مدرس اون لايندخول

البراجرافات المتوقعه لهذا العام ..... رووووعه

جمل يمكن الاستعانه بها فى كتابة البراجراف للموضوعات العامة الايجابية مثل
Tourism السياحة – new project مشروعات جديدة - reclamation the desert استصلاح الصحراء Transport النقل -saving الادخار -culture الثقافة - education التعليم - press صحافة Mass media وسائل الإعلام - computer and the internet الكمبيوتر والانترنت -sport الرياضة -Summer camps for youth معسكرات الصيف للشباب -school activities الأنشطة المدرسية -Life in the new cities الحياة في المدن الجديدة – TV التليفزيون –Globalizationعولمة

1-No one can deny even for a moment that (……) is considered one of the most (important) matters which we should give due attention to because it has good effects on us

2-In addition to this we should do our best to benefit from………… by all possible means.

3- we should put in our minds that ……………….. is considered an important step to improve and develop our society, and this makes the governement do it’s best to encourage (………………. ) to raise the standard of living of citizens

4- In my point of view , I believe that ………………has a lot of good effects and advantages that we can't count. It causes more and more welfare .I think so because It enriches our life to great extent.
From what we have mentioned above we can say that due attention must be paid to this matter and never be neglected as it is very important .

ثانيا الموضوعات السلبية
1-No one can deny even for a moment that (……………) is (are) considered one of the most (serious) matters which we should give due attention to as it has / they have bad effects on us

2-In addition to this we should do our best to avoid the bad effects of……………… by all possible means and this will allow us to have a lot of benefits .

3- we should put in our minds that ……………….. is considered a destructive problem which threatens تهدد our life at the present time ., and this makes the governement do it’s best to confront (………………. ) to save us troubles of this dangerous matter

4- In my point of view , I believe that ………………has a lot of bad effects and disadvantages that we can't count. It causes more and more damage .I think so because It threatens our life

5-To overcome the bad effects of this dangerous problem we should work together ;society and government to find the best solutions that help us to get rid of the damage caused by ……………… and to work for the welfare and development of our country.

From what we have mentioned above we can say that due attention must be paid to this matter and never be neglected as it is very serious .
جمل أكثر تحديدا لفائدة الموضوع وهى للطالب المتميز:
إذا كان الموضوع يحمل في معناه المحاسن القومية مثل السياحة واستصلاح الصحراء والمشروعات الجديدة.
It increases our national income. يزيد من الدخل القومي
It solves many problems such as unemployment.يحل مشكلات كثيرة مثل البطالة
It Achieves progress, welfare and prosperity.يحقق التقدم والرفاهية والرخاء
@ إذا كان الموضوع يحمل في معناه الفوائد الفكرية مثل القراءة والإعلام والصحافة والكمبيوتر:
It increases our information, knowledge and experience . يزود معلوماتنا ومعرفتنا وخبرتنا
It forms our public opinion. تشكل الراى العام
It has a deep effect on our charactersلها تأثير عميق على شخصياتنا
@ إذا كان موضوع التعبير يحمل في معناه الفوائد الصحية مثل الرياضة:
It builds our bodiesتبنى أجسامنا , refreshes our minds تنعش عقولناand forms our characters
It teaches us the good moralitiesالأخلاق, and how to depends on ourselves
it teaches us the co-operation and the discipline تعلمنا التعاون والانضباط

The advantages and disadvantages "موضوع المزايا والعيوب ( كمبيوتر – انترنت..الخ ) (

T o begin with , I would like to say that we, Egyptians , always react well to what is good and react badly to what is bad , we all agree that ………….is a mixed blessing , It is a double edged weapon, it has a mixture of positive and negative sides because it has some advantages and some disadvantages . First for all, I would like to start with its advantages ,it……………………………………………………
On the other hand, it will have some disadvantages if it is used in a wrong way for example, …………………………………………………………………………………….
Therefore, It is advisable to do our best to avoid its disadvantages and benefit from its advantages to achieve the main desired goal .

