مدرس اون لايندخول

مجموعة من قطع الغهم حسب مواصفات الامتحان

مجموعة من قطع الغهم حسب مواصفات الامتحان
وارجو الدعاء الخالص لي بالتوفيق والسداد

واليكم هذا الرابط

وبالتوفيق للجميع
remove_circleمواضيع مماثلة
قدرى رمزى
شكرا جزاك الله خيراااااااااااااا
ابو احمد المصرى
شكرا جزاك الله خيراااااااااااااا
العلم والايمان
1- Read the following passage then answer the questions :
Many people have been recently discussing the use of seat belts while driving their cars. Although seat belts have been shown to save lives, people give a number of reasons for not using them.
First, many people think that they are a nuisance, They say that the belt is uncomfortable and inhibits freedom of movement. Second, many people are lazy. For them, it is too much trouble to put on and adjust a seat belt, especially if they are only going a short distance. Third, many people believe they will not have an accident because they are clever and careful drivers. They think that they are able to avoid
accidents. Finally, some people are worried the seat belts may trap them in their cars and prevent them from running away. If they have an accident, they may not be able to get out of a car that is burning, or they may be unconscious. In spite of all these reasons, statistics prove that wearing seat belts saves lives and prevents serious injuries.
A} Answer the following questions :
1 - How are seat belts considered a nuisance to some drivers ?
2 - Why do some people think they will not have accidents ?
3 - What makes seat belts a trap according to some drivers ?
B}Choose the correct answer:
4- Statistics prove that many accidents happen because …………………..
a) of high speed b) drivers are lazy
c) of not using seat belts d) drivers are worried.
5- Find words in the passage, which mean the opposite of:
a) careless b) allow

seat belts أحزمة الأمان nuisance شيء مزعج inhibits يمنع adjust يضبط
trap يمنع unconscious غير مدرك statistics إحصائيات

2- Anne had been driving her small Fiat car for several years. In fact, she had always been a very careful driver. She often drove into town to do her shopping or take her children to school. Sometimes she gave her husband a lift to his office. She had to pass several traffic lights on her way.
One day, the first traffic lights were just changing from green to red when she passed them. Almost at once, a policeman on his motor cycle asked her to stop. He asked her angrily why she had not stopped at the red light. Anne answered politely that she had been afraid to stop suddenly otherwise the car behind her might hit her." The policeman answered that it was not an excuse and asked her to pay fifty pounds as a fine. Anne had to pay the fine and drove quickly to the next traffic lights. This time
she stopped suddenly when the lights changed.
Something banged at the back of her car and threw her forward. When Anne
looked back at the mirror, she saw the same policeman shouting. His motor cycle was pressed against the back of her car.
A} Answer the following questions :
1- Why did Anne usually drive into town? Give two reasons.
2- Why did the policeman ask Anne to pay a fine?
3- What does them refer to?
B}Choose the correct answer:
4- Anne did not stop at the first traffic lights because …………………….
a) she did not see the traffic lights. b) she was giving her husband a lift.
c) she was late. d) the car behind might bang at the back of her car.
5- Find a word in the passage which means each of the following:
a- showing good manners b- at once

a lift توصيلة otherwise و إلا excuse عزر a fine غرامة banged ارتطمت press يضغط

3- Mrs. Fox's husband has been killed in the war and one of her sons in an accident. For many years Mrs. Fox had to work to support herself and her remaining son Hill. One morning Mrs. Fox received a letter from her lawyer telling her that her rich uncle had died in Canada and left her a large amount of money. Now everything is changed in Mrs. Fox's life. She bought two flats; one for herself and one for her son. She put the rest of the money in the bank.
Mrs. Fox rang Hill after supper. After Hill had said hello to his mother, she heard him put the telephone down on the table. Then she heard angry voices. The noise increased and she heard the sound of breaking furniture, low cries and finally she heard a shot. She shouted into the telephone again, but there was a terrible silence. Mrs. Fox, at once, rang up the police.
Five minutes later, two policemen were running up the flat. When Hill opened the door the policeman pushed him away looking for signs of blood. Suddenly, the officer laughed when he looked at the radio. In fact, the sound of the shot was coming from a play on the radio. Hill could not answer his mother because he was busy paying the milkman at the door.
A} Answer the following questions :
1- What was the good news Mrs. Fox received from her lawyer?

2- How was everything changed in Mrs. Fox's life?
3- Why did Mrs. Fox ring up the police?
B}Choose the correct answer:
4- The policeman reached Hill's flat……………………..
a) after a long time b) immediately after Mrs. fox's call
c) before Mrs. Fox's call d) before the milkman came.
a) the policeman b) Hill c) the milkman d) the lawyer
5- The noise increased in paragraph 2 means:
a) It did not last for long. b) It became lower.
c) It became higher. d) It stopped suddenly

support يدعم / يساند remaining المتبقي received استلمت flats شقق furniture أثاث
a shot طلقة رصاص pushed دفعه blood دم play مسرحية paying دفع نقود

4- When she was two years old Helen Keller suffered a severe illness which left her without sight and hearing. She lived in darkness and stillness and her life was without past or future. The most important step in her education was learning how to read. By raised letters on cards, she learned to recognize words. Despite blindness and deafness she had the will to learn how to communicate with others.
Helen used to study out of doors. She felt roses in gardens. She pressed them softly in her hands. She enjoyed nature by feeling and touching the dew on the grass.
In spite of her great pains, she was able to join the university. She received her BA degree with honors in 1904. She devoted her life to help the blind and the deaf. She worked and wrote for them. Helen never gave up and always thanked God who gave her the blessing of being alive.
A} Answer the following questions :
1- When did Helen lose her sight and hearing?
2- How did Helen learn how to read?
3- them line 6 refers to …………………………....
B}Choose the correct answer:
4- Helen used to go outside her house to …………………...
a) hear the singing of birds . b) study new things.
c) see roses. d) meet her friends.
5- Helen Keller could enjoy nature by ………………………..
a) running in the open. b) reading books.
c) playing in the rain. d) feeling the dew on grass.

suffered عانت sight البصر hearing السمع step خطوة raised letters الحروف البارزة
recognize يتعرف علي communicate يتصل nature الطبيعة out of doors خارج المنزل
roses الورود softly بنعومة dew الندي devoted كرست gave up استسلمت blessing نعمة

5- When you drive your car, there are many rules to follow. Your car should be in a good condition. You should check the amount of petrol in your car, otherwise it may stop suddenly in the middle of a crowded street causing you a lot of trouble. Adjust the mirror to be sure that no one is parking behind you. Don't forget to measure the level of oil in your engine and be sure the battery is working properly. The tyres should be checked before moving. If you neglect that, you will have to face the trouble of changing the flat tyre by yourself.
If you don't check your wipers you will be sorry. It might rain suddenly and spoil your trip. You have to check the brakes also or you will bang against the first tree in front of you. Don't forget to fasten your seat belts or you'll pay a fine. After all these precautions, do you still want to drive a car?
A} Answer the following questions :
1- What will happen if you don't check the petrol in your tank?
2- Why should you check the tyres before driving?
3- You should examine the brakes of the car. Why?
B}Choose the correct answer:
4- What will happen if-you don't fasten your seat belt?
a) You will make an accident. b) You will face troubles in crowded streets
c) Your car will break down. d) You may pay a fine.

