مدرس اون لايندخول

حصرى على شنيسة مذكرة لغة انجليزية كاملة للمرحلة الثانية2011

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
حصرى على شنيسة مذكرة قيمة جدا
لغة انجليزية
وهذا جزء مما ورد بها
للمشاهدة قبل التحميل


research the causes of يبحث في أسباب ... get together يتقابل

find a cure for يجد علاجا لــ at regular times في أوقات منتظمة
life on other planets الحياة علي الكواكب الأخرى be passed down through تنتقل من خلال
keep up with يساير / يجاري / يواكب test the theory with experiments يختبر النظرية عن طريق التجارب
make their own food تصنع طعامها بنفسها an article about مقالة عن
result in يؤدي إلي result from ينتج من
an explanation for تفسير لـ be careful about حريص بشأن
compare results with يقارن النتائج مع specialize in يتخصص في
become interested in يصبح مهتما بـ remove something from يزيل شيء من
change. from...into... يتغير من..إلي.. be released into the air تنطلق في الهواء
invisible to غير مرئي لـ catch a disease يصاب بمرض


Choose the correct answer :
The …………………….. of the experiment surprised everyone.
( result – outlet – insult – revolt )
You will never ……………… very much if you do not work hard.
( relieve – approve – achieve – believe )
At school, students learn many subjects, but when they get to university, they usually ………… .
( realize – economize – specialize – symbolize )
Scientists often do experiments to prove a particular …………………. .
( theory – habit – custom – tradition )
I found playing the guitar very difficult at first, but in the last two weeks I've …………. improved.
( artificially – brutally - gradually – cheerfully )
People who have ………………… must be very careful about what they eat.
( diagnosis – diabetes – dialects – diary )
There are some sports where it is good to …………..….. weight, rather than lose it.
( earn – win – defeat – gain)
Farmers water their crops ………………… to make sure they grow well.
( regularly – bitterly – disorderly – formerly )
The boy, hiding behind the door thought he was ..……., but you could just see the top of his head.
( divisible – edible – legible – invisible )
If you don't turn the taps off, you can waste a huge ……………. of water in a short time.
( number - amount – account – discount )
Leaves falling from trees in the autumn is a completely natural ……………………… .
( excess – business – process – pretence )
She has been ……………… since she was a child. There is too much sugar in her blood.
( diabetic – athletic – allergic – sympathetic )
His greatest ……………….. was becoming the captain of the national team when he was 16.
( agreement – arrangement –achievement – discouragement )
There was a ……………….. improvement in her schoolwork.
( manual – punctual – spiritual –gradual )
My doctor didn't know what was wrong with me, so he sent me to see a ……………….. .
( geologist – specialist – physicist – zoologist )
………….., anyone can travel to the moon.
( Artistically – Atomically – Theoretically – Historically )
To ……………………. is to succeed in doing something.
( attach – attribute – challenge – achieve )
A/An ………………. is an explanation for something that has not yet been proved to be true.
( theory – practice – experience – experiment )
A/An ……………. is a series of events or changes that happen naturally.
( operation – experiment – process – illness )
……… is a serious disease in which cells in someone's body grow in a way that is not normal.
( Fever – Paralysis – Flu – Cancer )
Something which is …………………. is impossible to see.
( compatible – invisible – audible – flexible )
…………………. means something that happens slowly, over a long time.
( Gradually – Actually – Mutually – Individually )
A/An …………….. is something that happens or exists because of something else.
( cause – reason - result - explanation)
To ……………. is to limit most of your study, business, etc., to a particular subject or activity.
( nationalize – terrorize – sterilize - specialize)
An/A ……………… means how much of something there is.
( amount – number – equal – extract )
To …………….. means to stop holding something.
( please – decrease – increase – release )
She gave a ……………….. of lectures at Cairo University.
( supplies - series – process – service )
The balloon ……………………. gently in the air.
( raised – aroused - rose – arose )
Her parents died when she was a baby and she was ………………… by her grandparents.
( rose – aroused – arose - raised )
……………………. it was getting late, I decided to book into a hotel.
( As – Like – So – If )
I've been working all day, but I feel as if I've …………………….. nothing.
( attracted – attended - achieved – attempted )
……………….., she realized that he wasn't telling her the truth.
( Gradually – Mathematically – Electrically – Archaeologically )
Some scientists still believe in Darwin's ……………………. of evolution.
( function - theory – diary – delivery )
I enjoy working in general medicine, but I hope to be able to …………………. in the future.
( characterize – destabilize – specialize – familiarize )
His broken leg is the direct …………………. of his own carelessness.
( result – series – process – sequence )
These bacteria are ……………….. unless viewed with a microscope.
( visible – feasible – practical – invisible )
I ………………… a lot of weight while I was on holiday.
( won – took – did – gained )
They suspected that she had killed him but they could never actually ………….. that it was her.
( improve – deprive – prune – prove )
She was arrested for shoplifting but was ………………. on bail.
( released – based – chased – cheated )
A ……………… has not been found for this disease yet.
( clue – cube – pure – cure )

