مدرس اون لايندخول

مراجعة نهائية شاملة المنهجFinal Revision-3rd year

Final Revision

1) Dialogues

1) Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue between Samir and a booking clerk:
Booking clerk: Can I help you?
Samir : Yes, please. I'd like to book a flight to London.
Booking clerk: ………………………………………………………………………?
Samir : A return ticket, please.
Booking clerk: …………………………………………………………………..?
Samir : I'd be happy if I get a night flight.
Booking clerk: Sorry, all night flights are booked.
Samir : ……………………………………………………………………..?
Booking clerk: Yes, there's one at 6 am.
Samir : It's Ok. ……………………………………………………………….?
Booking clerk: You'll have to be at the airport at 4 am.
Samir : Thank you very much.

2- Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue between Adel and a librarian:
Adel : Good morning. Can I join the library?
Librarian: Yes, certainly. But first …………………………………….. this form
Adel : ……………………………………………………….?
Librarian: It's free.
Adel : …………………………………………………………………………..?
Librarian: Borrowers are allowed to have three books for a fortnight.
Adel : OK. …………………………………………………………………..?
Librarian: We're open all day from 10 am to 7 pm

2) Mini-dialogues

1) Supply the missing parts in the following mini-dialogue:
Amany wants to borrow Leila’s new camera but Leila refuses.
Amany: Can you lend me your camera, please?
Leila : …………………………………………………………………. .
Ameer is booking a hotel room.
Ameer: ………………………………………………………………………..?
Receptionist: Sorry sir. All rooms are fully booked.
Marco apologizes for breaking mark’s cassette player. Mark forgives him.
Marco: ………………………………………………………………….. .
Mark : …………………………………………………………………. .
You meet your friend who has just passed his driving test.
Friend: I’ve just passed my driving test.
You : …………………………………………………………………. .

Dalia introduces her American friend, Catherine, to her mother.
Dalia : ………………………………………………………….. .
Mother: How do you do?
Amal goes to a clothes shop to get a new dress.
Salesgirl: ………………………………………………….?
Amal : ……………………………………………………………. .
George invites Hany to have dinner with him, but Hany refuses politely.
George: Would you like to have dinner with me?
Hany : ………………………………………………………………………. .
You warn your little brother who always plays with matches.
You : ……………………………………………………………… ?
Brother: Sorry, I won’t do that again.
Sami suggests seeing a film at the cinema and Ali agrees.
Sami: ……………………………………………………….. ?
Ali : ………………………………………………………… .
Fayez saw a film on TV. The following day he met his friend Nabil.
Fayez : What do you think of yesterday’s film?
Nabil : ………………………………………………………………….. .
Mary visits her sick friend in hospital. She expresses her good wishes.
Mary: ………………………………………………………………………….. .
Hind: Thank you very much.
The doctor is inquiring about what the patient is suffering.
Doctor: ………………………………………………………….. ?
Patient: ……………………………………………………………… .
A tourist asks you the way to Tahrir Square.
Tourist: …………………………………………………………………………..?
You : Certainly. Go straight and turn left.
An old woman is carrying a heavy suitcase. Ali offers to help her.
Ali : Can I help you, madam?
Old woman: ………………………………………………………………….
Two friends unexpectedly meet. They haven’t seen each other for 3 years.
Ayman: …………………………………………………………………………….?
Hatem: …………………………………………………………………………… .

2) Give the situation for the following mini-dialogue:
A: How many books can I borrow, sir? Place:
B: Two. Speaker A:
A: And for how long? Speaker B:
B: For two weeks.

A:I want a first class ticket to Aswan. Place:
B: Single or return? Speaker A:
A: Single, please. Speaker B:

A: Can I help you, sir? Place:
B: yes, please. I’d like to check my car engine. Speaker A:
A: OK. Speaker B:
A: Could you give me the menu, please? Place:
B: Here you are. Speaker A:
A: Thanks. I’d like fried fish. Speaker B:
B: OK.

A: I need some more money. Place:
B: What for? Speaker A:
A: For home expenses. Speaker B:
B: Have you spent the money I gave you.
A: Yes, of course. It was not enough.

A: Do you have a room for three nights? Place:
B: Single or double? Speaker A:
A: Single with telephone and shower. Speaker B:
B: OK.

A: Can I help you, sir? Place:
B: Yes, I’m looking for beautiful post cards. Speaker A:
A: We have got a good variety. Speaker B:
B: can I have a look at them?
A: Sure.

A: can I help you, sir? Place:
B: Yes, please. I want to extend my stay. Speaker A:
A: Is your passport valid? Speaker B:
B: Yes, it is.