5- Find a word in the passage which means :
give no or too little attention

rules قواعد condition حالة crowded مزدحم parking يركن measure يقيس
Tyres الإطارات neglect يهمل wipers المساحات spoil يفسد brakes فرامل
Fasten يربط / يحزم precautions تحذيرات

6- Most of the passengers were asleep in the eight o'clock train. It was already half past nine. I was smoking while my wife was reading a letter. My little daughter was eating an ice cream. Suddenly we were all shocked to hear a loud cry from a young lady. She screamed "Help! Help! He's going to kill me. He has a gun." Many people ran towards her. We asked her where the murderer was. She looked around for a few moments, then at us and finally said " What a terrible dream!" We comforted her saying that she was safe. One of us got her a cold drink. When she felt better we returned to our seats.
An old man was sitting beside her. He kept talking to her all through the last hour of the journey. When we got off the station., I said to the man "It was kind of you to keep talking with her to help her to be quiet." He said with a smile, "Oh! No, I only wanted to prevent her from sleeping and having another dream."
A} Answer the following questions :
1- What was the writer's wife doing in the train?
2- Why did the old man keep talking with the young lady?
3- 'we' line 3 refers to …………………………….
B}Choose the correct answer:
4- The train had been running for ……….. when the young lady cried.
a) two hours b) one hour and a half. c) an hour. d) eight hours
5- The young lady awoke when ………………………...
a) the passengers ran towards her b) the thief attacked her.
c) the old man spoke to her d) she took the cold drink.

Shocked صدمنا screamed صاحت murderer قاتل comforted هدأ prevent يمنع

7- I have a friend called Gogo who always pretends to know everything. Whenever a name is mentioned, he says he knows the person who owns that name. I believed Gogo until one day I found out he was a big liar. Once he visited me when I was sitting with my cousin Mr. Sami Salim, who happened to be a well famous writer. Before I introduced my friend to Mr. Sami his eyes fell on one of the books, which was lying on the table. Gogo at once said that the author of the book was one of his relatives, and started telling stories about the adventures they had together. He also said that Sami Salim never wrote a book before discussing its ideas with him. Sami kept on listening with interest. He asked my friend Gogo if he could recognize Mr. Sami Salim if he saw him. My friend assured him that he would. With a loud laugh, Mr: Sami introduced himself to my friend who was so ashamed that he immediately left the house. Since that day my friend Gogo does his best to avoid me, and when he does meet me he never says that he knows anything or anybody.
A} Answer the following questions :
1- What was Gogo's bad habit?
2- When did the writer discover that Gogo was a big liar?
3- The word they line 7 refers to ......
B}Choose the correct answer:
4- Gogo............................
a) knew every body in the city b) never told lies
c) did not know everybody d) knew Mr. Sami
5- The writer's cousin asked Gogo if he knew Sami Salim to…………………...
a) prove that Gogo was not telling the truth b) know where he lived
c) discuss the ideas with him d) tell him about his new story

pretend يتظاهر mention يذكر relatives أقارب adventureمغامرة
keep on يستمر recognize يتعرف علي assure يؤكد ashamed خجلان

8- The sinking of the great passenger ship 'Titanic' seventy years ago is nearly forgotten. A small number of passengers was actually saved, those who are still alive today can be counted on the fingers of one hand.
Then you will easily understand why I have been asked to write about that sad story. The Titanic, the largest ship in the world, was thought by many people at that time to be unsinkable. Yet when it hit an iceberg in thick fog in the North Atlantic Ocean, it actually disappeared in less than twenty minutes, taking nearly fifteen hundred people to the bottom.
My own life was saved by my youth. Being only a boy of fourteen, I was one of those lucky women and children who were allowed to get away first from the sinking ship. The other passengers threw themselves into deep water and tried to mount our boat with the result that it turned over. Many people drowned, but I was strong enough to swim for three hours in the icy water before a passing ship picked me up.
A} Answer the following questions :
1- What was the cause of the sinking of the 'Titanic'?
2- How was the writer of this passage saved?
3- What did the people think about the ship before the tragedy?
B}Choose the correct answer:
4- "can be counted on the fingers of one hand " line 3 means……………..
a- ten persons b- many people c- very few people d- five hundred men
5- The sinking of the ship happened nearly in................................................
a- 1990 b- 1930 c- 1800 d- 2000

sinking الغارق Yet ولكن hit اصطدمت iceberg جبل جليدي
fog ضباب threw ألقت mount يصعد drown يغرق

9 - Hand-signs and gestures were used long before men learned to speak in words. In fact, words are not man's only means of communicating with each other. Red Indians, for example, once spoke different languages but has a common sign language. The sight of smoke and the sound of drums are means of sending different messages. These are common sign languages without words.
Today , people who are deaf or mute make even greater use of sign language. Though they may never be able to speak or hear they can understand each other by gestures or hand signals. Signs are as good as words. In African jungles, drum messages warn people against dangers. In Canary Islands a whistling language passes messages among sailing boats. In cities, of course, traffic lights; red, yellow and green control vehicles and people. They give to them different instructions without words.
Shaking hands and bowing show that we are friendly to each other. Gestures which mean Yes or No are most interesting. In some countries people show no by shaking their heads from side to side. This happens in Egypt, but in Lebanon people lift their heads up and back, so that their chins move forward.
A} Answer the following questions :
1- What did people use in order to communicate before learning to speak?
2- Why do Africans use drums in jungles?
3- How do traffic lights give instructions without words?
B}Choose the correct answer:
4- People in Canary Islands communicate by……………..
a- shouting b- whistling c- smoke d- drums
5 According to the passage the oldest method of communication is……………
a- words b- pictures c- traffic lights d- hand signs

gestures تلميحات/ إشارات common مشترك mute أخرس / أبكم jungles الأدغال
whistling الصفير vehicles مركبات bowing الانحناء chin الذقن

10- Pluto is a nice little dog, which we have had for almost five years. He has soft and white hair, which is so smooth that everyone of the family enjoys moving his hand on him. Pluto is now convinced that he is actually a member of the family, and so has equal rights. It is his rights that Pluto insists on but duties he has none.
One day we were expecting some guests for dinner. Mother woke up early to prepare food before the guests arrived. Pluto followed her and started barking asking for some food. Mother dismissed him from the kitchen, closed the door and carried on her cooking in peace.
The guests arrived; took their seats around the table and started eating. All of a sudden Pluto jumped in front of one of the lady guests. She was so frightened that she screamed loudly. In spite of Pluto's strong resistance , my sister took him away. He kept shouting when he was locked up in a room. Finally, my mother gave him something to eat. One of the good things about Pluto is that he forgets our little cruelties to him. Anyhow, he looked up at my mother gratefully ,and ate with great appetite.
A} Answer the following questions :
1- Why does every one like to move his hands on Pluto?
2- Why did mother wake up early one day?
3- The pronoun her line 6 refers to ……………………....
B}Choose the correct answer:
4- Pluto jumped in front of the lady to……………………………..
a- make her scream, b- take food from her plate.
c- show her that he had equal rights, d- welcome her.
5- The lady screamed because………………....
a- she did not expect to see Pluto. b- Pluto shared the food with her.
c- Pluto was an ugly dog. d- the food was hot.

