يهزم (يليه الشخص أو الفريق المهزوم)    
   - Ali could beat Hani at chess.

 win:  يفوز بـ / يكسب (يليه الشئ الذى نفوز به أو نكسبه)
   - Maha won her chess match against Soha.

 go over: revise    يراجع / يعيد النظر فى
   - Let's go over what we're doing tomorrow.

 go swimming:  يذهب للسباحة    
    - We're going swimming before breakfast.

 plan for:   يخطط لـ    
    - Photographs from space help farmers to plan for the future.
 cut trees down:  يقطع الأشجار    
    - They are not going to cut those trees down.

 move into:  ينتقل الى  
   - We've just moved into a new flat.

 short for:  اختصار لـ      
   - Sat-nav is short for satellite navigation.

 warn about / of:  يحذر من  
    - Satellites have made it easier to warn people about / of floods.

 in the years to come:   فى السنوات القادمة
    - It is certain that the uses of satellites will increase in the years to come.

 see:  يرى    
   - I've lost my bag. Have you seen it anywhere?
   - I saw a road accident on the way to school. Nobody was hurt.

 watch:  يشاهد
    - Have you ever watched a programme on satellite TV?
    - I enjoy watching international tennis matches.

 look at:  ينظر الى  
 - When Ali looked at himself in the mirror, he realized he had paint on his face.

 take part in:  يشارك فى  
   - She doesn't usually take part in any of the class activities.

 concentrate on:   يركز على  
   - I can't concentrate on my work with all that noise.  

 know how to + مصدر  :   يعرف كيف    
   - She doesn't know how to make a cake.

 agree with:   يتفق مع          
   - I don't agree with you on this issue.  موضوع

 on the way to:   فى الطريق الى
    - I saw a terrible accident on the way to work.

 think of:  يفكر فى  
   - I'm thinking of travelling abroad next month.

 play against:   يلعب ضد  
   - You can play chess against people all over the world on the internet.


Conversation one:

Amr  : What do you think of all these new TV channels we've got, Mona?
Mona: I 'm not sure. I don't really think we need them.
Amr  : Why not? Some of them are OK, aren't they?
Mona: Some, but not many. Just because we've got more channels doesn't mean the programmes are any better, does it? I went to the USA last year where they have hundreds of channels and lots of them are very poor quality.
Amr  : But there are special channels for education and sport.
Mona: The educational programmes are good, but there were enough sports programmes already.
Amr  : But now we can watch international football matches from all over the world.
Mona: But Amr, I'm not interested in football, am I?
Amr  : No. We're not going to agree, are we?
Mona: No, I don't think so.

Conversation two:

Taha  : You've played games on the internet, haven't you?
Kamal: Yes, of course. Lots of people play computer games on the internet, don't they?
Taha  : But I mean a game like chess.
Kamal: Oh, no, I don't really like chess - because I'm not very good at it.
Taha  : Well I've joined an internet chess club which has three million members. You can play chess against people all over the world. At the weekend I beat someone from Russia!
Kamal: Really-that's incredible! You play against Someone you don't know?
Taha  : Yes, it's fun. You should try it.

Reading & Critical Thinking

Who needs satellites?
1) Introduction
Satellites are devices which orbit the earth. Their most common uses are communication - to transmit television pictures and telephone calls - and navigation. Many satellites orbit the earth every 24 hours, so they are always over the same place. There are thousands of satellites orbiting the earth. Some are 36,000 kilometres above the earth.

2) Communication:
Using satellites to transmit television pictures means that people all over the world can watch programmes from other countries. Satellites can transmit hundreds of channels of high quality. Although most mobile phones today use radio signals, there are now satellite phones which can be used in places with no radio signals.

3) Checking your location:
Sat-nav, which is short for satellite navigation, is an electronic device which can help car drivers and pilots to know exactly where they are. If you have sat-nav in your car, it can tell you your best route and help you to avoid traffic jams.

4) Predictions and warnings:
        Satellites have made it easier to forecast the weather accurately, and to warn people about forest fires or floods. Photographs from high in space can also help produce up-to-date maps. In poor parts of the world, photographs from space can help farmers to plan for the future.