A: What’s wrong with you? Place:
B: I can’t read the small letters. Speaker A:
A: When did you feel that? Speaker B:
B: since last year.

A: could you get me to Cairo University Place:
by 10:30? I’m late. Speaker A:
B: Yes, of course. I’ll do my best. Speaker B:

3) Vocabulary & Structure

Unit 1

@ Choose the correct answer:
(Geothermal-Geological-Solar-Lunar) energy comes from hot rocks under the ground.
Hydroelectric power does not (purify-pollinate-pollute-promote) the atmosphere.
(Recycling-Retreating-Repairing-Redoing) is a way to use materials such as paper, glass and metal.
Noha is (monosyllabic-literate-bilingual-irregular). She speaks Arabic and English.
scientists are still (try-trying-have been trying-tried) to find out what happens when we sleep.
Scientists (is wanted-am wanted-has wanted-want) to find more sources of renewable energy.
Coal, oil and natural gas are all (renewable-nuclear-energy-fossil) fuels.
The prefix ‘pre’ in ‘prehistoric’ means (middle-after-before-between).
(Renewable-Non renewable-Fossil-Refreshing) energy doesn’t run out
We should try to (reduce-increase-stop-ban) the amount of non-renewable fuels that we use.

@ Rewrite using the word(s) in brackets to give the same meaning:
To save money, we can use cans and bottles several times. (recycle)
Why don't we leave after breakfast on Saturday? (How about)
We go to the theatre from time to time. (occasionally)

Unit 2

@ Choose the correct answer:
Dr Aisha was (a viewer-an observer-a witness-an interviewer) to the age in which she lived.
Mrs Mubarak argued powerfully (with - in - for - at) Women's Rights.
You (supposed - ought - should - obliged) take this medicine every day.
I (shouldn't-was supposed-supposed-am supposed) to study yesterday evening, but I was too tired.
My grandmother couldn't read. She was (illogical - illegal - illegible -illiterate).
Dr Aisha wrote under a (pen name - true name - usual name - wrong name) because of the tradition she was brought up in.
I read a very interesting play (enhanced-entitled-enlarged-encouraged) “The Merchant of Venice”.
Mohamed El-Baradei (has awarded-awarded-was awarded-will award) the Nobel Prize for peace.
I want to see that play. It's (should - ought - must - supposed) to be good.
Mrs Mubarak is a courageous (producer - promoter -director-writer) of women's rights.
I was surprised (to learn-learn-learning-learnt) that he had won the prize.
Hamlet is one of Shakespeare's (fireworks-homeworks-housewoeks-masterworks)
Dr Aisha wrote about books and articles advocating women’s (rights-marriage-lights-fights).

@ Rewrite using the word(s) in brackets to give the same meaning:
You shouldn’t drive fast in towns. (not supposed)
He should take the medicine three times a day. (supposed)
This train is late. I should have arrived five minutes ago. (supposed)
Mrs Azza usually drinks coffee after lunch. (is used to)
Thirty seven plays were written by Shakespeare. (Shakespeare…..)

Unit 3

@ Choose the correct answer:
Cars of the future will have a computer screen on the (dashboard-blackboard-dish board-flashcard).
The (smart-beautiful-fast-fashionable) car tells the driver exactly where the vehicle is.
Space cruisers will probably (wander-orbit-move-fly) the Earth at a height of 320 kilometres.
This map shows the exact (place - point - region - location) of the bus station.
The airline flies to many (goals - destinations - aims - positions).
When he arrived at the bus stop, he saw a lot of people (queuing-creeping-crawling-quarrelling) to take the bus.
This computer is old, (however-because-so-but) it works very slowly.
As soon as I (had finished-finished-finish-will finish) this book, I’ll lend it to you.
I think it (will rain-is raining-is going to rain-rains).The sky’s looking very dark.
He (is traveling-travels-travelled-has travelled) to Assiut tomorrow.
The plane (was left-left-leaves-has left) Cairo International Airport at 08.00.
I managed to finish the work (although-yet-but-despite) I was tired.
We stopped playing tennis (because-because of-as-since) the rain.
Our team tried hard, (although-despite-in spite of-however) they lost the game by two goals.
(Despite-Because-Although-However) running your own business is hard work, it is also enjoyable.
You can stay in this flat (unless-as long as-as much as-if not) you pay the rent.