convince يقنع equal rights حقوق متساوية insist on يصر علي duties واجبات
expect يتوقع bark ينبح dismiss يطرد carry on يستمر jump يقفز
Resistance مقاومة cruelties قسوة appetite شهية

العلم والايمان
11- It was 40
degrees below zero. The wind was blowing hard. A group of five men
pushed their way through the high snow. They were disappointed, when
they reached the top of the Alps. They found that others had reached it
before them. After fixing he British flag, they started their long
journey back.
The journey was slow, and the joy had gone
out of them. The sun hardly appeared. The snow was soft and snowstorms
often made it impossible to see the stones they had put to guide their
way back. Captain Scott, the head of the group, showed signs of weakness
and fell into a deep hole in the ice. The four men who were left
continued their journey. Day by day the men became more tired. The
following days were terrible. There was very little food left and even
body was desperate .
Captain Hil suffered from frozen feet that
made him walk slowly in great pain. One day he walked out in the snow
and never came back. He hoped that his death would help his friends to
continue the journey.
Now only three men were left. They
were brave and patient. They knew that they could make it. Two days
later a helicopter spotted their place and saved them.
A} Answer the following questions :
1- Why were the men disappointed ? 2- How did Captain Scott lose his life?
3- What did the men do to guide their way back?
B}Choose the correct answer:
4- Captain Hil walked slowly because…………....
a- he had pain in his feet b- he was hungry and tired
c- it was very cold d- the sun was very hot
5- We know all about the trip from………………..
a- one of the men who survived b- Mr. Scott c- Mr. Hil d- the pilot of the helicopter

blow تهب disappointed خاب أملهم guide يرشد weakness ضعف
desperate يائس patient صبور spot يحدد موضع

A retired English businessman, John Courtney, was visiting his
daughter, Mrs. Bert and his two grand daughters Julia and Anne. Enjoying
one of his pleasures of being a grandfather, John, took the two little
girls off for an afternoon outing at the famous London zoo.

From then on, the story was one of sheer horror. Carrying a bag of
sweets, Julia slipped from her grandfather's hand, skipped along in
front of the cages until she stopped at one occupied by two African
lions. She offered them sweets. Suddenly one of the lions shot a paw
through the bars and pinned the little girl by the hand .The lion pulled
her little by little to his cage. A loud scream was heard and a crowd
of people gathered rounds the place.
A man with a cane
tried to hit the lion on the head. He grabbed the child's legs and tried
to pull her away but the lion was stronger. The man was Julia's
grandfather. The guard came quickly. With a rifle in his hand, he began
shooting at the lion. But it was too late. The poor child was torn into
pieces inside the cage and the grand father collapsed.
A} Answer the following questions :
1- Why did John Courtney go to the zoo?
2- Why did Julia approach the lion's cage?
3-The pronoun them line 7 refers to……………………...
B}Choose the correct answer:
4- The guard was holding ……………………... in his hand.
a- a cane b- a rifle c- a whip d- a packet of sweets
5- A suitable title for the passage is………………………
a- Two African lions b- A tragic end
c- Mrs. Bert and her two daughters d- The kind grandfather

retired متقاعد sheer horror رعب محض slipped انسابت / انسلت skipped وثبت برشاقة
occupied مشغول a paw مخلب pinned دبست a cane عصا grabbed اختطف
a rifle بندقية collapsed انهار torn مزقت

- Joan of Arc was a young brave girl born in a small
village in France. Her only ambition was to help her country, which was
at war with England.
She dreamt of setting her country free
from the hands of the English. She went to Charles, the king of France
and told him that she had been sent by God to save France. The king
believed her story and permitted her to lead the French army against the
enemy. She went from town to town and from village to village asking
people to join the army against the British enemy.
Joan of Arc led the attack. Fort after fort fell to the French. The English army
and was about to lose the battle. Suddenly, Joan fell down to the
ground wounded. The fight went on but the wounded brave girl did not
give up.
Unfortunately, she fell into the hands of the
English. The English believed that she worked for the devil and she
should be burnt to death. After five hundreds years, the world was told
that Joan was a saint who took her orders from God. Every year the
French people celebrate her birth and her death and remember her as a
great national heroine who sacrificed herself for the sake of her
country. Tourists never forget to visit her village and her grave
whenever they go to France.
A} Answer the following questions :
1- What was Joan's real ambition in life?
2- Why did Joan go to the king of France?
3- How did Joan lose her life?
B}Choose the correct answer:
4- Charles made Joan the leader of the army because …………..
a- he lost his mind b- Joan was a good fighter
c- she was an ambitious girl d- he believed that God had sent her to save France
5- The English burned Joan alive because ………………...
a- she was fighting them b- they believed that the devil helped her
c- she won the battle d- she was a brave woman

ambition طموح set…free يحرر permit يسمح attack يهجم علي wounded مصاب
retreated تراجع give up يستسلم Unfortunately لسوء الحظ devil الشيطان
a saint قديسة celebrate يحتفل ب heroine بطلة أسطورية her grave قبرها

- This is an old folklore tale from Holland. The people in
the village were watching a little boy who was putting an apple on top
of his head. Not far away stood a man holding a crossbow. This man who
was going to shoot at the apple was the boy's father. Every one was
quiet waiting to see what would happen. The story said that many years
ago the people of Holland had a very cruel ruler. He used to have his
hat on the top of tall post. Every villager who passed bye had to bow
to it as sign of respect. But Wilson Mill refused to do so.

When the ruler heard that Wilson disobeyed his orders, he became angry.
The ruler knew that Wilson was the best to shoot with the crossbow. So
he ordered Wilson to shoot an apple off his son's head or he would kill
both of them.
The boy stood still. He was not afraid. His father
shot the arrow with no hesitation and the apple was cut in two. It was
said that later Wilson killed the ruler and the villagers got rid of
his tyranny .
A} Answer the following questions :
1- Why did the ruler put his hat on the post?
2- Why was an apple put on the boy's head?
3- Give an example to show that William's son was brave.
B}Choose the correct answer:
4- Wilson helped the villagers because ………………..
a) he did not bow to the rulers hat b) he put the apple on his son's head
c) he shot the arrow without hesitation d) he killed the ruler
5- The word cruel in line 5 is closest in meaning to……………
a) brave b) generous c) unkind d) quiet

Tale رواية خيالية a crossbow آلة حربية قديمة post عمود bow ينحني respect احترام
disobey يعصى hesitation تردد got rid of his tyranny تخلصوا من طغيانه

Four hundreds years ago, six ships, carrying 300 men started out to
sail round the world. No one believed it could be done. They started
from Spain. The captain who led the sailors was called Sindbad.

