لغة انجليزية l الترجمة الاختياري للثانوية العامة
إن حسن استغلال ثرواتنا الطبيعية هو الطريق الوحيد لتحقيق الاستقرار الأقتصادي.
The good use to our natural resources is the only way to achieve economic stability.
The good use of our natural resources is the only way to achieve economic stability.
The good use of our nature resources is the only way to achieve economic stability.
The good use of our natural resources is the only way to achieve economy stability.
The good use to our natural resources is the only way to achieve economic stability.
The good use of our natural resources is the only way to achieve economic stability.
The good use of our nature resources is the only way to achieve economic stability.
The good use of our natural resources is the only way to achieve economy stability.
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Mr Gamalالجمعة 17 مارس 2023, 2:03 pm