@ Rewrite using the word(s) in brackets to give the same meaning:
We will start the meeting as soon as he arrives. (until)
You can ride my motorbike only if you’re extremely careful. (provided that)
I got up late. The result was that I was late for work. (Consequently)
I like most pop music, but not rap. (although)
Despite looking everywhere, he never found his mobile. (although)
The weather was beautiful but we never went on the picnic. (In spite of)
I visited Paris with the idea of improving my French. (to)
She cooked for 20 people. She did all the washing up. (Besides)
She walked quietly so as not to wake the baby. (because)
He was too weak to lift the heavy box. (so….that)
Ali went to the football match early. He wanted to get a good seat. (so that)
The novel was so interesting that I stayed up all night to finish it.
(It was such…..)

unit 4

@ Choose the correct answer:
A (partial-solar-lunar-total) eclipse occurs when the Earth passes between the sun and the moon.
A (partial-solar-lunar-total) eclipse occurs when the moon passes between the sun and the earth.
It’s advisable to use special (protective-protected-protection-protect) glasses when you watch an eclipse.
When people watch a solar eclipse, they must take their (precautions-instructions-predictions-destructions).
Unless you look at a solar eclipse through special glasses, you will go (bold-bright-blunt-blind).
Put (off-away-up-in) your books please. I want to lay the table for dinner.
Astronomers could (predict-prevent-protect-protest) when eclipses occur.
Some people think that 13 is an unlucky number. This is a (fancy-fiction-fact-superstition).
People who do some strange actions when an eclipse occurs to drive away evil forces are called (superior-superstar-supervisors-superstitious).
Astronauts float in space because of zero (degree-gravity-density-humidity).
Everyone can put (down-in-through-forward) their ideas for the new building.
The receptionist took (forward-away-down-off) the man’s name and promised to deliver the message.
I decided not to see the film. I was put (off-out-down-up) by the horrible picture on the poster.
The poor old man was taken (out-through-across-in) by a thief.
Take (away-up-off-out) your coat and sit down. Would you like a coffee?
Ali takes (off-after-over-up) his father. They look very much like each other.
The manager put (on - out - off - down) the meeting till next Monday.
When Rania was on holiday she put (out-on-off-away) a lot of weight.
Our company will take (down-off-over-to) three smaller companies this year.
(If he had failed-If he fails-Were he to fail-Had he failed) his driving test, he would have to take it again.
If people (had been-have been-are-were) a little more tolerant, our world would be a better place to live in.
If you had taken the exam, you (might have passed-would pass-will pass-might pass) it.
If I had a lot of money, I (will go-would go-may go-can go) round the world.

@ Rewrite using the word(s) in brackets to give the same meaning:
They didn't earn more money because they didn't work hard. (If)
But for our savings, we wouldn't have been able to make the payments.(If it)
It rained, so we got wet. (If……)
It's too late, so I can't go shopping. (If…………)
I'll only pay you if you finish the work. (Unless……)
I could never have passed the exams without your help. (Unless…..)
Unit 6

@ Choose the correct answer:
Mr and Mrs Anderson (have lived-lived-had lived-were living) in Paris since 1996.
He (played-had played-was playing-has been playing) tennis since he was a child.
People who are ambitious usually work their way (out-on-up-for) in their jobs.
Nabil loves cleaning his motorbike. He works (out-up-in-on) it every morning and every weekend.
Staying up all night to revise for an exam usually works (against-in-out-on) you in the end.
If you haven’t got a calculator, you’ll have to work the problem (out-up-against-on) in your head.
She worked (against-on-up-out) her project every night and two weeks later she finished it.
I read the instructions twice but I couldn't work (in-out-up-on) how to put it together.
Would you fancy (to fly-flying-of flying-flew) to Luxor in a helicopter?
If you have a nice, friendly personality, it works (at-against-for-in) your favour at interviews.
His business (expanded-exploded-existed-extracted) and he had to hire new workers.
Fruit and vegetables are sometimes grown in a (glasshouse-greenhouse-greenheart-greenhorn) to protect them from cold weather.
Being your own (colleague-worker-servant-boss) can have advantages and disadvantages.
We didn’t need to (lend-loan-borrow-hire) money from the bank because we already had some capital.
(Capital-Capitals-Capsule-Capes) is a sum of money you need to start a business.
We face (a tough-a simple-an easy-a facile) problem which we are unable to solve.
Sometimes, farmers have to (grow-prune-browse-fertilize) infected trees to protect other plants.
I have known them (since-for-when-in) over ten years.