بدايةً أود أن أفول أننا نحن المصريون نقوم دائماً برد فعل ايجابى نحو كل ما هم جيد ونقوم برد فعل سىء نحو كل ما هم سىء . نحن جميعا نتفق ان .................... هى/هو نعمة ونقمة فى نفس الوقت , انه سلاح ذو حدين . انه خليط من الجوانب الايجابية والسلبية لان له بعض المميوات وكذلك بعض العيوب , اولاً سنبدأ بالمميزات انه ( تكتب بعض المميزات- 3 جمل او اكثر )
ومن ناحية اخرى فان له بعض العيوب لو تم استخدامه بطريقة خاطئة فمثلاً ( تكتب بعض العيوب- 3 جمل او اكثر ) لذلك فانه يُنصح ان نبذل قصارى جهدنا لنتحاشى عيوبه ونستفيد من مميزاته لنحقق الهدف المنشود منه
Egypt's economy اقتصاد مصر
Economic Development Conference (EEDC)المؤتمر الاقتصادى

It is now time toلقد حان الوقت create نخلق a positive ايجابى change in Egypt and develop our economy. Developing our economy is our only way to build up our country, all of us must be responsible for مسئول عن our new Egypt , We must study how the other nations الامم developed and follow نتبع their steps. Let us also get rid of نتخلص من all our past ills مساؤى and work day and night to improve نطور Egypt’s economy

Egypt is trying to revive تحى the economic activity نشاط after along period of depression ركود, In this context فى هذا السياق, Egypt has hosted استضافت the Egypt Economic Development Conference in Sharm El Sheikh which will put the economy on the path ممر of inclusive شامل growth.

This conference will also put Egypt on the global investment mapخريطة الاستثمار العالميه and affirm يؤكد على its potential مقدره as a source مصدر of political سياسى and economic stability استقرار . it also aims to show the world that Egypt is on a new track طريق, and to present يقدم it as a country full of investment opportunities فرص in many different sectors قطاعات.
لقد حان الوقت ان نحدث تغييرا ايجابيا فى مصر ونطور اقتصادنا . ان تطوير اقتصادنا هو طريقنا الوحيد لبناء بلدنا . علينا جميعا ان نكون مسؤلين عن مصرنا الجديدة . يجب علينا ان ندرس كيف تقدمت الامم الاخرى ونتبع خطواتهم . دعنا نترك كل مساوئنا الماضيه ونعمل ليل نهار لتطوير اقتصاد مصر .ان مصر تحاول احياء النشاط الاقتصادى بعد فترة طويلة من الركود . فى هذا السياق استضافت مصر " مؤتمر مصر الاقتصادى " فى شرم الشيخ والذى سيضع الاقتصاد على طريق التنمية الشامله. المؤتمر سوف يضع مصر على خريطة الاستثماز العالمى ويؤكد على مقدرتها كمصدر للاستقرار السياسى والاقتصادى وهو يهدف ايضا الى ان يبين للعالم ان مصر على الطريق الصحيح ويقدمها كدولة مملؤة بفرص الاستثمار فى كثير من القطاعات .
Great projects - The new Suez Canal قناة السويس الجديدة

Egypt has started digging one of its greatest giant projects recently .It is the project of the new Suez Canal. This project will be parallel to موازى لـ the current channel , it will add an extra lane ممر to the Suez Canal . It is an attempt to increase the number of ships using it each day. It will reduce the waiting time for the passing ships .it will also facilitate يسهل their movement. The new Suez Canal is financed by ممول بـ the Egyptians themselves. It will support بدعم the Egyptian economy and will double our income at leastعل الاقل three times .The new project will createيخلق more than a million jobs . The establishment انشاء of this project will attract investors from all over the world to invest their money in Egypt .It will also help to establish an industrial areaمنطقة صناعية which will attract the global trade.التجارة العالمية .Finally I can say that the main aim of this project is to improve our economy and increase our national income , therefore we should co-operate together to finish this project in a short time .

