مدرس اون لايندخول

ملخص القصة فى صورة اهم النقاط التى ممكن ان تكون موضوع اسئلة اللغة الانجليزية 2

هذة الجمل تساعدك على إجابة معظم الأسئلة ان شاء اللة
1-Leila was an archeologist .She is a research assistant. She did not like flying.
2-She was asked to spend about two months in Peru. She took a laser machine which dates cloth and wood. She wants it to be secret to be the first to use it. and not many people know about it.
3-Her sister Samira was a reporter she was funny and cheerful unlike Leila who was worried and nervous.
4-Leila went to Peru to help Dr Hafez in his excavation. She asked Samira to drive her to the airport. She did not want to return to Peru as she had very bad days there.
5-She did not fly directly to Lima because there was no direct flight between Cairo and Lima.
She had to spend a night in New York to wait the plane to Lima.
6-She worked with Hafez in Luxor in the Valley of Nobles. She took up archaeology in Italian Institute of archaeology in Rome because she did not want people to say that Dr Hafez was giving her special treatment. She took up archeology as she was influenced Dr Hafez who was a friend of family and wanted to follow his footsteps.
7-Lander was a mining engineer. He was born in South Africa ,but he had American passport. He spends months in Peru to look for interesting places to find interesting things.
8-Leila began to doubt him because he asked her many questions about her work and did not say anything about his work. He tried to take papers from pocket seat.
9-At Customs area they let Leila go because she was part of UNESCO.exchange program.
10-Hafez advised Leila to be careful because there are thieves who come to Peru and steal the artifacts and sell them to rich collectors who did not care about the old things.
11-Hafez chose Leila to be in charge of small team as he trusted her and she could understand him. but Amalia thought she came as Hafez was a friend of family.
12-Amalia was a local archaeologist. She was unfriendly to Leila because she was assistant of Hafez and in charge of the team. She was jealous of Leila because she was in charge of team and discovered the mask of gold. She caused some trouble to Leila. She put the gold figure of rabbit among Leila ‘s clothes as a result Leila was arrested by the police. She confessed everything as a result Leila was set free. They became friends. They set off Acommya to catch Lander.
13-Amalia did not like Lander as he deceived her father and persuaded him to put all his money in a silver mine but there was no mine. so she wanted to catch him with Leila.
14-Pablo worked for the ministry of culture in Peru. He was one of the committee which advised the local representative of UNECSCO. He worked with Lander as he had hard life and needed money to buy medicine for his son. Hafez deceived him and made him confess by saying that the police arrested Lander. He helped to catch Lander. He told Hafez where Lander was hiding
15-Leila felt headache because of the jet- lag and high altitudes. her body did not adjust to altitudes.
16-The skeletons which they found had a crack on the skull. Hafez thought he might have been killed and Leila thought that the skull was broken by falling rock.
17-Leila discovered the mask of gold and llama .Hafez wanted the mask to make sure that the tomb was royal. She was lucky .
18-Leila was gratitude because she decided to return to the village to thank the people who helped Amelia .There she showed Hafez a new site.
19-The villagers helped Amalia they gave her leaves to chew and hot drink.
20-Leila could save Amalia she covered her with a blanket and made her splint after the accident. She did not leave Amalia alone. She decided to find help to save Amalia.
21-She managed to stop Lander from escaping She hit the plane hard with the truck.
22-The Incas were tough people as they lived at high altitudes. They conquered the Chumu who were famous for gold and silver. They did not have any writing but they ruled huge empire. They ruled by allowing the Chumu kings to rule their own people if they were loyal to The Incas. They sent the sons of kings to Cuzco to make sure their fathers were loyal to The Incas. They killed women and servants and buried them beside kings to help them in the next world. They sacrificed their children to please gods. and made a figure of gold to put beside the body.
23-They were similar to the Egyptians as they put gold objects in the tombs they put food and drink beside the dead. They put gold masks on the faces of the kings.
24-They sacrificed their children to please gods. they made gold figures and put it near the dead. They put mummified kings on litters and took them into streets.