@ Rewrite using the word(s) in brackets to give the same meaning:
He started learning French two years ago. (for / since)
The last time I went swimming was nearly a year ago. (I haven't….)
This is the first time I have ever drunk coffee. (never)
I haven't seen him for ages. (It's)
I'd rather run my own business than work for others. (I prefer)
The train left the station an hour ago. (since)

Unit 7

@ Choose the correct answer:
Part of the Cairo Metro runs in a (tunnel-funnel-trench-hole) under the Nile.
The Cairo Metro has reduced traffic (contradiction-consumption-congestion-condition) on Cairo streets.
We (drew up-drew out of-drew upon-drew in) a plan to save the temples at Abu Simbel.
It was (advisable-justifiable-unthinkable-unsafe) that Egypt should lose one of its important monuments, Abu Simbel.
The High Dam (submerged-overcrowded-substituted-disconnected) part of the Nile valley.
There are now plans to (expand-increase-reduce-extend) the Metro from Imbaba to Cairo airport.
The Great Wall of China was built to (keep up-keep in-keep down-keep out) raiders.
In AD 106, Petra was (arrested-captured-accused-caught) by the Romans.
The Eiffel Tower is the most famous (landmark-landscape-landslide-landfill) in Paris.
The statue (has carved-was carved-has been carved-will be carved) out of the stone by the ancient Egyptians.
‘Hamlet’ was written (for-of-by-from) William Shakespeare.
In Japan buildings are constructed to (withdraw-prevent-protect-withstand) earthquakes.
(Barracks-Bridges-Watchtowers-Castles) are a group of buildings in which soldiers live.
(A-An-The-No article) Great Lakes are on the border between Canada and the United States.
Pelé (said-is said-has said-had said) to be the greatest footballer.
The Great Wall of China is the longest (graveyard-courtyard-yard-tunnel) in history.

@ Rewrite using the word(s) in brackets to give the same meaning:
Bill Gates invented Microsoft. (Microsoft……)
People think that he is a genius. (It………… / He …………….)
Someone will decorate her house. (have)
They were cooking dinner when I arrived. (Dinner………)
The police have caught the robber who broke into the bank. (has been)
The secretary will have typed the letter before 5 p.m. (have been)

Unit 8

@ Choose the correct answer:
Scientists are always trying to find (an oil-an antiseptic-an infection-a cure) for diseases.
The (trunk-branch-root-bark) of a tree is the tough outer layer of the trunk.
The (fruit-branch-trunk-bark) is the strongest part of the tree.
If a tree is (deciduous-coniferous-evergreen-pine) it doesn't lose all its leaves in the autumn.
The (borer-bearer-dearer-pillar) is an instrument drilled into the tree to see the tree annual rings.
If a tree is (deciduous-coniferous-evergreen-old) it loses all its leaves in the autumn.
Leaves play a part (in making-to make-of making-with making) food for the plant.
There is a (dull-due-dumb-damp) layer of cells surrounding the trunk of a tree.
Somalia is suffering a (draught-doubt-drift-drought). There has been no rain for a long time.
Scientists can tell the age of a tree by counting (up-down-on-against) the rings in the trunk.
Farmers spread (manure-mud-dust-seeds) on the ground so that the plants would grow healthy and strong.
The (wide-widening-width-widen) of the annual rings varies from year to year.
Our climate has changed (over-from-in-into) the years.
He didn't (tell-deny-admit-lie) to his father about what he had done.
Trees have great (history-historian-historic-historical) importance for us.
No one admitted (steal-stole-stealing-steals) the money.
He wiped off the table with a damp cloth. "Damp" means (dry-wet-old-new).
If water freezes, it (will turn-turns-would turn-turned) into ice.

@ Rewrite using the word(s) in brackets to give the same meaning:
He said that he hadn't stolen the money. (denied)
Heat changes water into steam. (If………..)

Unit 9

@ Choose the correct answer:
After (went-going-has gone-had gone) to Cairo on business, he went to Alexandria for a holiday.
Scientists are always looking for solutions (to-from-of-with) the world’s problems.
As cities grow bigger, the amount of land available for farming is (increased-deserted-cultivated-limited).
Plants can grow without soil (as much as-as far as-as long as-as many as) they get food from water.
Carbon dioxide is a (partial-precious-poisonous-polluted) gas.
Trees get their (nourishment-hunger-famine-leaves) from the soil and the sun.
A doctor uses a (telescope-microscope-stethoscope-thermometer) to listen to a patient's heart or breathing.
I didn't watch TV until I (do - did - has gone - had done) my work.
David isn't here. He (must-can-ought-should) have gone home to study for the test tomorrow.
I wish it (had been-has been-were-is) fine today.
I wish I (was-were-had been-have been) to Sharm El-Sheikh last summer.
If we cut (up-out-down-into) too many trees, the amount of oxygen in the air will decrease.
The telephone rang, but I didn't hear it. I (must be-must have been-can't have been-can have been) asleep.
After he (had received-has received-is received-receives) some good news, he left home.
If the balance of nature was (upside-upright-complete-upset), life on Earth would be impossible.
They went to a restaurant that specializes (at-from-with-in) seafood.