The ships were old and in a bad state. The six ships began the journey
in clear weather. Many heavy storms came and the cold winter set in. Now
many sailors turned against Sindbad. They wanted to go home. But
Sindbad knew how to deal with them. Some were put in locked rooms;
others were taken to shore; one was killed. When it turned warm, the
ships started to sail again. One of the ships was lost in a great storm.
Now Sindbad was sailing where no ships have ever been there. For months
and months they sailed. It seemed that the sea had no end. Food and
water ran out. The men became so weak that they could hardly stand. Many
were sick; some died.
Later , they sighted islands. There they
found food and water. On one of the islands they had war with the
natives. Sindbad was killed, but some of his men got back to the ships.
Now the trip was coming to an end. One ship and only five sailors
returned. Sindbad's ambition came true. For the first time, men had
sailed round the world.
A} Answer the following questions :
1- What did the people think about the journey?
2- Why did many sailors turn against Sindbad?
3- Where was Sindbad killed?
B}Choose the correct answer:
4- How many ships were destroyed during the journey?
a) six ships b) one ship c) five ships d) no ships
5- Sindbad's ambition turned true because………………………...
a) he was killed. b) many sailors lost their lives.
c) they could sail round the world. e) it took them little time to sail round the world.
a) fighting b) were fought c) fought d) were fighting

sail يبحر state حالة clear صافي / نقي storms عواصف set in دنا / علي مقربة
deal withيتعامل مع locked مغلق ran out نفذ sighted أبصر natives السكان الأصليين

Mrs. Hill reached the Central Railway Station in Cairo. Her leg was
troubling her badly. So she sat down there with satisfaction. By her
side she placed the stick which she had to use when walking. She never
believed that sitting there would improve her health; but Dr. Magdi had
said that she must be out of her flat in the open air every day.
However, sitting in the railway station cost her nothing. She looked
down at her old shoes and thought of herself as an old, poor and useless
Suddenly, two policemen sat down in front of her. One
of them took a photograph from his pocket. Mrs. Hill could see that it
was the photograph of a young man. A train moved slowly into the station
and stopped. Mrs. Hill could recognize the young man whom she saw in
the picture coming down the train. When he saw the policemen, the young
man jumped backward and started to run away. As the thief passed by Mrs.
Hill's seat, she threw her stick towards him. By chance, it went
directly between his legs and he fell down. The police officer thanked
the old woman and offered her a reward of one thousand pounds.
A} Answer the following questions :
1- Why did Mrs. Hill use a stick while walking?
2- What did Dr. Magdi advise the old woman to do?
3- How was Mrs. Hill a great help to the police?
B}Choose the correct answer:
4- When the thief saw the police,……………………..
a) he stopped at once. b) he went to Mrs Hill.
c) he went to the police officer. d) he ran away.

5- When the thief passed Mrs. Hill,…………………….
a) she shouted loudly. b) she called the police at once
c) she ran away d) she threw her stick at the young thief.

trouble يؤلم satisfaction رضا improve يحسن cost يكلف
coming down ينزل a reward مكافأة run away يهرب offer يعرض علي

The sun was high in the sky and the rays shone directly on a bare piece
of ground in the forest. In the centre of this bare spot there was
something that looked like a large stone; it was a tiger.
The tiger
lay quite still. It was no longer able to attack the deer that were so
easy to kill when he was young. They moved too quickly for him now. In
order that he might live, it found himself forced to hunt the weakest
animal of all, namely man. In other words, the tiger became a man-eater.
It would wait impatiently near the stream until some unfortunate woman
came near enough for it. When the men of the village
arrived at the scene of the killing, the tiger was far away.

People began to talk about it. Some of them made efforts to find it,
but in vain. The tiger's habit of never going to the same place where it
had once killed made it very difficult to know where it was. Tricks of
all kinds were tried. Traps were cleverly laid but the tiger escaped
them all.
One morning the people of the village were surprised.
They found the tiger lying dead near the lake The villagers discovered
that the old tiger had a fight at night with a big buffalo.
A} Answer the following questions :
1- What did the old tiger hunt?
2- Why was it difficult for the villagers to kill the tiger?
3- How was the old tiger killed at last ?
B}Choose the correct answer:
4-'They moved too quickly for him' in paragraph 2 means…………...
a) the tiger moved very quickly b) the tiger was strong
c) the tiger was a fast runner d) the tiger could not hunt the deer.
5-The villagers were ........................... When they found the tiger dead.
a) patient b) clever c) afraid d) amazed

bare قاحل the forest الغابة spot بقعة tiger نمر lay استلقي the deer الغزال
forced اضطر stream جدول ماء scene مشهد in vain بلا جدوى efforts مجهودات
Traps مصائد buffalo جاموس laid وضعت

With the development of modern civilization , life has become more and
more complicated. As a result, the car, which was considered a luxury,
is now looked upon as a necessity. Doctors, engineers and businessmen
can not work without private cars. Moreover, the rapid growth of
population in capitals and main cities
has actually made the joy of
possessing a car much less. Besides the problems of keeping a car in
good condition and the lack of garages, there is the big problem of
crowded streets.
Most people insist on having a private car to avoid the long wait at a bus stop. To
on or off the bus is a hard struggle. Going to places by taxi does not
solve the problem as taxi drivers take passengers according to rules
they themselves set. They sometimes ask for more money than they
Cars could be a source of trouble. Many people had to
leave their cars in the streets because garages are expensive and
crowded. This exposes them to decay or robbery. In rush hours streets
are so blocked that it takes a driver a long time to get to his
A} Answer the following questions :
1- Why has modern life become more complicated ?
2- When are cars, according to the writer, exposed to robbery ?
3- Give a suitable title for the passage
B}Choose the correct answer:
4- Taking a public bus is a problem because ……………..
a) it is expensive b) getting on and off the bus is difficult
c) it is very slow d) bus drivers drive carelessly
5- they line 10 refers to …………………....
a) taxi drivers b) taxies c) buses d) passengers

civilizationحضارة complicated معقد luxury وسيلة رفاهية necessity ضرورة Expose يتعرض لـ
Moreover علاوة علي ذلك rapid growth الزيادة السريعة actually حقا possess يملك lack نقص
avoid يتجنب struggle كفاح / نضال according to طبقا لـ deserve يستحق source مصدر
decay التلف rush hours ساعات الذروة blocked مغلقة destination وجهة السفر / الغاية المقصودة

- Professor Ameen was an Egyptian scientist who lived a quiet
life with his wife. People called him absent-minded because he always
forgets things. One day he told his wife that he was going to fly next
week to France. His wife Maha asked him where he was going to stay. " I
don't know yet," he said. Then his wife asked him to send her the
hotel's address in a telegram. Professor Ameen flew to Paris. He was
lucky to find a good hotel in the centre of the city. He unpacked his
things in his room and then he sent his wife a telegram to know where he
was staying. He did not forget to put his hotel's address in it.