5) Looking into the future:
         There are already many different uses for satellites. It is certain their use will increase in the years to come.

Questions & answers

1- What are satellites?
  - Satellites are devices which orbit the earth.

2- What are the main uses of satellites today?
  - Satellites are used for weather forecast, communication, scientific research, map-making, navigation, remote sensing and spying.  

3- How are satellites used in communication?
  - They are used to transmit TV pictures, telephone calls and for navigation.

4- How many satellites are orbiting the earth?
  - Thousands

5- What is sat-nav short for?
  - Satellite navigation.

6- What is satellite navigation?
 - It is an electronic device which can help car drivers and pilots to know exactly where they are.

7- What can sat-nave tell car drivers?
  - It can tell them the best route and help them to avoid traffic jams.

8- What are the advantages of satellites being very high in the sky?
  - They can transmit to anywhere on earth.

9- What can satellites see that might help farmers?
  - They can warn of forest fires and floods, and using remote sensing, they can find water under the ground.

10- Name two uses for satellites.
  - Satellite navigation helps drivers and pilots. It helps predict the weather and warn people of floods.

11- What uses of satellites are mentioned in the article?
   - Satellites are used to transmit TV pictures, phone calls, for navigation, to forecast the weather, warn people about possible dangers and forest fires.

12- How do you think satellites' use will increase in the future in health?
   - People may be able to consult specialists in other countries by means of satellite TV. Doctors may be able to use satellites to instruct colleagues doing specialist operations.

13- How do you think satellites' use will increase in the future in education?
   - Satellite TV can be used to broadcast education programmes across continents and to link schools and children in different parts of the world.

14- How do you think satellites' use will increase in the future in work?
  - Satellite communications may reduce the need for so much travel if colleagues can take part in online conferences, etc.

15- How do you think satellites' use will increase in the future in entertainment?
  - There are more satellite TV channels for people to watch, including live music, sports, news, etc.

16- Why do you think some people want to watch TV programmes from other countries?
  - To know about peoples' customs, traditions and their way of life.

17- Do you think there may be problems if everyone had satellite navigation in their cars?
  - No, I don't think so.

18- How do you think satellites can help farmers to plan for the future?
 - They will have exact information that will help them plant crops which will suit the weather.

 Choose the correct answer:
1- The U.S.A. has hundreds of channels and lots of them are very poor (quality-adjective-quantity-qualified).
2- We can watch international football matches from all (above-under-through-over) the world.
3- This place is not a suitable (destination-station-location-stop) for a supermarket.
4- I'm not interested (on-in-at-about) football.
5- Lots of people play computer games (in-at-on-over) the internet.
6- I don't really like chess - because I'm not very good (at-for-in-on) it.
7- Maha joined an internet chess club which has three million (members-sections-numbers-parts).
8- Satellites are devices which (move-go-orbit-turn) the earth.
9- A lot of food companies are (multinational-multimedia-multiple-multiply). They have branches all over the world.
10- Satellites can (transport-transfer-transmit-transplant) hundreds of channels of high quality.
11- Satellite phones can be used in places with no radio (signs-signals-reference-posts).
12- Sat-nav can help you to avoid traffic (jams-jumps-rushes-games).
13- Satellites have made it easier to (say-forecast-protect-prevent) the weather accurately.
14- Satellites warn people (on-for-at-about) forest fires or floods.
15- If people spend their time (looking-seeing-watching-noticing) television, I believe this is not good.
16- Radio and TV are vital means of (communication-transportation-communion-transplantation).    
17- We already use (planes-satellites-rockets-comets) in space for communications.
18- Good (quantity-qualitative-quality-qualify) shoes last longer.
19- I was thinking (of-in-on-at) all the happy times we'd spent together.
20- The company is concentrating (upon-about-with-on) developing new products.
21- A lot of cheap toys are of very poor quality. This means that  they are (very good-tired-not good-expensive).
22- Ali and Hani agree (at-to-over-about) television programmes.
23- Maha (beat-won-gained-got) her chess match against Soha.
24- I have gone (out-up-over-by) the problem several times, but I can't think of a solution.
25- We spent the day on the beach but it was too cold to (go-play-spend-see) swimming.
26- Photographs from space help farmers to plan (to-about-with-for) the future.
27- They are not going to cut those trees (out-down-over-off).
28- I've lost my bag. Have you (watched-looked-seen-looked at) it anywhere?
29- I (saw-watched-looked-looked at) a road accident on the way to school. Nobody was hurt.
30- Have you ever (seen-watched-looked-looked at) a programme on satellite TV?
31- I really enjoy (seeing-looking-looking at-watching) international tennis matches.
32- When Ali (looked at-looked-saw-watched) himself in the mirror, he realized he had paint on his face.
33- She doesn't usually take (a part-part-place-space) in any of the class activities.
34- She doesn't know (what-who-which-how) to make a cake.
35- You can play chess (by-from-against-of) people all over the world on the internet.
36- Who's that man? He's been (looking at-seeing-noticing-looking) me all morning).
37- There's something wrong with my car. Could you (look-look at-watch-see) it, please?
38- I can't find my glasses, which means I can't (watch-see-look at-looks) very well.
39- We (saw-looked-looked at-watched the match from beginning to end. It was really exciting.
40- Have you (seen-watched-looked-saw) Ali's new bicycle? It's bright red.
41- Did you (watch-look at-look-observe) the late film on TV last night?