قد بدأت مصر حفر واحد من أعظم مشاريعها العملاقة مؤخرا. انه مشروع قناة السويس الجديدة. هذا المشروع سيكون موازيا لمجرى القناة الحالية، وهو سيضيف ممر إضافي إلى ممر قناة السويس. انه محاولة لزيادة عدد السفن التى تمر به كل يوم. وسوف تقلل وقت الانتظار للسفن المارة. وهى أيضا ستسهل حركتهم. سيتم تمويل قناة السويس الجديدة عن طريق المصريين أنفسهم. وسوف تدعم الاقتصاد المصري وسوف يتضاعف الدخل لدينا على الأقل ثلاث مرات. وسوف يخلق المشروع الجديد أكثر من مليون فرصة عمل. ان انشاء هذا المشروع سيؤدي إلى جذب المستثمرين من جميع أنحاء العالم لاستثمار أموالهم في مصر. سيساعد أيضا على إنشاء منطقة صناعية والتي ستجذب التجارة العالمية.. وأخيرا يمكنني القول أن الهدف الرئيسي من هذا المشروع هو تحسين اقتصادنا وزيادة الدخل القومي لدينا، لذا يجب علينا أن نتعاون معا لإنهاء هذا المشروع في وقت قصير.
Ethiopian Renaissance Dam سد النهضة فى آثيوبيا
Egypt is the gift of the Nileمصر هبة النيل .we depend mainly on the Nile in all our daily life aspects which are basically linked to our main source of water. All over history, Egypt has defended its rights in the Nile water as it represents the lives of the Egyptians . Now Ethiopia is building the Renaissance Dam on the River Nile near the Sudan border. The Ethiopians want to get cheap electricity needed for development , and this will ill-affects water security in Egypt . the Nile flow into Egypt could be cut by 12-25% during the filling period . the electricity-generating capacity in Aswan will face about 6% reduction. Egypt is not against any development project provided that it doesn't ill affects us , We must move and restore our relationship with Africa, we must use diplomacy to stop them from wasting the historical rights of Egypt , We must exert utmost efforts to reduce the dangers resulting from building that dam.
مصر هي هبة النيل. نحن نعتمد بشكل رئيسي على نهر النيل في جميع جوانب الحياة اليومية لدينا و التي ترتبط أساسا بمصدرنا الرئيسي للمياه. عبر كل عصور التاريخ، ودافعت مصر حقوقها في مياه النيل لأنها تمثل حياة المصريين. الآن أثيوبيا تبنى سد النهضة على نهر النيل بالقرب من الحدود السودانية. الاثيوبيين يرغبون في الحصول على كهرباء رخيصة لتنمية بلادهم، وهذا سوف يؤثر بشكل سىء على الأمن المائي في مصرفقد ينخفض تدفق النيل إلى مصر من 25-12٪ خلال فترة ملء خزان السد. وكذلك قدرة توليد الكهرباء في أسوان ستواجه تخفيض حوالي 6٪ . ان . مصر ليست ضد أي مشروع للتنمية شريطة أن لا يؤثر بشكل سىء علينا ، يجب علينا أن نتحرك ونستعيد علاقتنا مع أفريقيا، يجب علينا أن نستخدم الدبلوماسية لمنعهم من إهدار الحقوق التاريخية لمصر، ويجب علينا بذل أقصى الجهود للحد من الأخطار الناجمة عن بناء ذلك السد .
How to save energy / electricity ترشيد الطاقه / الكهرباء
Energy is one of the most important things in our life. Energy lights our cities, powers our vehicles, trains, planes and rockets. It also warms our homes, cooks our food, plays our music, and gives us pictures on television. It powers machinery in factories.
Electricity in one of the most important forms of energy. People can't do without it. It is light, it is heat, and it is energy. Think of how many home appliances are run by electricity. We depend on electricity in almost all aspects of life. There are many ways by which you can save electricity, Don’t turn on two lights if you only need one. Remember to turn off the lights when you leave a room. Turn off the TV and video games, too. On a sunny day, read by a window. It’s a simple way to save energy. Keep the refrigerator door closed. If the air conditioner is on, keep doors and windows closed. If you can, just use a fan and wear light clothes instead of using the air conditioner. Always buy economical light bulbs that use less energy. Most of the energy we use is non-renewable; it will run out soon. So, we must all do our best to save as much energy as we can. When you save energy, you save money.
How to save / rationalize water ترشيد الماء
Egypt is the gift of the Nileمصر هبة النيل .we depend mainly on the Nile to irrigate نروى our fields and to drink . Now there is a huge responsibility lays on us. We must keep the Nile clean and stop throwing our waste in it . factories that pollute the Nile must be faced with strict sanctions عقوبات صارمه .We must rationalize using water and make the best use of it . we mustn't waste water as it is the artery of life. We must change our daily bad habits , for example; during washing don't use the bathtub but use the shower and try not to let the water turned on all the time ,while shaving or brushing your teeth try to use a glass of water instead of the tap. If there is any leaks in the bathroom try to mend it at once . For farmers , they must use modern ways of irrigation . they can irrigate their lands in the early morning or at night . we must develop their awareness of the importance of water. Finally , we can say that all the Egyptian rulersحكام - since the time of the ancient Egyptians- paid attention to the Nile and its importance as part of our national security .
violence.عنف Terrorism الارهاب- riotsاعمال الشغب
Terrorism is a dangerous problem, voilence is a very bad solution for our crisis, some youth are misled by some wrong believes , they resort to violence to achieve their goals, and all that leads to destruction and havoc , it impedes the way of development, riots turns any society to ruins , In my point of view , I believe that when the youth are under the effects of ignorance and unemployment, they are more subjected to destructive ideas , if we want peace to prevail , we must solve all the problmes that may drive people to terrorism.
Noone can deny the bad effects of terrorism on man and development , it is the attitude that makes us always lose and never gain anything , it ceats a state of instability and unrest ,security is necessary for thinking and work, there must be other ways to settle disputes, violence produces nothing but underdevelopment .
Development in Egypt after 25 January /30 June
Future of Egypt/changes in Egypt
It is now time to create a positive change in Egypt and live the true meaning of dignity,
Our new future starts from cooperation and hard work which is our only way to build up our country, all of us must be responsible for مسئول عن our new Egypt. We must study how the other nations developed and follow their steps. Let us also get rid of all our previous ills مساؤى and work day and night for the future of Egypt’s .
No one can deny even for a moment that development is considered one of the most important matters which we should give due attention to as it has a lot of good effects on us
In addition to this we should do our best to benefit from education and science by all possible means and this will allow us to have a lot of benefits .
Development of education
Education is the mirror of any society . Egypt suffers from an old-fashioned education system that mainly depends on stuffing students' memories with information, rather than developing their way of thinking.
It is now time to create a positive change in Egypt and live the true meaning of dignity,
Our new future starts from education which is our only way to build up our country, all of us must be responsible for مسئول عن our new Egypt. We must study how the other nations developed and follow their steps. Let us also get rid of all our previous ills مساؤى and work day and night for the future of Egypt’s .
No one can deny even for a moment that developing education is considered one of the most important matters which we should give due attention to as it has a lot of good effects on us
In addition to this we should do our best to benefit from education and science by all possible means and this will allow us to have a lot of benefits