شوف هذة الاسئلة جميع الاجابة الخاصة بها موجودة فى التلخيص
نسال الله الهداية لاولادنا و كل اولاد المسلمين و ان يرفع الغمة عن مصر
1-Answer these questions:
1-What was Leila's job?
2-What was Leila's attitude towards flying?
3-What did she take to Hafez?
4-What is the use of laser machine?
5-Why did she want the laser to be secret?
6-Why did she fly to Peru?
7-Copmare between Leila and Samira.
8-Why did not Leila fly directly from Cairo to Lima?
9-Where did Leila do her first dig?
10-Why did she take up archaeology?
11-Where did she do her degree? Why?
12-What do know about Lander?
13-Why did Leila doubt Lander?
14-Why did people at customs let she go?
15-Why must Leila be careful?
16-Why did Hahez choose Liela to be his assistant?
17-According Amalia why did Leila come to Peru?
18-Why did Amalia hate Leila?
19-Why was she jealous of Leila?
20-How did Alamia cause trouble to Leila?why?
21-Why did the police arrest Lelia?
22-How was Liela set free?

23-Prove that Alamia had conscious.
24-How did Lander deceive Amelia's father?
25-Why did Pablo work with Lander?
26-How did Hafez make Pablo admit?
27-Why did Leila feel headache?
28-What was Leila's achievement in Peru?
30-Prove that Leila was kind –hearted.
31-Prove that Leila was gratitude.
32-How did Lela save Amalia?
33-How did Liela stop Lander from escaping?
34-What was the strange about the Incas?
35-Why ware they tough?
36-How did they rule the towns they conquered?
37-Why did they kill woman and servants?
38-What were the similarities between the Egyptians and the Incas?
39-Why did The Incas sacrifice their children?
40-What were the differences between the Incas and ancient Egyptians?
41-How did the police take fingerprints?
42-What was Leila's dream in the cave?
43-How did Lander punish Leila? Why?
جميع الاسئلة الهامـــــــــــــــــــــة فى الكتاب المدرسى
2--Answer these questions:-
1-What did villagers give Amalia after accident?
2-How did Leila get to Acomaya after the accident?
3-What is the language of the Incas?
4-Who helped Lander to steal from the excavation? Why?
5-Why was Leila taken to the police cell?
6-What was the strange about the skull?
7-How did The Incas make sure that the Chumu people were loyal?
8-Which organization was funding the excavation project in Peru?
9-How did Leila make sure Lander was lair?
10-Where did Leila study archaeology and why??
11-Prove that Lander was swindler and deceitful?
12-What did finding a gold llama in the tomb prove?
13-How did Lander punish Leila? Why?
14-Why was it difficult to catch Lander?
15-Why was Hafez suspicious of Pablo?
16-Why did The Incas sacrifice their children?
17-Why did Leila have to spend a night in New York?
1-When Leila was at the village she wanted to show Hafez……………
2-At Cairo airport Leila was met by………………………………………
3-After the accident Leila could not use the mobile because....................
4-Leila wanted to return to the village to...................................

5-Pablo needed money because...............................................
6-After the accident Amalia was taken to hospital by..........as.......
7-As a celebration Dr Hafez was taking everyone...........................
8-Leila ’s headache was due to..................................................
9-Martin Lander said that he worked for..................................
1-“Not many people know about it..”
2-“I think that is the end of Mr. Lander’s archeological career?
3-“Come and get hot drink. You must be tired? "
4-“We opened the wall of the tomb. It may be the tomb of king.
5-“Yes a person's life did not have much value for the Incas”
6-“Don‘t worry I‘ve called the police”
7-“I am sorry to think of you badly”
8-“So we meet again Miss El Assby
9-“It is so interesting and so sad..”
10--You worry ,don’t you Not like your sister Samira?
1-What was Leila's job?
اهم الاكتشافات فى القصة
1- In Egypt: Leila and Dr. Hafez discovered and excavated the tomb of Sennofer in Luxor, so she was experienced.
2-In Peru: a) Leila discovered the gold llama and the mask of gold; also she discovered a tomb on the way to Acomayo, so she became famous.
b) Ramon discovered a gold figure of a child in the site and also some human bones and some bits of pottery.
مين شك فى مين و الاسباب
1- Leila: She suspected Martin on the plane because he asked her a lot of questions and also she found him searching her paper. she suspected that Amalia works with Lander when she saw them at café .
2- The police: They suspected that Leila stole the mask of gold because they found the gold rabbit in her clothes.
3- Amalia: She thought that the mask of gold and Martin might be connected and that Martin told her the last time; he was keen on going to Acomayo.
4- Dr. Hafez: He suspected that Pablo was behind the robbery of the gold mask because he was the only person who had the key of the safe.
_ السفر من الى و الاسباب
1- Leila: She went with her sister Samira in their car to Cairo airport.
- She travelled from Egypt to Peru via New York as there wasn't any direct flight between Cairo and Peru. .
- She travelled from Lima(the capital of Peru) to Cuzco with Dr. Hafez by plane.
- She travelled with Hafez and Amalia to the site near Quenco by car for three hours.
- She went with Dr. Hafez to Quenco to see the town where she saw Amalia with Martin at a café.
- She went with Amalia to Acomayo by car to catch Martin but they had an accident.
- She went to Acomayo by bus to get a doctor for Amalia.