Language Focus

Question tag السؤال المذيل  

Ÿ السؤال المذيل عبارة عن سؤال قصير يضاف فى نهاية الجملة لزيادة التأكيد و معناه "أليس كذلك".
Ÿ يتكون السؤال المذيل من فعل مساعد أو فعل ناقص و ضمير فاعل.
Ÿ فى حالة عدم وجود فعل مساعد أو فعل ناقص نستخدم do / does / did  حسب الزمن.
Ÿ إذا كانت الجملة مثبتة يكون السؤال المذيل منفى و العكس.
Ÿ يستخدم السؤال المذيل لسببين:
أ‌- عندما تتوقع أن شخصا ما سوف يتفق معك (وهذا يعتبر سؤال غير حقيقى و ينخفض الصوت فى نهاية السؤال المذيل)
- It's hot today, isn't it?  (You know it is hot today)
ب‌- لكى نسأل سؤال حقيقى للتأكد من المعلومة (و يرتفع الصوت فى نهاية السؤال المذيل)
- She isn't your sister, is she? (You are not sure, so you want an answer)
1- You're from Cairo, aren't you?
2- He isn't from Turkey, is he?
3- You woke up early, didn't you?
4- We aren't going to agree, are we?
5- It’s hot today, isn’t it?
6- Magi speaks English well, doesn’t she?
7- Dalia has typed the letters, hasn’t she?
8- Tom won’t be late, will he?
9- It’s stopped raining, hasn’t it?
10- I shall visit you, shan’t I?
11- Martina doesn’t speak Latin, does she?

