
افضل مراجعة لغة انجليزية اولى اعدادى ترم ثاني

افضل مراجعة لغة انجليزية اولى اعدادى ترم ثاني

2- complete the following dialogue:

1-Mona: Do you (1)……………classical music, Dina?  WB
Dina: Yes, I do. It's my favourite.
Mona: ( 2)....................did you last go to a concert?
Dina: I last went to a concert last year. It was fantastic.
Mona: Have you got a (3)………. for the concert on Saturday?
Dina: Yes, I have!
Mona: Can  I 4)…………… with you?
Dina: Yes, you can.5..................you happy about that?
Mona: Yes, I am! It's fantastic.

2-Ayman: What did you do last weekend ?
Ashraf : I went to the (1)...........
Ayman: The funfair! That's fantastic.
Ashraf : Which ride did you (2)........... most ?
Ayman: I loved the big (3)............
Ashraf : How (4).............was the ticket for the big wheel ?
Ayman: It (5)..............20 pounds.
Ashraf : Fantastic! What else did you do ?
Ayman: I ate some popcorn.
Ashraf : That's my favourite!

3-Aya : How (1)…………..your last weekend?
Asmaa : it was (2)………..
Aya : Really ! Where(3)…………you go?
Asmaa : my father took us to a nice restaurant.
Aya : (4)………. Was the food ?
Asmaa : it was (5)……….delicious. What about you?
Aya : I stayed home.
Asmaa : oh. How terrible !

What did you do last weekend, Mohaned? 4-Rami:
Oh, I had a great time ! Mohaned:
Where (1) …………………………. You go ? Rami:
I went to the football stadium with some friends. Mohaned:
That sounds like fun. What (2) ……………….. the match like ? Rami:
It was (3) ……………… interesting. What about you? Did you go anywhere? Mohaned:
No, I (4) ……………………. go anywhere all weekend. I just stayed home. Rami:
(5)…………………… did you do at home ? Mohaned:
I studied for the English test. Rami:
Our English test? I forgot all about that ! Mohaned:

5-Ahmed : What did you do yesterday, Ibrahim ?
Ibrahim : Yesterday we moved 1................... our new flat.
Ahmed : How long did it 2................... you to move there?
Ibrahim: It took two hours.
Ahmed : Did your mum go 3...................?
Ibrahim: Yes, I went shopping with her to buy a new school 4................... .
Ahmed : Are the students in your class friendly?
Ibrahim: Yes, they are very friendly.
Ahmed : Did you 5................... any friends?
Ibrahim: Yes, I have two friends now.

6-Adam : What are you reading ?
Esam : A (1) ……………….
Adam : What kind of story is it ?
Esam : it's an (2)……………….. story.
Adam : Oh! I know you like adventure stories. What is it (3)……………… ?
Esam : "Robinson Crusoe".
Adam : Who is Robinson Crusoe ?
Esam : He is a (4)……………. .His ship sank and he swam to an island.
Adam : Were there any (5) ……………………. with him on the island?
Esam : No, he was alone on the island.

3-Read the following, then answer the questions:
1-Robinson Crusoe is an adventure story by Daniel Defoe. Robinson Crusoe was a sailor. One day his ship sank because there was a really terrible storm. Crusoe swam to a nearby island, but there were no other people there. Crusoe wrote a diary of what happened to him on the island.
18th  December
I arrived on the island four days ago. Today I walked along the beach again, but I saw nobody and I think I am alone. This afternoon I found a dead fish and ate it but it was not nice. Although I am hungry, I don’t want to eat another dead fish!

19th  December
He can walk on I found a coconut on the beach today. It was delicious. It rained last night and I was cold and wet, so today I went to look for a cave. I want a warm place to sleep. I walked through a jungle and there were some rocks, but no caves.
20th  December
I found a cave!!
A) Answer the following questions:
1-Where did Crusoe arrive on 14th December?
2-What kind of story is Robinson Crusoe?
3-Wh do you think Crusoe Looked for a cave?
B) Choose the correct answer:
4-“coconut” is a kind of…………….
a-liquid             b.food               c.subject              d.sport
5-the underlined pronoun “there “ refers to………….
a-city             b.country              c.island              d.town
6-there were some…………in the jungles.
a-books             b.rocks              c.vegetables             d.woods

2-Dear Marwa,
I didn't hear from you for a long time . I hope you are well . I had a terrible day at school yesterday. My friends and I were playing volleyball in the playground when I suddenly fell. At first I didn't feel much pain, but later on my leg started hurting badly. I couldn't walk, so my friends helped me around. He took me to a hospital and stayed with me until my mom and dad arrived. The doctor said it was broken and I needed to rest for a month. We came home last night and I feel better now. This accident also made me know how valuable my friends are. I don't know what I would do without them. So I want to say I feel very happy to have such good friends like you.
A) Answer the following questions:
1. Why does Doaa feel happy?
2. When did that accident happen?
3. What do you think Doaa wants us to know in her e-mail?
B) Choose the correct answer:
4. She won't be able to go school for a …………….. .
a. week b. year c. month   d. day
5. The underlined pronoun " it " refer to ………………… .
a. her leg b. her mom   c. her dad   d. her friends  
6. The accident happen at …………………..  .  
a. home   b. hospital   c. school   d. street  

3-One day, Sara went for a walk in the park. Suddenly she saw a huge cat which was smiling  and looking at her. Sara was frightened and ran away from the cat quickly , but the cat chased her.  Sara ran behind a tree which had  a bin next to it .She picked up the bin and hit the cat hard. But the cat didn’t stop chasing her. Suddenly Sara saw a tap with a hose on it .She sprayed the cat with water in its face , so the cat ran away .Sara was smiling happily , but she was in her bedroom. It was only a dream.

