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امتحانات رائعة لغة انجليزية2ثانوى

امتحانات رائعة لغة انجليزية2ثانوى


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قدرى رمزى
شكرا جزاك الله خيراااااااااااااا
ابو احمد المصرى
Unit 1

Choose the correct answer:
There is no effective (appointment – adjustment – treatment - tournament) for AIDS.
Egypt has sent a/an (delegation – allegation – investigation - obligation) to attend a conference in Germany.
Since (trying – retrying - retiring – retarding) from the company, she has done voluntary work for a charity.
This invention (did - caused – acted – made) a major contribution to man's health.
She often (sees – is seeing - was seeing – see) a movie in her spare time.
While she (was being – being – was – is being) in New York, she saw a lot of interesting places.
She (didn't see – hadn't seen – won't see – hasn't seen) the play yet.
I (would sell – have sold – sold – was selling) my old car the other day.
Find the mistakes in the following sentences and write them correctly:
1- Your health had been generally good, but you do have a few minor problems.
2- I thought I heard him come in while we have had dinner.
3- Emma goes to work in New York a year ago, and we haven't seen her ever since.
4- The dinosaurs were dying out 65 million years ago.

Translate into Arabic:
Dr, Zewail received the Nobel Prize for chemistry for his great achievements in this field.

Translate into English :
يستخدم العلماء أساليب حديثة لعلاج كثير من الأمراض.
Unit 2

Choose the correct answer:
He looks (reckless – ridiculous – meticulous – jealous) in those tight trousers.
It was very (carelessly – carefully – neighbourly – kindly) of him to do the shopping for her.
(How – What – When – Why) size are your shoes?
I can (call – pronounce – remind – remember) people's faces, but not their names.
He didn't expect to win, (so – because – although – besides) he was delighted when he got the gold medal.
The captain, as well as the sailors, (were – have been – was – are) was responsible for what had happened.
We can go to play tennis (if – unless – although – in spite of) the weather is good.
(Has been – To be – Being – Have been) very clever, he passed all the tests.

Find the mistakes in the following sentences and write them correctly:
1- He had to apologize owing to he made a shameful mistake.
2- I had to take a taxi although it was raining heavily.
3- Gulliver's Travels were published in 1726.
4- He received a severe nourishment for his crime.

Translate into Arabic:
The government makes great efforts to increase the national income and raise the standard of living.

Translate into English:

تبذل مصـر ما بوسعهـا لتحقيق تقدم عظيم في جميع المجـالات.


Unit 3

Choose the correct answer:
This (dialogue – catalogue – prologue – prolong) tells you everything about our product.
(Outline – Deadline – Online – Decline) shopping has become popular.
Is there anything (specially – privately – private – special) that you'd like to do today?
We are going a long way ahead. Let's wait for (the others – others – another – other) to catch up with us.
I'd rather (to have – having – have – had) coffee than tea.
Between 5 and 10 p.m. yesterday, she (has studied – is studying – was studying – to study) her lessons.
It is time we (tell – told – have told – had told) her the truth.
He (wasn't – couldn't – didn't – wouldn't) set free until he had paid the bail.

Find the mistakes in the following sentences and write them correctly:
Internet connection via broadcast offers many advantages.
He lent some money from a bank to start his business.
What were you doing when I meet you at the bank yesterday?
By the time he arrived at school, the bell ringed.

Translate into Arabic:
All world countries should take the necessary measures to preserve the environment.

Translate into English :
يستخدم الناس بطاقات الائتمان علي نطاق واسع لشراء ما يحتاجونه من السلع.

Unit 4

Choose the correct answer:
You should read the (deductions – restrictions - instructions – constructions) carefully before you use the machine.
Birds can (cooperate – commemorate – corporate – comment) on complex jobs.
A (cooperation – calculation – coloration - combination) of tiredness and boredom caused me to fall asleep.
There is a (sport – sports – spirits – spot) centre near our house.
She usually (has – has got – is having – was having) a short walk after lunch.
I don't think he (can – could – is going – will) be able to do the job efficiently.
He (will – is going to – was going to – shall) to spend the holiday in Spain, but he couldn't afford it.
His plane (left – leaves – has left – would leave) Heathrow airport at 9 p.m. tomorrow.

Find the mistakes in the following sentences and write them correctly:
1- As soon as he is receiving the fax, he will go to the airport.
2- They leave for London tomorrow. They have arranged everything.
3- You can't play football of your own.
4- Don't let her criticism discourage you to try again.

Translate into Arabic:
Some people believe that globalization can have very dangerous effects, especially on developing countries.


Translate into English :
الصناعة هي العمود الفقري للاقتصـاد في مصـر .

