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أهم أسئلة القصة The Mask of gold القناع الذهبي

أهم أسئلة القصة للصف الثالث الثانوي

The Mask of gold

القناع الذهبي

1- why did Leila take up archaeology ?
- Because Dr Hafez was telling her stories about his excavations when she was young and she decided to follow his footsteps.

2- Why did Leila decide not to study at Cairo ?
- Because she was afraid that people might say that Dr. Hafez was giving her special treatment as he is a friend of her father .

3- when did the customs people let Leila through with the laser machine ?
- when she showed them the paper of Unisco project .

4- What did Leila find when she called up the united mining website ?
- she found that the mining operations ended in Peru since 1999

5- Why was Leila taken with the police to prison ?
- because they found a gold rabbit among her clothes .

6- why was Amalia unfriendly to Leila ?
- Because Dr. Hafez has put her in charge of a team .

7- why was the work tiring inside the cave ?
- Because the weather was hot

( stuffy خانق ) .

8_what was Lander doing inside the cave ?
- He was stealing some artifacts

9- How could they date the piece of cloth ?
- By the laser machine

10- what were the similarities between the ancient Egyptians and the Incas ?
- Both of them put food , drink , gold and silver beside the body of the dead king
- They dress the king in ********* clothes
- They made a mummy for the dead king .

11- what were the differences between the Incas and the ancient Egyptians ?
- The Incas killed women and servants and put them beside the body of the king
- The Incas killed children to please Gods but the ancient Egyptians didn’t do that .

12- what would happen if the excavation team didn’t find something important ?
- The UNISCO wouldn’t support them for another year .

13- what did Leila do to save Amalia`s life after the car accident ?
she made her splint , then she went to the village and got three
persons to carry her , they gave her hot drink and some leaves to chew ,
then she got her a doctor .

14- why was a helicopter needed to save Amalia ?
- Because her life was in danger and the ambulance would take much time .

15- what was the Incas` policy to rule ?
- they allowed the Chimu kings to rule provided that they were loyal مخلصين so they took their children to Cuzco .

16- what was the difference between Liela and her sister Samira ?
- Leila was worried ( nervous ) and Samira was funny

17- Martin Lander was a liar and deceitful man . Discuss .
he was a liar when he told Leila that he is a mining engineer going to
Peru to mine . he was deceitful w hen he persuaded Amelia’s father to
discover a silver mine then he took his money and left him poor .

18- why did Paplo work with Lander ?
because Lander offered him money for the mask and he took the money
because he had a sick child , he didn’t have money to buy the medicine

19- why did Leila suspect
تشك فى
Amalia ?
- Because she saw her with Lander at the café .

20- where did Leila work before she came to Peru ?
-in Luxour, in the tomb of Snoffer ( the valley of Nobles )

21- what do you know about Martin Lander ?
he was from south Africa , he had an American passport , he was
involved with some robbers who steal Inca objects and sell them to the
rich , he was liar , he persuaded Amelia’s father to discover a silver
mine , he took his money and left him poor , he trapped Leila inside the
cave after he stole some artifacts , he tried to escape by a single
engine plane .

22- what do you know about Amalia?
she was an archeologist from Peru , she was at the same age of Leila ,
she was unfriendly to Leila because Dr. Hafez put her in charge of a
team , she put a rabbit among Leila’s clothes to put her into trouble .
she made an accident on her way to catch Lander , Dr. Hafez put her in
charge of the new site.

23- what did finding the gold Llama indicate ?
- it indicated that the tomb may be royal .

24- what did finding the gold mask indicate ?
- it indicated that the tomb is a king’s tomb

25- what did they want to be sure that the tomb is a king’s tomb ?
- they wanted to find the mask

26 – why was It something difficult for the immigration department to catch Lander ?
- Because he uses a lot of names and passports

27- what happened to Leila when she went down to the tomb at the middle of the night ?
- Martin Lander trapped her inside the tomb and closed the wooden door

28- who was the first one to enter the tomb ? and what did he / she find there ?
- Ramon – he found some bones and pottery .

27- describe the work inside the tomb
- the work was hard and tiring because the weather was stuffy and the only air was coming from the hole in the wall .

28- what were the two possibilities of the crack on the skull ?
- the king might have been killed or it may have been broken by falling rocks

29- what was Leila’s reaction when they found the gold rabbit ?
- she was shocked

30- how was Leila grateful تشكر الجميل
- she went to the village to thank the people who helped Amalia

31- what were Leila’s discoveries in Peru ?
- she found the llama , the mask and the new site

32- where did the Incas live ?
- they lived at high altitudes ( hills )

33- Man’s life didn’t have any value for the Incas .Discuss
Incas killed women and servant and put them beside the body of the king
to serve him in the other world . they killed children to please Gods .

34- How could Leila catch Lander ? / How was Leila brave and intelligent ?

she sets him a trap by letting Pablo meet him at 8 o’clock then
following him , then she jumped in his truck and hit his single engine
plane , he fainted then the police caught him

35- how was Pablo a traitor خائن
- Martin offered him money for the mask / he helped Martin steal the mask .

36- why did the Incas kill women and servants and buried them beside the body of the king?

- to serve him in the other world .

37- How was Dr. Hafez intelligent ?
he told Pablo tat the police had caught Lander to make him say the
truth and Pablo said tat Martin offered him money for the mask and he
had to take the money as he had a sick child

39- why did Dr. Hafez ad vise Leila and Amalia to be friends ?
- because they are at the same age and they work together.

40- How did Dr. Hafez reward Amalia ?
- he put her in charge of the new site .

41- why did Dr Hafez ask Leila to work with him in Peru ? / Why did he chose Leila to be in charge of a team ?
Because he wants someone whom he trusts , someone to understand him and
because that Leila had worked with him before in the valley of Nobles .

42- How was the work organized ?
- Dr. Hafez was in charge of two teams and Leila was in charge of a team .

43- What was the doctor’s opinion about Amalia`s life ? and what did she do ?
- the doctor said that it was a matter of life and death , then she asked for a helicopter to take Amalia to the hospital .

44- what did the villagers
أهالي القرية do with Amalia after the car accident ?
- They carried her to their home and gave her a drink and some leaves to chew أعشاب تمضغها

45- what did Ramon find out side the tomb ?
- a gold figure of a child

46- why is the laser machine a secret ?
- because they wanted to be the first to use it .

47- what did Amalia do to get Leila into trouble ?
- she put a gold rabbit among her clothes

48- why was Leila met by reporters and photographers at the airport ?
- because of her great discoveries and because she helped to catch Lander

49- in your opinion , was Dr Hafez right when he chose Leila to be in charge of a team ? why ?
I think he was right because he wanted someone to understand him ,
someone whom he trusts , and because that Leila had worked with him
before in the valley of Nobles .

50- what do you know about the Inca empire ?
the Incas were tough , they lived at high altitudes , they had no
writing , they killed women and servants and put them beside the body of
the king to serve hi in the other world , they killed children to
please gods , they conquered the Chimu who were famous for gold and
silver , they allowed their kings to rule provided that they were loyal
so they took their children to Cuzco , they controlled a huge empire
about 10 million people .

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