قصة قرأتها– كتاب قرأته - فصة حدثت لك–– يوم قضيته فى مكان – رحلة قمت بها – حلم حلمته
Today I'm going to write about
a story I have read, it was about a boy Called Kamal
a book I have read, it was a story about a boy Called Kamal
a story that has happened to me ,
my first day in the sea
my first journey to the sea
a strange dream I have had, I dreamed that

It was a Lovely summer morning, when I/ Kamal and my/ his friends decided to go swimming in a nearby Sea. when we / they arrived, there were a lot of children Swimming and diving. I/ he moved to swim in the sea . it was the first time entering the sea I/ he was challenged by the way the children were swimming. I/ he jumped into the sea without having any previous experience of how to swim. It was foolish indeed.
when I/ he got into the sea the pressure was too much. I/ he was drowning and it was thought to be the end of my/ his life on earth . I/ he could do nothing and the water took me / him to a deeper side of the sea. Dining that time some friends saw the scene while I/ he was shouting for help . they ran and got a man for help , he Came and saved me / him from death. I/ he fainted for ten minutes before I/ he could recovered consciousness.. I/ he promised never to swim without experience.
براجراف عن شخصية تحبها – مثلك الاعلى ........الخ

The person I admire most is Dr Magdi Yacoub. He is the most famous surgeon around the world , he devoted his life to serving the ill, He is a role model نموذج يحتذى person. He is a successful doctor. He treats يعامل his patients kindly بطيبة. He is serious جاد and sincere مخلص at work. He works day and night for the sake of humanity . he trains other young doctors , he got many prizes from different places around the world , He is a friendly character who spares no effort لا يبخل بجهد to help those who need him. He is loved by all people around him. I am greatly affected by متأثر جدا به him so I wish to follow in his footsteps أتتبع حطاه. That's why I consider him the most important person in my life.
How the internet has changed our way of living
The internet is one of the modern world's wonders . it plays an important role in our life. it has a great effect on us. it is the fastest communication system in our world. It stores all kinds of information on different subjects. the internet enables us to get the information we want. Through internet we can see and talk to people everywhere. It helps us in our education and work . + جمل ايجابى على the internet

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