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جميع اسئله البارجراف المتوقعة لامتحان انجليزى 3 ثانوى

سؤال البرجراف فى امتحانات الثانويه العامه منذ سنه 80 مع تعديلات بسيطه
1- Why the government does its best to teach all citizens reading and writing
Use the following guiding words:

follow events – newspapers / read books – supply- information / books – magazines – improve work/
different subjects – general knowledge / write letters – friends – relatives / make use – daily activities/
make use –daily activities / nobody – deceive (1980)

2-Life in a big city
Use the following guiding words :

Many shops – buy things / variety – goods – choose / different kinds – schools – universities / means of
entertainment- cinemas – theatres / too much noise – nervous / streets – crowded – difficult to walk /
cars and buses – move slowly (1980)

3- People who spend more than they can afford
Use the following guiding words :

People save – use – in the future / need – pay – school – university / daughter – get married / fall ill – expenses / waste – money – poor. (1981)

4- Going camping
Use the following guiding words :

Some young people – life – home / parents – everything / in camps – depend / cook – clean – tents – make – beds/ learn – cooperate / enjoy – open air – beauty – nature (1981)

5- The best friend one can have is a book
Use the following guiding words :

/ Choose – suits – taste / scientists – latest - discoveries / students – increase – knowledge / most people – plays – stories – pleasure / book – faithful – never disappoints (1982)

6- While we are fast asleep, there are people who work for our safety and comfort. (1983)
Use the following guiding words :

People – services – at night / policemen – guard – against thieves / bakers – bread – ready – breakfast / newspapers – print – early morning / workers – night – factories – twenty four hours.

7- A Road Accident (1984)
Use the following guiding words :

Way home – saw – crowd / approach – a boy – bleeding / crossing – road – run over – by car / moment –
Ambulance – first-aid men – carry – the nearest hospital/ more – crossing the road

8- Means of Encouraging Reading at School ( 1985 )
You may use the following guiding words :

Ministry of Education – attention – school libraries – develop – habit / teachers – encourage – read / competitions – held – arouse – interest / rewards – read – number – books / class library – cooperate – provide – books – magazines and newspapers

9- What a new city should be like (1986)
Using all the guiding words is not a must.

Includes – houses – private gardens / inhabitants – blocks of flats – means of comfort / living areas – lie- heavy traffic – crowded streets / near – schools – shopping centres/ transport problems – designed – modern living

10- The Ideal Family (1987)
You don't have to use all the guiding words.

In my opinion – consists of / father – provide – food – shelter – education /
too many children – unable / mother – keep – healthy / parents – children – love – care

11- Accidents resulting from modern technology at home outnumbers road accidents. (1992)

12. Show how Egyptian schools can be made more attractive and interesting to pupils. (1993)

13. Advantages of traveling abroad (1993)

14. The duties of young people towards their parents (1995)
You can make use of the following points:

-love – obedience – kindness / doing the shopping – helping at home / presents – different occasions
-caring – old age

15. The value of having pen-friends (1996)

16. Three ways in which in which we can make use of desert land (1996)

17. Great projects provide opportunities for work and better living conditions for all Egyptians.(1997)

18. A story ending with : "….I shall never forget my father's advice to be careful when I choose my friends." (1997)

19. To build up a great country , the Egyptian youth should be hard working , honest and well-educated. (1998)

20. A story beginning with : " Last month , on my way home, I saw…." (1998)

21. The advantages of having a business of your own and not waiting for a government post (1998)

22. Education of village women aims at the good of the Egyptian family and the progress of the whole country. (1998)

23. Money is important to all of us. We can't live without it. But at the same time, it is a double-edged weapon. Discuss showing how it should be earned and spent. (1999)

24. One favourable character you look up to as a model. (1999)

25. Reasons for happiness differ from one person to another. Write about the things you think will help you lead a happy life. (1999)

26. A story ending with : "….crime doesn't pay, and a criminal loses more than he gains." (1999)
27. What do you think life will be like in the year 2020? (2000)

28.You have just come back from a school trip. Write a paragraph describing how you spent time there. (2000)

29. Describe what you would like a tourist to see in your country. (2001)

30. The role of the youth in our society. (2001)

31.How to solve the problem of over population (1988)

32.Suggest some ways that may clear the traffic jam into your town or city(1988)

33.The number of tourists in Egypt has been growing in recent years. Tell how Egypt could be a big centre for tourism (1989).

34.The recent changes that have taken place in Egypt (1989).