- She went with Dr. Hafez and Ramón to Cuzco to catch Martin .
الاماكن التى ذكرت فى القصة
1- New York: Leila stayed a night in a hotel in the airport to take a connecting flight the next morning to Peru.
2- Lima: The capital of Peru and it was the first city for Leila in Peru.
3- Cuzco: It was the capital of Incas and the second city for Leila.
4- Machu Picchu: A great Inca city that was lost for hundreds of years.
5- The Hill Of The King (the tomb): The Chimu used to bury their dead in the side of the mountains' hills, so they called the tomb the hill of the king.
6- Quenco : It is three hours from Cuzco and near the site where they excavate.
7- Acomayo: a city where Leila and Amalia were going to catch Martin but they had a bad accident.
8- The Village: - near Acomayo-Leila went to it and got help for Amalia.
9- The Hotel Grande Dr Hafez would meet Leila in front of it in Quenco at twelve o'clock
10- PLAZA MAYOR the main square in Quenco
11- Cafe de la Plaza: The café where Leila saw Amalia with Martin.
12- Quechua : the language of ancient Incas.
13- Soles : the money coins used in Peru. عملة بيرو
الاشخاص وو ظيفتهم
1-Dr. Hafez: He was a famous archaeologist and a the leader of the excavation in Peru.
2-Leila El-Assaby: She was a research assistant at Cairo University.
3-Amalia Guzman: She was one of the local archaeologists.
4-Martin Lander : He used to be mining engineer but he was involved in stealing artifacts.
5-Ramon: He was one of the local workers.
6-Pablo Alvarez: He worked with the Peruvian Ministry of Culture he made a note of everything found and he was in the committee which advised the UNESCO representative about the project. But he was involved in stealing the mask with Martin.
7-Samira: She was a journalist on one of Cairo newspapers.
اسباب عمل بعض الاشياء فى القصة
1- Leila: took up archeology because : Dr. Hafez was a friend of Leila's family, as she used to listen to his
stories about his discoveries, so she decided to follow his footsteps.
2- Dr Hafez's assistant: Dr Hafez needed someone he could trust and understood and he trusted Leila.
3- Pablo:: He helped Martin to steal the gold mask as he had a sick child who needed expensive medicines..
4- Ramón ; the first on to enter the tomb: As he was small enough to get through the small hole.
معلومات عن الانكاس
1_ They had a great civilization which controlled a huge empire extended from Colombia in the north to Chile in the south. But they didn't know any reading or writing.
2_ They were tough because they lived at high altitude.
3_ They used to conquer the Chimu because they were famous for their gold and silver work.

4_ They allowed the Chimu kings to rule their own peoples to keep them loyal and to make sure of their loyalty so they sent the Chimu kings' sons to Cuzco .to make sure fathers were loyal.
_ التشابهات فى القصة
1-The Egyptians and The Incas
a- They used to put: gold figures of animals, food and drink, also gold and silver objects in their tombs.
b- They used to mummify the dead kings, dressed them in beautiful clothes and put gold masks on their faces.
The Incas and The ancient Egyptians
1- The Incas didn't care much for the human life so killed children to please their gods. Also they killed servants and women to help them in the next world.
2-The Incas used to dress the dead king in beautiful clothes in the important festivals.
3- The Incas didn't have any reading or writing , yet they controlled huge empire.
4- The Egyptians cared much for the human life.
5-The Egyptians had reading and writing and did not kill women or servants.
Leila Samira
Leila was worried about everything. She was nervous. Samira was funny and never worried about any thing.