In the evening he finished his work early, so he went to the Metro
cinema to watch a film. He came out at ten o'clock and dreamed of a nice
dinner and a good sleep in his room. The driver of the taxi asked the
professor where he wanted to go. Unfortunately, Mr. Ameen could not
remember the name and address of the hotel.
Professor Ameen
got off the taxi and went to a telegraph office. There, he sent his wife
another telegram. In it he wrote, " Please send my hotel address at
this telegraph office." What made things worse was that professor Ameen
had to look for another hotel to spend the night as his wife did not
receive the first telegram.
A} Answer the following questions :
1- What was strange about the professor?
2- Why did Ameen's wife ask him to send her the hotel's address?
3- Find words in the passage which mean the opposite of : better - luckily
B}Choose the correct answer:
4- The professor's wife did not answer the telegram as……………….
a) she was careless b) she was asleep
c) she did not receive the first one. d) she was absent minded
5- How many telegrams did the professor send to his wife?
a) one telegram b) two telegrams c) three telegrams d) no telegrams

absent- minded تائه/ غائب العقل unpacked يفرغ ما معه forget ينسي

When I got to Port Said harbor, I knew that the ship from Liverpool,
and on which my wife was travelling, had been delayed in Tunisia with
engine trouble. It was expected to be two hours late. I decided,
therefore, to wander around to make the time pass quickly.
walk in the fresh air made me good. I went to the cafeteria where I
ordered a cup of tea. I sat down at the comer drinking my tea and
studying the faces around me. Some looked anxious and some were nervous.
One could easily know who was going to leave and who was expecting
When I had finished my tea, I made my way to a
bookshop where I bought some. magazines to kill time. Then I went to one
of the waiting rooms and sat comfortably in an armchair. As soon as I
began opening my magazines, someone touched my shoulder. He was an old
friend who was about to leave Port Said to Athens. My friend
Hosam and I found things to talk about until the arrival of my wife's ship.

When the ship arrived, I was disappointed not to find my wife. When I
asked the captain of the ship, he was sorry to tell me that the name of
my wife was not among the list of passengers.
A} Answer the following questions :
1- Why did the writer go to Port Said harbor?
2- What was the writer doing while having his tea?
3- Where was the writer when his friend saw him?
B}Choose the correct answer:
4-The ship was delayed in Tunisia because of.....................
a) a violent storm b) high waves c) troubles in the engine d) heavy rain
5-The writer was disappointed because ………………...
a) he saw the captain b) the ship was late c) he met his friend d) he did not find his wife

harbor مرفأ / ميناء delay تأخير expect يتوقع wander يتجول
anxious قلق nervous عصبي / هلع comfortably براحة shoulder كتف

- The main reason why so many young people start smoking is that they
see adults smoking. They think that it is a " grown up" thing to do.
They smoke in order to look older and impress others, and also because
they don't really believe that smoking will cause any harm. They don't
want to believe others about the dangers of smoking.

Smoking may cause cancer, lungs and heart diseases. Nicotine is
addictive It makes the heart beat faster and makes the arteries
contract. Tar and carbon monoxide may cause cancer. If you are a regular
smoker you will lose ten minutes of your life for every cigarette you
Anti smoking societies aim at discouraging people from
smoking. They try to make people give up this bad and harmful habit.
These societies are doing their best to limit cigarette advertising in
the newspapers and on television.
A} Answer the following questions :
1- According to the passage why do young people smoke?
2- Mention some diseases caused by smoking.
3- What do anti smoking societies aim at?
B}Choose the correct answer:
4- If you are a regular smoker you will………………….
a) live a healthy life b) live a long life c) live a short life d) enjoy your life
5-The word 'they' in the last paragraph refers to………………….
a) people b) advertisements c) Anti-smoking societies d) newspapers

reason سبب adults البالغين impress يؤثر فـ harm أذي / ضرر cancer سرطان Lungsالرئتين
heart القلب addictive إدماني beat ضربة / يضرب arteries الشرايين Contract ينكمش / ينقبض
monoxide أول أكسيد الكربون regular منتظم Anti smoking ضد التدخين
discouraging منع / صد give up يقلع limit يحد من advertising الإعلان

Robinson Crusoe's real desire was to be a sailor. His parents would not
let him go because they believed he was still young and there were many
dangers at sea. Robinson Crusoe was tired of waiting and decided to run
away with his friends on a big ship. One afternoon high waves crashed
on the ship. Robinson remembered all the dangers his parents had talked
about. Suddenly a big wave came up and pulled Robinson off the ship and
into the water. He swam on and on until he came to an island.

When the sun came up next day, Robinson looked on the beach but no one
was there. He knew that he had to stay on the island alone. He cut down
some trees so as to make a house to protect himself against wild
Years went by. His clothes became more and more
ragged. He made some new clothes from goat skins. After that he made an
umbrella to keep the rain and the sun off him. Now Robinson had been on
the island for many years.
At last Robinson saw a ship coming
towards the island. He lit fire to signal the ship. The captain of the
ship saw the fire and carried Robinson Crusoe back to England.
A} Answer the following questions :
1- What was Robinson Crusoe's ambition?
2- Why did Robinson want to make a house on the island?
3- Find words in the passage that mean the opposite of these words: - pushed - tame
B}Choose the correct answer:
4- They line 2 refers to ..................................
a) the dangers at sea b) wild animals c) Robinson's parents d) Robinson's friends
5- The word ' ragged' line 10 means ..........................
a) light b) heavy c) worn out d) unchanged

desire رغبة crash يصطدم بـ island جزيرة protect يحمي wild بري /متوحش
goat skins جلود الماعز umbrella شمسية lit أضاء

Fire broke out yesterday in a large store. Fortunately, the only
casualty was the watchman. There was extensive damage to the third
The fire officer said, " We suspect the fire was
started by a device which someone had set to go off at about 2 a.m."
Hassari, the night watchman, was there alone. He was overcome by fumes
and was taken to hospital unconscious. When he came to himself, he said
to reporters: "I had already done my third inspection of the store and
was sitting down to write my report when I noticed an odd smell. It
wasn't until I'd made absolutely sure there was a fire and I couldn't do
anything about it myself that I rang the fire brigade." The store
manager reported, "We have had a number of threats lately. There was a
minor fire in the store the same time last year and we had received a
number of warnings before that one, too." He went on, "Fire prevention
suggested some more fire precautions. Accordingly, we have installed a complete new fire prevention system"
"But for Hassan," he added, "it could have been much worse. We shall be showing our appreciation to him with a gift."
A} Answer the following questions :
1- What did the watchman do when he was sure there was a fire?
2- Why did the store manager intend to give the watchman a gift?
3- Why was Hassan taken to hospital?
B}Choose the correct answer:
4- If Hassan had not called the fire brigade,……………….
a- there would be more damage b- there would have been more damage.
c- The manager would have called the police. d- There will be more damage.
5- When Hassan went to inspect the smell, he …………………....
a- was doing his third round b- had just sat down to write his report.
c- knew how bad the fire was. d- had already heard the alarm bell.

store محل ذو أقسام متعددة / مخزن casualty شخص مجروح extensive واسع suspect يشك فـ
a device جهاز overcome أنهك/ تغلب عليه fumes أبخرة unconscious غير واع
inspection معاينة/ فحص odd شاذ / غريب absolutely بكل تأكيد rang اتصل بـ brigade فرقة
threats تهديدات warnings تحذيرات prevention وقاية precautions حذر a gift هدية
appreciation تقدير /إعجاب

