براجراف حول كيفية إيقاف التلوث | A review about how to stop pollution
Man has created a lot of things that benefit him but are bad to nature. Man
is the main reason for destroying nature and making pollution. Pollution is caused
by greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide. These are made when we burn fossil
fuels such as oil. Also, pollution is created by cutting down trees. When we cut
down trees, the carbon dioxide stays in the air. The best solution to stop pollution
is that we have to depend on cleaner renewable energy such as solar energy and
wind power. We must start recycling more rubbish. We must stop cutting down
trees and forests. Finally, both the government and people should encourage
planting more trees either in streets or at homes.
"a biography about a person you admire" - المطلوب هو كتابة سيرة ذاتية لشخص سواء من الأسرة أو أي شخصية الافي 1 - السيرة الذاتية هي قصة حياة شخص 2 - نكتب بعض المعلومات الحقيقية عن هذا الشخص مثل - اسم الشخص وقت ومكان الميلاد لو أمكن ماذا فعل عندما كان صغيرا ماذا فعل عندما كان كبيرا - اهم انجازاته A biography of Samar Abdelfattah Samar Abdelfattah is a great Egyptian girl. She has been interested in space. As a young child, she wanted to be an astronaut. After finishing school, she went to Cairo University to study space engineering. While she was at university, she entered a competition to design a hyperloop. She and her team won the competition. She travelled to the USA to receive the award. Now she has her own company. She also gives speeches to help young engineers achieve their goals. I think, she will be a great astronaut one day. I think she is a good model that we should follow and learn from her | achievements.
jhadraouiالسبت 11 يناير 2020, 3:59 pm