Find the mistakes and write the sentences correctly:

He planted a small tree in a put.
He proved the old wallpaper and filled the holes in the walls.
John has earned a lot of weight recently.
He paid regular numbers of money to a charity.
The company holds burglar meetings with employees.
His height was the like as it had been five years earlier.
Using a telescope, Galileo discovered stars that were indivisible to the naked eye.
Ageing is the natural recess of getting old.
Carbon stored in trees is pleased as carbon dioxide.
This restaurant realizes in seafood.

A) Translate into Arabic:

The computer gives a great promise to many students who dream of a rosy future and well-salaried job. It is considered as one of the greatest achievements of today. It is widely used in many fields of human life: scientific, technical, industrial and commercial.

B) Translate into English :

§ لقد وهب الله مصر كثير من الموارد الطبيعية التي لو أحسنا استغلالها لأصبحنا من أغنى الدول .


I wish / If only

I wish / If only §1 يأتي بعدهما الماضي البسيط للتعبير عن أمنية في المضارع

I don't have a camera.
I wish I had a camera.
I have to work hard.
I wish I didn't have to work hard.
There are a lot of people in this place.
If only there weren't many people in this place.
I wish / If only §36 يأتي بعدهما ماضي تام للتعبير عن التمني في الماضي
I failed the exam.
I wish I hadn't failed the exam. I wish I had passed the exam.
I feel sick. I ate so much cake yesterday.
I feel sick. If only I hadn't eaten so much cake yesterday.
I didn't apply for that job.
I wish I had applied for that job.

§2 في حالة وجود فعل آخر مع I wish / If only في الماضي :

If only she hadn't told the police, everything would have been all right.
I wish he hadn't wasted all his money. He would have bought a new house.
§3 في حالة وجود فعل مضاف له (ing) بعـد regret نستخدم الماضي التام بعد I wish
I regret not studying hard.
= I wish I had studied hard.
I wish / If only §4 للتعبير عن التمني في المستقبل يأتي بعدها could ) ) مع ( I / we ) أو( would ) مع باقي الضمائر
I wish I could see my friends tomorrow.
I wish I could ride a horse.
I wish he would visit me next week.
wish to + inf. = want to §37 يريد ـ يتمنى
I wish to see the manager, please.
If you wish to reserve a table, please telephone after 5 o’clock.
wish … + n. (wish someone something)
I wish you a speedy recovery. I wish you good luck.
I wish you a happy life.
hope §38 يأتي بعد إما مضارع بسيط أو مستقبل
I hope he passes / will pass the test.
hope §39 ويأتي بعدها ( المصدر + to )
I hope to win the first prize.


Find the mistakes and write the sentences correctly:

Ali wishes he may see his friends at the party tomorrow.

If only I stay in my last job. My current job is so boring.
I wish shops here deliver. You have to go and get everything by yourself.
If only you rolled up the carpet before painting the ceiling. Now you need to buy a new one.
I wish I went to the movie with you last night.
I wish I had yesterday off. I'd have gone swimming.
I wish I am in Alexandria now.
I wish I have time to watch TV, but I am so busy.
I hope I had time to watch TV tonight.
If only I apply for that job a year ago.
I wish I am old enough to vote. I am still 15.
The boss wishes speaking to you right now.
If only I can go with you tonight, but my parents won't let me.
I wish I don't listen to him. He only wasted my time.
I wish I may travel to London next year.
I wish Ali could visit Cairo next week;
I wish the school holidays is longer..
If only I haven't forgotten where I put my mobile phone .
Leila wishes she could read faster. .
I'm really tired this morning. I wish I had sleep more last night.
Ali wishes he can come to your party, but he's not feeling well
I wish I didn't lent her my dictionary. She's taken it home with her .