Unit 5

Choose the correct answer:

The doctors are very (optimistic – realistic – linguistic – pessimistic) about his chances of recovery. His condition is very serious.
Children should not be (cruel – loyal – funny – helpful) to animals.
She's going to study modern French (torture – feature – mixture – literature) at the university.
The book isn't here. Where (too – another – else – other) should I look?
Did you see (much – many – a lot – plenty) movies during the holiday?
There are good beaches on (Red Sea – a Red Sea – the Red Sea – an Red Sea).
The government is trying to provide job opportunities for (a – an – some – the) unemployed.
Holland is (a – an – the – some) European country.

Find the mistakes in the following sentences and write them correctly:
1- I go to the bed early everyday.
2- Those who brake the rules will be punished.
3- The soldier was capsule during the war.
4-The more you study, higher marks you get.

Translate into Arabic:
We should encourage foreign investors to invest their money in Egypt and set up new projects.
Translate into English :
إن تعلم اللغات الأجنبية ضرورة في الوقت الحاضر.

Unit 6

Choose the correct answer:
The new government's first (lounge – range - challenge – exchange) is the economy.
She's (lightly – slightly – rightly – highly) taller than her sister.
It may be many years before this dreadful disease is (conquered – conceded – conceited – concerned).
Prices have risen by a/an (beverage – barrage - average – coverage) of 4% over the past year.
He was in a (tight – fight – light – right) corner when everyone accused him of theft.
Sarah is the (young – youngest – younger – most young) of the two sisters.
He wasn't (richer than – as rich – more rich – as rich as) his cousin.
I didn't read as (more – most – the most – many) books as he did.

Find the mistakes in the following sentences and write them correctly:
1- How farther is it from Australia to New Zealand?
2-The repairs to our car cost much many than we were expecting.
3-Longer life education is very important to everyone.
4-His confident leadership respired his followers.

Translate into Arabic:
Many world countries are doing their best to solve the problem of environmental pollution.


Translate into English:
الماء ضروري لكل الكائنات الحية و بدونه سوف تنتهي الحياة علي الأرض .


Unit 7

Choose the correct answer:
You can stop bleeding by applying (closure – exposure - pressure – expanding) close to the injured area.
They chose a famous lawyer to (represent – depress –consent – arrest) them in court.
The books will be (attracted - distributed – attributed – deposited) free to local schools.
I don't know how he can (affect – defect – offend – afford) a new car on his salary.
She's one of those people (who – whom – whose – what) love to be the centre of attention.
The death of his son was an experience from (that - which – when – where) he never fully recovered.
Ricardo, (whom – which – that – whose) contract expires next week, is likely to move to play for a European club.
Have you been to the restaurant (that's – where's – who's – when's) just opened in town?

Find the mistakes in the following sentences and write them correctly:
1-Is this the train whose stops at Banha?
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2- Hemingway, that works are world-famous, committed suicide.
3- Modern technological has made man's life easier.
4-We should do our best to improve our national economical.

Translate into Arabic:
The great developments in means of communications have made the world a small village.


Translate into English :
تساعد الأجهزة الحديثة الأطباء في تشخيص الكثير من الأمراض.

Unit 8

Choose the correct answer
Egypt has a modern well-equipped (armed – arm – stormy - army).
I was filled with (admiration – admission – addiction – activation) for her courage.
A (reckless – bracelet – necklace – needle) is a piece of jewellery worn around the neck.
Your voice is (the same – identical – different – alike) to hers.
I (used to – didn't use to – am used to – am using to) spicy food.
He never (used to – didn't use to – is used – is using) get to bed so late.
What (is – was – will – has been) life be like 50 years from now?
They are trying to find a way (of – to – on – with) settling the dispute.

Find the mistakes in the following sentences and write them correctly:
1-He has a valuable connection of old stamps.
2-As soon as I cash the cheque, I’ll pay all my doubts.
3-I don't use to this hot weather.
4-The shelf wasn't high enough for him to reach.

Translate into Arabic:
People who have no self confidence find it difficult to achieve their goals in life.


Translate into English:
من الضروري أن نقوم بدراسة ثقافات الدول الأخرى

Unit 9

Choose the correct answer:
He's a footballer who's just turned (official – professional – conditional – conventional).
Thousands of football fans packed into the (hall – reception – museum - stadium) to watch the football match.
He got a profitable job as a tennis (cash – coach – catch – cockroach).
The Olympic Games takes place (each – all – whole – every) four years.
It's the first time he (had seen – will see – has seen – is seeing) this movie.
He (has been – is being – has gone – is gone) to Italy. He will be back after two days.
How long (had you done – has you been doing – are you doing – have you been doing) this job? –Since I was 18.
I (have owned – have been owning – own – has owned) this camera for 3 years now.

Find the mistakes in the following sentences and write them correctly:
I cut my hair two days ago.
2-He has just been writing the letter.
3-This is the worst weather we have never have.
4-A silver medal is given to the person who comes first in a competition.

Translate into Arabic:
All world countries aspire to participating in the Olympic Games.

Translate into English:
لا شك أن الرياضة تنمي مواهبنا و تعلمنا التعاون والصبر والثقة بالنفس

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