@ Rewrite using the word(s) in brackets to give the same meaning:
Nadia finished her homework and phoned her friend. (after / before / until)
Having finished the report, he handed it to the boss. (As soon as)
He had broken into the bank and the police caught him. (No sooner)
I regret not studying more in the final weeks. (If only)
I'm sorry that I didn't finish my homework last night. (I wish...)
I'd like to give up smoking but I can’t (I wish...)
The weather is very hot today. (I wish...)
I really regret starting to smoke. (I wish)

Unit 11

@ Choose the correct answer:
Bob Geldof (set up-set off-set in-set out) a charity to help poor people throughout the world.
The Chain of Hope treats children with heart disease free of (change-charge-charity-charm).
A (surgeon-veterinary-specialist-nurse) is an expert in a particular area of medicine.
A (dentist-midwife-vet-housewife) helps women in childbirth.
She took the doctor’s (description-prescription-drawing-provision) to the chemist's and got her medicine.
Dr Magdy (operated-composed-performed-prescribed) many heart operations.
Doctors decided to operate (with- at-on-in) her immediately after the accident.
My family took (after-in-out-up) a Chain of Hope child for six weeks last year.
The teacher asked the students (unless-that-whatever-if) they had finished their homework.
The teacher told us (don't talk-not talking-not to talk- didn't talk) in class.
He asked my why (I am wanting-did I want-I wanted-do I want) to study English.
John told us yesterday that he (visited-had visited-has visited-was visiting) England in 2004.
The doctor (preferred-refreshed-turned-referred) the patient to a hospital specialist.

Médicins du Monde (collects-collect-collecting-are collecting) information from doctors about sick children.
Our house is situated in very pleasant (surrounds-surrounding-surrounded-surroundings).
Ali's parents invited Mr and Mrs Tom (visit-to visit-visiting-visited) them in Egypt.
Ali stayed (with-at-in-for) Mr and Mrs Tom in England.

@ Rewrite using the word(s) in brackets to give the same meaning:
Tom said to me, "I'll be playing tennis when you arrive." (Tom told me)
He said to me, "I'll pay you the money tomorrow." (He promised……)
She said, "What shall we learn today?" (She asked…)
He said to me, "Where did you go last weekend?" (He asked me….)
He said to me, "My father flew to America last year." (My father told me…)
He said to me, "Did you watch the latest film?" (He asked…..)
He said, "Please, give me some money." (He asked……..)
He said to the boy, "Don't play here or you'll be punished."
(He warned the boy)
He wanted to know if I would give him a lift to the hospital. (He said….)
Rania said, “Let’s go fishing tomorrow.” (Rania suggested)

Unit 12

@ Choose the correct answer:
Some people enjoy (to run-to be running-running-run) their own business.
I'm not very keen (in-on-of-about) sport.
Do you regret (go-to go-going-to going) to the party?
The band stopped (to play-playing-play-played) and there was silence.
She agreed (write-to write-writing-wrote) an article on classical music.
He practises (playing-to play-of playing-to playing) the guitar every day.
He suggested (go-going-to go-of going) to the theatre.
I don’t fancy (watch-watched-watches-watching) that film. There’s a lot of violence in it.
I hate (to sit-sitting-to sitting-sit) doing nothing – I’d rather be working.
Don't forget (locking-lock-locked-to lock) the door when you leave.
Mona promised (she comes-to come-coming-will come) and she usually keeps her promises.
The person who earns all the money to support a family is called the (breadstuff-breadwinner-breadcrumb-breadline).
A country’s national song is called its (love-independence-national-international) anthem.
You'd better avoid (travels-to travel-travelling-to be travelled) during rush hours.
Musicians may add their own idea to a basic tune. This is called (improvisation-improvement-impression-implementation).
Music is similar (to-as-such-with) language.

Some folk music is passed (by-up-down-through) from teacher to pupil.
Musicians (breathe-sigh-cough-blow) into woodwind and brass instruments.
There are different styles of music (come and go-take and go-do and go-make and go) over the years.
You are wearing your sweater (back to front-back to back-back and front-odds and ends). The back is lower than the front.
In every successful partnership there has to be a great deal of (take and give-give and take-pay and take-bring and take).
I don't watch much television, but I go to the cinema (for now-up till now-as for now-now and again).
(By and large-By and by-Large and by-Largely), children learn languages faster than adults.
“Mum, I’m hungry! What’s for dinner?” (Wait and see-See and wait-Give or take-Give and take).
He had a very busy day. He went to two lectures (back to back-back to front-odds and ends-back and front).
You may find a paper clip in that box- it’s where I keep my (odds and ends-end and odds-ends and means-means and ends).