و علشان نتأكد من فهمنا للقصة هذا اسئلة الثانوية العامة لاعوام سابقة
اسئلة القصة التى وردت فى امتحانات الثانوية
VII. A) Answer the following questions :
1. What was in the picture on Leila's bedside table?
2. Why was Pablo Alvarez shown everything found at the site?
3. What important discovery did Leila make in the cave?
B) Read the following quotation and answer the questions.
"Dr Hafez., I think we need to go. The plane to Cuzco leaves very soon, doesn't it ?"
1. Who said this to Dr Hafez?
2. Why was he/she in such a hurry to leave ?
3. Why were they going to Cuzco ?
C) Complete the sentence:
1. The Incas conquered the Chimu, who .....................
2. In town Leila decided to wander off .......................
3. Leila couldn't climb out of the cave because .............
7. a) Answer the following questions:
1- What similarities were there between the ancient Egyptians and the Incas?
2- How did Dr Hafez and his group date the cloth they found inside the tomb?
3- Why did Martin Lander go to the tomb in the middle of the night?

b) read the following quotation and then answer the questions:
" It's like the face of the sun. Look at the sun's rays. How wonderful!"
1- Who said these words?
2- What was the speaker describing?
3- Who found that precious object?
c) Complete the following:
1- The Incas killed women and servants and buried them with the king so that......
2- The customs at Lima let Leila through when .............
3- Although the Incas didn't have any writing, ..........
7. a) Answer the following questions:
1-Why did Dr. Hafez have to keep good relations with the UNESCO people?
2- To what extent was Leila lucky in the story? (Mention one event).
3- How were the ancient Egyptians different from the Incas?
b) Read the following quotation and then answer the questions:
"No, I'm afraid that wasn't me. I'm a mining engineer, not an archaeologist."
1-Who said these words?
2- Did the addressed person believe him / her?
3- What was the speaker's real job?
c) Complete the following:
1-In order to be sure it was a royal tomb, .......... .
2- Before she came to Peru, Leila had worked with Dr. Hafez in……..
3-The Incas lived at........…....
7. a) Answer the following questions:
1-What do you know about the Inca empire ? (Two sentences)
2-Why did Pablo work with Lander ?
3-What would happen if the excavation team did not find something important in Peru ?
b) Read the following quotation and then answer the questions:
“ Yes, we think so. But we won’t know until we make a hole in the
wall and see what lies behind it.”
1-Who said these words ?
2-What did he/she expect to find behind the wall ?
3-Did the speaker and the addressed person find anything behind the wall
c) Complete the following:
1-Leila realized that Lander was a liar when……………………….. .
2-The police put a special kind of powder on the safe in order to…………
3-Amalia was jealous of Leila because……………………… .

7. a) Answer the following questions:
1-What made Leila take up archaeology?
2-What was Dr Hafez’s opinion about Amalia?
3-Why were there many photographers at Cairo airport when Leila arrived?
b) Read the following quotation and then answer the questions:
“Of course we need to find a gold mask to be sure it’s the tomb of a king. But this is still a great discovery.”
1-Who said these words ?
2-What was the great discovery he referred to ?
3-Who discovered it ?
c) Complete the following:
1-Most Inca gold work was made by………………….. .
2-Amalia placed the gold rabbit among Leila’s clothes to………………. .
3-Ramon was lowered inside the tomb where he found……………… .
7. a) Answer the following questions:
1-Why did Dr Hafez ask Leila to work with him in Peru ?
2-What happened to Leila when she went down the cave ?
3-Martin Lander is a liar and a deceitful man. Explain why ? (2 reasons)
b) Read the following quotation and then answer the questions:
“Let’s set a trap.”
1-Who said these words and to whom ?
2-For whom are they going to set a trap ?
3-Describe the plan for this trap ?
c) Complete the following:
1- The next day of Leila’s return to Cairo, the newspaper headlines were………….. .
2-Peruvians are very proud of their heritage. They have to be very careful, because……………….. .
3-Unlike Samira who was funny, Leila…………………. .
7. a) Answer the following questions:
1- What did Leila take with her when she travelled to Peru ? Why ?
2- Why did the police chief make a telephone call to Dr Hafez ?
3- Who is Pablo and how was his life like ?
b) Read the following quotation and then answer the questions:
“Forgive me because it is my fault that you are here”
1- Who said these words, to whom and where ?
2- Why is the speaker asking for forgiveness ?
3- What made the speaker make this mistake ?