1- الكلمات الآتيةfew / little / never / seldom / hardly / rarely / no longer / neither  تعبر عن النفى و لذلك يكون السؤال المذيل مثبت.
- I will never speak to her again, will I?
- They rarely visit Japan, do they?
2- نستخدم they  بدلا من someone/somebody/everyone/everybody/no one/ nobody
- Nobody believes a liar, do they?
- Everyone has come to the party, haven’t they?
3- نستخدم it  بدلا من  something / nothing / everything .
- Everything is ready, isn’t it?
4- لاحظ الشواذ الآتية.
1- Let’s go to the club, shall we?
2- Let us stay here, will (won’t) you?
3- I am a dentist, aren’t I?
4- Open the door, will (can/could/would/won’t) you?
5- Don’t stay up late, will you?
6- You must take the medicine, needn’t you?
7- This / That is fantastic, isn’t it?
5- لاحظ السؤال المذيل مع التعبيرات الآتية.
- I’d rather have tea, wouldn’t I?
- You’d better stay in bed, hadn’t you?
6- فى حالة وجود فعلين فى الجملة فان السؤال المذيل يكون تابع للجملة الثانية.
- I believe it’s going to rain, isn’t it?
7- فى حالة وجود أداة ربط فان السؤال المذيل يتبع الجملة التى لا تحتوى على أداة الربط.
- I’ll help you if you ask, won’t I?
8- لاحظ الاختصارات الآتية:
 Ÿ ’d better = had better                       Ÿ ’d rather = would rather
 Ÿ ’d like = would like                          Ÿ ’d prefer = would prefer
 Ÿ It’s + adj. / noun / v.+ ing = It is      Ÿ It’s + p.p. = It has
 Ÿ shan’t = shall not                             Ÿ won’t = will not
@ Choose the correct answer:
1- She wouldn't mind if I didn't go, (did she-wouldn't she-hadn't she-would she)?
2- Salwa is not at school today, (isn't she-is she-does she-doesn't she)?
3- They should have arrived on time, (should they-shouldn’t they-do they-don’t they)?
4- The soup tasted delicious, (isn’t-wasn’t-doesn’t-didn’t) it?
5- I’m really late, (am-don’t-have-aren’t) I?
6- They were late this morning, (didn’t they-did they-were they-weren’t they)?
7- You don’t know where my Workbook is, (do-don’t-didn’t-are) you?
8- There’s an exam tomorrow, (is there-isn’t there-has there-hasn’t there)?
9- We haven’t seen that movie, (have we-haven’t we-don’t we-didn’t we)?
10- He can’t remember her phone number, (can’t-won’t-couldn’t-can) he?
11- The boy came late to class, (wasn't-didn't-isn't-doesn't) he?
12- Don't come late again, (will you-do you-won't you-do I)?
13- I don't think he will do it, (won't-will-do-don't) he?
14- He'd hardly do it without permission, (would-wouldn't-had-hadn't) he?
15- Let's go to the club, (will we-shall we-can we-shan't we)?
16- You get up late every morning, (do you-do I-don't you-don't I)?
17- He's gone to London, (has he-hasn't he-isn't he-doesn't he)?
18- Samy will come to the party, (will he-can he-doesn't he-won't he)?
19- He hadn't told me about her, (had he-hadn't he-did he-does he)?
20- We shall do it alone, (won't you-will you-shall we-shan't we)?
21- I'd rather stay at home, (wouldn't you-hadn't you-would I-had I)?
22- You'd better leave, (wouldn't you-hadn't you-would I-had I)?

@ Rewrite using the word(s) in brackets to give the same meaning:
1- He is late for work, isn’t he?                 (early)
2- He runs quickly, doesn’t he?                (slowly)
3- Tom didn’t sing very well, did he?        (badly)
4- He always gets up late, doesn’t he?      (never)
5- He plays tennis well, doesn’t he?          (does)


A) Language Functions

1- Finish the following dialogue between Alaa and Walid:
          Alaa met his old friend Walid in the street.
Alaa : Are you still working for the bank in Assiut?
Walid: No, I’m afraid ……………………………………………………….  
Alaa : Oh dear, I’m sorry to hear that. ………………………………………………...?
Walid: I have been out of work for 8 months.
Alaa : …………………………………………………………. ?
Walid: I’m trying to find a new job in another bank.
Alaa: I think it isn’t easy to find a job, ………………………………… ?
Walid: No, it isn’t easy. If I don’t, I may start my own business.

2- Write what you would say in each of the following situations:
1- Your friend asks you about your opinion of satellite television.
2- You suggest going swimming.
3- You ask you if you are for or against satellite television.
4- Your friend thinks that satellite navigation in cars makes people lazy. You disagree.

B) Vocabulary and Structure

3- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1- I've lost my tennis shoes. Have you ……………….. them?
   a) watched             b) seen              c) looked at              d) saw
2- When I was on holiday, I …………….. swimming every day.
   a) spent                b) made              c) went                   d) had
3- If something is of poor quality, then it is ………………… .
   a) very good          b) tired               c) not good             d) expensive
4- Satellites are devices which …………… the earth.
a) travel                b) walk               c) forecast               d) orbit
5- Farmers can ……………… in advance that they will have a good harvest.
a) predict              b) produce          c) protect                d) prevent
6- You haven't finished your homework yet, ……………………..?
a) did you             b) have you         c) have you             d) do you
7- Father is going to the village now, ………………….. ?
a) isn't he             b) aren't they        c) is he                   d) will he
8- He could hardly solve the problem, …………………..?
a) couldn't he        b) could he           c) can he               d) can't he
9- I'm a doctor, …………………?
a) am I                b) don't I              c) didn't I              d) aren't I
10- I think it's going to rain, …………………?
a) don't I              b) isn't it               c) do it                 d) won't it
4- Rewrite the following sentences using the word(s) in brackets to give the same meaning:
1- He is intelligent, isn't he?   (stupid)
2- Ali came to school late, didn't he?  (early)
3- Noha didn't play music badly, did she?  (well)
4- I don't think he will win the prize, won't he?  (Perhaps)