@ Rewrite using the word(s) in brackets to give the same meaning:
1- Nadia said to me that she wouldn't lend me her new camera. (refused)
2- They don't read English novels very often. (hardly)
3- She is willing to stay with the children. (doesn’t mind)
4- Is it a problem if I open the window a little? (mind)
5- He told the police that he hadn’t robbed the bank. (He denied...)
6- I am glad I started my own business. (don’t regret)

Unit 13

@ Choose the correct answer:
Helen Keller blamed many diseases that cause blindness (for-on-with-of) poverty.
She blames her mother (for-on-with-of) her lack of confidence.
They (linked-connected-associated-chained) themselves on the gate of the prison as a protest.
When the manager became ill, he handed (out-in-down-over) most of his duties.
(Independence-Revolution-Demonstration-dependence) is political freedom from being ruled by another country.
Ahmed Oraby lived in (exit-exile-exhaustion-expert) in another country for many years.
Safiya Zaghlul held a protest march (for-against-on-with) the British authorities.
After the (equality-freedom-independence-revolution), the country had a new government.
Three men have been arrested and charged (of-buy-on-with) robbery.
(Society-Organization-Equality-Patriotism) is a group of people who live in the same country and share the same laws.
Although he was innocent, he was (excused-blamed-apologized-accused) of stealing the money.
People in different countries (made-gave-held-did) protest marches against the American attack on Iraq.
The demonstrators (protested-prevented-produced-provided) against an unfair law.
We congratulated him (of-on-at-about) reaching such a high standard.
We haven’t seen that movie, (have we-haven’t we-don’t we-didn’t we)?
They held a (demonstration-distribution-contribution-introduction) because they were unfairly treated.
The soldiers were praised for their (freedom-equality-superstition-patriotism).
He is a (freelance-freeloader-freeholder-freeman) journalist who writes for different magazines.

@ Rewrite using the word(s) in brackets to give the same meaning:
They said it might be a good idea to telephone him. (suggested
He told his teacher he was sorry he had come late. (apologized)
They told her it was wonderful that she had passed the exams.
They blamed the theft of the missing computer on Jenkins. (for)

Unit 14

@ Choose the correct answer:
I feel sick. I (must-ought to-should-shouldn’t) have eaten so much ice-cream.
We didn’t go out last night. We (could have gone-had gone-have gone-went) to the cinema but we decided to watch TV.
There's no oxygen in space, so you (must-mustn't-can-can't) breathe.
Scientists can knock an asteroid (off hand-off course-of course-of beat) by setting off an explosion near it.
A (shuttle-glider-rocket-plane) can travel into space and return to earth more than once.
They felt the (impact-crash-hit-strike) of the explosion 50 km away.
The hurricane caused (havoc-harvest-haste-hare) on the small tropical island.
The power needed to take a shuttle into space is equivalent (for-to-with-at) 140 jumbo jets.
Now satellites are used for the remote (sensing-control-feeling-villages) of underground oil and water.
A (glitter-floater-glider-slider) can fly without an engine.
Travellers into space feel massive kicks in their backs as the engines (slow down-accelerate-float-flow).
(Astrologers-Astronomers-Astronauts-Futurologists) can see asteroids that seem to be coming dangerously close to earth.
You (won't-mustn't-needn't-don't have to) park here. It says "No Parking".
You (can't be-must be-should be-would be) joking. I can't possibly lend you £ 5000.
You've only been in the laboratory for half an hour. You (can't have finished-must have finished-can't finish-shouldn't finish) your experiment already.
The weather (forecast-foresee-foretell-forehead) says what the weather is likely to be in the future.
The police could only (repair-mend-recover-cure) a very small percentage of the stolen goods.
Traveling from Assiut to Cairo is only a (five hours-five hour-five hour’s-five hours’) drive in a car.

@ Rewrite using the word(s) in brackets to give the same meaning:
It’s not necessary for you to do any homework tonight. (don’t have to)
I’m sure he didn’t fail the exam. (couldn't)
Why didn't she go home as soon as the party came to an end? (should have)
He looked unhappy this morning. He didn’t pass her driving test. (can’t have)
It was silly of you to speak to your boss like that. (shouldn't)
My car keys are possibly in the kitchen. (might)