Test 10

A- Language Functions

1) Respond to the following situations:

A friend is looking worried. You want to know why. What do you ask?
A friend asks what subject you would like to be better at.
You did not study last year. Express regret.
You hope to be a doctor. Express wish.

2) Supply where these situations take place and who the speakers are:

A: Where can I find the dictionaries?

B: They are on the top shelf over there.
A: Can I borrow this one?
B: No, you can use it here only.

A: How much is this vacuum cleaner?
B: It's 2000 pounds.
A: OK. I'll buy it.

B- Vocabulary and Structure

3) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

She spent a considerable ……………….. of money on clothes.

a- mount b- count c- discount d- amount
I have been working all day , but I feel as if I have ………………….. nothing.
a- chained b- achieved c- charged d- challenged
……………….. patients sometimes go into a coma.
a- Diabetic b- Parasitic c- Aquatic d- Gigantic
………………., she realized that he wasn't telling her the truth.
a- Annually b- Manually c- Gradually d- Punctually
The …………… of the opinion poll showed that most women supported this action.
a- ends b- results c- faults d- salts
She's hired a lawyer who …………………….. in divorce cases.
a- vaporizes b- sympathizes c- summarizes d- specializes
I've asked my neighbour to ……………….. the plants while I'm away.
a- water b- alter c- barter d- enter
You should check the plant for any ………………. signs of disease.
a- impossible b- incredible c- visible d- admirable
He is short. He wishes he ……………….. taller.
a- has been b- had been c- were d- is
I wish I ………………. where my keys were.
a- know b- knew c- have known d- was knowing
I wish I ………………. the exam questions more carefully yesterday.
a- read b- have read c- was reading d- had read
I wish you ………………… so much time last year.
a- didn't waste b- haven't wasted c- wouldn't waste d- hadn't wasted
I wish I ………………….. play the piano.
a- could b- may c- should d- can
They hope ……………….. us next week.
a- visiting b- to visit c- had visited d- will visit
Loin is meat ………………. animals.
a- eat b- ate c- eating d- eaten
Cutting ………………… trees means removing unwanted trees from trees.
a- off b- back c- down d- out

4) Find the mistakes and write the sentences correctly:

My dad wished he has a bigger car. His car is too small for us.

I wish the school holidays are longer.
I wish the weather were fine yesterday.
She stayed in the job for give years, earning valuable experience.
It is important to exercise regionally.
According to the therapy of relativity, nothing can travel faster than light.

(C) Reading Comprehension and Set Books

5) Read the following passage then answer the questions:

Some people say they have no memory at all. But of course we all have a memory. Our memory tells us who we are and helps us to make use in the present of what we have learnt in the past.In fact we have different types of memory. For example, our visual memory helps us recall faces and places. Some people have a strong visual memory, they can remember exactly what they have seen, for example, pages of a book, as a complete picture.Our verbal memory helps us remember words and figures we may have heard but not seen written: items of a shopping list, a chemical formula, dates or recipe.
With our emotional memory, we recall situations or places where we had strong feelings, perhaps of happiness or unhappiness. We also have special memories for smell, taste, touch and sound, and for performing physical movements. We have two ways of storing any of these memories. Our short-term memory stores items for up to thirty seconds. Our long-term memory, on the other hand, may store items for a lifetime. Older people in fact have a much better long-term memory than short-term. They may forget what they have done only a few hours ago, but have the clearest remembrance of when they were very young.You might assume that the more we remember the better. In fact, forgetting is as important as remembering. If we remember all our unhappy times, we would become mentally ill.

A) Answer the following questions:

Expain in your own words why we could not survive without a memory?
Why is forgetting as essential as remembering?
What kinds of memory are used when we do the following?
a) play the guitar. b) feel alarmed when we smell burning.