Superstition is a belief, which is not based on reason or fact, but on
associations of ideas, as in magic. Some people believe in one or two
superstitions . For instance, many people believe that misfortune will
happen if the water in which eggs have been boiled touch your hand. A
potato carried in your pocket will ward you off rheumatism .For the
prevention of toothache, some people believe that the sufferer should
drive a nail into a big tree.
Others believe that putting on the
left stocking before the right causes bad luck. Opening an umbrella
inside the house will make you miserable all day. Horror of number 13 is
a popular superstition. Some hotels, in fact, knowing the fear of this
unlucky number, exclude this number from all rooms. Crossed knives on a
table mean a quarrel. Some people believe that a broken mirror foretells
a death in the family. In England, throughout the Middle Ages,
horseshoes were nailed on the doors. This
keeps away evil spirits. The Japanese nail a piece of wood from a certain tree on
their walls to keep off thieves.
A} Answer the following questions :
1- Why do some hotels omit number 13 from their rooms?
2- When does a mirror foretell death in the family?
3- How can one prevent toothache according to the passage?
B}Choose the correct answer:
4- Horse shoes were nailed on some doors in England to ...
a- bring good luck. b- prevent evil spirits c- keep off diseases d- stop a quarrel
5- Carrying a potato, according to the text, protects you against...
a- thieves b- toothache c- misfortune d- rheumatism

Superstition خرافة associations اتحاد / ترافق magic سحر misfortune سوء الحظ
Ward يدفع أذى drive a nail into يضع مسمار فــ stocking الجورب miserable بائس
exclude يستثني knives سكاكين quarrel مشاجرة foretells يتنبأ بــ evil spirits أرواح شريرة

It is a disturbing fact that many different wild animals throughout the
world are in danger. The reasons for this are many and varied, but we
must blame pollution , pesticides , the disturbance of the animal's
natural environment and man's greed.
Industry has grown
enormously, and it has become common practice for factories to dispose
of waste matter in streams, canals and rivers, causing great loss of
river life. Modern agricultural methods include using pesticides, which
effectively control insects classified as pests, but which also destroy
many that are not. An increase in population has meant more buildings,
more vehicles, more pollution... and with it
the destruction of much
of the countryside that provide shelters for wild animals. To satisfy
man's selfish desires the polar bear in North America is under threat
hunted by sportsmen, whales are killed worldwide for the oil and food
they yield. These are only a few of the species under threat.

But the problem is receiving worldwide recognition, and some action is
being taken. For example pollution in the River Thames has been greatly
reduced; trading in some furs has been forbidden; and organizations like
"friends of the Earth" do valuable work in this deserving cause.
A} Answer the following questions :
1- Why are many wild animals facing danger nowadays? Give three reasons
2- Why are many whales hunted throughout the world?
3- What does the organization "Friends of the Earth" work on?

B}Choose the correct answer:
4- It has become common practice for factories to dispose their waste in
streams and rivers. This means that factories ………………………...
a- deliver their waste to streams, canals and rivers
b- get over their waste in streams, canals and rivers
c- get rid of their waste in streams , canals and rivers
d- store their waste in streams and rivers
5- The underlined word "many" refers to...................
a- pesticides b-pests only
c- agricultural methods d- insects other than pests

disturbing مزعج varied متنوع blame يلوم pesticides مبيدات حشرية environmentالبيئة
greed طمع enormously بكميات هائلة practice ممارسة / تدريب dispose يتخلص من fur الفراء
Insects حشرات shelter مأوى selfish desires رغبات أنانية polar bear الدب القطبي
Whales الحيتان species أنواع / فصائل recognition اهتمام reduce يقلل forbidden ممنوع

Usually a person who keeps putting his hand on one of his pockets as if
to make sure that something valuable is still there, attracts a thief s
A friend of mine once had an amusing experience on
a bus. He rarely travels by bus because he has been driving his car for
many years. But it so happened that his car broke down near his home.
He was going to Omar Afandi to buy a television after he had taken out
of the bank two thousand pounds that would cover the price of the set.
He put the money in an envelope in one of his pockets and got on a bus.
He met an old friend on the bus and had a conversation with him.
Unconsciously, every now and then he put his hand on his pocket to make
sure that the envelope was still there. But suddenly he felt it had
He looked at- the faces of the people around him but
could not know which one was the thief. He did not lose his nerve and
with a smile he said to his friend. " A foolish thief has taken from my
pocket the envelope which is full of newspaper cuttings about a subject I
am going to write an article about for my paper. I think the fool
thought it was full of money." Every body heard what he said. My friend
looked down and saw his envelope under the feet of the passengers.
picked it up. As he was anxious to count the money in it, he left the
bus at the next stop. He was happy to find the two thousand pounds still
in the envelope.
A} Answer the following questions :
1- Why does my friend rarely travel by bus?
2- Why did my friend put his hand on his pockets every now and then?
3- Where did my friend find his lost envelope?
B}Choose the correct answer:
4- The coloured television would cost………………....
a- more than two thousand pounds. b- less than two thousand pounds.
c- less than one thousand pounds. d- exactly one thousand pounds.
5- My friend got off the bus at the next stop...........................
a- to count the money b- because he was happy
c- because he arrived to Omar Affandi d- to call the police.

Attention اهتمام pocket جيب attracts يجذب amusing مسلي experience خبرة fool أحمق
broke down يتعطل conversation حوار nerves أعصاب article مقال envelope مظروف

27- A clever person used to mean a person who would exert efforts to achieve a
legitimate aim. Hence, a clever pupil is a bright one who makes the best of his
educational chances. A clever lawyer is one who handles the law so as to prove
his client is in the right. A clever doctor gives the right diagnosis
for his patients and prescribes the right medicine for them. This is
perfectly feasible in a simple society, which will allow a good number
of people to do their best to succeed in their pursuits or better their
life conditions.
But in a society that has grown in complexity
so that only the fittest can survive the term has taken a new meaning.
If two persons have one chance, the cleverer of them
is the one who can push the other out of the way to secure the chance for himself.

Worse still a clever person might twist it wrong to make it look right.
A clever lawyer in the sense of the word is he who manages to prove the
innocence of a wrong doer. A doctor who entices more patients to go to
him and consequently makes more money out of them would be a clever
doctor. A company whose products are not much in demand, employs a
clever propagandist to increase its sales. There are clever men both in
commerce and in politics. Even in government offices there are clever
social climbers that get all gains with the least efforts.
Yet, there are still honest people in society who have a reputation for doing what they are convinced is right.
A} Answer the following questions :
1- Why would a modern man resent being described as clever?
2- How would a clever man in simple societies win a competition?
3- What happens when chances are limited in a society?
B}Choose the correct answer:
4- An honest doctor .............................
a) makes as much money as he can from his patients. b) gives the right diagnosis.
c) entices more patients to go to him. d) prescribes the wrong medicine .
5- A suitable title for the passage is..........................
a) a simple society b) honest and dishonest people
c) a chance for oneself d) life conditions

exert efforts يبذل مجهودات legitimate شرعي/ حقيقي handles يمسك prove يبرهن
diagnosis تشخيص prescribes يصف علاجا feasible ملائم / عملي pursuits مواصلة / ملاحقة
complexity تعقيد survive يبقي حيا secure يؤمن / يثبت twist يلوي innocence براءة
entices يجذب / يغري products منتجات propagandist وكيل الدعاية climbers المتسلقون
gains المكاسب reputation سمعة

History is the past experience of mankind. More exactly, history is the
memory of the past experience as it has been preserved, largely in
written records. The subject matter of history is the significant past,
meaning the institutions an individual action that affect the experience
and development of whole communities.
Traditionally, history has
focused on the actions of governments, their leaders , and the conflicts
among them - in other words political and diplomatic history. In the
last hundred years the scope of historical interest has broadened to
include the history of ideas and the patterns and trends in economic and
social life that characterize or influence society as a whole.