Unit 16

@ Choose the correct answer:
After bleaching, the wet fibres are (feed-fed-feeding-to fed) into the paper making machine.
The wood was cut (down - off - with - to) size before he made the wardrobe.
He uses chemicals to (dye-bleach-colour-darken) the cloth and make it white.
Most of our newspapers and magazines are made from (recycle -recycled -recycling - cycled) paper.
Encyclopaedias take (on - out - up - of) quite a lot of space in your home.
Logs are (ground-grind-grinding-to grind) between two heavy rollers to break down the wood into small chips.
Papyrus is made by laying (strips-steps-sides-slides) of reeds side by side and crossing them with other ones.
We had the meeting; (after-afterwards-when-before) everyone went home.
(An encyclopaedia - A reference - A volume - A magazine) is a set of books, which deal with every branch of human knowledge.
It's not healthy to wear (sinister-solar-synthetic-satellite) material in summer.
When the logs (reach-get-begin-arrive) at the paper mill, the bark is removed.
Papyrus is made from a (tree-flower-bush-reed) which grows in certain areas of the Nile.
Papyrus is (soaked-dried-cut-dyed) in water to make the reeds stick together.
I had lunch, then I had a bath. (After-Then-Next-Before) I went to bed.

@ Rewrite using the word(s) in brackets to give the same meaning:
Samir told me that Ali had an accident, and I telephoned the hospital at once.
(as soon as)
They can write the reports and listen to music at the same time.
After having a rest, he will go on working. (afterwards)

Unit 17

@ Choose the correct answer:
The Chinese have a festival at which they (honour-believe-harvest-receive) their ancestors.
There is an exhibition of (fireworks-sculptures-monuments-celebrations) at the new art gallery.
The Olympic games began with a (pride - bride - parade - blade) of all the competing nations.
Egyptians celebrate Sham El-Nessim (when-what-which-whose) marks the beginning of spring.
The young man (deserted-deserved-desired-deprived) his birthplace and lived in a desert town.
The Chinese (commemorate-remind-remember-celebrate) their New Year with big street parties.
Your (grandchildren-descendants-ancestors) are members of your family who lived a long time before you.
In Egypt, Victory Day (remembers - commemorates - reminds - memorizes) soldiers who died in battle.
His (relief-belief-believe-brief) in God gave him hope during difficult times.
The funeral (queue-caravan-procession-row) made its way down the hill to the cemetery.
It isn’t good to owe money. You should always repay your (grants-gifts-debts-benefits).
There are many superstitions connected (by-at-of-to) Chinese New Year.
People (do-make-play-get) sacrifices during Eid El-Adha.

@ Rewrite using the word(s) in brackets to give the same meaning:
Mr Nader described life in the Middle Ages. (description)
He believes strongly in magic. (belief)
He relaxed and breathed deeply. (breath)
Why do people celebrate this festival? (commemorate)

Unit 18

@ Choose the correct answer:
The (package - pocket - pack - packing) tour to Luxor and Aswan includes accommodation and three meats in a five-star hotel.
Students often look for (temporary - permanent - auxiliary - partial) jobs during their summer holidays.
He is the (operator - actor - representative - performer) of the foreign company in Egypt. He works as its agent.
I am (awfully - awful - terrible - remarkable) sorry for the mistake I made.
The job advertisement said that all (cannibals-craftsmen-correspondents-candidates) should have a BSC in Chemistry.
Although some actors (do-make-task-work) their own stunts, most are happy to leave it to the professionals.
You can trust him. He is a (dependent-sociable-stingy-reliable) person.
The (professional-agent-stuntman-craftsman) who replaced the great actor broke his leg.
There are few job (possibilities-occasions-incidents-opportunities) for young people nowadays.
He has the academic (qualifications-qualities-quantities-inquiries) essential for the job.
I haven’t seen her for (so-such-such a-such an) long time.
I’m considering (change-to change-changing-changed) my job.
She's applied (at-to-for-about) a job with an insurance company.
It is important that the audience doesn’t (remember-appear-recall-notice) that the stunts are done by a different person.
To become a stuntman or women takes a lot of (practising-money-training-anger).
Getting injured is one of the (risks-problems-things-bones) you have to take if you want to be a stuntman.
Stuntmen and women must be (tall-short-fit-risky).
The clothes a stuntwoman wears are (much-exactly-mostly-mainly) the same as those worn by the actress.

