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اهم 100 find mistakes فى منهج الصف الثاني الثانوي مراجعة نهائية

اهم 100 find mistakes فى منهج الصف الثاني الثانوي مراجعة نهائية
1-This car factory does parts for cars and buses..........................................
2- Have you ever meet a famous person? ....................................................
3-When you pay with money, you pay in credit. ...............................................
4-1 don't like meat. I prefers to eat fish. ................................................................
5- Something that contains new and interesting ideas is traditional. ............................
6-The children of our children are called our grandparents. ......................................
7-Ali is the faster runner in our school.............................;....................................
8- I'd like to be the doctor when I'm older...............................................................
9-Mona jogs the internet for long hours everyday...................................................
10- Egypt, Greece and Italy are all on a Mediterranean Sea.......................................
11-My father was a sailor in the army...................................................................
12- The children in Lord of the Flies were kind to each other......................................
13- People describe today's world as a local economy..............................................
14-Diamond necklaces are cheap pieces of jewellery..............................................
15- People who come third in a race win a gold medal..............................................
16- How long are you been learning English?....................................................................,
17- What is the more enjoyable thing about learning English?...........................................
18- In the past, Egyptian children didn't used to learn English until they were 11 or 12 years old.
19- Why did people came into Paris by railway?................................................................,
20-You must to eat lots of fresh fruits because they're very good for you.....................
21 - When I was born, my parents have been living in their flat for three years...............
22- You say it's very expensive to live in the city, and I don't agree.............................
23-I hope I find myself a flat that's not too cheap so that I can afford it........................
24- Asia is the biggest country the world..............................................
25-We couldn't get into the car because our keys were opened inside........... ............
26- If the film hadn't been funny, I wouldn't laugh.....................................................
27-1 enjoy history, but I'm not so keen in geography...............................................
28-My father's lost glasses was found in the garden..............................................
29-You needn't take things that don't belong to you................................................
30-Today, almost any information you need must be found on the internet...................
31-When we arrived home, we saw that our lights have been left on...........................
32-When a volcano disappears, it sends dust into the atmosphere.............................
33- Ice at the Antarctic and the Arctic is freezing because of global warming.................
34- Michael Crichton wrote a book about phonetic engineering..................................
35-Nada is the busier person I've ever met. ..........................................................
36-To win a match , I think you should try to score lots of balls..................................
37- A passed ship saw the fire and came to rescue the boy. ....................................
38- Lions hunt their prey in bags..........................................................................
39-After disagreements, the united brothers spilt into two groups. .............................
40- To be a successful team member, you may need to fight with other people. ............
41-The teacher looked very tired. She has been marking the test all day......................
42-Jack's house in the mountains is more peaceful in the world. ..............................
43- Marawan is not as old like Omar................... ................................................
44-It's little than fifty kilometers from Banha to Cairo ..........................................
45-A: Have you ever met him? - B: No, I have ever met him.....................................
46-1 read a song which said that Golding was shocked by things he had seen during the war...
47-William Golding wrote King of the Flies in 1953..................................................
48-The thief attacked the guard to look after the jewellery in the villa....:...............
49- Omar Samra was the first Egyptian to reach the bottom of Everest....................,
50-Samra's climb was the most important-sporty event of 2007............................
51- Where are they go to build the new hospital?..................... .......................................
52- Had I not be studying all night, I would have problems with this test now. ................
53-1 am saving money in order to I can buy a bicycle................................................
54- Be careful! You going to drop those dishes!.................................................... ...... .....
55-Sali has got aunt in Rome......................................................................:- .....
56- Challenger Deep is the shallowest part of the ocean ............................................
57- Everest is the world's highest tower. .................................................................
58-The oldest tree in the world is nearly ten thousand years young..............................
59- Professional mountaineers climb for nothing.......................................................
60- Everest was climbed by about 3,000 children......................................................
61-1 bought a umbrella to go out in the rain. .........................................................
62- He have been to England three times................................................................
63- Though the rain, we enjoyed ourselves..............................................................
64- Did you liked it?....................................................................'...........................................
65- She is not only clever, also hard-working............................................................
66-He had dreamed of climbing mountains since he was a toddy . ..............................
67- Reinhold Messner was the first to climb Everest without the use of nitrogen cylinders.
68-When everyone wins , it is sometimes called a lose-win situation...........................
69- Multinational companies reply local workers to produce goods and trade ................
70-Websites and e-mails have made it impossible for companies to make profits...........
71- Dad decorated the living room now.........................................................,.......
72-She talks as like she knows everything..............................................................
73-1 will not doing your homework for you..............................................................
74-The house built by 2007...............................................................................
75-He was getting married next month............................................................,..
76- He made most of his time alone......................................................................
77- Large international corporations can sit up in almost any location............................
78- He wrote novels, short stories, and a connection of poems.........................
79-We join the army to fight on our country in war. ..................................................
80- His first short story was very successful and made him fame. .....................
81-This time yesterday, I reading a book.................................................................
82- If it snows tomorrow, we would go skiing............................................................
83- Look! Maged draws a nice picture........................................................................
84- House prices rising now.................................................................................
85-At work, I wrote letters to customers." (My job routine.)............... ..........................
86-One day, my friend received an invitation to a bell, but he didn't dance...................
87-She feels proud that she has said all her debts. ................ ..... .....................
88- He suggests that I lend some money from a rich friend.:............. . .......................
89- They had to borrow thousands of pounds, leaving themselves with heavy dates. ......
90-After ten years of hard manual work, he looks old and exhausting .........................
91-1 don't think I bought that car tomorrow..............................................................
92- He ate egg....................................................:...........:.........................
93-The table is usually sit for the family lunch at 4.00. ...................................
94-Sarkouzi is the French....................................................... . . ......................
95- He neither finished his homework or studied for the test........... .. .......................
96-They spend all their time working to gain enough money to pay their debts...............
97- Hesham Mesbah won the bronze currency for judo..................... .......................
98-He should feel proud from himself. .......................................................
99- It's a very good exercise as it's helped me to catch fit.........................................
100- Unfortunately , squash isn't an Olympiad sport at the moment..................,..;.......
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