The study of history has been regarded either as a branch of the
humanities or as a social science. Actually, in method as well as in
subject matter, history belongs to both of these branches of learning.
As a social science history deals with all the various fields of human
experience that are treated separately in political science,
sociology, anthropology, and economics.

History is a subject to the standard of social science as an attempt to
establish objective truth about man and society; at the same time the
historian's work of synthesis and interpretation requires some
imagination which makes it nearer to the arts. The historical narrative
is a form of literature. Furthermore, much of the content of historical
study has to do with man's humanistic experience in intellectual and
cultural spheres. History is sub-divided geographically by countries,
and the subjects it deals with are also divided into the political,
diplomatic, economic and cultural aspects of human experience. Biography
is a branch of history that focuses on the life of great historical
figures. Histories of religion, science, philosophy... are all types of
historical studies.
A} Answer the following questions :
1- How has the study of history developed?
2- " History is a multi- sided discipline" Explain with reference to the text.
3- Find words in the passage which mean : a) important b) the story of a person's life
B}Choose the correct answer:
4 - History is the study of……………...
a) personal events b) social science
c) the great past experiences of mankind d) diplomacy
5 - " The historical narrative is a form of literature" means that…………….
a) it is unreal b) the historian is not objective
c) the historian analyses and interprets events with imagination
d) the historian merely copies events.

Mankind الجنس البشري preserved محفوظ significant مؤثر institutions مؤسسات focused مركز
broaden يوسع the scope مدى /هدف patterns أمثلة/ نقوش Trends يميل إلى / اتجاه
Characterize يميز Influence يؤثر Regard يعتبر Branch فرع Separately منفصل

Sociology علم الاجتماع Anthropology علم الأنثروبولوجي / علم الإنسان
Establish يؤسس Synthesis تركيب/ تحليلي Interpretation تفسير
Imaginationخيال narrative روائي Furthermoreعلاوة علي ذلك
intellectual عقلي spheres مجالات Aspects موضوعات Figures أشكال / تماثيل / أرقام

29- You don't need to look back twenty years to realize the
Tremendous developments in science and technology and how these advances
are changing the lifestyle of millions of people all over the world
.Although the T.V and video were there in those days ,no one had heard
then of those wonderful remote control units that turn the equipment on
and off helping us to choose our entertainment with the least physical
There are many other effects of technology that made our
life more comfortable . You no longer worry about washing the dishes;
your dishwashing machine can take care of that. If you want a hot meal,
you just pop your favourite food into the microwave oven and it is ready
in minutes. If you need to send an urgent message, just write it down
and send it through your fax machine. Passenger planes fly non­stop to
different parts of the world and their pilots can find time to relax as
the computers do most of the hard work for them. This all leaves people
more time to enjoy themselves and it also explains the remarkable
current progress in the leisure industry.
Leisure today is big
business . Just read the advertisement In your newspaper. You just won't
believe the variety; you will find something to fit all incomes and
tastes. As robots take over the work of people in industry, as
communications across the world became faster., and while technology
continues to create ways of persuading us to work less and enjoy
ourselves more, so the leisure industry will play a far more important
role in the lives of us all.
A} Answer the following questions :
1- Give three examples showing how technology affects our life.
2- Why will leisure industry have an important role in our-life?
3- Find in the text words which mean: a- put b- convincing
B}Choose the correct answer:
4- Due to modern technology, the lifestyle has changed.................
a- 20 years ago b- within the last 20 years
c- before the last 20 years d- in more than 20 years
5- Leisure today is......................................ever before.
a- more expensive than b- less expensive than
c- as expensive as d- much more varied in costs than

Tremendous هائل lifestyle نظام الحياة equipment معدات entertainment تسلية

physical جسماني pop يدفع فجأةoven فرن urgent عاجل remarkable
ملحوظ current جاري progress تقدم leisure راحة / ترفية tastes
أذواق robots الإنسان الآلي create يخلق

30- Dr.
Christina, from a medical school in Brazil, is visiting the Middleton
Medical School to give a talk on new medicines. She is one of a team of
doctors and pharmacists who work in the Amazon Forest. They work to find
out about the methods which local people use to treat diseases. Local
people use medicines, which come from plants and the team wants to learn
about these plants and study them to find the active component. Then
they plan to experiment with them.
Plant medicines were used
for treating illness very long ago, and they are still common in many
parts of the world. These plant medicines are safer and cheaper than
scientific medicines, and they work just as well for many diseases.

However, many people still use scientific medicines. Dr. Christina says
that we are too dependent on scientific medicines, which can be
dangerous and make people ill. Some diseases have become resistant to
them. If the medicines stop killing bacteria and viruses, then they are
more dangerous than useful. Many doctors do not recommend plant
medicines but this is because they do not understand them. Dr. Christina
says, "We are learning about forest plants so that we can teach city
people to use them." She thinks we should use plant medicines for most
of our illnesses, and keep scientific medicines for treating dangerous
A} Answer the following questions :
1- What did Dr. Christina do at the Amazon Forest ?
2- When can scientific medicines be dangerous ?
3- What does the underlined word them refer to ?
B}Choose the correct answer:
4- Plant medicines are ……....scientific ones for treating many diseases
a) more effective than b) less effective than
c) as effective as d) more dangerous than
5- Many doctors do not recommend plant medicines as …………….....
a) they tried them out and knew they were not useful
b) they are dangerous to health
c) they are very expensive
d) they do not know how useful they are

medicines أدوية pharmacists صيدلانية find out يكتشف component مكون
experiment يجرب /تجربة resistant to مقاوم لــ