c) Complete the following:
1- Beside Leila’s bed, there was a photo of…………………… .
2- It was difficult for the immigration department to find Lander because………….
3- Amalia was as brave and tough as………………… .
7. a) Answer the following questions:
1- What do you know about Dr Hafez ?
2- Why did the Incas send the Chimu kings’ sons to Cuzco ?
3- How were the Incas and the Ancient Egyptians different in the ways they buried their dead ?
b) Read the following quotation and then answer the questions:
“So, you’re not a mining engineer……..”
1- Who said these words, to whom and where ?
2- What was the second person accused of ?
3- How did the man defend himself against this accusation ?
c) Complete the following:
1- The Incas were tough because…………………… .
2- It was out of jealousy that Amalia………… .
3- Pablo had such a hard life that………………… .
7. a) Answer the following questions:
1-Why is the laser machine a secret ?
2-Although they are sisters, Leila and Samira are two different characters. Discuss.
3-How did Leila discover the mask of gold ?
b) Read the following quotation and then answer the questions:
“He might have been killed”
1-Who said this to whom ?
2-Why did he/she say this ?
3-What other possibility was there ?
c) Complete the following:
1-People think that Dr Hafez is giving Leila a special treatment because……….. .2-Amalia's father had been persuaded by Martin Lander to………………. .
3-If the gold mask was lost or stolen,……………… .
7. a) Answer the following questions:
1-Why did Dr Hafez send for Leila to work with him in Peru ?
2-How did Amalia feel towards Leila ? Why ?
3-To what extent was Leila lucky in the story ?
b) Read the following quotation and then answer the questions:
“I'm very shocked and upset. The police found this among your work clothes.”
1-Who said these words to whom ?
2-What does the word this refer to ?
3-Why was the speaker shocked and upset ?

c) Complete the following:
1-The Incas conquered the Chimu who………………….. .
2-Martin Lander was lying when………………. .
3-Dr Hafez hoped the local UNESCO representative……………… .
7. a) Answer the following questions:
1- Why were the Chimu Kings' sons sent to Cuzco ?
2- How did Leila discover that Martin Lander was not working for United Mining in Peru ?
3- Why did the police take Leila to the police station ?
b) Read the following quotation and then answer the questions:
"That is why I wanted to come with you to catch him."
1-Who said this to whom,?
2-Whom did the speaker refer to ?
3-Why did the speaker want to catch that person?
c) Complete the following:
1- All artifacts should go to the museum where...................
2- Leila realized that she was back home in Cairo only when......................
3-When Dr Hafez was introduced to Martin Lander, he thought...................
B- The Mask of Gold ( 5 Marks )الازهر 2010
3) Answer the following questions :
a- Why was Leila going to Peru ?
b- Why did the Incas send the Chimu Kings' sons to Cuzco ?
c- What should Laila have done instead of climbing down into the cave when she saw someone inside it at night ? What pushed her to do so ?
d- Who was first accused of stealing the Mask of Gold ? Why ?
e- What was the truth behind the meeting between Lander and Amalia in Quenco ?
مصر 2010
A- Answer these questions:
1-What was Leila "s night in the cave like?
2-What was Leila accuse of?
3-Why did Hafez ask Liela to join him in Peru?
B-Read this quotation and answer these questions:
"I think he is going to the airport"
1-Who said this to whom?
2-Who were they talking about?
3-Why was the person going to the airport?
C: Complete these sentences:
1-Unlike her sister Liela was………………..
2-Pablo worked ……………………………..
3-Dr Hafez were sure that the tomb was royal when………
السودان 2010
A- Answer these questions:
1-How did Liela communicate with her sister when she was in Peru?
2-According to Hafez what would happen if the mask was lost?

3-Who helped Lander to steal from the excavation?
B-Read this quotation and answer these questions:
"I can" move I must have broken something. My leg it really hurts"
1-Who said to home?
2-When was this said?
3-What the first aid the speaker gets?
C: Complete these sentences:
1-At the site Ramon found………
2-Hafez told Pablo that their work together depended on…….
3-Lander could not escape although………………………..

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