A- Answer the following question.
1- Did Sara really see the cat? Why?
2-What was smiling and looking at Sara ?
3- How did Sara hit the cat?
B- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c, or d:
4-There was a ………………next to a tree.
a) flower   b) hen    c) mouse   d) bin
5- When Sara saw the huge cat, she was …………………..
a) surmised  b) frightened   c) happy   d) pleased
6- Ran away means ………………..
a) slept   b) died    c) escaped   d) finished

4-Reading is a very helpful habit. It gives us new ideas and improves our language. When you read, you need to be in a quiet place. It is better to wear your reading glasses if it is necessary. You should read different topics. To remember what you read, it is a good idea to have a pen in your hand to underline or circle the important points. Try to discuss what you have read with your friends. People read for different goals. Some people read
for enjoyment just to feel happy and spend a nice time. Others read for work. Students read for their study or research. All of us read the news and the weather report. We also read messages, emails, and letters that we receive
A) Answer the following questions
1-How is reading a helpful habit ?
2-Why do you think you need to read in a quiet place?
3-How can you remember what you read?
B) Choose the correct answer from a,b, c or d :
4-What do you think the word " Others " refer to ?
a) goals           b) people                c) points d) glasses
5-The underlined word " enjoyment " means…………………
a) discussion    b) mysteries       c) sadness   d) pleasure
……………… 6-The word improves means to make it
a) bad             b) better            c) worse            d) sad

4-choose the correct answer from a,b,c or d:
1 Let's go on the big wheel at the …………..this weekend! WB
a) funfair                b) aquarium               c) museum                      d) stadium
2 I loved the fish, but I didn't see any whales at the................. WB
a) planetarium     b) funfair                     c) stadium                           d) aquarium
3 It was great at the............ My team won 2-0! WB
a) planetarium     b) bowling alley         c) football stadium            d) aquarium
4 We learnt a lot about the Earth and the moon at the............ WB
a) planetarium     b) bowling alley         a) aquarium                          d) stadium                        
5 The balls are very heavy at the......................... WB
a) swimming pool      b) bowling alley          c) stadium                        d) funfair
6) It ………….three hours o drive from our old house in Cairo. SB
a) talked       b) spent                         c) took            d) had
7 I like………...., but it is difficult to open them! WB
a) coconuts    b) beans              c) apples           d) carrots
8-My grandfather was a.............and visited countries all over the world. WB
a) seller            b) driver              c) farmer            d) sailor
9- Do you like working with other people, or do you prefer to work.......? WB
a) lonely              b) alone               c) along            d) alike
10- I didn't like this story. I thought the writing was............. WB
a) frightened     b) delicious               c) terrible            d) amazing
11- Do you think this glass bottle will..........in the water? WB
a- thank                 b- sink                   c- think                  d- dive
12- Hany was so …………… about her exam that she couldn’t sleep.
a- boring              b- scary                  c- nervous                   d- happy
13-My friend plays the piano in a famous…………..  
a. pond                b. band                             c. bend                   d. bang
14-Crusoe found a……….fish and ate it, but it wasn’t nice
a. died                b. did                             c. death                   d. dead
15-the ship sank because of a terrible…………..
a. windy               b. storm                           c. island                   d. heat
16-The ..............is a musical instrument.
a.trumpet             b.tablet                   c.laptop                   d.mobile phone
17- We always ………..for what to do at the weekend.
a.travel                 b.make                   c.plan                              d.climb
18-I had a nice pizza ………………olives and pepper.
a.on                             b.of                         c.with                              d.for
19- I watched a wonderful play for Adel Emam in the…………………..
a. museum              b. cinema               c. theatre                        d. funfair
20. Mum helped me ………….. my homework.
a. in b. for c.with                       d. to
21. My father sometimes………………me to school early.
a) makes    b) drives c) takes                                  d) gives
22. Most children are................ of dogs.
a) brave                 b) bad                           c) frightened                  d)good
23) Manal moved................her new flat last week.
a) for                       b) on                      c) to                            d) with
24- last week, I saw a/an………….about dolphins
a) museum             b) funfair                c) stadium                      d) exhibition
25. There is a swimming …….... near our house.  
a. bull                     b. polly                            c. ball                     d. pool

26- Crusoe wrote a………..of what happened to him on the island.
a. book                     b. dairy                           c. diary                   d. song
27-people first played …………music a long time ago.
a. traditional         b. modern                           c. new                  d. pop
28. It rained last night and I was cold and ………. .
a. wait                           b. wet                           c. dry                  d. hot
29-My brother likes to……….bowling at the weekend.
a. go                            b. ride                           c. take                 d. meet
30- At school, children like to buy many things from the school…………
a. canteen                  b. library                           c. lab                 d. class
Crusoe swam to a ............. island but there were no people.31
a. nearly                       b. nearing                          c. nearby           d. nearest
32- I had a…………….weekend. it was a lot of fun.
a. terrible                     b. bad                                  c. boring           d. fantastic
33-most young people read……….stories. they are exciting.
a. adventure                  b. bad                            c. boring           d. terrible
34- A…………….is a hole inside a mountain.
a. road                       b. valley                                 c. cave           d. hill
35-I couldn’t do my homework because my laptop………….working.
a. started                       b. stopped                   c. lost                  d. went
36-the homework was very difficult, so I …………..nervous.

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