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ملاحظات هامة عند التحويل لمجهول .مستر طه ابو الفتوح

ملاحظات هامة عند التحويل لمجهول .
( 1 ) جميع الأفعال التى يأتى بعدها مفعول ثم المصدر مباشرةً نضع ( to ) عند التحويل لمجهول.
1-Mr Taha made all the students solve all the exercise alone.
All the students were made to solve all the exercise alone.
2-I saw him run from this direction.
He was seen to run from this direction.
( 2 ) إذا كان الفاعل والمفعول الموجود بعد الفعل الثانى واحد لا بد من وضع ضمير منعكس مع حذف
المفعول المشترك.
1-He made his wife trust him.
He made himself be trusted by his wife.
2-They let the enemy see them.
They let themselves be seen by the enemy.
( 3 ) إذا كان الفاعل يدل على نفى لا بد من نفى الفعل وعدم استخدام ( by ) عند التحويل لمجهول.
1-Noone has beaten him at chess.
He hasn't ( has never ) been beaten at chess.
2-No girl watched the film because of its theme.
The film wasn't watched because of its theme.
( 4 ) إذا جاءت ( all ) مفعول لجملة منفية تُحول إلى ( Not all ) عند التحويل لمجهول.
1-He didn't send all the invitation cards.
Not all the invitation cards were sent.
( 5 ) إذا جاءت ( any ) مفعول تُحول إلى ( No ) عند التحويل لمجهول ووضع الفعل مثبتاً.
1-She didn't buy any books yesterday.
No books were bought yesterday ( by her ).
( 6 )لاحظ تحويل هذه الصيغ إلى مجهول.
1-It's necessary / obligatory / compulsory ………………….….must be
2-It's advisable …………………………………………...…….should be
3-It's desirable ………………………………………………….should be
4-It's important …………………………………………………should be
5-It's possible ……………………………………………….…..can be
6-It's forbidden / banned / prohibited / against the law …………mustn't be
7-It's probable …………………………………………….…….may be
8-It's predictable ………………………………………….…….will be
1-It's possible to replace most human organs.
Most human organs can be replaced.

الإسم / ....................................................................................
A)Choose the correct answer:-
1-It's possible for most human organs ………………. .
a-to replace b-be replaced c-to be replaced d-replaced
2-The new projects …………….in the New Valley, will help most Egyptians.
a-are carried b-which carry c-carrying d-carried
3-This very ancient building is about to collapse and needs ……………. .
a-to demolish b-to be demolishing c-to be demolished d-demolished
4-I didn't meet Hanaa yesterday. She must ………….in the traffic.
a-delay b- be delayed c-have delayed d-have been delayed
5-All the efforts …………..to increase our products.
a-would be making b-will have made c-will make b-will be made
6-Look! The trees in the garden ……………… .
a-is watered b-is being watered c-has been watered d-are being watered
7-The glass window …………..when the boy hit it with the ball.
a-is breaking b-was breaking c-was broken d-had broken
8-In the future most of our work ……………by machines.
a-will be doing b-has been done c-will do d-will be done
9-Why had the exercise …………………by the students themselves?
a-to do b-be done c-to be done d-to be doing
10-The criminal had been made ………….everything he had committed.
a-confess b-to confess c-to be confessed d-confessing
11-Robots ………………everything instead of man.
a-will do b-will be doing c-will be done d-will have been done
12-The children with heart problems ……………from their homeland to France.
a-carry b-carried c-are carried d-are carrying
13-Hisham was alleged …………..absent las Monday.
a-to be b-being c-to have been d-to being
14-The wind ………….for a long time to generate energy.
a-is used b-has used c-has been used d-will use
15-Most things can …………..and used again.
a-recycle b-be recycled c-been recycled d-have recycled
B)Rewrite using the word(s) in brackets to give the same meaning:-
1-When Mother Teresa became ill, she handed over most of her duties. ( Most…)
2-I thought someone was watching me. ( being )
3-I wondered how long they had followed me. ( been )
4-You mustn't talk during the test. ( supposed to )
5-Poverty drove them into a life of distress. ( They … )
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