5- Read the text below, then write the word which best fits each space:
    Satellites are devices which orbit the earth. Their most common (1) ………….. are communication - to transmit television (2)…………… and telephone calls - and navigation. Using satellites to (3)……………… television pictures means that people (4)………… over the world can watch programmes from (5)……………… countries. Although most mobile phones today use radio signals, there are now satellite phones which can be used in places with no (6)………………… signals
C) Read Comprehension and Set Books

6- Read the following passage , then answer the questions:
          The celebration of Earth Day began in the city of San Francisco and was started by their mayor at the request of John McConnell. The first Earth Day celebration was held on March 21, 1970, which was the first day of spring.
            Earth Day is important because it reminds us to stop and look at the problems of our environment. We need to make plans to recycle materials that are recyclable and to clean up our rivers, streams, lakes, and oceans. Pollution is causing danger to the air we breathe, our soil, and our water sources. Industries, automobiles, and others are releasing dangerous smoke in to our atmosphere and the air we breathe. This release can cause health problems to people living on Earth.
            Each of us must do our part to recycle and reuse products instead of throwing them away. The trash we deliver to our landfills each week is taking up valuable land and space we need for homes and farms.
            Earth Day is now celebrated each year on April 22 nd. Schools around the world take part in making sure that our world is a cleaner place. Students volunteer to pick up trash at their schools, homes, and neighborhoods to do their part in helping our environment.

A) Answer the following questions:
1- Where did Earth Day begin?
2- Who requested this celebration of our Earth?
3- What is the importance of Earth Day?
4- What can we do to help keep trash out of our landfills?

 B) Choose the correct answer:
     5- The smoke released in to the air we breathe by automobiles and industry is…………………………..
                a) healthy to breathe              b) unhealthy to breathe
                c) helpful to plants                 d) helpful to animals
             6- What does Earth Day help us to do?
                a) think of ways to recycle materials             b) pick up trash
                c) clean up our water sources                      d) all of these
            7- What can students do to help celebrate Earth Day?
                a) have a party for the Earth                        b) sing songs
        c) pick up trash in their community               d) none of these

7- Answer Only Four (4) of the following questions:
1- What are satellites?
2- Name two uses of satellites?
3- What can satellites see that might help farmers?
4- How do you think satellites can help farmers to plan for the future?
5- Why do you think some people want to watch TV programmes from other countries?
6- How do you think satellites' use will increase in the future in health?

D) The Novel

A) Answer the following questions:
1- What was Benting doing while Van Lutjens was looking with joy at his diamond?
2- What happened to Van Lutjens when the ship gave a sudden and violent roll?
3- Show that Van Lutjens admired his two diamonds so much.
4- Why was Mr Benting worried when Van Lutjens took the diamonds out of the safe?

B) Read the following quotation, then answer the questions:
         "Yes, he actually called this lifeless stones his children"
1- Who was the speaker talking about?
2- How did he get the stones?
3- Why did he call them his children?

E) Writing

9- Write a paragraph of seven (7) sentences about:
           "Advantages and disadvantages of satellites"

F) Translation

10- A) Translate into Arabic:
1- The widespread use of computers in schools, houses and government departments will have its great effect on the progress of Egypt.
2- The computer is a fairly new invention, but it has already become very important in the modern world, especially in government offices, science, banks and education.

B) Translate into English:
لقد اصبح العالم قرية صغيرة، أخبارها متاحة، و ذلك نتيجة للثورة الهائلة فى عالم الاتصالات.
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