35.Describe a place you know which is worth visitng. Choose anyplace you like such as a city, a museum, a historical place, a building, an airport, a factory, a park etc.(1991)

Try to cover the following points :
- where the place is - why you think it is interesting - what you like most about it

36.Yesterday you saw a man break into your neighbour’s house while you were out. He left later on carrying some of their possessions. The police want you to write a statement, describing exactly what you saw. Include a description of the man, how he entered the house and what you saw him carrying.(1991)

37.Your plans for the future. (Azhar 2001)
You may expand the following ideas :
-passing the final exam
-getting high marks to join one of the top faculties
-being humble and avoiding to be a money-maker

38. "How to make your city a better place to live in" (Azhar 2002)
You may expand the following ideas :
-state the problem / city dirty / need to do something
-start recycling / create more parks / plant trees
-all work together / city better place

39. " Manners make a man" (Azhar 2004)
You may expand the following ideas :
-good manners and bad manners
-gain people's respect / set a good example / sense of responsibility / love of God

40. What do you think of the French law that forbids Muslim female students from wearing their veils at schools? ( Azhar 2004)
-obey God's orders / protect women and girls / conservative / interfere in personal beliefs / self-respect and personal decisions
41. The advantages of buying local products labeled "Made in Egypt". (2002)
Guiding points

-great variety – cheaper prices – work opportunities – Egyptian taste – help local industries – national income

42. Keeping a clean environment is the responsibility of every citizen. (2002)
Guiding points :
-role of the individual – air pollution – water pollution – noise – hygiene and public health

43. You have received an invitation from an international space agency to travel in space. The trip will take one month , however you can only take four things with you. Describe your feelings, tell us about the four things you would take and why they are so necessary for you. Tell us about the first person you would tell about your trip and why you chose him / he. (2003)

44. Some people like life in the countryside because it is calm, peaceful and away from pollution. Others like life in the city because it is more lively, more entertaining and faster. Which kind of life do you prefer. State why. (2003)

45. The continuous rise in prices has become a national problem for most Egyptian families. (2004)
Write about :
-the reasons for the increase in prices of most goods –the role the government plays in controlling the market – some suggestions on how to overcome this problem

46. Choose a job that you would like to do after you graduate . Write about your reasons , advantages of working in this career, and the skills and training required for it. (2004)

47. "Computers in Society" (2005)
Personal computers first appeared in the mid 1970s , and since then they have changed our lives forever. How ? What about the different areas in which we use computers : Education , business , entertainment , government , communication , offices , …..etc

48. A lot of things we use every day like electric lights , television , computers , telephones and mobile phones , etc are so much a part of our daily lives that we take them for granted. Write about :
What would life be like if they hadn't been invited ? Which one would you miss most ? (2005)

49. "Thinking about the future" What will life be like in the future ? Will it be better, worse or the same as now ? What do you hope about the future ? Think about : technology, medicine , education , war and peace , food , work , people and other things of your choice. (2006)

50. "What should be done for children's welfare ?" (2006)
You may use the following :
-duty – government – interest – children / build – kindergartens –provide – means of entertainment / parents – teachers – set good examples / TV programmes – carefully chosen / instruction – religion – develop – virtues

51. Social work is a means through which Egyptian youth can help society (2007)
You may use the following words :
Share – neighbourhood – educate the illiterate – job opportunity – better life – care for orphans – bring happiness

52. "The advantages and disadvantages of running your own business"
You may use the following ideas :
Starting your own business – being your own boss – flexible working hours – gaining all the profits – taking risks – suffering losses – need a lot of money – expensive equipment

53."The various ways through which people can keep good health and fitness" (2008)
You may use the following ideas :
-the value of exercising a sport regularly – going on a diet and eating healthy food –
-walking as a priceless and easy exercise

54. " A day trip or a school outing that you enjoyed" (2008)
You may use the following ideas :
-being with colleagues and teachers – open areas – playing games – having fun


سؤال البرجراف فى امتحانات المرحله الأولى للثانويه العامه
1. " Living in the new cities" (1995)
You can make use of the following points :
-cheap flats – fresh air – lovely parks – wide streets – means of transport – new friends

2. "Summer camps for students" (1996)
You can make use of the following points:
-summer and winter resorts – cooperation – learning new activities – independence

3." A place you visited and you will never forget" (1997)
You may make use of the following :
What it is – How it is different from other places – Why you like it

4. "How we can attract more tourists to visit Egypt" (1998)
You may make use of the following points :
-travel facilities – providing information – comfortable accommodation – friendly attitudes

5. "The River Nile " (1998)
-source of life – water and fish wealth – generating electricity – keeping the Nile clean

6. "How to improve our school life" (1999)
You may make use of the following points :
-building new schools – activities and games – having playgrounds , libraries , computers , TV's – videos …etc.

