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بسرعة أقوى مراجعة نهائيةانجليزى2ث كاملة متكاملة ( مستر على سعيد )

بسرعة أقوى مراجعة نهائيةانجليزى2ث كاملة متكاملة ( مستر على سعيد )
من هنا

لمشاهــــــــــــــــــــــــــدة جزء من المذكرة

أخيرا اقرأ الأسئلة أولا لتكون فكرة عن القطعة وما تدور حوله وحاول تخمين معاني الكلمات التي لا تعرفها من السياق العام

C) Reading Comprehension ( 10 Marks )
5. Read the following passage, then answer the questions :- (5 Marks)
Global warming is regarded as a pressing issue nowadays. Scientists fear that this phenomenon will have profound effects on the economy and standard of living of the world’s people. If the climate continues to grow warmer, the polar ice caps will begin to melt and the level of the world’s oceans will rise. Weather patterns will be affected, and areas of the planet that now get a lot of rain will get considerably less. The climate may stabilize, providing the world can control its output of CO2 which is produced by burning fossil fuels, such as coal and oil. If the world community can slow the wide-scale destruction of the world’s rainforests, this might also slow down the process a little bit. There are already indications that we may be too late. Many regions of the world are experiencing their worst droughts in recorded history. If these droughts continue for another year, there will not be enough water to support the present populations in those areas, and it will be necessary to ration water, or perhaps to sell it like gasoline, a litre at a time.
A) Give short answers to the following questions:-
1-In what way is global warming a threat to the world’s people?
2-When do the world’s oceans rise?
3-How can we control global warming?
B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
4- Water may be sold in litres …………
a) as a result of droughts b) when the climate stabilizes
c) if we ration water d) in case of shortage in gasoline.
5- Burning fossil fuels ….. producing excessive amounts of carbon dioxide.
a) results from b) results c) results in d) is caused by
6- Read the following passage, then answer the questions:
A 14-year-old boy from the USA was described as a hero yesterday after he saved the life of a woman in Finland. Dean was sending an e-mail to a friend on the internet. Suddenly he received a message saying 'Help! Pain!' The message was from Finland, thousands of kilometers away. It was hard to tell if the message was real. So Dean did nothing, but the message came again. Then it was easy to see that someone was in trouble. He replied and discovered that the sender was a student called Tarja, who was alone in a university library. She was very ill and her only way of communicating with the world was by e-mail. Dean contacted the Texas police. It was necessary for them to contact the police in Finland. Then an ambulance raced to the university, and doctors found Tarja. She was unconscious but she was alive. "I'm glad she's OK, an e-mail saved her life. " Dean said. "
A- Answer the following questions:
1- What was Dean doing when he received that message of help?
2- How did Dean save the life of Tarja?
3- Find words that mean: a- call b- faint.
B- Choose the correct answer from a. b. c or d:
4-The nationality of the victim is.....................
a) American b) French c) Finnish d) British
5-The message was ......................
a) missed b) incredible c) fiction d) real
The Road to Success Is Not Straight
Answer Key 5
1-Global warming may have profound effects on the economy and the standard of living of the world’s people.
2-If the climate continues to grow warmer, the polar ice caps will begin to melt and the level of the world’s oceans will rise.
3- If we reduce the output of CO2 and stop the destruction of the world’s rainforests.
4- a) as a result of droughts 5- c) results in
Answer Key 6
1-He was sending an e-mail to a friend on the internet
2-He contacted the Texas police .and they contacted the police in Finland.
Then an ambulance raced to the university and saved her.
3-Call = contact faint = unconscious 4- c) Finnish فنلندي 5-d) real
The Reader (The Spiders) السؤال السابع القصة( قصة العناكب ) 7 درجات

1-The team of six Egyptian archaeologists: فريق علماء الآثار الستة
They worked in a remote part of the Western Desert and discovered two underground rooms with gold and other treasures that were sent to the museum in Cairo.
عَملوا في جزء بعيد مِنْ الصحراءِ الغربيةِ واكتشفوا غرفتان تحت الأرض مليئة بالكنوزِ والذهب التي أُرسلتْ إلى المتحفِ في القاهرة.
2- The Four Robbers: الأربعة لصوص
1-The oldest man was the leader of the robbers. He gave orders and instructions.
الرجل الأكبر سناً: كَانَ زعيمَ اللصوصِ. كان يعطىَ والأوامرَ والتعليمات.
2-The small thin man was carrying a small machine which looked like a large camera. الرجل النحيف الصغير: كَانَ يَحْملُ ماكينة صغيرة التي بَدتْ مثل آلة تصوير كبيرة.
3-The tall man was carrying a small computer. الرجل الطويل: كَانَ يَحْملُ حاسوب صغير.
4-The very big man was carrying a large bag. . الرجل الضخم جداً : كَانَ يَحْملُ حقيبة كبيرة
3-The Researchers: الباحثون
1-Dr Shereen Fakhry: دكتورة شيرين فخري
She was a research assistant at the Department of Egyptology, Oxford University who translated an ancient Egyptian text about deadly black and yellow spiders that attacked a town in ancient Egypt and killed many hundreds of people.
هي كَانتْ معيدة / مدرسة في قسمِ المصرياتِ، جامعة أكسفورد التي ترجمتْ نَصَّ مصريَ قديمَ حول العناكبِ السوداءِ والصفراءِ القاتلةِ التي هاجمتْ بلدة في مصر القديمة وقتلت مئات الناس.
2-An Egyptian Archaeologist: عالم الآثار المصري
- He sent Dr Shereen a very old picture of a black and yellow spider found in Bawiti.
أرسلَ للدّكتورَة شيرين صورة قديمة جداً لعنكبوت أسود وأصفر وَجدَ في باويتى.
3-A German Egyptologist: عالم مصريات ألماني
- He translated a 2,000year old text about the Egyptian medicine, Echinacea Negra.
ترجمَ نَصّ قديم منذ 2000 سنةً تقريباً عن الدواء المصريِ، حبة البركة.
4-Professor Malcolm Jones: الأستاذ مالكولم جونز
He was the head of Arachnology Department at Oxford University. He was a very famous archeologist. He has written many books about spiders and arachnids.
رئيسَ قسمِ عِلْمِ المفصليات/العناكب في جامعة أكسفوردِ. هو عالم اثأر مشهور جداً. كَتبَ العديد مِنْ الكُتُبِ حول العناكبِ و,العناكب المميتة.
5-Susan Bennett: دكتورة سوزان بينيت
She was a zoologist at Oxford University and one of Dr. Fakery’s friends.
والباقى اروع واجمل ووووووووووووورد جاهز للطباعة
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