@ Rewrite using the word(s) in brackets to give the same meaning:
I do like classical music. (really)
My uncle speaks German fluently. (fluent)
This is a very incredible story. (such)
My boss always makes me work late. This annoys me. (What…/ The thing…)

Unit 19

@ Choose the correct answer:
She went to the USA to (make - do - train - perform) a course in electronics.
My father worked hard for many years and now he's looking forward to (retiring-retreated-recycling-repeating).
She was very good at her job and got (promotion-production-protection-provision) quickly.
The Open University provides (distance - near - remote - furthest) learning to its students,
Bringing up children and working every day is no (laughing-crying-smiling-shouting) matter.
He always gets in (feel-taste-touch-hearing) with his old friends.
When she heard the good news, she was (under-at-above-over) the moon.
When I get home in the evening, I just want to put my (hands-feet-legs-arms) up and relax.
Nahla enrolled (on-for-by-with) an evening course.
He realized he was in the wrong way and promised to turn over a new (leaf - page - paper - sheet),
Put your (coats - shirts - weights - skates) on, or you will be late for school.
When his team lost the championship, he was like a (bear - dog - donkey -pig) with a sore head.
I had to study (around-after-by-with) the clock to pass my exams.
In the future, solar heating (will use-will be used-be used-will be using) in homes and industry.
University students must expect (work-working-worked-to work) hard.
Nahla wants to catch (up with- up-out-on) the latest developments in Information Technology.
People must keep (to learn-learning-learn-learned) new skills.
To keep their costs (up-down-over-below), employers employ staff on short term contracts.

@ Rewrite using the word(s) in brackets to give the same meaning:
Azza joined an evening course in computing. (enrolled)
If you need any help, just contact me. (touch)
She hopes to get a better job in the same company. (promoted)
The mechanic repaired my car. (I had……..)
In the future, computers will do the accounts. (be)

4) Translation

@ Translate into Arabic:
Sayed Darwish was an innovator of Arabic music and songs. He liberated Arabic music from its conventional forms. He excelled in music for national songs due to his close ties with leaders of the national movement for independence.
كان سيد درويش مبدعا للموسيقى و الأغانى العربية. و قام بتحرير الموسيقى من
أشكالها التقليدية. و قد تفوق فى الموسيقى بالنسبة للأغانى الوطنية بسبب علاقاته الحميمة مع قادة الحركة الوطنية للاستقلال.
Egypt is one of the countries, which are rich in tourist attractions. What is unique about Egypt as a tourist country is that it has attractions representing all ages. It also has attractions in a great number of its villages.
تعتبر مصر واحدة من الدول الغنية بعوامل جذب السياح. و إن ما يجعل مصر تنفرد عن غيرها من الدول السياحية هو أن عوامل الجذب بها تمثل كل العصور و تتواجد أيضا فى عدد كبير من قراها.
People nowadays need to understand that learning must be lifelong. This is necessary because the world of work is changing very fast. To remain employable, people must always look ahead and learn skills.
يحتاج الناس هذه الأيام إلى فهم أن التعلم يجب أن يكون طوال الحياة. و هذا ضرورى لان عالم العمل يتغير بسرعة كبيرة. و لكى يظل الناس صالحين للوظيفة يجب عليهم دائما النظر للمستقبل و تعلم مهارات جديدة.

@ Translate into English:
تبذل الحكومة قصارى جهدها لتخفيض الأسعار التى ارتفعت مؤخرا.
The government makes great efforts to bring down the prices that has gone up lately.
تقوم الجامعة المفتوحة بتوفير التعليم عن بعد لكثير من المواطنين من مختلف الأعمار.
The Open University provides distance learning for a lot of citizens of different ages.
إنني مولع بالموسيقى لأنها غذاء الروح و تعبر عن المشاعر الإنسانية.
I’m fond of music as it’s the food of the spirit and expresses human feelings.
تبذل الحكومة قصارى جهدها لبناء مجتمعات جديدة لجذب الخريجين الجدد و حل مشكلة الإسكان.
The government makes great efforts to build new communities to attract the new graduates and solve the housing problem.
يعتبر تعديل المادة 76 من الدستور خطوة هامة نحو الإصلاح السياسى فى مصر.
Amending item 76 of the constitution an important step towards the political reform in Egypt.
6- قامت الحكومة باتخاذ الإجراءات اللازمة لحماية المواطنين من خطر أنفلونزا الطيور.
The government took the necessary measures to protect the citizens from the danger of the bird flu disease.

5) Paragraphs

The problems that we face in Egypt
No one can deny that we face many serious خطيرة problems in Egypt. Examples of these problems are poverty الفقر, rising prices ارتفاع الأسعار, housing, addiction الإدمان, unemployment البطالة and pollution. In fact overpopulation is the main cause of these problems. It swallows تبتلع every increase in production. It leads to unemployment, which threatens تهدد our youth and may drive them to deviation الانحراف.
The government and the individuals الأفراد should cooperate يتعاونوا to get rid of يتخلص من these problems. People should follow birth control تحديد النسل and family planning تنظيم الأسرة. New cities should be built to solve the housing problem. New projects should be set up to provide job opportunities for our youth. Production should be increased and consumption الاستهلاك should be reduced.

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