B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

………………… is a word in the last paragraph that means accept as true.
a) Remember b) Record c) Assume d) Forget
Our short-term memory stores items for up to………………… .
a) 80 seconds b) 50 seconds c) 40 seconds d) 30 seconds

6) Read the following passage, then answer the questions:

Sir Magdi Yacoub has performed more transplants than any other surgeon in the world and, as a scientist; his interest in the basic mechanisms of heart structure and function in health and disease has improved transplant surgery and patient care. He was born and raised in Cairo where he qualified as a doctor in 1957. He came to Britain in 1962 and since then has made great achievements in heart surgery. He specialized in working with children with heart problems and performed complex operations on the tiny hearts of babies in their first days of life.

He has always combined surgical work with scientific research, which he sees as the key to improving patient care and eliminating heart disease. He has conducted a lot of research. Sir Magdi Yacoub's work is all about helping people live. His strong sense of social responsibility led him to establish the Chain of Hope charity, which sends medical teams to the developing world to treat children suffering from heart disease free of charge.

A. Answer the following questions:

Why did transplant surgery and patient care improve?
In which field did Sir Magdi Yacoub specialize?
What does the Chain of Hope charity do?

B- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

Sir Magdi Yacoub sees …………………… as the key to improving patient care.
a) surgical work b) heart problems c) scientific research d) heart disease
The underlined word "which" refers to …………………………. .
a) medical teams b) developing world c) social responsibility d) the Chain of Hope charity

D- The Novel

7) (A) Answer the following questions:

What are Dr Hafez and his team wearing before entering the tomb ?
What did they see inside the tomb ?
Why wasn’t Dr Hafez quite sure that the tomb was of a king ?

B) Read the following quotation. then answer the questions
“Does it mean that this is a tomb of a king.”

Who said this to whom?
What did they find in the tomb?
What did they need to make sure that it was a tomb of a kind?

C) Complete the following sentences :

The work in the tomb was tiring because …………………
When Leila returned to the tomb …………………
Inside the tomb, Leila didn’t see the man’s face, yet …………………

E- Writing

Write a letter to
your friend Ahmed telling him about the job you'd like to do in the future. Your name is Adam:

F- Translation

9) A- Translate into Arabic:

Most of the energy we use today comes from coal, oil and gas. But these will not last forever, and burning them slowly harms the environment. So, we need to look for other ways of supplying energy.

B) Translate into English:

§ لقد أصبح متاحا لكل طالب اقتناء جهاز حاسب آلي.
§ الزلازل والأعاصير والبراكين من الكوارث الطبيعية التي تسبب دمارا هائلا.

Hello English 2nd Dumas: The Count of Monte Cristo 3rd Unit 11


finance (n / v) تمويل / موارد مالية (جمع) / يمول nephew ابن الأخ أو الأخت captain قبطان

lecturer مُحاضر niece بنت الأخ أو الأخت financial crisis أزمة مالية
assistant مساعد father-in-law والد الزوج أو الزوجة countess كونتيسة
playwright كاتب مسرحي step father زوج الأم encounter يواجه
envious حسود mother-in-law والدة الزوج أو الزوجة guest ضيف
fiancée خطيبة step mother زوجة الأب immediate success نجاح فوري
revenge الثأر / الانتقام / ينتقم widow أرملة accuracy دقة
victim ضحية widower أرمل channel قناة
historical novel رواية تاريخية bride عروس nation أمة / دولة
poetry الشعر bridegroom عريس mathematician عالم رياضيات
adventure stories قصص المغامرات dowry مهر cautious حَذِر
employ يوظف divorce طلاق criticize ينقد
politician سياسي ( الشخص ) imminent danger خطر وشيك orphan يتيم
novelist روائي historical ذو قيمة تاريخية أو مرتبط بالتاريخ interrupt يقاطع (الحديث)
financial problems مشكلات مالية accurate دقيق multimedia الوسائط المتعددة
count كونت (لقب أوروبي ) imprisonment الحبس / السجن desertification التصحـر
take revenge يثأر / ينتقم obedient مطيع deforestation إزالة الغابات
musketeer فارس fiancé خطيب enthusiastic متحمس
host مُضيف recognize يتعرف علي marine life الحياة البحرية
unfortunately للأسف / لسوء الحظ historical story قصة تاريخية ecology علم دراسة البيئة
technical problem مشكلة فنية poems قصائد preventive measures إجراءات وقائية
diamond ماس poet شاعر hazards مخاطر / أخطار
convict يُدين / مُدان nationality جنسية soil pollution تلوث التربة
accuse of يتهم gestures إيماءات happy سعيد
acquit يبرئ contemporary معاصر gloomy حزين
treason = betrayal الخيانة truth الحقيقة bearable يمكن احتماله
loyalty ولاء / إخلاص delay يؤخر unbearable لا يحتمل / لا يطاق
object = oppose يعترض advance يُقدم employed (adj.) عامل
approve / accept يوافق / يقبل sane X insane عاقل X مجنون unemployed عاطل