- A Japanese journalist wrote a report about why she and
milllions of other Japanese have become lovers of running. "Eleven years
ago when I started running, most runners were middle - aged men and
high school athletes. Today I see young girls, old men and others of
every age. We, also, have today thousands of running clubs and hundreds
of special running boutiques. Running suits are also offered now by top
fashion designers.
The Japanese have looked at sports as good
for both the mind and the body. And in recent years there has been an
increased interest in physical fitness. In addition, facilities for
most sports, such as golf and tennis are extremely limited and often
very expensive. But running can be done almost anywhere and you do not
have to spend a lot of money to do it.
Running can also be a
part of daily routine, and help the individual to live a more orderly
life. Most of us today live rather sedentary lives because we usually
work sitting down, using our brains instead of our bodies. Daily we find
ourselves under increasing mental and psychological pressure from our
jobs. So running can be looked at as a medicine. While a person is
running he has time to be alone with his
I think
more and more people are becoming runners because they have realized
that if they want a full and affluent life, they must be healthy, too.
Running is the quickest and easiest way to achieve this balance,"
A} Answer the following questions :
1- Why is running a more available sport for everyone?
2- How is running a medicine for our daily pressure?
3- Find in the text words which mean : a) sportsmen b) rich and luxurious life
B}Choose the correct answer:
4- The best title to the text is ............
a) Running suits b) Running and health c) A running magazine d) Running clubs
5- The Japanese have thought that running is good for…………………
a) increasing mental and psychological pressure.
b) our physical and mental health.
c) using our brains instead of our bodies. d) physical fitness only.

athletes الرياضيين fashion designers مصممي الأزياء fitness لياقة facilities تسهيلات
individual فرد sedentary كثير الجلوس pressure الضغط affluent وافر balance ميزان

You have got something that is more complicated than the most powerful
computer in the world. With this thing you can experience the sight and
smell of a flower, the memory of a holiday, the pain when you hit your
thumb with a hammer, the sound of your favourite singer, your thoughts
and ideas. All these are possible because of a kilo of cells in your
skull: the brain.
Your brain controls everything you do. It
receives information from your senses about conditions inside your body
and outside it. Your brain analyses this information with amazing speed
and sends out messages that control your body. For example, when you put
your hand in very hot water, you think "Oh! That hurts!" and you remove
your hand from the water. This is what happens in your brain. Your hand
sends a message to your brain: "Very hot" and your brain immediately
sends a message to
your hand: "Take your hand out of the water".

Try this experiment. Close your eyes, hold your nose and taste a piece
of watermelon, a mango and an orange. Could you taste the difference?
You probably couldn't because your brain has fewer messages and so, your
sense of taste will not work properly.
Your brain also stores memories of things that happened to you in the past and
makes learning and remembering possible. Finally, your brain controls
your lungs, heartbeat, body temperature and the actions of your stomach.
A} Answer the following questions :
1- How heavy is your brain?
2- What makes you feel pain?
3- Where does your brain get its information?
B}Choose the correct answer:
4- Your brain usually analyses information from the senses....
a- quite carelessly c- rather slowly b- very quickly d- fairly regularly
5- To have a proper taste, the brain needs messages from the....
a- tongue and the nose b- mouth and the eyes
c- eyes, feelings and the mouth d- eyes, the nose and the tongue

pain الم thumb إصبع الإبهام hammer مطرقة cells خلايا skull جمجمة senses حواس
Analyses يحلل remove يزيل stores يخزن stomach معدة
The neighbours closest to my house are my favourite people. The man is a
retired army officer and his wife is still working for the nearby
university. They are very hospitable and usually invite friends to
lunch. It is particularly enjoyable to wake up on a Friday morning to
the sounds Of their music playing which are really quite artistic.
However, I also love to hear them laughing when they make a mistake in
their music playing. Besides music, carpentry is still the man's main
interest, and most days he practices his hobby in his work space in the
garden, making an artistic piece of furniture.
My neighbours
are ideal to live next door to, because they can be very helpful if I
need them. I respect them as they never interfere in my private life and
I behave with them in the same way. We have helped each other with
numerous emergencies such as fire and car accident. We also co-operate
with each other in little ways such as bringing in the mail, when one of
us is away. We sometimes meet when they invite me
over to coffee,
with some of their friends who are usually very interesting people;
poets, painters, professors and other lively persons whom I enjoy
meeting. Sometimes we go out together to share some special occasions
such as the 6th October, when we watch the fireworks display. Apart
from this, we simply live next door to each other peacefully, side by
A} Answer the following questions :
1- Give one reason why the writer likes his neighbours.
2- What hobbies do the writer's neighbours practise?
3- Why does the writer respect his neighbours?
B}Choose the correct answer:
4- The underlined word usually line 3 means……………...
a- always b- seldom c- many times d- never
5- the writer's neighbours are ideal because they ……………….
a-have ideas b-are perfect c-are unbearable d-are troublesome

retired متقاعد hospitable مضياف hobby هواية ideal مثالي respect احترم
interfere يتدخل emergencies الطوارق co-operate يشارك share يقاسم / يشارك
occasions مناسبات Display عرض peacefully بسلام

34- One year an agricultural expert visited a poor village in India. His purpose
to improve agriculture and food production in the village. The village
relied for food on the two crops of rice and vegetables it grew each
year. The villagers worked very hard during the planting and harvesting
seasons, but their crops were sometimes poor and insufficient because of
the weather. The expert told the head of the village that he could give
the villagers a new type of rice, which would produce double the
The head of the village was delighted and agreed to
try it out. The villagers planted me new rice and when they harvested
it, it produced double the quantity. When the expert returned after me
first crop, he was pleased to see the villagers so happy. The expert
returned later to see if me second crop had been equally good. This time
he found the fields empty. The villagers were sitting around playing
cards and taking the life easy.
When he asked me head of me
village about the second crop, he replied, "We didn't need to plant a
second crop because we had enough rice after the first crop. So we are
relaxing and enjoying ourselves". The expert realized it was useless to
tell the head of the village that he had not given them the new rice so
mat they could spend half a year without working
A} Answer the following questions :
1- Why did the expert go to the Indian village?
2- Were the fields cultivated when the expert visited the village for the second time?
3- Find words in the passage which mean: a- kind b- depend on
B}Choose the correct answer:
4- It was difficult for the villagers to find enough rice because…………….
a- me first crop was not enough b- the second crop was not enough
c- both crops were not enough d- the villagers were too poor to buy enough food
5- The agricultural expert ..........................
a- told the villagers that it was useless to spend half a year with no work
b- thought not to give the villagers the new rice again
c- told the head of the village that his help was useless
d- was pleased because the villagers were relaxing

expert خبيرpurpose هدف relied on اعتمد علي harvesting seasons مواسم الحصاد
Insufficient غير كاف type نوع empty فارغ

A goal is something you want to achieve. First, decide what your goal
is. For example, do you want to pass a test? Do you want to be a doctor?
When you have decided on your goal, write it down on paper and look at
it every day. Then decide what you must do to succeed.
Some people
never reach their goal because they think it is impossible. But you must
always believe that your goals are possible. Don't think, "This test is
difficult. I'll probably fail". Instead, think, "This test is
difficult, but I've worked hard and I will pass it".
Most people are
successful at things they enjoy. So always try to enjoy your work. Keep
looking at the goal you wrote on paper and think how happy you will be
when you succeed. Think about that happiness while you are working and
you will enjoy your work.
a ) Give short answers to the following questions:
1-What is this passage about?
2-What should you do when you have written your goal on paper?
3-Why do some people not reach their goal?
b ) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
4-What is the opposite of pass?
a) succeed b) fail c) lose d) miss
5-What kind of things are most people successful at?
a) Things that are easy. b) Things that are difficult.
c) Things that they enjoy doing. d) Things they work hard
جزاكم الله خيرا
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