7."Computer study is essential for a successful career." (2001)
Include the following points :
-computerized machines – great accuracy – challenging speed – available information – the internet

8. "The problem of pollution" (2001)
Include the following points :

- air pollution – noise as a sort of pollution – harmful gases – old cars – reducing pollution in our streets

9."Protecting our local goods" (2002)
Guiding points :

-encourage local products / different kinds of goods – electric – electronic – textile & medical industries -ready-made clothing / export more than import – good quality –to compete

remove_circleمواضيع مماثلة
28.You have just come back from a school trip. Write a paragraph describing how you spent time there. (2000)

29. Describe what you would like a tourist to see in your country. (2001)

30. The role of the youth in our society. (2001)

31.How to solve the problem of over population (1988)

32.Suggest some ways that may clear the traffic jam into your town or city(1988)

33.The number of tourists in Egypt has been growing in recent years. Tell how Egypt could be a big centre for tourism (1989).

34.The recent changes that have taken place in Egypt (1989).

35.Describe a place you know which is worth visitng. Choose anyplace you like such as a city, a museum, a historical place, a building, an airport, a factory, a park etc.(1991)

Try to cover the following points :
- where the place is - why you think it is interesting - what you like most about it

36.Yesterday you saw a man break into your neighbour’s house while you were out. He left later on carrying some of their possessions. The police want you to write a statement, describing exactly what you saw. Include a description of the man, how he entered the house and what you saw him carrying.(1991)

37.Your plans for the future. (Azhar 2001)
You may expand the following ideas :
-passing the final exam
-getting high marks to join one of the top faculties
-being humble and avoiding to be a money-maker

38. "How to make your city a better place to live in" (Azhar 2002)
You may expand the following ideas :
-state the problem / city dirty / need to do something
-start recycling / create more parks / plant trees
-all work together / city better place

39. " Manners make a man" (Azhar 2004)
You may expand the following ideas :
-good manners and bad manners
-gain people's respect / set a good example / sense of responsibility / love of God

40. What do you think of the French law that forbids Muslim female students from wearing their veils at schools? ( Azhar 2004)
-obey God's orders / protect women and girls / conservative / interfere in personal beliefs / self-respect and personal decisions
41. The advantages of buying local products labeled "Made in Egypt". (2002)
Guiding points

-great variety – cheaper prices – work opportunities – Egyptian taste – help local industries – national income

42. Keeping a clean environment is the responsibility of every citizen. (2002)
Guiding points :
-role of the individual – air pollution – water pollution – noise – hygiene and public health

43. You have received an invitation from an international space agency to travel in space. The trip will take one month , however you can only take four things with you. Describe your feelings, tell us about the four things you would take and why they are so necessary for you. Tell us about the first person you would tell about your trip and why you chose him / he. (2003)

44. Some people like life in the countryside because it is calm, peaceful and away from pollution. Others like life in the city because it is more lively, more entertaining and faster. Which kind of life do you prefer. State why. (2003)

45. The continuous rise in prices has become a national problem for most Egyptian families. (2004)
Write about :
-the reasons for the increase in prices of most goods –the role the government plays in controlling the market – some suggestions on how to overcome this problem

46. Choose a job that you would like to do after you graduate . Write about your reasons , advantages of working in this career, and the skills and training required for it. (2004)

47. "Computers in Society" (2005)
Personal computers first appeared in the mid 1970s , and since then they have changed our lives forever. How ? What about the different areas in which we use computers : Education , business , entertainment , government , communication , offices , …..etc

48. A lot of things we use every day like electric lights , television , computers , telephones and mobile phones , etc are so much a part of our daily lives that we take them for granted. Write about :
What would life be like if they hadn't been invited ? Which one would you miss most ? (2005)

49. "Thinking about the future" What will life be like in the future ? Will it be better, worse or the same as now ? What do you hope about the future ? Think about : technology, medicine , education , war and peace , food , work , people and other things of your choice. (2006)

50. "What should be done for children's welfare ?" (2006)
You may use the following :
-duty – government – interest – children / build – kindergartens –provide – means of entertainment / parents – teachers – set good examples / TV programmes – carefully chosen / instruction – religion – develop – virtues

51. Social work is a means through which Egyptian youth can help society (2007)
You may use the following words :
Share – neighbourhood – educate the illiterate – job opportunity – better life – care for orphans – bring happiness

52. "The advantages and disadvantages of running your own business"
You may use the following ideas :
Starting your own business – being your own boss – flexible working hours – gaining all the profits – taking risks – suffering losses – need a lot of money – expensive equipment

53."The various ways through which people can keep good health and fitness" (2008)
You may use the following ideas :
-the value of exercising a sport regularly – going on a diet and eating healthy food –
-walking as a priceless and easy exercise

54. " A day trip or a school outing that you enjoyed" (2008)
You may use the following ideas :
-being with colleagues and teachers – open areas – playing games – having fun
زياد حرك
بارك الله فيك
العلم والايمان
الف شكر وجزاك الله كل خير
شكرا للرد على الموضوع ونرجوا من الله ان نكون قد وفقنا الى ما فية الخير والنفع لكم
الله يبارك فيك
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