Translation Words

disturb the balance of nature يُحث خلل في توازن الطبيعة friendly countries الدول الصديقة
historical turning point نقطة تحول تاريخية international finance تمويل دولي
on the ground that علي أساس أن be widely recognized معترف به علي نطاق واسع
a desire for revenge رغبة في الانتقام high treason الخيانة العظمي
innocent victims ضحايا أبرياء civilian victims ضحايا مدنيين
disaster victims ضحايا الكارثة financial reward مكافأة مالية
intimate friendship صداقة حميمة the spirit of friendship روح الصداقة
accuse unjustly يتهم ظلما comparatively cheap رخيص نسبيا
a reliable witness شاهد موثوق فيه severe punishment عقاب صارم
financial assistance مساعدة مالية be easy prey for يكون فريسة سهلة لـ


The Count of Monte Cristo

At the beginning of the story, Edmond Dantes, the 19-year-old hero of The Count of Monte Cristo, is a happy, successful young man. He is a ship's captain and he is soon going to be married to his fiancée, Mercedes. However, some of Edmond's friends are envious of him and they write a letter accusing him of treason. Edmond is arrested on his wedding day and is sent to prison for life.After Edmond has been in prison for a number of years, Mercedes marries another man. In prison, Edmond meets an old man called Faria, who teaches him about History and Science. He also tells Edmond that he can have the valuable treasure he has hidden on the island of Monte Cristo.
When Faria dies, Edmond escapes from prison, goes to Monte Cristo and finds the treasure. Now a wealthy man, he decides to use his new money to reward the people who have helped him and to punish his enemies.He finds one of these enemies, Caderousse, who gives him the names of the others. Caderousse now regrets what he did and because of this, Edmond gives him a diamond. Then he finds Morrel, the ship-owner he had worked for, and helps him with his financial problems.
Ten years later, Edmond, who now calls himself the "Count of Monte Cristo", arrives in Paris. His old friends do not recognize him, but Edmond knows the people who were envious of him and begins his revenge. In different ways, Edmond punishes all the men who accused him of treason. Finally, Edmond helps Maximillian Morrel, the son of the ship-owner, by rescuing his fiancée, Valentine from her cruel family. Edmond, too, finally finds happiness when he marries Haydee, the daughter of another Victim of his old enemies.

Language Notes

a number of the number of

a number of + اسـم جمـع وفعـل جمـع §40 عدد من
A number of members are against the new law.
the number of + اسـم جمـع وفعـل مفـرد §41 عدد من
The number of blood donors is not enough.

marry (be) get married

marry بدون مفعول §42 يتزوج
I married in 2000.
marry + مفعول §43 يتزوج
She married her cousin.
be (get) married to + مفعـول §44 يتزوج ـ متزوج من
She is married to her cousin.
be (get) married with §45 متزوج ومعه أطفال
She got married with two children.

manage to succeed in

manage to + المصـدر §46 يتمكـن مـن
He managed to answer the test. ( succeed )
succeed in + (v + ing) §47 ينجـح فـى
He succeeded in answering the test.
successful = a success §48 ناجح
His business was successful. His business was a success.

success §49 النجـاح

Hard work leads to success.

retire resign

retire §8 يحـال للمعـاش ( يتقـاعـد )
When the employee is 60, he retires and can live on his pension.
resign §9 ) يستقيـل من العمـل )
Mr Ahmed resigned his position last week.

habit custom tradition
habit §50 عـادة شخـص
Listening to loud music is a bad habit.
custom §51 عـادة شعب
Celebrating Sham El- Nasim is an Egyptian custom.
tradition §52 شـئ مـوروث
She wrote under a pen name because of the traditions she was brought up in.

