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جميع اسئله الخطاب التى وردت فى امتحانات الثانويه العامه منذ سنه 1980 حتى الأن

جميع اسئله الخطاب التى وردت فى امتحانات الثانويه العامه منذ سنه 1980 حتى الأن

1. Your American friend Tom sent you a letter asking about the best time for visiting Egypt. Write him an answer to his letter. Your name is Ihsan and you live at 9El-Kased Street , Mansoura (1980)
Use the following guiding words to write the body of the letter:

Egypt – fine weather – all the year round – winter – warm – visit – monuments – Luxor – Aswan – summer – not too hot – enjoy – beach – Alexandria

2. Write a letter to your friend John with whom you worked in England last summer as you have decided to work in Egypt instead. Your name is Galal and you live at 33 El-Nahda Street , Mansourah. (1981)
Use the following guiding words to write the body of the letter :

-enjoy – stay – England – prefer – in Egypt – reclaim – desert land – produce – more food –less money – serve – my country

3. You have come to know that your friend Tom whom you met last summer in London, had an accident and broke one of his legs. Write a letter enquiring about his condition and wishing he would get well. Your name is Zaki and you live at 12 El-Barrad Street , Shoubra , Cairo. (1982)
Use the following guiding words :

-heard – accident – driving – motor cycle – broke – how serious – improving – well – soon

4. Write a letter to your friend Ahmed who lives in Cairo inviting him to your sister's wedding. Your name is Ramzy and you live at 15 Mabrouk Street , Tanta. (1983)

5. You received an invitation from your English friend Tom asking you to spend ten days with him in England , but unfortunately you can't go. Write a letter thanking him for his invitation and telling him you won't be able to go. Your name is Sherif, and you live at 120 Ramses Street , Cairo. (1984)

6. Write a letter to your friend Herbert who lives in England and is in business with his father. Invite him to visit the Cairo International Exhibition and tell him what exhibits he will see. Your name is Ahmed. You live at 25,Nobar Street, Sayeda Zeinab , Cairo. (1985).

7.Write a letter to your brother who is studying in the U.S.A. asking him to study hard and telling him what his country expects him to do when he returns home. Your name is Ashraf and you live at 67,Ramses Street, Cairo. (1986)
Using all the guiding words is not a must :
-double – efforts – achieve – success – return – country – await – take part –projects – production – repay – state loans
7. Write a letter to your friend , John , in London , telling him that you have finished your studies in agriculture. The government is giving you a piece of reclaimed land. You are going to live and work there. Your name is Ali and you live at 70 Ramses Street , Cairo. (1987)
You don't have to use the following guiding words :
-great plans – future – increase – Egypt's green land – food – animal production – vital – life – economy

8- Write a letter in reply to the following one. Your name is Kareem and you live at 18 Omar Ibn El Khattab St. Nasr City, Cairo. (1994)
Dear Kareem ;
I’ve just reveived a letter from Yasser in which he told me that you had to go into hospital last Friday. I was greatly disappointed to hear about it. Yasser also informed me that you had an accident while driving your car downtown and that you broke one of your legs.
I’d like to know from you, as soon as possible, how serious the injury is. It would be a great relief to me to hear of your speedy recovery. Please accept the bunch of flowers I’m sending.

With my best wishes to you and your family
Yours sicerely,
9.Adrian Doff is an English student who came to Egypt to visit Luxor and see Opera Aida. He stayed at the Sphinx Hotel , 12 Nile Street , Luxor. Adrian wrote a letter to his friend Martin telling him how much he enjoyed watching the performance as well as seeing the monuments at Luxor. Write Adrian's letter to Martin. (1995 1st Stage)

10. You visited the Sixth of October City last week . Write a letter to your friend , Hany , telling him about your visit and describing what you liked most : modern houses , wide streets , new factories and lovely parks. Your name is Mohsen and you live at 20 Nile Street , Cairo. (1996 )

11.Write a letter to your friend, Samy , congratulating him on his successand asking him about his plans for spending the summer holidays. Your name is Hatem and you live at 20 Adly Street , Cairo. (1996 1st Stage)

12. Write a letter to your friend David with whom you spent a week in London. Thank him for his hospitality and kindness. Your name is Ahmed and you live at 50 Ramses Street , Cairo. (1997)
You may make use of the following points :
-thank – invitation – enjoy – meet – nice family – delicious food – places visited – shopping – presents – visit Egypt somebody

13. Write a letter to your British friend , Andy , telling him how life has greatly changed in Egypt , especially in the fields of industry , transport , and education. Your name is Abu Bakr El-Gaweesh and you live at 10 El-Mineisee Street, Ettel EL-kabeer , Ismailiya.

14. Write a reply to the following letter from your Syrian friend, Jomana. Your name is Asmaa and you live at 18, Horreya Street, Heliopolis (2007 1st Stage).
Dear Asmaa,
How nice it is to remember the happy old days ! Six months have passed since we last met. I've got some good news for you. I joined the faculty of Fine Arts. My studies take up all my time but I'm looking forward to coming for the summer holidays. Tell me how things are going along. What faculty have you joined in Cairo ? How are you going on with your studies ? You promised to visit our country soon. If so , let me know.
Yours sincerely,
15. Write a letter to your friend Jones who wants to come to visit Egypt. (2005 1st Stage)
Tell him about : the weather , suitable clothes to bring , places to visit , accommodation and any other information you think is important. Your name is Sami. You live at 69 Safya Zagloul Street , Alexandria.

نماذج اضافيه
1. Your name is Omar Essam and you live at 10 EL-Mineisee Street , Ettel El-Kabeer , Ismailiya.
Write a letter to your pen –friend , Jones , explaining to him how the international economic crisis affected most developed countries . Suggest some solutions to this crisis.

2. Your name is Esraa and you live at 10 El-Mineisee Street , Ettel-El Kabeer, Ismailiya. Write a letter to your American friend Louisa telling her about Egypt's preparations for hosting the World Cup Championship for juniors .

3. Your name is Donya and you live at 10 Meneisee Street , Ettel- El Kabeer , Ismailiya. Write a letter to you friend Nour expressing your opinion concerning some teachers' resorting to physical punishment at Egyptian schools to motivate students to study hard.

4.Your name is Ahmed and you live at 8 Orabi Street , Ettel El-Kabeer , Isamiliya. Write a letter to your friend , Sayed , who thinks that women don't play an important role in our society. You are against Sayed's point of view.

5. Your friend , Mona , thinks that the internet is a curse while you see that it is a mixed-blessing.
Write a letter to her giving examples of the merits and demerits of the internet. Your name is Haneen and you live at 5 El-Gaweesh Street , Tal El-Balad , Ettel EL-Kabeer , Ismailiya.

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