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شرح وافي للمستقبل بجميع اشكالهFuture Forms Worksheet‏

شرح وافي للمستقبل بجميع اشكالهFuture Forms Worksheet‏
من مستر hagadel2
SUBJECT : Future Forms صور المستقبل

A) Fill in the blanks with the correct FUTURE forms:
(Will للتنبؤ والقرار السريع /
Going to النوايا واخطط المستقبلية وقرار بعد تفكير واحداث على وشك الوقوع مع وجود دليل عليها الآن /
Present Continuous الاحداث المستقبلية التى تحتاج ترتيبات /
Simple Present الاحداث المجدولة زمنيا مثل مواعيد سينما وطائرات وقطارات)

1- A: What ………………… you …………………… (do) when you grow up?
B: I ……………………………………………… (be) an acrobat in a circus.
2- I haven’t seen him for a long time but I think I ………………………………………
(recognize) him.
3- A: I need some sugar to make the tea..
B: I ……………………………………………… (give) you some.
4- I got the plane tickets. I ………………………………………. (fly) on Sunday.
5- A: Have you got any plans for the summer?
B: Yes, we ……………………………………………. (go) to Italy in June.
6- Don’t play with those matches; you ………………………………………. burn yourself.
7- A: Whose is that night dress?
B : It’s mine. I ……………………… (wear) it at Leila's graduation party
8- A: Why did you call your grandma?
B: I ……………………………………………….. (visit) her at the weekend.
9- If your passport isn’t valid any more, you ………………………………………………
(not / be able to) go abroad this month.
10- A: What are you doing with that brush?
B: I ………………………………………………… (paint) my room.
11- A: Why are you wearing your new jacket?
B: I ………………………………………………… (go) out.
12- I don’t know the meaning of this word so I …………………………………………
(look) it up in the dictionary.
13- Look out! You …………………………………………… (hurt) yourself with that knife.
14- A: I’ve got a terrible headache.
B: Have you? Wait there and I ………………………. (get) an aspirin for you.
15- Mother: Your face is dirty.
Child : All right. I …………………………………………………. (wash) it.
16- A: What time ……………………the next bus ………………………. (arrive)?
B: 13 minutes later.
17- ……………………. you …………………….. (open) the door for me, please?
18- We’re early. The film ……………………………… (start) at 2:30. Why don’t we go
and have something to drink?
19- He ……………………………………… (call) the police as soon as he gets home.
20- A: What …………………….. you …………………………… (do) with that dress?
B: I …………………………………………………. (shorten) the skirt.

B) Use the correct form of the FUTURE TENSE:

1- A: Oh! You’ve got a ticket for the party.
B: Yes. I …………………………………………….. (see) it on Friday.
2- A: Tea or coffee?
B: I ……………………………….. (have) coffee, please.
3- There isn’t any cloud in the sky. It ……………………………… (be) a lovely day.
4- We ……………………………………. (win) the match. We’re playing really well.
5- The festival ……………………………….. (last) for ten days.
6- I ………………………………………. (have) a meal with a few friends. There …………………….. (be) about ten of us.
7- He ………… (come) round us tomorrow. We ………….…. (be) at the airport at 9:30.
8- Why don’t you come with us. I’m sure you ………………………… (enjoy) the show.
9- That ………………………………………….. (not / cost) more than $50.
10- The museum …………………………….. (open) at 9:00 everyday but tomorrow it …………………………….. (not / be) opened at 9:00.
11- I ……………………………………. (pay) it back to you as soon as I get my salary.
12- The manager said,”We ………………………….. (have) the meeting on Thursday.”

C) Look at Tam and Sally’s diary below. Then, use the PRESENT CONTINUOUS form to
say what their arrangements عمل الترتيبات are for this week, as in the example:
Monday - go to the cinema
Tuesday - visit Sally’s parents
Wednesday - take the car to a mechanic
Thursday - buy a computer
Friday - clean the house
Saturday - have a dinner party
Sunday - go on a picnic

1- They’re going to the cinema on Monday…………………………………………
2- ……………………………………………………………………………………..
3- ……………………………………………………………………………………..
4- ……………………………………………………………………………………..
5- ……………………………………………………………………………………..
6- ……………………………………………………………………………………..
7- ……………………………………………………………………………………..

D) Fill in WILL or BE GOING TO:

1- A: Why do you need so much sugar?
B: I ……………………………………… make a cake.
2- A: Oh no! I’ve left my purse at home and I haven’t got any money on me!
B: Don’t worry. I …………………………………………. lend you some.
3- A: I don’t know how to use this mixer.
B: That’s OK. I ………………………………….. show you.
4- A: Why are all these people gathered here?
B: The Prime Minister ……………………………… open the new hospital ward.
5- A: Did you remember to buy the magazine I asked for?
B: Sorry, I didn’t. I …………………………………. buy it when I go out again.
6- A: What’s that on your curtains?
B: It’s a stain. I ………………………………….. take them to the dry cleaner’s tomorrow.
7- A: These bags are very heavy. I can’t lift them.
B: I ………………………………… carry them for you.
8- A: I hear you’re going to the American University in September.
B: Yes, I ……………………………………. study Engineering.

9- A: Why don’t you tidy your room?
B: I …………………………………….. play football in ten minutes, so I haven’t got time.
10- A: How can we get all this home?
B: I ………………………………………. ask my neighbour to come and help.
11- She has bought some wool. She ……………………………. knit a sweater.
12- A: This problem is very difficult.
B: I ………………………. help you to solve it.
13- A: Why are you taking down all the pictures?
B: I ……………………………….. paint the room.
14- I ………………………… climb that mountain one day.
15- Look at that young man. He looks very pale. He ……………………………. faint.
16- A: Why are you buying that spade?
B: I ……………………………… plant some trees in my garden at the back of the house.
17- She …………………………….. get better. There are positive signs.
18- I’m hungry. I ………………………………. have something to eat.
19- I ………………………………… be 38 years old next week.

E) Put the verb in to the correct from using WILL or GOING TO:

1- A: Why are you turning on the television?
B: I …………………………………………… (watch) the news.
2- A: Oh, I’ve just realized. I haven’t got any money.
B: Don’t worry. That’s no problem. I ………………………………. (lend) you some.
3- Those clouds are very black, aren’t they? I think it ……………………………… (rain).
4- A: I’ve got a terrible headache.
B: Have you? Wait here and I ……………………………. (get) an aspirin for you.
5- A: Why are you filling that bucket with water?
B: I …………………………………… (wash) the car.
6- A: I’ve decided to re-paint this room.
B: Oh, have you? What colour …………………………………………. (you / paint) it?
7- A: Look! There’s smoke coming out of that house. It’s on fire!
B: Good heavens! I ………………………… call the fire-brigade immediately.
8- A: The ceiling in this room doesn’t look very safe, does it?
B: No, it looks as if it ………………………………….. (fall) down.
9- A: Where are you going? Are you going shopping?
B: Yes, I …………………………………….. (buy) something for dinner.
10- A: I can’t work out how to use this camera.
B: It’s quite easy. I ………………………………. (show) you.
11- A: What would you like to drink – tea or coffee?
B: I ……………………………. (have) tea, please.
12.A: Has Gamal decided on what to do when he leaves school?
B: Oh yes. Everything is planned. He …………………………………… (have) a holiday
for a few weeks and then he ……………………………………….. (start) a computer
programming course.

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