avenge revenge

avenge + (obj ) §53 ينتقم
He wanted to avenge his brother's death.
revenge + (obj ) §54 ينتقم
He wanted to revenge his brother's death.
revenge (N) §55 انتقام :ـ يأتى مع الأفعال ( get – take - have)
On finding him unfaithful she was determined to get her revenge

award reward present a ward prize

award §56 يمنـح ــ منحـة ــ جائـزة ( مقابـل عمـل شـئ بإجادة )
She was awarded her PHD in 1985. He won the academy award this year.
reward §57 يكافـئ ــ مكـافـأة ( مقابـل سلـوك حسـن أو عمـل جيـد ) أو تقديـم خدمـة للمجتمع
He used to give us pens as a reward when we were good.
present = gift §58 هدية بدون مقابل
My uncle gave me a present on my birthday Party.
a ward §59 جناح ـ عنبر فى مستشفى
Take this patient to a ward No. Four.
prize §60 جائزة ( نقدية أو رحلة مثلا ) تمنح لشخص نجح في عمل شيء
She got the first prize in the race.

Be careful

be careful with + (N) §61 كن حريصا
Be careful with the glasses.
be careful about ( of ) + what / how / when §62 كن حريصا
Be careful of / about what you say to him.
be careful to + ( inf ) §63 كن حريصا
Be careful to look both ways when you cross the road.

regret regrettable regretful

regret to + (inf) §64 يأسف لأته مضطر لعمل شيء
We regret to tell you that the trip will be cancelled.
regret to + (v+ing) §65 يندم على شيء عمله من قبل
I regret spending all my money on clothes last week.

regrettable §66 يؤسف له

His behaviour at the party was very regrettable.
regretful §67 نادم
He was regretful when he had to leave his old house.

alone lonely

alone §68 بمفرده ( شـئ مـادى )
He carried the stone alone.
lonely §69 وحيدا ( يشعـر بالوحـدة ) ( شـئ معنـوى )
Despite his friends, he feels lonely.

history historic historical historian story

history §70 التاريـخ :ـ ( أحـداث حقيقيـة مـن الماضي )
For the first time in our countries history, we have woman judge.
historic §71 تـاريخـي :ـ ( مكان أو حدث هام لأننا نذكره كجزء من التاريخ )
meeting / building / place / event / moment / day / date / site / occasion / monuments / speech
It was a historical meeting between our president and Nelson Mandela.
historical §73 تـاريخـي :ـ ( متعلق بدراسة التاريخ مثل معلومات أو قصص تاريخيه )
research / papers / studies / plays / films / novels / records / character / painting
We cannot be sure whether Qais and Leila were historical characters or not.
historian §74 مـؤرخ :ـ ( الشخص الذي يدرس أو يكتـب عن التاريـخ )
El-Gabarty was a great historian.
story §75 قصــة :ـ ( أحـداث متصـلة ممكـن أن تكـون حدثـت أو لم تحـدث )
This event will be a good story for the paper.

oppose protest

oppose §76 يعارض ـ يقاوم
He threw all those who opposed him in prison.
I would oppose changing the law.
protest §77 يحتج ـ يعترض ( رسميا )
They fully intend to protest against the decision.

object to

object to + n. §78 يعترض على ـ يرفض
He objected to his friends' accusations.
object to + ing. §79 يعترض على ـ يرفض
He objected to having to rewrite the article.


decide to + inf §80 يقـرر
She decided to go out.
decide on + noun §81 يقـرر ـ يحدد
You have to decide on your goal in life
decide that + sentence §82 يقـرر
He decided that you should attend.

mention inform

mention §83 يذكر شيء ( شفاهةَ أو كتابةَ ) باختصار
I mentioned the idea to John and he seemed to like it.
inform §84 يخبر / يبلغ ( عادة بطريقة رسمية )
We regret to inform you that your application has been rejected.

Be friendly

be friendly with + someone §85 صديق لـ
Are you friendly with Ahmed? = Are you his friend?
be friendly to/ towards + someone §86 يكون ودودا تجاه
Our neighbours have always been very friendly to us.
Ahmed is a friend of mine. §87 لاحظ استخدام ضمائر الملكية بعد a friend of .


near to قريب من on the cover of the book علي غلاف الكتاب

work for someone يعمل لدي شخص a secretary to someone سكرتير
be jealous of غيور من be envious of حسود لـ
at the beginning of في بداية .. at the end of في نهاية
be sent to prison for life يُحكم عليه بالسجن المؤبد on his wedding day في يوم زفافه
escape from prison يهرب من السجن in recognition of اعترافا بـ / تقديرا لـ
in revenge for انتقاماَ لـ in different ways بطرق مختلفة
guilty of مذنب بـ innocent of بريء من
value friends يُقدر الأصدقاء get married to يتزوج من
rescue from ينقذ من share ideas with يتشارك في الأفكار مع
look up يبحث عن ( معلومة ) a lonely childhood طفولة وحيدة
inform of / about يخبر بـ / يبلغ بـ catch up with يساير / يواكب
objection to / against اعتراض علي get engaged to يخطب ( فتاة )


Choose the correct answer :
Famous artists sometimes had ………………. to help them.
( participants - assistants – applicants – descendants)
Shakespeare is one of the world's most famous ………………. .
( playwrights – scenarists – adventurers – footballers )
My uncle works, as a maths …………………. at the university in Alexandria.
( laborer – admirer – torturer – lecturer )
I really ………………. to people using mobile phones in the library.
( refuse – disapprove – hate – object )
After five years'………………., the criminal wanted to live as an honest man.
( imprisonment – investment – instrument – involvement )
I'm very interested in the past. That's why I like …………………… novels.
( geographical - historical – archaeological – physical )
Accountants help people with their ……………………… .
( fiancées – fireplaces – fences – finances )
Some of Edmond's friends ………………. him of something he had not done.
( blamed – charged – accused – counted )
They were ……………. of him because he was happy and successful.
( ambitious – anxious – infectious – envious )
Edmond was planning to get married to his …………………..
( fancies – fiancée – nominee – guarantee )
After he was arrested, Edmond was sent to prison …………………… life.
( with – in - for – of )
Edmond escaped ………………. prison and found Faria's hidden treasure.
( at – into – about – from)
Edmond objected ……………… his friends' accusations.
( in - to – with – from )
Edmond ………………….. Valentine from her cruel family.
( blamed – appointed – rescued – asked )
I studied modern European ……………………. at college.
( history – historian – historic – historical )
He works as a ………………… adviser to the prime minister.
( beneficial – superficial - financial – artificial )
She travelled widely in North America, ……………….. on women's rights.
( picturing – assuring – measuring – lecturing )
The army arrived to ……………….. in the search.
( assist – resist – insist – protest )
Her ……………….. to the plan is based on incorrect facts.
( injection – function - objection – instruction )

The children had a/an …………….. about who had won the race.
( argument – arrangement – armament – management )
Staying late at school was his ………………… for talking in class.
( reward – award – punishment – astonishment )
The politicians could not reach an/a ……………… on what to do next.
( abandonment – agreement – achievement – attainment )
The ………………. against Edmond was false.
( accumulation – accommodation – allocation – accusation )
The crime of being disloyal to your country is called ……………………….. .
( reason – treason – raisin – purpose )
To …………….. means to say someone had done something wrong or illegal.
( cause – accomplish – accuse – account )
Something you do to punish someone who has harmed you is called …………… .
( change – exchange – challenge – revenge )
To ……………… means to know someone because you have seen them before.
( recognize – memorize – authorize – theorize )
Someone who has been hurt by someone or something is a/an …………………… .
( accused – judge – victim – prey )
Wishing you had something that someone else has means that you are …………………….. .
( previous – impervious – envious – oblivious )
You shouldn't leave a child ………………. in the house.
( only - alone – lonely – loneliness )
She …………… from the government last week and she's going to set up her own business.
( signed – designed - resigned – tired )
She's got an enormous amount of work to do and so ………………… I .
( do – have – did – can )
Ahmed left just after midnight and …………………. Peter.
( so did – neither did – so has – neither has )
She didn't know the answer and ………………….. .
( so did I – neither didn't I – neither did I – so have I )
He was being very careful …………….. the coffee so as not to spill it.
( of – at – in – with )
He strongly ………………. to the terms of the contract.
( objected – rejected – injected – joined )
If she is guilty, she will be …………….. for at least six years.
( imagined – imitated – improved – imprisoned )
I really ……………… you. You have so much money.
( navy – envy – wavy - heavy )
The man managed to escape …………………… prison.
( of – in – from – with )
He left as a poor, working class boy and returned as an extremely ……………….. man.
( wealthy – filthy – sympathy – healthy )


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